
NR 531 Week 2 Discussion Care Delivery Models and Effective Nurse Administrators

NR 531 Week 2 Discussion Care Delivery Models and Effective Nurse Administrators

NR 531 Week 2 Discussion Care Delivery Models and Effective Nurse Administrators

Care Delivery Models and Effective Nurse Administrators

You are the nurse administrator at SLMC. Your Human Resources Director informed you that SLMC is having difficulty recruiting registered nurses for your facility. It was decided by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to hire more nursing assistants to assist during this shortage. Discuss the impact this new strategy/model may have on the organization and how an effective leader can assist with implementing this change.

Population health issues change over time due to lifestyle changes, exposure to new risks, health access, and other factors. Effective response to health concerns requires profound changes in health practice and care models to ensure patients receive care that matches their needs. Health care delivery models commonly focus on access, payment structures, and strategies to improve effectiveness and efficiency. Due to their central role in patient care, nurses should understand models emerging from health care reforms and restructuring. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine current changes to reform the U.S. health care delivery system and the nurse’s role within the changing environment.

Current Reform and Effects on Nursing Practice and the Nurse’s Role

Reforms seeking to improve care access to rural communities are critical for addressing health care disparity. One such reform is the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) program. As a state loan repayment program, NHSC promotes physician practice in rural communities by encouraging providers to work in rural areas. According to Waldrop and Gee (2022), clinicians under the NHSC program can receive up to $50,000 in federally-funded loan repayments to encourage them to provide primary, dental, and mental health care in rural communities. This reform is founded on the principle that high student debts are why many health practitioners opt to work in urban areas instead of less populated rural settings.

Health care reforms significantly affect the nursing practice and the nurse’s role and responsibility. As a global health concern, health care staff shortages decrease access to care in rural areas, leading to poor health outcomes (Smith, 2022). The implication is that encouraging nursing professionals to work in rural communities through the NHSC is essential for higher outcomes in nursing practice. The program will reduce inequality in terms of health professionals, risk factors, and disease burden that rural residents experience. The nurse’s role and responsibility are also affected by reforms. Typical outcomes include expanded nurse practitioner autonomy and a higher responsibility to lead change in rural settings. Autonomy expands the nurse’s scope of practice, while change leadership helps organizations to implement innovative practices to address health challenges affecting rural communities.

Effects of Quality Measures and Pay-for-Performance on Patient Outcomes

Nursing professionals should have an innate desire to achieve high patient outcomes. Quality measures quantify care processes, outcomes, and systems to determine practitioners’ and organizations’ ability to provide high-quality care (, 2023). Their result-oriented nature guides nursing practitioners in improving patient outcomes by bettering procedures to maximize value. Mathes et al. (2019) described pay-for-performance as a model that rewards health care providers for meeting predefined quality targets. Hence, the model motivates health professionals to increase care quality and efficacy to achieve high rewards. While doing so, high patient outcomes are achieved since high care quality that prevents readmissions, health complications, and morality is a foundation of optimal patient outcomes.

Quality measures and pay-for-performance foster outcome-driven and value-based care. In this case, they ensure nursing procedures and workplace culture are designed to maximize outcomes and ensure patients get the value of care. For instance, teamwork and innovative practices to reduce hospital-acquired infections maximize value by reducing costs associated with treating such infections (Haque et al., 2020). Accordingly, nurses are expected to embrace procedures that maximize value and be open to change as situations necessitate. Their responsibilities also expand since they must lead change and implement evidence-based practice (EBP), among other strategies for improving the value of care. The expanded role ensures that nurses’ responsibilities are not restricted to primary caregiving. Instead, nurses serve as leaders and innovators to ensure health care services align with patients’ expectations.

Emerging Professional Nursing Leadership and Management Roles

As an evolving practice, nursing prompts numerous changes in leadership and management roles. One of the emerging roles dominating nursing leadership and management is knowledge working. As knowledge workers, nurse leaders respond to inspiration and change in an information and high-tech health care era (Joseph & Huber, 2021). The other role characterizing current practice is strategic management. Effective leadership and management should recognize emerging opportunities, potential risks, and appropriate adaptation. In nursing, strategic management is essential for responding to technological, societal, and political changes (Figueroa et al., 2019). Knowledge working and strategic management characterizes forward-thinking leadership, typical in organizations that embrace innovation and are committed to improving outcomes.

Knowledge working and strategic management are crucial in response to emerging trends and in promoting patient safety and quality care in healthcare settings. According to Figueroa et al. (2019), health leadership should provide organizational direction and set priorities for improved health services. Since emerging trends like technology and virtual care come with significant risks, strategic leaders help organizations to respond effectively. Such leaders can also identify areas where maximum effort should be devoted to maximize benefits. Knowledge working is a foundation of evidence-based practice since it encourages leaders and nursing professionals to utilize new knowledge to improve processes and outcomes. To promote evidence-based practice, nursing leaders create a culture of inquiry, which supports the integration of evidence in informing leadership and management (Sevy Majers & Warshawsky, 2020). Evidence improves problem-solving, hence better care quality and comprehensive response to patient safety concerns.

Emerging Trends and Potential Transformation of Nursing Practice and Roles

Emerging trends in health care demonstrate the need for adaptation to ensure patient needs are effectively addressed. Such trends include virtual care and the use of artificial intelligence (AI). As Stamenova et al. (2022) observed, the need for virtual care increased after the COVID-19 pandemic and never dropped below 50%. These trends will impact the nursing practice and roles in terms of resources and approaches to care within the next five years. In agreement with Jin et al. (2020.), health care organizations require stable telemedicine infrastructure to support virtual care. Therefore, organizations must update their systems and skills to support virtual care and artificial intelligence for safe and high-quality care. Nurses will also be centrally involved in promoting technology-driven care and evaluating outcomes. Interprofessional collaboration will also be emphasized since nursing informaticists and other professionals should work together to succeed in virtual care and other aspects of health technologies.


Health care delivery models change continually amid changes in population health issues, work dynamics, laws, and other factors. As discussed in this paper, the NHSC for promoting health care access in rural areas is a crucial reform in the last five years, influencing nursing practice significantly. The law is crucial in reducing access inequalities by ensuring rural communities access health care services promptly. As such changes occur, nursing practice must respond to emerging trends such as virtual care and AI. Effective response is necessary for health care organizations to maximize opportunities that emerging trends present, like improved efficiency and effectiveness.



References (2023). Quality measures.,quality%20goals%20for%20health%20care.

Figueroa, C. A., Harrison, R., Chauhan, A., & Meyer, L. (2019). Priorities and challenges for health leadership and workforce management globally: a rapid review. BMC Health Services Research19(1), 1-11.

Haque, M., McKimm, J., Sartelli, M., Dhingra, S., Labricciosa, F. M., Islam, S., Jahan, D., Nusrat, T., Chowdhury, T. S., Coccolini, F., Iskandar, K., Catena, F., & Charan, J. (2020). Strategies To Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections: A Narrative Overview. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy13, 1765–1780.

Jin, M. X., Kim, S. Y., Miller, L. J., Behari, G., & Correa, R. (2020). Telemedicine: Current impact on the future. Cureus12(8), e9891.

Joseph, M. L., & Huber, D. (2021). Leadership and nursing care management-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Mathes, T., Pieper, D., Morche, J., Polus, S., Jaschinski, T., & Eikermann, M. (2019). Pay for performance for hospitals. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews7(7), CD011156.

Sevy Majers, J., & Warshawsky, N. (2020). Evidence-based decision-making for nurse leaders. Nurse Leader18(5), 471–475.

Smith, J. G. (2022). Rural nursing health services research: a strategy to improve rural health outcomes. Journal of Advanced Nursing78(8), e97-e98.

Stamenova, V., Chu, C., Pang, A., Fang, J., Shakeri, A., Cram, P., Bhattacharyya, O., Bhatia, R. S., & Tadrous, M. (2022). Virtual care use during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on healthcare utilization in patients with chronic disease: a population-based repeated cross-sectional study. PloS One17(4), e0267218.

Waldrop, T., & Gee, E. (2022). How states can expand health care access in rural communities. CAP.



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NR 531 Week 2 Discussion Care Delivery Models and Effective Nurse Administrators
NR 531 Week 2 Discussion Care Delivery Models and Effective Nurse Administrators

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