
GCU NUR 590 Evidence Based Practice Project Discussions

GCU NUR 590 Evidence Based Practice Project Discussions

GCU NUR590 Evidence Based Practice Project Discussions

Week 1 Discussion

DQ1 Based on the PICOT you developed for NUR-550, summarize the change initiative you will be proposing. How does this support the population of focus, your setting, and role? Justify how the problem you selected to investigate is amenable to a research-based intervention using the PICOT format.

I think spiritual values do influence the decision to maintain academic integrity because otherwise, it would be hypocrisy. If one claims to be a spiritual being but cheats their way through life, then the question becomes who do we actually think we’re fooling? It is necessary to stay true to oneself and to choose the proper thing to do even when no one’s looking, to me, that’s the true definition of integrity. I also believe one must constantly work at or renew their spiritual beliefs because we’re all human without perfection so, at times will’s get weak and we envision success by taking the easier way out such as cheating on a test or taking credit where it isn’t due by putting our names on others’ work, committing infractions known to us as plagiarism but causing greater damage to the soul. We must remember every good thing worth having requires putting in the work required to achieve those goals. The constant struggle within to always do the right thing is understandable but, if we nourish the positivity more than we nourish the negativity, making the appropriate decisions become second nature and the struggle to make the desirable choices are lessened. It’s a greater sense of appreciation to know the goals achieved were achieved honestly and through hard work. When one puts in honest work, the process is respected!

Medication administration errors are a healthcare concern and efforts to prevent and reduce their occurrence can leverage on different interventions that include the use of health information technology (HIT). The susceptibility to medication administration errors (MAEs) among the critically-ill patients is higher than other population or patient demographics (Trimble et al., 2017). Therefore, this EBP project will assess the effectiveness of implementing health information technologies compared to the conventional medication management processes to reduce medication errors among the critically-ill patients.

PICOT Question
P Population Among the critically ill patients
I Intervention Integration of health information technology in the medication administration process
C Comparison Use of conventional or normal medication administration process
O Outcome Reduction n medication administration errors
T Timeframe Duration of hospital stay

Create a complete PICOT statement.

Among the critically ill patients (P), does the integration of health information technology (I) compared to conventional medication administration process (C), lead to a reduction in medication administration errors (O) during patient’s stay (T)?
Problem Statement

Create a problem statement for your PICOT. You will use this problem statement throughout your final written paper.


Medication administration errors are a health concern because of the adverse effects that they cause to patients and the need for healthcare providers, especially nurses, to develop interventions based on the use of evidence-based practice. Medication errors lowers quality care and patient outcomes. Medication errrs sometimes cause no harm to patients. However, in most cases, they devastate nurses and are harmful to patients. Nurses are a critical part of the care provision and have a duty to protect patients against errors in the medication administration process. The critically ill patients require close and effective monitoring and nurses remain accountable to anything that happens to the patients (Alotaibi & Federico, 2017). Interventions like the use of health information technology can enhance quality care outcomes and allow nurses to offer the most effective care to patients in critical conditions that include intensive care unit (ICU) (Naidu & Alicia, 2019). Health information technology enhances and transforms healthcare delivery as it leads to a reduction of human errors, facilitates better coordination among the interdisciplinary teams and improves overall practice efficiencies. By using health information technology models like electronic medication administration (e-MAR, barcode scanning and e-prescribing, stakeholders can reduce medication administration errors among nurses and enhance patient safety.





Alotaibi, Y. K. & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient safety. Saudi

            Medical Journal, 38(12):1173-1180. doi: 10.15537/smj.2017.12.20631

Naidu, M.  and Alicia, Y.L.Y.  (2019). Impact of Bar-Code Medication Administration and

Electronic Medication Administration Record System in Clinical Practice for an Effective Medication Administration Process. Health, 11, 511-526.

Trimble, A. N., Bishop, B., & Rampe, N. (2017). Medication errors associated with transition from insulin pens

to insulin vials. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 74(2), 70-75. doi:10.2146/ajhp150726

DQ2 Discuss the role of EBP in your specialty area of practice. Compare and contrast the role and implementation of EBP in your specialty with another advanced registered nurse specialty.

NUR590 Evidence Based Practice Project

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 Do you foresee any issues with implementation of your project? Identify stakeholders who could assist in supporting you, and any theoretical frameworks (organizational change, leadership, role-specific) or models that could help you adapt.

DQ2 What strategies will you use in your new practice as an advance registered nurse to review and critique literature pertinent to your practice?

NUR590 Evidence Based Practice Project

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 What levels of evidence are present in relation to research and practice, and why are they important regardless of the method you use?

DQ2 What factors must be assessed when critically appraising quantitative studies (e.g., validity, reliability, and applicability)? Which is the most important? Why?

NUR590 Evidence Based Practice Project

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 What are some of the obstacles or barriers to implementing EBP in nursing? Provide a rationale for your answer. Since there are numerous topics on the issue, it is not appropriate to repeat one that has already been mentioned unless providing new information.

DQ2 Ensuring the protection of human subjects is necessary when conducting research projects. What are some methods that can be used to protect personal rights of someone in one of the groups that is labeled as vulnerable? Consider how a patient’s values and your own clinical judgment must be considered before applying the evidence in clinical decision making for an individual patient.

NUR590 Evidence Based Practice Project

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Identify the components of implementing your evidence-based practice project. What has been the most difficult component, and why? What do you think has gone well? Provide one piece of advice you would give to a colleague about the implementation process.

DQ2 Identify two stakeholder barriers you might experience during the implementation phase of your evidence-based practice project. This could range from support of the evidence-based project proposal to communication gaps. How could you address these problems?

NUR590 Evidence Based Practice Project

Week 6 Discussion

DQ1 When reviewing the literature and different types of evidence for your project, what gaps in the findings did you encounter? How could these gaps influence other researchers?

DQ2 What is the difference between statistically significant evidence and clinically significant evidence? How would each of these findings be used to advance an evidenced-based practice project?

NUR590 Evidence Based Practice Project

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 Identify the audience for your EBP proposal and discuss strategies for disseminating the proposal.

DQ2 How will you ensure that all appropriate audiences receive information about research and EBP initiatives?

NUR590 Evidence Based Practice Project

Week 8 Discussion

DQ1 Post a rough draft of your “Evidence-Based Practice Presentation.” The purpose of this draft is to get feedback from your peers. Identify at least two areas you would like specific feedback for improvement.

Peers are encouraged to also comment on anything they feel is successful or could be further improved. Review all of the presentations, but provide critical commentary for at least one other posted presentation.

DQ2 The EBP process is a powerful way of advancing improvements in health care. Identify three strategies that you will now incorporate into your practice based on this course. Explain your rationale.

Re: Topic 8 DQ 1

Translational research is the ability to take evidence-based practice and formulate it into a plan of action. Equitable health care is the ability to have health care for all cultures, race, and socioeconomic classes. A growing number of burdens of chronic diseases affects women and children, advancing technology can have a positive effect on improving Maternal health (Lu, 2018). Maternal and Child health is an issue in health care that carries a lot of weight to the population as monitoring how children grow and the protection of the mother in caring for her child. Maternal health historically has had lower funding and placed in a back to other studies as related to “higher needs to health care diseases”.

Maternal health should be an area of focus in our society Washington Senate bill 5086 in the Washington legislature is focused on improving maternal health outcomes by improving maternal access to behavioral health and health care past the routine postpartum coverage that was only 60 days(S. Resolution 5068, 2021). Approximately 700 people die from pregnancy- related complications each year, the majority are preventable yet can happen later in the postpartum period, by extending this coverage for all women will close this gap. This bill also enables women with significant racial and ethnic disparities to have improved access to care. The CDC finds most pregnancy related deaths happen with in the first year postpartum, including suicide, overdose, and health related issues(S. Resolution 5068, 2021). This Bill could save lives and improve patient outcomes, utilizing this bill partnered with the evidential research, it can be instituted in all cultures and racial ethnicities thus improving health and decreasing deaths in the 1st Postpartum year

Lu, M. C. (2018). The future of maternal and child health. Maternal and Child Health Journal23(1), 1–7.

  1. Res. 5068, 67th Cong., 74.09 RCW Cong. Rec. 1 (2021) (enacted).



Hello Deanna,

I do agree with you that translational research is crucial is incorporating the EBP outcome into nursing practice. This promotes quality care that is consistent with the emerging trends and challenges in the healthcare system. One of the emerging crucial healthcare challenges is maternal health. The EBP projects on promoting equity and quality care in maternal health has attracted numerous research topics. The nature of the research is crucial since there are need to ensure that the health of the mothers and children are safeguarded. Maternal health has been underfunded and less resources have been invested into this critical aspect of population health (Dunlop et al., 2021). Prenatal care, safe delivery and postpartum care services need to be made accessible and affordable to all members of the population. In the wake of the covid-19 outbreak, there is need to carry out more research on the effects to maternal health, impact of vaccine and how the expectant mothers can be protected from the health-related effects of the vaccine (Rasmussen & Jamieson, 2021).


Dunlop, A. L., Essalmi, A. G., Alvalos, L., Breton, C., Camargo, C. A., Cowell, W. J., Dabelea, D., Dager, S. R., Duarte, C., Elliott, A., Fichorova, R., Gern, J., Hedderson, M. M., Thepaksorn, E. H., Huddleston, K., Karagas, M. R., Kleinman, K., Leve, L., Li, X., & Li, Y. (2021). Racial and geographic variation in effects of maternal education and neighborhood-level measures of socioeconomic status on gestational age at birth: Findings from the ECHO cohorts. PLOS ONE, 16(1), e0245064.

Rasmussen, S. A., & Jamieson, D. J. (2021). Pregnancy, Postpartum Care, and COVID-19 Vaccination in 2021. JAMA, 325(11), 1099.



Re: Topic 8 DQ 1

Translational research allows for putting clinical research into practice, furthering the journey toward evidence-based practice that supports optimal patient outcomes. The role of translational research in promoting equitable access to health care and preventatives services by way of policies includes focus of translational research topics on areas in which there are current discrepancies in equitability and access to care for all populations. For example, knowledge of key therapies and interventions that positively impact patient outcomes amongst a vast patient population may not be accessible for a variety of reasons – cost, accessibility, language, etc. Fortunately for the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), one can advocate for policy change in the realm of equitable access in terms of communication strategies, insurance policies and the like ( ).


In the times of COVID-19, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is seeking to close the equity gap related to vaccination rates and ethnicity. According to the data collected between 7/25/21 and 8/1/21, OHA has been tracking data regarding the rarest race and ethnicity access to the COVID 19 vaccinations (OHA, 2021). Upon review of vaccination rates among races, white and asian populations are more likely to be vaccinated than those of native hawaiin/pacific islander, hispanic/latinx, black or american indian/alaskan natives (OHA, 2021). Multnomah county of Oregon is specifically advocating for a health policy that supports funding to integrate COVID-related activities into the existing priorities as part of their Community Health Improvement plan. This would allow for standard monies to contribute toward COVID19 information to be widely shared among all populations in the appropriate platform (Mulnomah County, 2021). There is ample research discussed in the Multnomah County briefing regarding research supporting the most effective means of communication with various populations. This is a great example of utilizing research to create a tangible action plan and request monies to put it into play by way of policies committing money to such population equitability gaps.




Denisco, S.M. (2021). Advance practice nursing. Jones & Bartlett, 4th ed. Pp 116 – 117.

Multnomah County (2021). Multnomah County Vaccine Equity Plan: May 21, 2021. Https://

Oregon Health Authority (2021). COIVD-19 vaccination metrics. Https://