
NU 515 There are various methods of facilitating evidence-based practice within a facility such as the IOWA Model

NU 515 There are various methods of facilitating evidence-based practice within a facility such as the IOWA Model

Evidence-Based Practice Model

Evidence-based practice (EBP) emanates from the integration of existing research, clinical expertise, patient preferences to customize care and promote effective decision-making for healthcare providers and organizations. The adoption and promotion of EBP depends on the use of appropriate EBP models developed through in-depth research for effective implementation of the interventions (Christenbery, 2017). The im

NU 515 There are various methods of facilitating evidence-based practice within a facility such as the IOWA Model
NU 515 There are various methods of facilitating evidence-based practice within a facility such as the IOWA Model

plication is that an organization should adopt a EBP model that best fits its context of care, aligns with its improvement goals, addresses the priority clinical issues, and guides the systematic and evaluative approach to collaborative change practice and outcomes. The most effective model to introduce evidence-based practice change at my facility is the Stetler Model which considered as the pioneer model in implementation of EBP interventions in organizations and nursing practice. The model was developed to help practitioners assess how they can implement research findings and other pertinent evidence in clinical practice (Indra, 2018). The model examines the use of evidence to create change that fosters patient-centered care based on its steps or phases.

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These steps include preparation where nurses or clinicians identify the priority needs of a project, its context and

NU 515 There are various methods of facilitating evidence-based practice within a facility such as the IOWA Model
NU 515 There are various methods of facilitating evidence-based practice within a facility such as the IOWA Model

relevant evidence sources. The second phase is validation where one must assess the quality of the evidence source to determine if it fits the purpose of a project (Valizadeh et al., 2020). The third phase is comparative evaluation and making decisions based on the findings and accepting to use the evidence. The fourth phase is translation or application of the findings to attain change. The final phase is evaluation which entails determining if the EBP goals have been achieved successfully through the use of the model (Speroni et al., 2020). The implication is that the Stetler Model is patient-centric and allows an organization to implement changes focused on better patient experience and outcomes.


Christenbery, T. L. (2017). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Foundations, Skills, and Roles.

Springer Publishing Company.

Indra, V. (2018). A Review on Models of Evidence-Based Practice. Asian Journal of Education

            and Research, 8(4):549-552. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2018.00115.5

Speroni, K. G., McLaughlin, M. K., & Friesen, M. A. (2020). Use of Evidence‐based Practice

Models and Research Findings in Magnet‐Designated Hospitals Across the United States: National Survey Results. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 17(2), 98-107.

doi: 10.1111/wvn.12428.

Valizadeh, L., Zamanzadeh, V., Babaei, N., & Avazeh, M. (2020). Challenges and strategies for

implementing evidence-based practice in nursing: A systematic review. Research in Medical Education, 12(3), 55-67.