
N502 Module 3 Discussion 2018

N502 Module 3 Discussion 2018

Ideally, our long term care system would provide a seamless
continuum of services which are accessible and affordable for all older adults,
with the goal of enabling them to remain in the community for as long as
possible. These “aging in place” programs (PACE and NORCs) provide such a
model. Given what you now know about the components of our health care delivery
system and how they are administered, delivered and paid for:

Identify health care system barriers to achieving the
seamless continuum

Identify social, family or other “non-system” barriers.

Propose ways in which community organizations or the
government might assist in overcoming the barriers you have identified.


Hospital emergency departments continue to be used as a
source of primary medical care by large numbers of the community’s medically
underserved population. What are the implications of this practice for the
patients, and on health care costs and quality of care? What would you propose
as a means to change this situation?