
NU 515 Article Analysis

NU 515 Article Analysis

Article Analysis

In their article, Minh et al. (2020) carry out a quantitative study about the need to strengthen surveillance of consumer products in Canada using vaping as an example. The authors assert that their goal was to demonstrate the effectiveness of collecting information through the Consumer Product Safety Program to recognize rising hazards that may require mitigation. Using descriptive statistics and trends, the authors summarize their finding and quantify them to show change. The results from the study shows that vaping associated injuries among the target populations increased by over 73% with burns being the most prevalent at 41% (Minh et al., 2020). Further, more males and those aged between 15 and 19 are likely to report injuries linked to vaping. The report only offers a small proportion of the population but asserts that certain groups, especially males and young people, are susceptible to vaping-related incidents that they do not report.

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Advantages and Limitations of the Study

The study provides advantages to stakeholders who would create and implement prog

NU 515 Article Analysis
NU 515 Article Analysis

rams aimed at reducing health

NU 515 Article Analysis
NU 515 Article Analysis

risks linked to vaping. The use of surveillance on consumer products is critical to identifying certain trends that authorities consider harmful to consumers and require mitigation efforts.  Surveillance allows for the development of responses in the management of the associated health risks. However, the most significant limitation of the study is its sample (Minh et al., 2020). The surveillance uses only those reporting injuries instead of deploying other mechanisms to capture data. Further, all participants have to use the online reporting portal which limits access to wide variety of respondents and their experiences.

Another Research Method

The researchers could also use surveys by sending questionnaires to potential respondents or participants (Kardes & Herr, 2019). Consumer surveys that are sent through mail and even using telephone can offer valuable data about vaping-related injuries for research studies.


Kardes, F. R., & Herr, P. M. (2019). Experimental research methods in consumer psychology. In

Handbook of research methods in consumer psychology (pp. 3-16). Routledge.

Minh, T. D., McFaull, S. R., Guttman, L., Ghandour, L. & Hardy, J. (2020). Strengthening

surveillance of consumer products in Canada:  the vaping example. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy, Practice, 40(10):