
Assignment: Management Proposal HLT 313

Assignment: Management Proposal HLT 313

Assignment: Management Proposal HLT 313

Performance Management Plan Proposal

Performance management is ideally an ongoing quality-assurance-based process that provides a structured means for an organization, its employees, regulatory agencies, accreditors, and other stakeholders to support and achieve mutually identified strategic goals and objectives.

Assume the role of a newly hired risk management officer for a fictitious new allied health organization in your chosen field. You and your team will be responsible for developing the organization’s policies.

The first thing you’ll make is a performance management plan. Create a proposal (1,200 words) for a performance management plan for your new organization using the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) ( or another qualified framework that includes the following:

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Organizational Objectives Give an overview of your organization’s goals for workplace safety, risk management, and quality improvement. Choose one area and create five goals for that area.

Outline of Organizational Goals Outline and provide a brief evaluation of specific objectives that support the previously identified

Assignment Management Proposal HLT 313
Assignment Management Proposal HLT 313

organizational goals.

Summary of Important Performance Metrics Summarize the steps and metrics that your new organization will use to assess performance. Consider: (a) How well will your measurements align with your stated goals? (b) How do these measures show a link to positive health outcomes? (c) Can your organization control the measures you choose (i.e., can your organization effect change in this area?)? (d) Which measures meet reliability and validity criteria and are standardized?

Baseline performance. Establish a performance baseline for the measures you’ve chosen. As time passes, your organization will be able to compare desired goals versus actual results.

Evaluation of Performance Choose one of three widely accepted methods for measuring provider quality and summarize the features and why it is appropriate for your organization. Refer to the assigned reading, “The Measurement of Health Care Performance: A Primer From the Council of Medical Specialty Societies” ( Quality Primer.pdf) by the Council of Medical Specialty Societies.

Success is defined as Define success in terms of the organization. You must define what success means to your organization now that you have chosen measures to assess organizational performance; otherwise, you will be chasing a moving target. Make it clear what level of performance you consider acceptable. This will change as an organization grows, but you must begin somewhere in order to progress.

To successfully complete this assignment, you must use and cite a minimum of three qualified resources from the readings, qualified websites, or the GCU Library.

Prepare this assignment in accordance with the APA guidelines found in the Student Success Center’s APA Style Guide. There is no need for an abstract.

A rubric is used for this assignment. Please review the rubric before beginning the assignment to become acquainted with the requirements for successful completion.

This assignment must be submitted to Turnitin. Please follow the steps outlined in the Student Success Center.

You should proofread your paper. However, do not rely solely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part, and your grade will suffer as a result. Papers with a high number of misspelled words and grammatical errors will be penalized. Before submitting your paper, go over it in silence and then aloud, and make any necessary changes. It is often beneficial to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors. Uncorrected mistakes are preferable to handwritten corrections.

Use a standard 10 to 12 point typeface (10 to 12 characters per inch). Smaller or compressed type, as well as papers with narrow margins or single spacing, are difficult to read. It is preferable to allow your essay to exceed the recommended number of pages rather than attempting to compress it into fewer pages.

Large type, large margins, large indentations, triple-spacing, increased leading (space between lines), increased kerning (space between letters), and other such attempts at “padding” to increase the length of a paper are also unacceptable, waste trees, and will not fool your professor.

The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced, and have a one-inch margin on all four sides of each page. When submitting hard copies, use white paper and print with dark ink. It will be difficult to follow your argument if it is difficult to read your essay.

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