
NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state

NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state

Grand Canyon University NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state-Step-By-Step Guide

This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Grand Canyon University  NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.

How to Research and Prepare for NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state

Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University  NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.

After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.

How to Write the Introduction for  NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state 

The introduction for the Grand Canyon University  NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.

How to Write the Body for  NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state 

After the introduction, move into the main part of the  NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.

Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.

How to Write the Conclusion for  NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state 

After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.

How to Format the References List for  NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state

The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1

Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state, including discussion of the entities involved in developing the standards of practice and how the standards of practice influence the nursing process for your areas of specialty.


The addition of compact licensure to the nurse licensure process allows nurses to practice in other compact partner states. In your opinion, would it be beneficial to have national professional practice standards versus state oversight? Why or why not?

I believe the compact licensure has been very helpful. It allows the holder to practice in all participating states in the US. Considering the recent pandemic, nurses were able to move from one locatiion to another to care for severely sick. This i believe was possible because of the compact license to practice.

Having a national professional practice standard or state specific standard has its cons and pros.

The advantage of a federal standard of practice is uniformity in practice and licensure. For instance, in my home country, there is just one board of nursing referred to as the nursing council and they help in maintaining standard of care in all states of the federation as well as issuance of liscenses. Hence, a professional nurse in one state can practice in all the 36 states of the country.

The downside of this system could be delay in processes and procedures such as registration, verification and issuing of liscenses.

Coming to the US, i think having a centralized system might be a bit cumbersome to maintain because of the ever growing population size and changing system in healthcare. Also, it would be easier to manage the ever growing population and nursing practice within the state level.

You bring up a valid point of a national council to regulate the practice. Larger numbers of nurses to oversee would be a challenge. Perhaps the national council could have state committees to oversee the practices using the national standards.

In my country, there is one board of nursing called the ‘Nursing council’, and they help in monitoring the standard of care in all states of the federation. The nursing council will verify where I studied and the state health authority will issue the license to practice nursing in any state. So a professional nurse can practice nursing in all states of the country. The Nursing council will register, verify and issue licenses. And it is renewed every five years. To practice outside the country, a special authorization is required. In the United states, each state allows nursing practice after verifying the nursing certificate and allowing to practice as an RN nurse.

NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 1 Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state

Thank you, Rose. In your opinion, since you have licensure in your home country as well as the U.S. is one better?

If one can meet the competencies of the NCLEX, safe practice should be the same everywhere. In nursing, basic study is the same, but teaching methods can be different. Although the studies and practice are similar, tradition, culture and people are different. And one should have dedication and compassion to nursing job. Only then can one be sincere to their patients.

In my opinion I think absolutely it would be more stream line and beneficial to all those involved (patients, nurses, and the state legislators) to have national professional practice standards versus state oversight. For example, looking at the pandemic, different states needed nurses at different times through the waves of COVID, having a nursing license that had the same scope of practice and nationally standardized would help streamline nurses to work around the country at any given time. This can also help nurses when moving states or location if they decide to relocate they don’t have to go through the hoops of getting an RN license that permits them to practice in whatever state they are going to.

I think overall its better to have one golden standard across the country versus having different scopes of practices, rules and regulations for RN’s in different states. Having a national professional practice standard would make for safer better regulated conditions and overall better patient outcomes across the country.

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Thank you, Cassidy. COVID provides a great example of why it would be beneficial to support national standards.

Billie, yes I do believe it would be beneficial to have a national standardization in certain instances. Especially in times like we have seen with the pandemic. So maybe an emergency compact licensure would be more ideal. This would still give each state oversight ability and responsibility, not to mention autonomy.

Safe practice should be the same everywhere. If one meets the competencies of the NCLEX, then it would be ideal that one be granted the ability to do use that licensure consistently across the states.

In my opinion, I think that it would be benficial for there to be a national licensure for nurses. I think this could be both helpful for the nurse and patient. Quality of standards being universal across the states will allow the nurse flexibility to travel or move states without delay in work. Being able to move from state to state working with the same scope of practice and standard of care can also be beneficial in a state of emergency or even in a pandemic. This also insures and equally in care nation wide through the nursing profession, so patients can expect the same great care wherever they are in the country. On the other hand, I do feel that it is important to have nurses and health care professionals from various fields to have input on the nursing scope of practice and standard of care.

The practice of nursing is in a constant state of motion and in an effort to create guidelines for standards of practice, a “list of competencies to help nurses better understand the expectations…these include assessment, diagnosis, planning, coordination of care, health teaching consultation, prescriptive authority, and evaluation” (Dean, 2018). The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) assists all fifty states, including Oklahoma, in developing guidelines for standards of care for its Board of Nursing (BON) ( These guidelines set forth by the NCSBN encourage the state of Oklahoma to use evidence-based practice in its Nurse Practice Act (NPA) which promotes patient safety and outcomes (Huynh, 2021).

With all states using the NCABN, a sense of continuity and standardization can be felt in the profession of nursing. With developments in medicine and other interventions, it is vital in the nurse role to understand what his/her role is in regards to patient safety and outcomes. By using the standards of practice put forth by the state of Oklahoma’s BON, the safety of patients is in the forefront of the care that is provided.

In the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), the five components of the nursing process are utilized (Dean, 2018). An example of this would be a patient who presents to the PACU after a shoulder arthroscopy. An initial assessment of the patient shows the patient to be moaning, wincing, as well as tachycardia and hypertensive; this is the first step in the nursing process. The second step would be to provide a diagnosis. What is the problem? The patient reports pain (as 8 on a scale of 0-10) as a result of surgery as seen by increased heart rate and blood pressure as well as pain score.

The third step is planning/outcomes, what can the nurse implement as far as interventions and possible pharmacologic strategies to alleviate the patient’s pain and what could the outcomes of said implementations be? The fourth step is implementation. The nurse carries out the intervention that was previously evaluated, in this case the nurse decides to dim the lights, quiet the room, and provide the patient with pain medication per orders given by provider. The last step is evaluation. Did the intervention work? Is the patient’s pain alleviated? This step often requires another assessment to determine the effectiveness of the intervention. The Standards of Practice set forth by the BON guides this nurse process in that the nurse is able to evaluate the problem, consider options for implementing interventions then evaluating the outcomes, all based on the appropriate standards of care put in place.

Dean, Julie. (2018). Practice and Competency Development. Dynamics in Nursing Art & Science of Professional Practice Ch.3.

Huynh, A.P., Haddad, L.M. (July 22, 2021). Nursing Practice Act. Stat Pearls.

Thanks for the insightful discussion. From your discussion, I have learned that the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) assists all fifty states, including Oklahoma, in developing guidelines for standards of care for its Board of Nursing (BON) (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, 2021). My state is Arizona and the process of developing standards for nursing practice is almost similar to that of Oklahoma. The development of nursing standards of practice for the state of Arizona is a collaborative effort that involves various entities, including nurses, nurse educators, and nurse practitioners (Dean, 2018). The first step in the process is the identification of areas that need clarification or standardization.

Nurses and other healthcare professionals then develop evidence-based clinical practice guidelines to address these areas (Bradley et al., 2019). These guidelines are then submitted to the Arizona State Board of Nursing for review and approval. Finally, the guidelines are published on the board’s website and become part of the nursing standards of practice for the state.

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is the regulating body for most states that promotes evidence-based regulatory excellence for patient safety in nursing care and public protection. The American nursing association and the joint commission also help regulate nursing standards of practice. Nurses are  also accountable to the specific state Nurse Practice act(NPA) at the location of nursing practice. My state of work  is New Jersey generally the NPA provides guiding principles for the scope of nursing regulation to include: defining phrases and terms for the intent of the law, defining the composition of the board members, defining nursing school educational program standards, defining the scope of nursing practice, overseeing licensure processes, protecting titles and providing grounds for disciplinary actions for violations (Boehning & Haddad 2018).

New Jersey Board of Nursing (2022)  states  that New Jersey Commission on Higher Education and accredited by a regional accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education  provides accreditation of nursing programs. Accreditation of new nursing programs must meet  the New Jersey administrative codes requirements. The code determines Maintenance of accreditation  and  Qualification of program administrators . New Jersey Statutes Annotated determines  Eligibility requirements for license by endorsement , General requirements for licensure ; License renewal fee; Fee Schedule. The codes also determined the requirement for advanced studies in nursing .

All in all the process of development of nursing standards of practice begins from the education aspect determining what is required of the student  and eligibility of the schools to provide safe teaching and continues by determining requirements for further studies in nursing . The NPA clearly defines the  scope of practice thoroughly lined up  with the nursing process of developing a plan of care for patient advocacy. It also clearly defines the scope of practice is inclusive of safe nursing practice appropriate for the level of training and specialty.




Boehning AP, Haddad LM. Nursing Practice Act. [Updated 2022 Jul 18]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:



Topic 4 DQ 1

Scope of practice denotes services that a qualified health professional considered competence to execute, and allowed to undertake based on the terms of their professional license. The nursing standards of practice differ in each state across the United States due to the differences in scope of practice authority legislations (Huynh & Haddad, 2021). As defined by the American Nurses’ Association (ANA), (n.d.) standards of nursing practice comprise of three critical components that include professional standards of care, professional performance standards, and specialty practice guidelines as protocols of care for certain populations.

In Illinois, the Illinois State Board of Nursing is responsible for setting standards of practice for all cadres of nurses. The board uses laws formulated by the state assembly and the Nursing Practice Act (NPA). The nursing board interprets the NPA into regulations based on the state’s authority to practice as a nurse. The implication is that the state board of nursing assists state legislators in developing rules and regulations to make the laws specific and clear for nurses (Illinois Nursing Workforce Center, n.d). The board of nursing in Illinois recognizes nurses as an integral part of healthcare delivery and categorizes them into three groups; licensed practice nurse (LPN), registered nurse (RN), and advanced practice registered nurse (APRN).

For instance, an APRN is licensed as both a registered professional nurses and as an APRN and should possess a graduate degree and certification before licensure as an advanced registered nurse. The practice standards of an APRN include caring for patients through deployment of advanced diagnostic skills, and can order for diagnostic tests and procedures. APRN can also practice as a physician assistant, a podiatrist, and physician while making professional judgment to initiate and coordinate patient care (IHHA, 2017). An APRN can also prescribe medications and drugs and also administer them by following state regulations on scope of practice authority.

The standards of practice influence specialty of all nurses, from licensed practice nurse (LPN) to APRN as one cannot practice without following the set regulations. As mentioned, to practice as an APRN requires one to have the right qualifications and training as stated by the Illinois nursing board. Practicing in the specialty requires one to ensure that they follow the practice standards in care provision.


American Nurses Association (ANA) (n.d.). Scope of Practice.

Huynh, A. P. & Haddad, L. M. (2021). Nursing Practice Act. StatPearls [Internet].

Illinois Nursing Workforce Center (n.d.). Nursing in Illinois.

Illinois Health and Hospital Association (IHHA) (2017). HB 313 – Nurse Practice Act (225 ILCS

            65/) Public Act 100-0513.


Nurses have the ethical duty and responsibility to remain consistent and relevant with evolving practices of nursing (Green, 2022). In Texas a nurse’s license is governed by The Texas Board of Nursing (BON). The BON regulates which schools can become accredited and can remove accreditations. The BON also requires the nurse to provide evidence of continued learning credits to renew their nursing license (Green, 2022). The BON is responsible for safeguarding the public by allowing competent nurses to practice in Texas and have police power to take disciplinary actions against a nurse’s license (Green, 2022).

The Nurse Practice Act differs from state to state across the country (Green, 2022). Each Nurse Practice Act in every state regulates educational institutions, what requirements are needed for licensure, and disciplinary actions (Green, 2022). The Nurse Practice Act empowers the Texas BON, and the BON is made up of a group of members delegated by the Governor of Texas (Texas Board of Nursing, 2022).

Currently I work as a school nurse with my local school district. My license is still governed by the Texas BON, but I also abide by other rules and practices. Specifically I refer back to the School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice. The school nurse bridges health and education by being the advocate for the student and family and coordinating care on campus (TSNO, 2022). I also follow my school districts policy and procedure regarding special procedures, medication administration, and criteria for sending students home. Ultimately the school nurse is the medical professional on campus and is able to use clinical judgment about when a student must leave campus due to medical reasons.

Green, S. Z. (2022). Advancing professional standards. In Grand Canyon University, Dynamics in Nursing: Art & Science of Professional Practice. (2nd ed.). Grand Canyon University.

Laws & Rules – Rules & Regulations. Texas Board of Nursing – Laws & Rules – Rules & Regulations. (2022, September).

School nursing: Scope and standards of Practice. School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice – Texas School Nurses Organization. (2022).