
NR 393: Week 2 Course Project Milestone 1

NR 393: Week 2 Course Project Milestone 1

NR 393: Week 2 Course Project Milestone 1

To apply lessons in nursing history to living nurses contributing
to nursing history through an interview and documentation of historical

Course Outcomes

The Course Project enables the student to meet the following
Course Outcomes.

Incorporate appropriate historical perspectives into current
professional nursing practice (PO 2).

Compare current professional nursing practice roles with
historical roles of the nurse (PO 7).


The entire project is worth 600 points. Milestone 1 is worth 100
points of this total.

Due Date

Submit your completed NR393 Milestone 1 by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.
mountain time at the end of Week 2.

Requirements and Guidelines

Nursing history is being made today by exemplary nurses throughout
the world. Select one registered nurse who is creating nursing history to be
the subject of this project. This RN must have at least 10 years of RN
licensure. The nurse could be a family member; friend; colleague; acquaintance;
manager; former instructor; or other nurse who is creating, delivering, or
influencing the practice of nursing in your area. Do not select a former or
current patient. Remember that a nurse does not have to create a nursing
theory, write textbooks, or be the head of a nursing organization to make
nursing history. The chief nurse executive who manages to deliver quality care
in a small rural hospital with a tiny budget has a story worth telling. The
nurse who served in the military has a story that is important to document as
nursing history. The staff nurse who consistently provides high quality care is
making history. History is not merely the major accomplishments or events; it
includes the activities nurses everywhere do in their nursing lives. Milestone
1 is due at the end of Week 2.

Clearly explain to the selected nurse that statements made in the
interview will be recorded (audio, video, and/or written) and submitted to the
instructor. The interview is not intended for public access.


NR 393: Week 2 Course Project Milestone 2

NR 393: Week 2 Course Project Milestone 3

NR 393: Week 2 Course- Project Milestone 1

NR 393: Week 2 project The Impact of Chronic Illness

NR 393: Week 2 discussion The impact of disease on family members: a critical aspect of medical care.

NR 393: Week 3 project

NR 393 Week 4 Course Project Milestone 2: Guidelines

NR 393: Week 4 Discussion

NR 393: Week 4 project Locating Resources

NR 393 Week 5- Progress in Nursing in the Early to Mid-20th Century

NR 393: Week 5 Discussion

NR 393- Week 6: Amazing Changes and Events

NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Milestone 3: Guidelines

NR 393: Week 6 Course- Project Milestone 3

NR 393- Week 7: Interview Impact

NR 393- Week 8: AACN BSN Essential VIII and Your Future Practice

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: NR 393: Week 2 Course Project Milestone 1 

NR 393: Week 2 Course Project Milestone 1
NR 393: Week 2 Course Project Milestone 1

Obtain permission from the selected nurse to participate in an
interview about his or her

memories of nursing and nursing education;

contributions to nursing; and

persons or events that have influenced his or her nursing

Carefully review the Milestone 1 Grading Rubric. Complete only
Milestone 1 requirements at this time.

Download the Milestone 1 Template (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site..Save it to your computer in Microsoft Word
2010 (or later) as a .docx file with the file name as Your Last Name NR393
Milestone 1.docx. Type directly on your saved Milestone 1 Template. Submit your
completed Milestone 1 as instructed by Sunday of Week 2.

Note:Do not
complete the interview at this time.

Course Project Milestone 1

to completing this template, carefully review Course Project Milestone 1
Guidelines, paying particular attention to how to name the document and all
rubric requirements. After saving the document to your computer, type your
answers directly on this template, and save again. This assignment is due by
the end of Week 2 by 11:59 p.m.MT.



Note: See
Milestone 1 Rubric for details required in each area.

Name, Credentials,
and Contact Informationof Selected Nurse
15 points
Years Selected
Nurse Has Been an RN
15 points
Your Relationship
With Selected Nurse
25 points
Why You Selected
This Nurse
45 points
To be completed by
NR393 Instructor:
____Selected Nurse
isapprovedfor NR393 Course Project Milestones 2 and 3.
Or____Selected Nurse
is notapproved. E-mail your instructor immediately for further directions.