
NR701 Application of Analytic Methods Week 1 discussion

NR701 Application of Analytic Methods

Week 1 discussion

DQ1 Evidence-Based Practice and Research

Compare and contrast Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) to
nursing research. What are the similarities and/or the differences between the
EBP and research? Explain the role of research as it will pertain to the DNP
Project you will complete while in your Practicum.

DQ2 Application of Research Methodologies

In NR700 you started generating topic ideas in preparation
for your upcoming DNP Project. Taking this into consideration, briefly explain
the practice issue you are interested in addressing and the change you want to
implement to improve practice. Even though you can only use quantitative
methodology in your eventual DNP project, for this discussion, explain how you
could approach your project using quantitative, qualitative, as well as mixed
methods approaches. What type of alterations in your project would you need to
make based on the type of methodology you employed and why?