
N 584 Nursing Education for Curriculum Revision Process

N 584 Nursing Education for Curriculum Revision Process

N 584 Nursing Education for Curriculum Revision Process

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Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussions and any insights gained from it.

4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.


Critical Thinking Exercises :

Question #1

What major changes in the the health care system are occurring that call for an immediate response from nursing education for curriculum revision? Do these changes take into account the future? How would you go about revising the curriculum in a timely fashion?

Topic 1 DQ 1

What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? How do you believe that your conception of spirituality would influence the way in which you care for patients?

Spirituality is a broad concept with different perspectives from diverse people. Spirituality is important in human life, as it is considered both a motivating and harmonizing force. Further, spirituality is a difficult and multidimensional part of individuals’ life as an inner belief system. According to Polat and Ozdemir (2022), spirituality is an aspect of humanity that includes how people seek and express their meaning and purpose, and the way individuals experience connectedness to self, the moment, nature, others, and the sacred. Further, spirituality can be described as a set of beliefs that bring liveliness and meaning to the actions of life (Dewi & Hamzah, 2019). This indicates that spirituality is a significant dimension of people’s quality of life. Following the various descriptions of spirituality, spirituality can be described as seeking and expressing a meaningful connection with something greater than oneself, and a purpose of one’s existence to experience inner peace, love, hope, support, and comfort.

As nurses strive to provide holistic care to patients, spirituality influences nurses to address the spiritual needs of the patients. With spirituality being a key component in health and healing, spirituality influences nurses to lessen patients’ anxieties, provide hope, and empower patients to achieve inner peace by providing appropriate coping mechanisms and counseling during stressful situations. Nurses apply spiritual care to address patients’ needs of the spirit when they experience disease, fears, concerns, and sorrow (Polat & Ozdemir, 2022). Further spirituality influences nurses to provide therapeutic approaches that are based on compassionate relationships (Polat & Ozdemir, 2022). Spirituality allows nurses to care for the human spirit by developing caring and safe relationships and interconnectedness with patients to support spiritual well-being and health. Thus, spirituality is essential in nursing care.


Dewi, D. S & Hamzah, H. B. (2019). The relationship between spirituality, quality of life, and resilience. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 349, 145-147.

Polat, H. T. & Ozdemir, A. A (2022). Relationship between compassion and spiritual care among nurses in Turkey. Journal of Religion and Health, 61, 1894-1905.

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Question #2

What teaching and learning strategies should be integrated into the curriculum plan for meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse student body? Describe how nursing can recruit and retain racially/ethnically diverse faculty and what effect they can have on the education of a diverse student body.

Question #3

Of the multiple technology-supported distance education programs, which do you believe is:

Most cost-effective?

Meets desired outcomes?

Reaches the highest number of students?

Fosters faculty development?

Case Study: Pinnacle College School of Nursing

Pinnacle College School of Nursing is planning to offer an online,2-year primary health care nurse practitioner master’s degree, using a WebCT© as the delivery platform. Students must be registered nurses with a BSN and a minimum of two years of full-time practice experience before they are eligible to enroll. The program is expected to be intensive. Part-time enrollment is possible, with 3 years allowed for completion. Thirty students will be admitted annually. All courses will have a practice component. The theoretical components will be organized in modules that combine synchronous and asynchronous interaction among participants, as well as monthly face-to-face tutorials and labs. The modules will have a similar organizational structure but module elements will vary according to specific courses. The final course will be an 8-month internship with PhD-prepared nurse practitioners. It is expected that students will be successful on certification examinations and will be in high demand after graduation.

Faculty members decided to use Bird’s (2007) analysis framework to guide module development. However, rather than using Bird’s term, consolidation (interpreted as static fusion of information), they are employing the word integration to indicate dynamic knowledge synthesis. The first course to be developed is a 6 credit hour course called Health Assessment for Nurse Practitioners. Course competencies will include integration of theory and physical assessment skills into comprehensive health assessments; and incorporation of knowledge of normal physiology, and health assessment techniques into written case analyses. The course will be offered over two, 12-week semesters. Learners are expected to dedicate 12-15 hours per week to this course. Use the analysis grid found on p. 328 (Iwasiw) to answer the following questions:

Does the balance between content and process seem reasonable? How might the balance shift to reflect sound pedagogy?

What module elements are missing or redundant?

Should more attention be focused on any particular element?

To what extent do the elements prepare learners to achieve course competencies?

Might students perceive learning activities as authentic?

What expertise will faculty require to develop and implement this course?

What might be the demands on faculty if there are 20-25 students in this course at any one time?

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