
NR524 Curriculum Development Weeks 4 Assignment

NR524 Curriculum Development Weeks 4 Assignment

NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 4 Assignment  

Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper

Your Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper (230 points) is due by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 4.

Review the concepts and program outcomes you have been working on for the past two weeks in the peer collaboration area and make any final changes before submitting the paper at the end of Week 4. The following are components of the paper.

I have decided to complete my BSN for a few different reasons. One reason is to further my knowledge in the most recent evidence based practice of nursing in order to provide better patient care. Academic nursing research is crucial to providing quality nursing care because it gives the foundation for evidence-based practice (EBP) that is often the catalyst for changes that impact patient outcomes (Falkner 2018). The next reason is my place of work requires that all ADN nurses obtain a BSN or higher within 3 years of hire, and lastly the more education I achieve the higher I get paid. All three of these reasons point back to an overarching idea that I am here getting my BSN to further myself along in my career and become a better nurse. I don’t have many concerns with getting started in my bachelorette program except the sole fact that I’d rather be outside enjoying playing sports or doing activities outside rather than being on the computer. I have never been one to like sitting on a computer for any period of time really. A few strategies that I can implement is time management, using evidence based practice sources of information, and remembering to ask for help when I don’t understand or am feeling overwhelmed. Enlist your family to keep a master calendar so everyone knows when you’re working, going to class and studying. And be sure to schedule some free time for the things you like to do, whether it’s working out, reading, listening to music or spending time with your family. That balance will help you get through the rigors of nursing school (Murphy 2015).

Identification of framework concepts

Definition of each concept

Relationship between the concepts

Program outcomes developed based on AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education OR the NLN Competencies for graduates of Associate Degree Programs OR 2018 The Joint Commission Hospital National Patient Safety Goals

Influence of peer collaboration on the final product

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition

Please see the guidelines and grading rubric for details.

Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Guidelines and RubricPreview the document


The purpose of this assignment is to (a) develop concepts included in an organizing framework for an institution, (b) discuss the relationship between the concepts, (c) develop program outcomes, and (d) demonstrate skills in the development and articulation of ideas in a scholarly manner.

Due Date: Submit by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 4.

Students are given the opportunity to request an extension on assignments for emergent situations. Supporting documentation must be submitted to the assigned faculty. If the student’s request is not approved, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:

Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction

Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction

Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction

If the student’s request is approved, the student will be informed of the revised due date. Should the student fail to meet the revised due date, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:

Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction

Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction

Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction

Total Points Possible: 230


Assignment Criteria for the Paper:

Brief introduction on the concepts selected for the framework

The concepts in the framework are clearly defined. The concepts included in the metaparadigm of nursing (person, nursing, health, and environment) must be included.

The relationship between the concepts is demonstrated.

Develop program outcomes for your institution that incorporate the following:

Program outcomes should be described as characteristics expected of graduates by the end of the program

Program outcomes are based on either the AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education OR the NLN Competencies for graduates of Associate Degree Programs OR the 2018 The Joint Commission Hospital National Patient Safety Goals.

Changes to the initial framework concepts and program outcomes are identified, based on peer collaboration.

A conclusion to the paper is required.

A minimum of three scholarly references is required.

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition


Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes in Nursing

Having an organizational framework is very crucial for every nursing institution. Organizational frameworks are purposefully created to help develop a structure in which the nursing curriculum programs can be built (Miriam, 2019). The purpose of this paper is to develop the necessary concepts that should be included in an organizational framework of an Institution. The four basic concepts selected for the framework include Health, Nursing, Human beings, and the Environment. These four basic concepts form the basis for every program of study at Chamberlain College of Nursing and they also constitute the metaparadigm of nursing. To understand the whole scope of developing a framework, this paper will define the selected concepts clearly, demonstrate their relationship then develop the various program outcomes for the Chamberlain College of Nursing.

Definition of the Concepts

In a nursing metaparadigm, the concept of the environment focuses mainly on the natural surroundings that have an impact on the patient. They can be made up of both external and internal factors and contents that have impacts on the health and wellness of patients as they interact with their surroundings. Interactions involving friends, family, and other people can also be classified as part of the environment together with other social and physical factors such as geographical locations, technological, cultural, and social connections (Miriam, 2019).

The health component, on the other hand, refers to the extent of healthcare access and wellness that a patient possesses. This concept has multiple dimensions that exist in a constant state of motion. It covers the genetic makeup and lifespan of a person and how intellectual, physical, spiritual, and social wellbeing can be integrated into healthcare for health benefits to be maximized. The nursing concept involves the application of knowledge principle, technology, professional judgment, skills, and communication to execute its responsibilities and duties of achieving the best patient health outcome. It involves the delivery of health outcomes for every patient in a caring and safe environment and through mutual relationships. The concept of Human beings is very crucial since it focuses on the person receiving the care. The human being’s connection can also include members of his family and any other person that a patient considers to be very important (Lee & Kim, 2018). Some other pervasive concepts that can be derived from the human being concept include growth and development and holism in their lifespan. The concept of holism includes spiritual, biological, cultural, psychological, intellectual and other social dimensions. Health outcome results are attributed to the way a person interacts with his social and physical connections.

Relationship between the Concepts

The four basic concepts or paradigms of nursing are very crucial in the development of any conceptual framework and the nursing profession at large. The human being is considered and is being viewed as an open energy field that has unique life experiences. They are seen to be valued persons, who should be understood, nurtured and respected since they are the basic component of every nursing institution. The environment, on the other hand, is the geography and landscape of the social experience of every human being. They include the concepts or experiences that every human being goes through in everyday life (Brassard, 2014). The Human being and environmental concepts are both intertwined because none can exist without the other.

It is from the environment that various dimensions which affect the health of human being are located. These dimensions include developmental processes, historical, psychosocial, physical, cultural, and other economic and political aspects that exist in the social world. Health is as well an important metaparadigm of nursing that is independent. The level or degree of someone’s health is a clear expression of the interactive mutual process between the Environment as a conceptual framework and Human beings. Health links human beings to their environments (Deliktas, Korukcu, & Kabukcuoglu, 2019).

Nursing is the practice of a profession and can also be considered to be an academic discipline. Nurses use their clinical judgment and critical thinking to give evidence-based care to communities, families, individuals, and aggregates, all of which constitute the environment to a Human being. It is through nursing that health care is provided to human beings and their environment. The Nursing concept links the other concepts of Health, Environment, and Human being to one another.

Program Outcomes

The Chamberlain College of Nursing has come up with various learning and program outcomes that include the various characteristics that are expected of every graduate in the institution at the end of his /her program and are based on the Joint Commission Hospital National Patient Safety Goals. By the end of this program, every graduate is expected to; Provide care that is competent and culturally sensitive within a professional and an accountable scientific framework, and to independently function in various kinds of settings. Each graduate is required to maintain and establish an innovative educational partnership to meet societal imperatives and promote health. Graduates are also required to use intra and inter-professional collaborative and communication skills and to advocate for evidence-based, safe and patient-centered care that is of high quality (Brassard, 2014).

As per the guidelines set by the Joint Commission Hospital National Patient Safety goals, our programs advocate for an environmental risk assessment and minimization of suicidal risks. Patients’ risks should be assessed using validated screening tools and equipment. All the risks associated with a patient together with plans on how they are to be mitigated should all be documented. We have also written down procedures and the policies to be followed when counseling and following up at-risk patients during their discharge. After completion of this program, graduates will be able to provide compassionate, safe, culturally sensitive, ethical, evidence-based, and competent nursing care to communities, individuals, and families through restoration and maintenance of health, promotion, emotional, spiritual, and physical support and prevention of illnesses (Brassard, 2014).

Peer Collaboration Influence

Peer collaboration has played an important role in the development of this organizational framework and program outcomes. As compared to the initial framework concepts and program outcomes that did not outline the various characteristics that each graduate should have whenever they complete their program, this newly developed framework clearly outlines such. The previous program outcomes were also not based on the safety goals outlined by the Joint Commission Hospital National Safety Goals for providing quality and evidence-based care. Peer collaboration has pedagogically facilitated learning in classrooms. Students were able to engage on a one on one discussion with one another, through which the various program outcomes required of every graduate were developed (Altman, Butler & Shern, 2016).


This framework concept and program outcome will equip students of Chamberlain College of Nursing with the necessary competencies and skills required of them after they complete their program. The basic and most common concepts that they are required to focus on include Human beings, health, nature, and the environment. This framework will also help the College outline a research focus and clearly outline scientific knowledge for their nursing students.



Altman, S. H., Butler, A. S., & Shern, L. (Eds.). (2016). Assessing Progress on the Institute of Medicine report The Future of Nursing. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Brassard, A. (2014). Removing barriers to advanced practice registered nurse care: Home health and hospice services (p. 3). Washington (DC): AARP Public Policy Institute.

Deliktas, A., Korukcu, O., Aydin, R., & Kabukcuoglu, K. (2019). Nursing students’ perceptions of nursing metaparadigms: A phenomenological study. The journal of nursing research: JNR, 27(5), e45. DOI:10.1097/jnr.0000000000000311

Lee E.M., & Kim, D.H. (2018). Moderating effects of professional self-concept in relationship between workplace Bullying and nursing service quality among hospital nurses.   J Korean Acad Nurs Adm. 2018 Dec;24(5):375-386.

Miriam, B. Dave, H. (2019). Reconciling nursing’s art and science dualism: Toward a processual logic of nursing. Nursing inquiry 26(3).