
GCU MGT641 Agile Project Management Week 2 Assignment

GCU MGT641 Agile Project Management Week 2 Assignment

MGT641 Agile Project Management

Week 2 Assignment  

CLC: Visioning Meeting and Project Charter

This is a CLC assignment.

Review “Agile Project Management CLC Project Overview” and select a project from the list provided in the document. Additional project specifications are included on the “Project Descriptions” document to assist the team in making a decision.

Schedule your visioning meeting and create the project charter and roadmap. In agile, the visioning meeting is a critical step for establishing the vision for the product, which should guide the decision-making process throughout the entire project. In reality, all stakeholders involved in the project should take part in the visioning meeting. This crucial step will help the team and owner align their visions for what the project is supposed to accomplish. Establishing a unified, guiding vision, is central to any project’s success.

Your team should hold a visioning meeting and create the Project Charter, which will serve as the guide for your project. See “Resources for Holding Virtual Meetings” (attached) for suggestions. The objective is for each team member to share his/her vision for the project. The team must then come to a consensus on the following:

The Vision: The vision statement should express the team’s shared understanding of the project’s primary aim. For example, if your team is responsible for developing a new software product, your primary goal may be to improve a given set of employees’ working conditions by making their job tasks easier and more efficient. Think of the vision in terms of the ultimate problem the team is trying to solve.

The Mission: The mission statement should specify the exact objective of the project. In the new software example above, the team’s objective would be to produce software with a given set of features that would accomplish the aim of making job tasks easier and more efficient. Think of the mission in terms of the solution you are producing to solve the problem.

Criteria for Success: The criteria for success is a list of measureable outcomes the team would utilize to determine whether or not the solution developed actually solves the problem it is intended to solve. How would you measure whether or not the software makes employees’ job tasks easier and more efficient?

Project Roadmap: The project roadmap should include major milestones for project completion. What are the team’s plans for accomplishing the goals of the project?

Use “Team Project Charter” to complete your charter. Your team may alter and individualize the template for its own purposes; however, the charter should contain all four sections and it should be no more than one page. Project charters are intended to be a succinct guide to focus a project’s purpose and direction.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion

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