
Assignment: Adult Online Learning Discussion

Assignment: Adult Online Learning Discussion

Assignment: Adult Online Learning Discussion

You will need to find and review a scholarly article from the online Library databases on the topic of Management.

Write a substantive post in which you discuss two or more facts/ideas/concepts/etc. covered in the article, and then explain how those facts/ideas/concepts/etc. relate to your organization or another organization with which you are familiar. Adult Online Learning Assignment Overview

Your main post should be at least 150 words long.
Your post should contain at least two in-text citations for the article you reviewed.
A reference list entry for the article you reviewed should be included in your post.

Time management: how can management inputs improve outcomes? Time management: how can management inputs improve outcomes? MCur, RN, RM, FANSA Annelie Meiring Medical pharmaceuticals 2017;21(3):2-3. Prof Nurs Today “I apologize for not being able to complete the project on time; there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done!” Ineffective time management can lead to the following outcomes: This conundrum of not having enough time is frequently presented and discussed at workshops and conferences. Is it possible to improve your time management? Is there a quick way to better manage your time and increase your and your team’s productivity? Why do some people accomplish so much more with their time than others?

The highest achievers demonstrated that it is possible and that the solution lies in effective time management. • Excessive stress • Deadlines missed • Poor work quality • Inefficient systems and teamwork • Negative impact on your career path Three Time Management Techniques to Help You Master Your Time: • The first step is to recognize that being busy does not imply being effective. You must make a concerted effort to shift your focus from activities to results. The process of organizing and planning your time by consciously dividing it between activities with the ultimate goal of increasing effectiveness and efficiency is known as time management. Time management is thus the process of organizing and planning how much time must be spent on specific activities. • Attempt to understand what consumes all of your time during the day by keeping a record of your conversations and activities. This will help you understand how much time is spent on counterproductive and time-wasting actions, conversations, and interruptions. 3 • Organize and clean your desk because clutter diverts your attention and impairs your ability to concentrate. Plan your workspace to improve efficiency and save time. Time management techniques can help you manage your time better and function more effectively, but it takes a conscious effort to shift your focus from activities to results. Working smarter, not harder, appears to be the only way to go, as only then will you get more done in less time. Adult Online Learning Assignment Overview

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1 • Goal setting: The ability to focus your time on serving your goals is the most important skill in time management.

4,5 • Prioritize: Time management begins with a willingness to change. This should always begin with eliminating non-essential tasks

Assignment Adult Online Learning Discussion
Assignment Adult Online Learning Discussion

and focusing on urgent and important tasks. 5 Why do we want to better manage our time? The advantages of good time management include: Time management skills are concerned with ensuring that important work is completed. • Increased productivity Prioritization prevents the natural tendency to focus on easy and simple tasks and to allow too many interruptions. Pareto’s Principle (80:20) When prioritizing, remember that 20 percent effort yields 80 percent of the result. Concentrate on the 20% that makes a great product. • Greater efficiency • Less stress • More opportunities for professional advancement • More chances to achieve life and career objectives Adult Online Learning Assignment Overview

2 Prof Nurs Today 2;21, 2017 (3) Time management: how to improve outcomes through management inputs every day in leadership/management/professional practice. Priority items should be prioritized. Rather than focusing on the 80 percent that has no or very little impact, focus on the remaining 20 percent. • When you need to get work done and ignore or manage phone calls and e-mails, put up a “Do not disturb” sign. Interruptions such as phone calls or e-mails should be avoided unless you are dealing with a crisis. 1 • Set priorities by categorizing your tasks into three categories: Tasks that require immediate action. Tasks that are important but not urgent. • Make time to respond to e-mails and return phone calls. Distracting activities such as social media and instant messaging should be avoided unless they generate revenue. 5,6 Tasks that are not critical and may be a waste of time

4 • Grouping will improve your efficiency and effectiveness because tasks will be prioritized. A nursing unit has its own set of challenges, but it’s worth noting that the time wasters are similar to those found in any other department and include: • Self-motivation: You must be able to motivate yourself to act even if you are not feeling well or are not motivated. You are responsible for your own results, and if you are not self-motivated, you will be under a lot of stress and pressure. • A poorly managed open-door policy that results in a lack of supervision • Poor communication skills and an unwillingness to say ‘No’ 2 • Focus: It is critical to understand that you can only do one task at a time; if you want to achieve results, you must learn to focus and block out distractions. 5 • Inadequate planning – failure to establish goals and objectives; • Inability to prioritize tasks • Planning: • Ineffective meetings and indecisiveness Tasks may be dependent on one another; keep this in mind when planning a project or your day. Adult Online Learning Assignment Overview

• Inadequate filing system and ineffective paper management Proper planning can save a lot of time and reduce stress and pressure. • Procrastination Ensure that you always have an alternative plan ready. • Excessive socializing. Procrastination Use a personal diary and keep it updated. 5 People are easily distracted by ‘noise’ in the professional environment. Whether it’s emails, admin, or politics, something will always seem more important than the task at hand. People are more likely to get caught up in the nice-to-have activity rather than the critical work that adds more value to the business. Being ruthlessly focused means you can tune out the noise and concentrate on what matters. Being able to say something isn’t critical is a strength in and of itself. Caan, James 4 • “To do lists” are the simplest but most effective time management method. “To do lists” can help you remember what needs to be done, but they do not always improve efficiency. Create a schedule using these lists; schedule appointments or time blocks for high priority tasks and actions. 4 • Organize your work and meet deadlines by properly scheduling tasks. These scheduled tasks must have a time limit for the specific actions – a start time and an end time. 4 Maintain discipline in order to keep appointments.

Time management is a tool for improving work flow and unit management; it also improves quality of life. Proper and effective time management will reduce stress and increase job satisfaction. It should be noted, however, that there is no magic way to manage time; it all begins and ends with a concerted effort to change current practices and implement tried and tested time management techniques. • Plan time for interruptions and being pulled away from what you’re doing. It is critical to manage these interruptions effectively and stick to the schedule, as we all have a tendency to revert to our old habits when we let it go. • Begin your day by devoting at least half an hour to planning. The most important time of your day is when you schedule your day because the focus must be on the planned activities in order to effectively manage the day. References: 1. • Manage each activity, spending a few minutes before a scheduled appointment determining what the outcomes must be and a few minutes after the appointment determining whether the outcomes were met. 3 Make a time to deal with correspondence, and keep in mind that a phone call is much faster than written correspondence. • Set a time limit or a fixed time period for completing the task. Adult Online Learning Assignment Overview

Discussion of Adult Online Learning Assignment

Discussion of Adult Online Learning Assignment

Discussion of Adult Online Learning Assignment

• Keep in mind that it is impossible to complete everything. Prof Nurs Today’s 3 Time Management Strategies and Tips http:// How to Effectively Manage Your Time You can find it at Why is time management destroying our lives? The article is available at How to Manage Time with 10 Proven Techniques You can find it at 17 Important Time Management Skills http:// . Time Administration. 2017;21 (3) Professional Nursing Today’s copyright is owned by Medpharm Publications (Pty) Ltd., and its content may not be copied, emailed to multiple sites, or posted to a listserv without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Users may, however, print, download, or email articles for personal use. …

You should proofread your paper. However, do not rely solely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part, and your grade will suffer as a result. Papers with a high number of misspelled words and grammatical errors will be penalized. Before submitting your paper, go over it in silence and then aloud, and make any necessary changes. It is often beneficial to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors. Uncorrected mistakes are preferable to handwritten corrections.