
NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan

NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan

Grand Canyon University NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan-Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan                                   


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University   NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan                                   


The introduction for the Grand Canyon University   NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan                                   


After the introduction, move into the main part of the NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan                                   


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan                                   


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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Sample Answer for NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan

Implementing any change in a healthcare organization or facility entails several aspects that require one to develop an implementation as is the most important part of any evidence-based practice (EBP) project proposal. Implementation entails the actualization of the ideas developed in the proposal EBP projects are broken into several identifiable steps (Boehm et al., 2020). The implementation plan will focus on hand hygiene measures in pediatric setting among healthcare workers to reduce hospital acquired infections (HAIs). The implementation plan will consist of the setting where the project will take place, time, resources, methods and instruments, intervention of delivery process, and data collection plan. The plan also includes management of barriers, facilitators and challenges and the feasibility of the plan.

Hello! Nursing shortages continues to be an ongoing problem, and our patients are affected greatly when we continue to work short. Our patients are growing sicker and are requiring more time and care. Our nursing workload is increasing and the time that we are able to spend with our patients is decreased. When we have such as heavy workload, our time being spent collaborating with our patients and with the physician, decreases. This is where medical errors can happen and can lead to a poor communication amongst the interdisciplinary team, including our patients. Our patient’s quality of care decreases as well. Our patients are at a great risk for infection and poor outcomes when we are not able to spend time understanding and caring for their needs. Our nurses are having to take on such a great deal of workload that we are seeing an increase in our nurse burnout. Our nurses are being burned out by limited resources and shortages; our nurse satisfaction rates are going down. When nurses are feeling unsatisfied with their jobs, our patients care is also affected. Our nurses are not able to practice at the highest level that they can when they are feeling burned out, and unsatisfied with their positions. This is leading to an increase in workload and an increase in errors as well.  We are not able to spend our time and knowledge in using our critical thinking skills. We may not be able to notice with the decrease in time spend on patient care when something may be going on with our patients.

Setting and Access to Potential Subjects

The implementation framework of any EBP project includes establishment of a motive for change, development of specific goals, attaining leadership support, creating a leadership teams and engagement of clinical support. In this case, the project setting will be a pediatric hospital where nurse practitioners and clinical nurse leaders involved in service delivery to the patient population will be the main subjects taking part in the proposed project. The selected participants should have served in this unit for the last 12 months. The project will select 20 healthcare staff to be involved in the implementation process.

The second component of this project is getting consent or approval from the participants and the institutional review board for the project to take place. Participants’ consent will be essential as it will demonstrate their willingness to be part of the project without any undue influence. The review board will give the project a green light and ensure that ethical provisions are met to protect the subjects. The consent will indicate that the main purpose of the project is to reduce the rate of HAI within six months by enhancing hand hygiene measures, specifically the use of alcohol-hand sanitizers or rubs alongside handwashing using soap and water. The participants will sign the consent form upon getting relevant information about the project and its overall benefits to the population.


The implementation timeframe for the EBP project will be six months. Different activities will take place each month to ensure that all components of the proposal are implemented effectively. The timeframe will include creation of a multidisciplinary team in the first two weeks of the program. The last two weeks of the first month will have collection of required resources and expertise for the implementation process. The training of the nursing staff will occur in the second month and will take two to three weeks to ascertain that the participants have sufficient knowledge and skills based on existing resource to implement hand hygiene measures aimed at reducing HAIs.

The first week of the third month will involve identification of any possible barriers that may influence or interfere with the implementation. The duration will also be used to increase stakeholder engagement, participation and collection of their input and views to be incorporated in the final implementation activities (Luciano et al., 2019). The remain three and half months will involve the actual implementation. However, in the fifth month, the project team will review the implementation to ascertain if there will be need to have any modifications to the project. The implication is that the implementation process will be successful if the five months will be used as expected in the timelines proposed for the plan.


Studies show that success of any evidence-based project primarily rely on the availability of the needed resources (DeNisco, 2019; Luciano et al., 2019). The implementation of this project require human resources that will comprise of competent trainers who will impart the project team with necessary knowledge and skills. The most appropriate resource for this EBP project include nurse practitioners and clinical nurse leaders. Engagement of nurse practitioners and clinical nurse leaders with the requisite skills improves the success of quality improvement projects. In addition to the human resources, the project will also require financial resources to fund the implementation. the financial resources will be deployed to compensate the trainers and buy required stationeries like the training manuals. These resources will also be instrumental in overall implementation as they will be used to buy equipment like hand-rubs for demonstration. The resources will also include travel expenses for the project manager and the team. Changes needed in the implementation of the solution will include more education and awareness among caregivers since most of the pediatric patients may not comprehend the protocols that will be proposed to reduce hospital acquired infections.

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Qualitative or Quantitative Design in Data Collection and Effectiveness

The selected design to collect data for the evidence-based practice project proposal is qualitative. The qualitative approach is deployed to understand thoughts, concepts, and experiences of participants through techniques like interviews, focus groups, observations, and a review of existing literature (Rebekah & Ravindran, 2018). The qualitative research design will be effective in the project proposal since it will entail getting opinions through deployment of different methods from healthcare workers about the need to enhance hand hygiene measures to prevent and reduce the occurrence of hospital acquired infections, especially in pediatric settings (Vandermause et al., 2017). The evidence-based practice project proposal on hand hygiene measures among healthcare workers to reduce and prevent hospital acquired infections (HAIs) in pediatric settings will inform stakeholders about the importance of handwashing protocols. The EBP project proposal is effective as it will ensure that healthcare workers in the selected settings adhere to hand hygiene measures for effective care delivery and minimize the prevalence of infections that negatively impact patient outcomes and quality care delivery.

Methods and Instruments for Monitoring

The implementation process will entail various methods and instruments in its monitoring. Firstly, an audit tool and satisfaction survey will be used in the implementation process. The project team will use satisfaction survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures executed to decrease high prevalence of hospital acquired infections in the pediatric unit. The audit framework will be deployed to complete the auditing process. The tool will enhance the auditing of gathered data on specific hand hygiene interventions and their outcomes (Vandermause et al., 2017). Additionally, the project will use questionnaires to collect the required data from the participating nurse. questionnaires are effective data collection tools and nurse leaders and practitioners will fill them out to offer information about the effectiveness of hand hygiene measures that can reduce occurrence of HAIs in pediatric patient population. The information will guide the project implementation team during the process for effective outcomes. The auditing tools and satisfaction surveys alongside the questionnaire use will be critical in attaining the expected project goals.

Delivery of the Intervention

The delivery process for the intervention will involve project team members that comprise of nurse leaders and practitioners. The nurses and practitioners will develop and execute necessary protocols like setting hand sanitizer stations at different points of the care delivery process (Luciano et al., 2019). These points will include the nursing stations and having points in pediatric wards as well as other key points to enhance hand hygiene measures. The participants will require training to enable them perform their respective duties well. Training will consist of giving information to nurse leaders about the components of the proposed so that they can effectively supervise the nurse practitioners to ensure that they carry out their mandate as expected. The practitioners will also require training to implement the proposed measures as planned to meet the set project goals.

Stakeholders Required to Implement the Plan

Stakeholder support is a critical component of evidence –based practice project proposal as they provide critical resources, input, and implement the recommendations of such programs. In this case, several stakeholders will be needed to implement the project (DeNisco, 2019). The initial stakeholders will include clinical nurse leaders and practitioners who will ensure that the components of EBP project are realized. The second set of stakeholders include the project team and trainers that shall offer direction on the implementation of the EBP intervention. The third stakeholder group needed comprise of organizational leaders and managers who shall provide the requisite resources; especially financial resources, to implement the proposed plan to reduce hospital acquired infections in the target population.

Aspects of the Implementation Plan and Potential barriers, Challenges and Proposed Strategies

The success of the project will depend on how the project team manage different aspects like facilitators, barriers, and develop effective strategies to respond adequately. For instance, organizational leaders and managers will be critical facilitators as they offer necessary support through resource allocation and a buy-in. The management will also support the new project will the aim of improving overall care quality.

Time and resource limitation, insufficient knowledge and skills among healthcare workers would be significant barriers in implementation of the project. Negative attitudes that will fuel resistance will also hamper effective implementation of the project as many will feel that it will be sufficient to assess the overall effectiveness of the intervention (Vandermause et al., 2017). It is essential to mitigate these barriers through effective strategies like sticking to the timeframe for implementation, engaging all stakeholders like leaders and managers, and enhancing communication among all players.


The feasibility of this project will be assessed based on a cost-benefit analysis approach. The cost incurred in the implementation process will be estimated to assess the overall benefits that will accrue to patients and healthcare organization’s unit (Rebekah & Ravindran, 2018). The cost will also include funds to compensate trainers and buy the needed project implementation materials to evaluate the overall feasibility of the plan. the unit should implement the plan since its cost-benefit analysis will be positive to the organization.


The implementation of the project stage is essential as it consists of the real practical application of expected changes and subsequent outcomes. Therefore, it is important to evaluate all aspects of the stage for effective outcomes and project’s sustainability. The highlighted plan will be effective through increased stakeholder engagement and participation.


Boehm, L. M., Stolldorf, D. P., & Jeffery, A. D. (2020). Implementation science training and

resources for nurses and nurse scientists. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 52(1), 47-54. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12510.

DeNisco, S. M. (2019). Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession:

Essential Knowledge for the Profession. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Klingbeil, C. & Gibson, C. (2018). The Teach Back Project: A System-wide Evidence Based

Practice Implementation. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 42:81-85. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2018.06.002.

Luciano, M. M., Aloia, T. A. & Brett, J. F. (2019). 4 Ways to Make Evidence-Based Practice the

Norm in Health Care. Harvard Business Review.

Rebekah, G., & Ravindran, V. (2018). Statistical analysis in nursing research. Indian Journal of

Continuing Nursing Education, 19(1), 62.

Vandermause, R., Barg, F. K., Esmail, L., Edmundson, L., Girard, S., & Perfetti, A. R. (2017).

Qualitative methods in patient-centered outcomes research. Qualitative health research, 27(3), 434-442. doi: 10.1177/1049732316668298

Sample Answer for NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan

Diabetes mellitus is a public health issue that requires effective implementation of interventions like self-management as a way of empowering patients and their families to adhere to monitoring aspects to reduce adverse events. The act of implementing changes in a health population, especially integration of self-care management, can be challenging and entails different components (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). The implementation of the evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions in any setting entails having the solution put into practical application to attain hypothesized outcomes. Evidence on self-care management and its efficacy is overwhelming and is the driving factor about the implementation of this project proposal to improve the quality of life for individuals with diabetes (Alhaiti et al., 2020). The purpose of this essay discuss the implementation plan for the proposed EBP on self-care management for patients with diabetes. The plan outlines setting, timelines and resources, methods and approaches and the delivery process intervention as well as management if different aspects like challenges, stakeholders and project’s feasibility

Setting and Access to Potential Subjects

The setting for this self-management to control glycemic levels will be in patient homes with the project involving about 30 patients from its diabetes outpatient program. The recruitment of the subjects will be voluntary. However, they will be engaged each time they come for their clinics about the need for the project and if they can volunteer to participate. All studies involving human subjects need participants to give informed consent. Therefore, all participants who are diabetic patients would give consent before being part of the project. The consent will show that all patients understand their involvement in the project.


The delivery of effective self-management approaches will lead to better personal approaches to monitoring of glycemic levels among the patients and based on the need to enhance better understanding, the project will run for six months. In their paper Captieux et al. (2018) self-management entails giving individuals with chronic diseases confidence to be active in the management of their conditions in partnership with their healthcare providers. The timelines begin with the problem identification and getting support from stakeholders by providing evidence on the need to implement the intervention. Stakeholders’ meeting to communicate the expectations and involvement of all people as well as development of requirements will occur in the first two months of the project. The remaining time will be rollout of the activities, collection of data before and after implementation, evaluation and development of the final report for the organization.


Success of EBP projects relies on the availability, access, and deployment of resources to meet the expected goals (Alhaiti et al., 2018). The implementation of this project will require human resources comprising of nurse practitioners, dieticians, informatics nurses, and social workers as well as data analysts. The financial resources will be critical as they will be used for logistics, developing and acquiring tools and devices for self-monitoring and management; especially through the use of telehealth. The project will involve buying blood sugar monitoring devices for all patients involved to help them control their glycemic levels. Training on the use of these devices and reports for nurses and patients will form a core part of the financial aspects of the project as highlighted in the appendix.

Design to Collect Data & Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the EBP Project Proposal

The project proposal on the need for self-management will deploy a qualitative design in collection of data and views from all stakeholders. The design is effective as it highlights thoughts, opinions, ideas and experiences of the research subjects through the use of methods like interviews, focus groups and review of literature to get best trends and practices to deploy on self-management (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). The design is effective because it will help get views from participants and nurses on the efficacy of lifestyle changes to enhance adherence to right levels of blood sugars to prevent adverse effects of diabetes. The design will enhance compliance to enhanced blood sugar monitoring for individuals with chronic diabetes.

Monitoring Methods and Instruments

The implementation of self-management is critical to the overall health of diabetic patients and their families in reducing possible emergency room visits due to exacerbation in the disease because of inability to monitor blood sugar levels (Mukona & Zvinavashe, 2020). Therefore, it project will deploy an audit tool and satisfaction survey to evaluate the success of the plan. The audit tool will evaluate the overall effectiveness of implementing the self-management on quality of life of the participants. The satisfaction survey will evaluate the effectiveness of the devices like glucose meters and adherence to them by patients in their homes. The glucose monitors and meters and their efficacy will be evaluated based on each case since every patient is unique in their situation and disease status. The project will use questionnaires to collect data from the participating patients and nurses so that they offer required information on the effectiveness of the different devices.

Delivery of Intervention

Self-care and management of diabetes entails a host of activities. These include adherence to diet, effective monitoring of blood sugar levels, foot care, and exercise where possible. These activities can only be realized through an effective delivery process (Mukona & Zvinavashe, 2020). Therefore, at the core of this process will be health promotion and education where nurse practitioners working with all members of the interdisciplinary team will visit patients; either physically or virtually to explain the significance of self-management.

The second aspect of the delivery would be development of tailored education plans on diabetes self-management for individual patients in their settings. The third aspect will be general education and awareness program targeted to all stakeholders; either medical professionals or patients and their families. Nurses and members of the interdisciplinary team will undergo effective training on the implementation of all these components together with the patients and their families.

Stakeholders to Implement the Plan

Stakeholders are an essential component of EBP project proposal implementation as they provide resources, inputs, ideas and support and execute the different aspects of the initiative as well as the recommendations. The EBP project proposal on self-management of diabetes will involve different stakeholders that comprise of nurse leaders, nurse practitioners, patients and their families, informatics nurses and data analysts and device vendors. The organization’s management and communities where the project will occur will be critical stakeholders. The trainers will also be a critical aspect of the project.

Aspects of the Implementation: Challenges, Barriers, Proposed Strategies

The success of this project will depend on how the team handles facilitators of the project on one part and on the other, possible challenges and barriers. The potential challenges may entail limited resources, acceptance of the project by the main stakeholders, limited knowledge on EBP intervention and cultural aspects, especially among patients from minority communities who may feel the interventions contradict their religious beliefs and practices (Mikhael et al., 2019). The need for better patient understanding and involvement of their families will also challenging to the overall success of the project. Addressing these barriers will require effective engagement and communication with the stakeholders. Positive change projects and initiatives occur when all stakeholders read from the same script. Further, providing sufficient need for change to the practitioners will also enhance acceptance of the project to all stakeholders.

Feasibility of the Project

The feasibility of a project is essential and requires stakeholders to assess the overall ability to implement the intervention. In this case, the project manager and team will evaluate the feasibility through the use of a cost-benefit analysis approach. The trajectory will allow them to evaluate the overall cost of the implementation against the expected benefits to patients and the healthcare facility (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). For instance, the implementation will lead to a reduction in emergency room visits for diabetic patients with poor blood sugar controls. Secondly, self-management will enhance adherence and compliance to medications and encourage change in lifestyle for the individuals. Therefore, the cost of the project is minimal as demonstrated in the appendix compared to the overall benefits that both patients and the facility.


The implementation plan for the proposed EBP project will provide a practical roadmap to integrate best practice for patients with diabetes mellitus in their homes with the help of nurse practitioners and other providers. The plan will be critical in reducing the number of emergency room visits for patients with diabetes who fail to adhere to the protocols to monitor their blood sugars. The implementation plan will show that self-management is an effective way of dealing with diabetes for patients and improves their quality of life.


Alhaiti, A. H., Senitan, M., Dator, W. L. T., Sankarapandian, C., Baghdadi, N. A., Jones, L. K.,

… & Lenon, G. B. (2020). Adherence of type 2 diabetic patients to self-care activity: tertiary care setting in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2020(7).

Captieux, M., Pearce, G., Parke, H. L., Epiphaniou, E., Wild, S., Taylor, S. J., & Pinnock, H.

(2018). Supported self-management for people with type 2 diabetes: a meta-review of quantitative systematic reviews. BMJ open, 8(12), e024262.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and

healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Mikhael, E. M., Hassali, M. A., Hussain, S. A., & Shawky, N. (2019). Self-management

knowledge and practice of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Baghdad, Iraq: a qualitative study. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity: targets and therapy, 12, 1. DOI:

Mukona, D. M., & Zvinavashe, M. (2020). Self-management of diabetes mellitus during the

Covid-19 pandemic: Recommendations for a resource limited setting. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 14(6), 1575-1578. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsx.2020.08.022.

Sample Answer for NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan

Implementation is a critical step in introducing evidence-based practice in nursing. Implementation entails putting strategies into practice to achieve the desired outcomes. The implementation process is done collaboratively to optimize the outcomes of the change initiative. Therefore, this essay examines the implementation plan that will be used in the proposed evidence-based project.

Setting and Access to Potential Subjects

The proposed project will be undertaken in the maternal and child welfare clinic. The setting will enable the acquisition of the desired subjects for the project. The subjects for the proposed project will comprise mainly of pregnant mothers who abuse opioids. The mothers visiting the maternal and child welfare clinic with history of opioid use will be selected and informed about the project. They will be informed about the importance of the project to their pregnancy outcomes, health and their general wellbeing. Adequate information about the aims of the project will be provided for the subjects to make informed decisions (Cullen et al., 2017). Informed consent will be obtained from the subjects who will agree to take part in the project. Informed consent will be used to signify that they have understood the benefits, risks and their roles in the project. The undertaking of the project will be initiated once approval has been sought from the institution.

Amount of Time Needed

The proposed project aims at promoting behavioral change among the subjects. Behavioral change often takes considerable time for it to be achieved. For example, the subjects will have to participate in multiple health educational sessions for them to make a decision to change their behaviors. They also have to take significant time in adjusting to the new demands of the behavioral change (Greenhalgh, 2017). As a result, adequate time is needed for the effectiveness of the project to be achieved. The estimated time for the project is therefore one year, as it will enable the determination of the effectiveness of health educational interventions in promoting behavioral and lifestyle changes among the subjects.


Resources will be needed for the successful implementation of the project. The resources will comprise of human, financial and non-tangible resources. The human resources that will be needed for the successful implementation of the project will include qualified healthcare providers. Registered nurses will be trained on the implementation of the project. They will be trained to ensure that they have the required knowledge and skills for the successful delivery of the required health education message to the subjects. The other human resource that will be needed will include a data analyst and human resource personnel that will determine the training needs of the nurses involved in the project. The other resource that will be needed in the implementation of the project is finances. Financial resources will be used for acquiring the training materials for the nurses. It will also be used to reward the nurses, pay for the training, and follow-up of the subjects in the project. Non-tangible resources will also be needed for the successful implementation of the project. The non-tangible resource that will be required for the successful implementation of the project is time. The subjects and healthcare providers will use their time to engage in activities related to the project. Time will also be needed to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the project.

Methods and Instruments

The proposed project will be a pre and post-interventional project. As a result, data will be obtained before and after the project to determine its effectiveness. The data for the project will be obtained using self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaires will contain both open and closed-ended questions. Questionnaires are appropriate for the project because of their ease of administration. The questionnaires will also enable the acquisition of extensive, detailed data from the subjects on their subjective and objective experiences with the project (Jolley, 2020). The data obtained at the beginning of the project will be compared with those acquired in the end to determine whether the desired outcomes of the project were achieved or not.

Process for Delivering the Intervention

The process of delivering the intervention will begin with the training of the nurses who will be involved in the project. Registered nurses will be trained on the aspects of the project such as subject recruitment and topics of health education that will be of focus to promote behavioral change (Dang & Dearholt, 2017). The second step in the implementation process will be subject acquisition. The subjects that agree to participate in the project will provide informed consent prior to being enrolled for the health educational sessions. The third step will be the acquisition of baseline data. Baseline data from the participants will be obtained to determine their experiences, knowledge, attitude and beliefs towards opioid use in pregnancy. The fourth step will entail the provision of health education to the subjects. The subjects will be educated on a monthly basis to raise their level of awareness about the need for healthy lifestyle and behaviors. The fifth step will be the collection of data by the end of the project. The data obtained at this level will be compared with the baseline data to determine the impact of the project.

Outline for Data Collection Plan

As noted above, data collection will be done before and after the project. The subjects will be provided with self-administered questionnaires to give relevant information related to their knowledge, skills, attitude, and beliefs about opioid use in pregnancy. The data will also be collected at the end of the project for comparison purposes. Nurse Manager of the hospital will be tasked with the responsibility of data management. The analysis of data will utilize quantitative methods with the data presented using methods such as charts, tables and graphs. A data analyst will be hired to analyze the data for this project.

Management of any Barriers, Facilitators and Challenges

One of the strategies that will be used to manage any barriers will be subject education to minimize their resistance and withdrawal from the project. The subjects will be provided with adequate information about the importance of the project and their roles in it. Adequate education will increase their level of awareness, hence, their readiness to participate in it. The second strategy that will be used to address any barriers is training the nurses who will be involved in the implementation process. Nurses will be trained to ensure that they have adequate knowledge and skills needed for health education of the subjects. Training will minimize resistance to change from the nurses. The last strategy will be recruiting a high number of subjects (Kimuyu, 2018). Recruiting a large number of subjects will minimize negative outcomes if some of them withdraw from the project.

Feasibility of the Implementation Plan

The project is feasible if implemented in our institution. The cost of implementing it is not high. The estimated budget of the project is $45000. The budget will be used to facilitate project activities such as training of the nurses, purchase of educational resources, hiring of a data analyst, follow-up of the subjects, purchase of printing materials, and presentation of data. The budget for the project will be obtained from the supplementary budget for quality improvement initiatives in the organization.

Plans to Extend, Revise and Discontinue Proposed Solution

The project will be maintained if it is found to have a positive impact on the health of pregnant mothers who abuse opioids. The project will also be maintained if it is established to be feasible in contributing to positive outcomes in nursing and health care as a whole. The project will be extended if the number of subjects is small to provide conclusive evidence about the effectiveness of the project. It will also be extended if new strategies were introduced in the implementation process. The project will be revised if it is found that the project strategies do not align with the expected outcomes. The project will be discontinued if found to have harm to pregnant mothers.


The project will be implemented using carefully developed interventions. The subjects for the project will have to provide informed consent prior to their participation. Registered nurses will be trained on the successful implementation of the project. Anticipatory measures will be adopted to address any barriers or challenges in the implementation process. Therefore, it is expected that the use of the above interventions will result in the realization of the desired outcomes of the project.


Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., DeBerg, J., Tucker, S., & Kleiber, C. (2017). Evidence-Based Practice in Action: Comprehensive Strategies, tools, and Tips from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Sigma Theta Tau.

Dang, D., & Dearholt, S. L. (2017). Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice, Third Edition: Model and Guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.

Greenhalgh, T. (2017). How to Implement Evidence-Based Healthcare. John Wiley & Sons.

Jolley, J. (2020). Introducing Research and Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals. Routledge.

Kimuyu, P. (2018). Challenges Faced by Nurses in Implementing Evidence Based Practice in the Clinical Setting. GRIN Verlag.