
DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU

DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU

Grand Canyon University DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU-Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU                                   


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University   DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU                                   


The introduction for the Grand Canyon University   DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU                                   


After the introduction, move into the main part of the DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU                                   


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU                                   


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU

The current health care system is characterized by massive utilization of technology to help in improving the quality of life by lessening recovery time in patient and help them to enjoy a healthy life. Consequently, in the recent years, several technology-based applications have been extensively used to help in preventing the fall incidences among the older adults in acute care settings. Essentially, falls among the older adults are associated with primary sources of disability and deaths. Falls have adversely affected many patients aged 65 years and above who are admitted in acute care inpatients (Matarese et al., 2015). Besides, falls in these settings are attributed to other factors such as medication side effects, polypharmacy, and acute diseases. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore how technology can be used to prevent the issue of falls among the elderly inpatients in acute care settings. In particular, the paper will delve into the virtual monitoring technology which comprises fall detection devices, in particular alarms.

Literature Review

A fall refers to accidental descent to the ground with or no injury to the patient (Toren & Lipschuetz, 2017). With the growing ageing population, the incidences of fall among the elderly people aged 65 years and above is increasing rapidly, causing a great public health problem not only in the US but also globally. The NCOA (2020) claim that falls are the major reasons for both fatal and non-fatal injuries in the older adults in the United States, which has compromised their independence and safety, including being associated with considerable personal and economic burdens. A similar argument is also advanced by Toren and Lipschuetz (2017) who claim that falls are primary causes of injuries that lead to pain, emotional distress, reduced quality of life, increased hospitalization days, loss of independence, and high morbidity and mortality rates. According to NCOA (2020), one in four elderly Americans fall annually. Besides, in every 11 seconds, at least one older person is admitted at the emergency room because of fall. Moreover, in every 19 minutes, an elderly person dies due to fall related issues. Generally, around 2.8 million fall related injuries are treated annually, with estimated 800,000 hospitalizations and 27,000 fatalities (NCOA, 2020).  Besides, Toren and Lipschuetz (2017) project that by the year 2015, falls in older adults will reach 1.2 billion globally.

Falls in elderly persons in acute care settings are caused by various factors such as surgery, diagnostic testing conditions, and medications conditions which results in confusion or body weakness in patients (Galet, Zhou, Ten Eyck & Romanowski, 2018). These factors hamper functional autonomy leading to falls. As a result, older adults suffer poor functional outcomes and low quality of life. Owing to the adverse consequences, nursing interventions such as installation of bed alarms have been used to help in preventing the incidences of fall.

Case Description

The identified case is a situation where a 76-year-old male patient was admitted at the acute care setting for spinal surgery. Although the surgery was successful, the patient seemed disoriented and confused. The circumstance of the fall was elimination related since the patient slipped while trying to get out of the bed. Since the patient was disoriented, he could not tell what he wanted making it difficult for health care providers to provide the right intervention.

Proposed Technology

Although falls are likely to occur in older adults, it is imperative to put measures in place to prevent falls and related injuries. Today, technologies are increasingly being used to prevent fall and reassure individuals who face possible falls, their family, and care givers.  Besides, these technologies are also critical for clinicians to understand when a patient experiences a fall, circumstances of the fall, and offer enabling opportunity for better treatment. One of the ways to prevent falls include use of personal emergency response systems (PERS) (Chaudhuri, Thompson & Demiris, 2014). PERS connote clinical alarm systems that are used to contact the emergency center. This fall detection technology is crucial in enabling quick detection and intervention for patients who experiences fall.

How to Use Technology in the Present Case

In the above illustrated case scenario, the use of bedside alarm connotes a smart technology that can detect fall in real time. The clinical alarm systems work by offering the patient an opportunity to contact the emergency center by pressing the button located within the reach of the patient, mostly on the bedside. Besides, the alarm system tends to be activated in cases where the patient changes position, moves, or getting out of the bed. Therefore, in the present case, the fall would have been prevented if the alarm system was installed on the patient’s bed to notify the nurses on duty possible movement or changing of position of the patient to enable them attend to the patient promptly before falling (Chaudhuri, Thompson & Demiris, 2014).

Summary of The Case Integrating Christian Worldview

However, despite the effectiveness of alarm system in fall prevention, the system may not be suitable where the patient cannot reach the button or is unconscious. Therefore, as a Christian who intends to do everything for positive patient outcomes, it is imperative to include other solutions. These solutions may include passive monitoring solutions such as wristwatch to be worn by patient, having cameras or microphones to help in further detection of fall.


Falls among the older adults in acute care settings are associated with significant dire impacts on health and economic burden. However, despite the massive effort by the health care industry players to prevent the incidence, the success has been minimal. Therefore, it is vital to change the approach of tackling falls in the current society. It is against this backdrop that a customized approach of using alarm system to prevent falls was proposed. However, it has been established that alarms are not effective when used independently, especially where the patient is unconscious or the device is out of reach. Therefore, other options should be used alongside the alarm systems.




Chaudhuri, S., Thompson, H., & Demiris, G. (2014). Fall detection devices and their use with older adults: a systematic review. Journal of geriatric physical therapy (2001), 37(4), 178.

Galet, C., Zhou, Y., Ten Eyck, P., & Romanowski, K. S. (2018). Fall injuries, associated deaths, and 30-day readmission for subsequent falls are increasing in the elderly US population: a query of the WHO mortality database and National Readmission Database from 2010 to 2014. Clinical epidemiology, 10, 1627.

Matarese, M., Ivziku, D., Bartolozzi, F., Piredda, M., & De Marinis, M. G. (2015). Systematic review of fall risk screening tools for older patients in acute hospitals. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(6), 1198-1209.

National Council on aging (NCOA). (2020). Falls Prevention Facts. NCOA. Retrieved 30 March 2020, from

Toren, O., & Lipschuetz, M. (2017). Falls prevention in hospitals-the need for a new approach an integrative article. Nurse Care Open Acces J, 2(3), 93-96.

Assessment Description

In this assignment, learners are required to write a case report addressing the personal knowledge and skills gained in the current course and potentially solving an identified practice problem.

General Guidelines:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • Use primary sources published within the last 5 years. Provide citations and references for all sources used.
  • Your case report should be no more than 10 double-spaced pages, including references.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
  • Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the learning management system. In addition, learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for later use.


Choose a specific focus of patient practice (e.g., acute care hospital, clinic, primary care, long-term care, home health). Select a

DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU
DNP 805 Week 7 Assignment Case Report Health Care Informatics GCU

particular disease process (congestive heart failure, fall, diabetes, etc.). Identify and fully describe a technology element that could be involved in providing care to a patient with your selected disease process and the patient practice. Define how this technology will integrate treatment, monitoring or communication from the identified care setting to the home and then to ongoing care through the clinic.

Your case report must include the following:

  1. Introduction with a problem statement and your disease process described from the focus of patient practice.
  2. Synthesized literature review.
  3. Description of the case/situation/conditions. Use a real life patient situation or condition to describe your case, including the problems the patient encounters and the barriers to care.
  4. Describe at least one technology that may be used as a solution to the patient situation or condition described in your case.
  5. Describe how the technology can be used specifically in the case you have proposed.
  6. Summary of the case integrating proposed solutions(s).
  7. Keep in mind and integrate a Christian worldview when summarizing proposed solutions.
  8. Conclusion.

Case Report: Health Care Informatics – Rubric

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Identification and Description of Applicable Care-Based Technologies

16.5 points

Criteria Description

Identification and Description of Applicable Care-Based Technologies

5. Excellent

16.5 points

Identification and description of applicable care-based technologies are clearly presented and in full. Discussion is insightful and forward-thinking. Information presented is from current scholarly sources.

4. Good

15.18 points

Identification and description of applicable care-based technologies are clearly presented and in full. Discussion is convincing. Information presented is from scholarly though dated sources.

3. Satisfactory

14.52 points

Identification and description of applicable care-based technologies are present but done at a perfunctory level.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

13.2 points

Identification and description of applicable care-based technologies are present but incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Identification and description of applicable care-based technologies are not present.

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Discussion of the Integration of Technologies and Treatment/Monitoring in Applicable Care Settings

16.5 points

Criteria Description

Discussion of the Integration of Technologies and Treatment/Monitoring in Applicable Care Settings

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5. Excellent

16.5 points

Discussion of integration of technologies and treatment/monitoring in applicable care settings is clearly present. Discussion is convincing and defines specific elements. Discussion is insightful and forward-thinking. Information presented is from current scholarly sources.

4. Good

15.18 points

Discussion of integration of technologies and treatment/monitoring in applicable care settings is clearly present. Discussion is convincing and defines specific elements. Information presented is from scholarly though dated sources.

3. Satisfactory

14.52 points

Discussion of integration of technologies and treatment/monitoring in applicable care settings is present but done at a perfunctory level.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

13.2 points

Discussion of integration of technologies and treatment/monitoring in applicable care settings is present but incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Discussion of integration of technologies and treatment/monitoring in applicable care settings is not present.

Introduction and Problem Statement

5.5 points

Criteria Description

Introduction and Problem Statement

5. Excellent

5.5 points

An introduction with problem statement is clearly present. Discussion is convincing and defines specific elements. Discussion is insightful and forward-thinking. Information presented is from current scholarly sources.

4. Good

5.06 points

An introduction with problem statement is present, clear, and thorough. Discussion is convincing and defines specific elements. Information presented is from scholarly though dated sources.

3. Satisfactory

4.84 points

An introduction with problem statement is present but rendered at a perfunctory level.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

4.4 points

An introduction with problem statement is present but incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

An introduction with problem statement is not present.

Brief Literature Review

5.5 points

Criteria Description

Brief Literature Review

5. Excellent

5.5 points

A brief literature review is clearly present in full. Discussion is convincing and defines specific elements. Discussion is insightful and forward-thinking. Information presented is from current scholarly sources.

4. Good

5.06 points

A brief literature review is clearly present in full. Information presented is from scholarly though dated sources.

3. Satisfactory

4.84 points

A brief literature review is present but rendered at a perfunctory level.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

4.4 points

A brief literature review is present but incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

A brief literature review is not present.

Description of the Case, Situation, or Conditions

5.5 points

Criteria Description

Description of the Case, Situation, or Conditions

5. Excellent

5.5 points

A description of the case, situation, or conditions is clearly present. Discussion is convincing and defines specific elements. Discussion is insightful and forward-thinking. Information presented is from current scholarly sources.

4. Good

5.06 points

A description of the case, situation, or conditions is convincing and defines specific elements. Information presented is from scholarly though dated sources.

3. Satisfactory

4.84 points

A description of the case, situation, or conditions is present but rendered at a perfunctory level.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

4.4 points

A description of the case, situation, or conditions is present but incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

A description of the case, situation, or conditions is not present.

Detailed Explanation of the Synthesized Literature Findings

5.5 points

Criteria Description

Detailed Explanation of the Synthesized Literature Findings

5. Excellent

5.5 points

A detailed explanation of the synthesized literature findings is clearly present. Discussion is convincing and defines specific elements. Discussion is insightful and forward-thinking. Information presented is from current scholarly sources.

4. Good

5.06 points

A detailed explanation of the synthesized literature findings is convincing and defines specific elements. Information presented is from scholarly though dated sources.

3. Satisfactory

4.84 points

A detailed explanation of the synthesized literature findings is present but rendered at a perfunctory level.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

4.4 points

A detailed explanation of the synthesized literature findings is present but incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

A detailed explanation of the synthesized literature findings is not present.

Case Summary

5.5 points

Criteria Description

Case Summary

5. Excellent

5.5 points

A case summary is clearly present. Discussion is convincing and defines specific elements. Discussion is insightful and forward-thinking. Information presented is from current scholarly sources.

4. Good

5.06 points

A case summary is convincing and defines specific elements. Information presented is from scholarly though dated sources.

3. Satisfactory

4.84 points

A case summary is present but rendered at a perfunctory level.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

4.4 points

A case summary is present but incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

A case summary is not present.

Proposed Solutions to Remedy Identified Technology Gaps, Inefficiencies, or Other Issues

11 points

Criteria Description

Proposed Solutions to Remedy Identified Technology Gaps, Inefficiencies, or Other Issues

5. Excellent

11 points

Proposed solutions are clearly presented and thorough. Discussion is insightful, forward-thinking, and detailed. Information presented is from current scholarly sources.

4. Good

10.12 points

Proposed solutions are clearly presented and thorough. Discussion is convincing and defines specific elements. Information presented is from scholarly though dated sources.

3. Satisfactory

9.68 points

Proposed solutions are presented but are rendered at a perfunctory level.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

8.8 points

Proposed solutions are presented but are incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Proposed solutions are not presented.


5.5 points

Criteria Description


5. Excellent

5.5 points

A conclusion is clearly presented and thorough. Discussion is insightful, forward-thinking, and detailed. Information presented is from current scholarly sources.

4. Good

5.06 points

A conclusion is clearly presented and thorough. Discussion is convincing and defines specific elements. Information presented is from scholarly though dated sources.

3. Satisfactory

4.84 points

A conclusion is presented but is rendered at a perfunctory level.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

4.4 points

A conclusion is presented but is incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

A conclusion is not presented.

Thesis Development and Purpose

7.7 points

Criteria Description

Thesis Development and Purpose

5. Excellent

7.7 points

Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

4. Good

7.08 points

Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.

3. Satisfactory

6.78 points

Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

6.16 points

Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.

Argument Logic and Construction

8.8 points

Criteria Description

Argument Logic and Construction

5. Excellent

8.8 points

Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

4. Good

8.1 points

Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative.

3. Satisfactory

7.74 points

Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

7.04 points

Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

5.5 points

Criteria Description

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

5. Excellent

5.5 points

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

4. Good

5.06 points

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used.

3. Satisfactory

4.84 points

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

4.4 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used.

Paper Format (Use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

5.5 points

Criteria Description

Paper Format (Use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

5. Excellent

5.5 points

All format elements are correct.

4. Good

5.06 points

Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style.

3. Satisfactory

4.84 points

Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

4.4 points

Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.

Documentation of Sources

5.5 points

Criteria Description

Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style

5. Excellent

5.5 points

Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

4. Good

5.06 points

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.

3. Satisfactory

4.84 points

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

4.4 points

Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Sources are not documented.

Total 110 points