NUR 752 Assignment 6.2: Patient Outcomes Project Part II: Create Knowledge and Conclusions
NUR 752 Assignment 6.2: Patient Outcomes Project Part II: Create Knowledge and Conclusions
In the second part of this two-part assignment, you will use the information you displayed and aggregated in Part I and inferential statistics to inform a decision in Part II.
Assignment Guidelines
Update I: Patient Outcomes Quarterly
After you completed the chart in the Excel file from Part I, the nursing manager expressed to you that it is too cluttered and would prefer it to be organized by quarter, not by month.
- Use the data in Sheet #1 “Pt Outcomes | BSN” to develop a second run chart, organized by quarter. Use a style 2-line graph with the numbers of the vertical axis in the bubbles. (See Formatting Example Chart and Bullets (PDF) to see how the chart should look.) Note the following:
- This step requires you to sum the data by quarter (and average the % of BSN data by quarter).
- This graph will have only four data points for each line.
- If you create this new chart with merged cells the bubbles will not have lines connecting them.
- Insert this new run chart into a Word document.
Update II: Inferential Statistics
As a result of the institution’s interest in staffing and patient outcomes, the nursing manager has created a score using various parameters to measure daily patient outcomes. Note: This is a fictitious score and was created for the purpose of this assignment.
These daily scores are present in your Patient Outcomes Excel file, Sheet 4 “Scores | # BSN”, Column A. Column B contains the number of BSN-prepared nurses who were present on each of the days. You need to determine if the number of BSN-prepared nurses assigned to the unit per shift impacts the daily patient outcomes score, and if so, how much?
You will accomplish this task by taking the following steps:
- With help from the IHI QI Essential Toolkit Scatter Diagram (PDF), create a scatterplot for the data on Sheet 4 and save it.
- Copy this scatterplot to your Word document on page two.
- Complete a Pearson R test for significance.
- Use R2 (RSQ) to Test for goodness of fit (this test will tell you what percent of the change in outcome scores is accounted for by the number of BSNs).
- Display the results beneath the chart on page two of the Word document.
- The data in the scatter plot is not very scattered, the data falls into rows.
- Pearson R is always between 0 and 100%:
- 0% indicates that the model explains none of the variability of the response data around its mean.
- 100% indicates that the model explains all the variability of the response data around its mean.
- The function for R2 in Excel is RSQ.
Update III: Conclusions—Create Usable Knowledge
- Given the information you obtained from the data, present bullet-points under the scatterplot in the Word document describing
NUR 752 Assignment 6.2 Patient Outcomes Project Part II Create Knowledge and Conclusions how you would interpret the relationship between the daily scores and the number of BSNs. Do the data in Part I and Part II of this assignment measure the same thing? Do they lead you to the same conclusion?
Formatting and Mechanics
- Use landscape orientation for the page layout.
- Use formatting similar to the presentation example, Formatting Example Chart and Bullets (PDF), to see how the chart and bullets should look.
- In the Word document, include the revised run displaying quarterly data.
- On page two, insert the scatterplot and a bulleted list.
- Include Pearson R and R2 in the bullets to support your conclusions.
- Present your conclusions.
- Present bullet-points, not full sentences and not paragraphs.
- Limit the Word document to two pages.
- Save the Word file.
Submit for Assignment 6.2:
- Two-page Word document with a line graph on page one and a scatter plot and bulleted list with inferential statistics and conclusions on page two.
Submit your assignment and review full grading criteria on the Assignment 6.2: Patient Outcomes Project Part II: Create Knowledge and Conclusions page.
Week 6: Using Data for Systems Improvement
This week has one lesson: Use of Data to Impact Management Decisions (Excel Skills). Activities include readings, a learning module, a two-part written assignment, and a graph assignment.
Review a list of all items due this week in your course’s syllabus.
Lesson 1: Use of Data to Impact Management Decisions (Excel Skills)
In this lesson, you will be analyzing data by creating charts and by performing inferential analyses on the data. You will then create a short presentation of your conclusions.