
HSN476 Healthcare Policy And Financial Management Week 2 Assignment  

HSN476 Healthcare Policy And Financial Management Week 2 Assignment   

Payment Mode Analysis

Nurses play a pivotal role in providing care within the boundaries of their organization’sbudget. In order to become a leader in the field to improve quality care and reduce cost, you need to understand the nuances of the way health care organizations are paid.

Complete the table to analyze each payment mode.

Apply what you’ve learned to complete the activity following the table.

Payment Mode Name Summary Strengths Weaknesses
Fee for Service
Pay for Performance
Patient-Centered Medical Homes
Accountable Care Organizations
Bundled Payments
Global Budgets

Payment Mode Read More 


If you were the person in each of the following scenarios, which payment mode would you prefer?

•             A 28-year-old with poorly controlled diabetes

•             An elderly individual with multiple chronic conditions

•             A pediatric neurosurgeon

•             A registered nurse

Provide a short rationale for each decision.