
Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network

NURS 6003 Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network

Nursing students often require both academic and professional support to ensure successful completion of their programs. At Walden University where there are significant numbers of nurses from different backgrounds, consideration of learning support is necessary to ensure effective progression and success. As a nurse student, professional networking leads to the exploration of the entire field of nursing as well as the development of a strong support system within the medical community (Birks et al., 2018). Professional networking allows nursing students to gain new knowledge and experiences, share ideas, and discover new specialties (MacIntyre et al., 2019). Sharing knowledge is an essential part of the learning process. At Walden University, there are numerous resources that can be utilized by the learners to ensure effective learning outcomes. These resources may include academic professionals, fellow learners, healthcare professionals, and the educators.  The purpose of this section is therefore to explore the above academic and professional resurces and their role in my academic journey.

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Notes: As a program director, Dr. Shelley Armstrong has the responsibilities in course development, academic program reviews, policy and curriculum reviews, as well as the development of students into health science professionals. Dr. Shelley Armstrong has been in the institution for over ten years and she has taught many courses and engaged with different students and other educators. As a result, she is able to provide the right direction in the learning process. I chose Dr. Shelley Armstrong due to her experience in educational matters. I believe she will be able to guide me through the course by providing or suggesting the right resources to be used. Moreover, Dr. Shelley Armstrong will be able to help in the research processes and enhance connection with other educators.


Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Notes: Elizabeth McDonald has a Master’s degree in Community Counselling. She also has a BA in Sociology. Through continuous education, Elizabeth McDonald obtained a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision. She has experience in the counselling programs both for the students and professionals. She has worked in the county jail, juvenile settings, University Counselling, community agencies, and psychological settings. While working in these institutions, she managed to gain experience in dealing with adolescents, children and adults.

Given that nursing programs are characterized by different problems including long times of studies and research processes, there is always a high possibility of developing psychological glitches. I therefore chose Dr. Elizabeth McDonald to help in the counseling processes. I believe she will be able to assist whenever I have emotional problems. The counseling process is essential for learners as it provides solution to both the academic and personal problems. Guidance and counselling is critical in the current education system. In the nursing education, it helps both educators and learners to become more professionals so that they can counter challenges. Dr. Elizabeth McDonald will therefore become a useful member of my network in terms of providing guiding and counselling services.

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Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Notes: Sandrine Happi, CRNP is a registered nurse practitioner working for the Adventist Medical Group. Given her experience in dealing with different patients and healthcare issues, she will be able to provide a gateway to the real world experience in the medical profession. While undertaking nursing studies, it is necessary to have some professional experience. In other words, there is always the need to relate theory that is being taught in class with the real world experiences in the nursing practice. During my nursing studies, Sandrine Happi will be able to provide a link of getting to know the emergent nursing practices that every future nurse have to adhere to. Also, while undertaking nursing research processes, it is always necessary to have someone to provide support (Broadbent et al., 2016). Given that most of the research processes are undertaken outside the educational institution, it is always necessary to have an individual or a professional who can give the necessary support required.

I chose Sandrine Happi because of her professional experience in the nursing practices. Her nursing philosophy also relates to that what I will be trying to achieve as a nursing student at Walden University. Her philosophy is to provide holistic and empathetic care to different patients and to ensure that they are mentally, physically, and spirituality fit. Sandrine Happi is an active member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and American Nurses Association. Her knowledge and experience in the nursing profession will be useful in my nursing program.


Title: Nurse Practitioner (NP), Emergency Medicine

Organization: Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health

Academic or Professional: Professional

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Notes: Akosua D. Nuamah, CRNP, MSN is a professional nurse working for the Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health. She is also an Alumni of Walden University. Having been a professional nurse for over ten years, she has worked with many nursing students, giving them direction and introducing them to the professional nursing practice. I chose her to be part of my network because of her ability to work with students from different universities. She will be able to provide professional experience in nursing. She will also be able to prepare me on different emerging practices in the healthcare profession.

Akosua’s nursing philosophy coincides with what I want to achieve as a professional nurse and as a student. Her main objective or philosophy is to provide quality evidence-based care and effective interventions for different diseases and infections. She is also a strong advocate for disease prevention and health promotion. With her philosophy, I will be able to get enough support required to fully adhere to my nursing philosophies.


Birks, M., Smithson, J., Antney, J., Zhao, L., & Burkot, C. (2018). Exploring the paradox: A cross-sectional study of academic dishonesty among Australian nursing students. Nurse education today65, 96-101.

Broadbent, M., Moxham, L., Sander, T., Walker, S., & Dwyer, T. (2016). Supporting bachelor of nursing students within the clinical environment: Perspectives of preceptors. Nurse Education in Practice14(4), 403-409.

MacIntyre, R. C., Murray, T. A., Teel, C. S., & Karshmer, J. F. (2019). Five recommendations for prelicensure clinical nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education48(8), 447-453.

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Notes: I selected Dr. Amber Cook due to her closeness with students as an instructor. She is also highly experienced since she has worked in a variety of settings, including medical/surgical nursing, administration, mental health, care management, ED, and palliative care. Through guidance and mentorship from experienced healthcare professionals, nurses understand nursing issues better and execute them successfully when learning and during practice (Foolchand & Maritz, 2020). At the same time, Dr. Cook will be a highly valuable resource for my better understanding and clarifying questions related to instructions, nursing research, and health concepts.


 Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Notes: I chose William Ross since it will be challenging to go through the MSN program’s journey without getting success tips from experienced individuals. William Ross will be instrumental during the MSN program as a guide in setting relevant goals, support at a personal level, and offering tips on enhancing productivity and outcomes.  Overall, he will make my experience better.


Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Notes: when learning and in practice, nurses should network with like-minded individuals with different nursing skills. Due to the dynamic nature of the ever-evolving health profession, networking with association members will be pivotal in enabling me to be more aware of practice issues and what to do during the MSN program in order to become an excellent nursing professional. Nursing associations advance personal development of members and are committed to the growth of nursing profession (Gaines, 2019; Morin, 2021). They offer information and resources difficult to get from other sources. I will use my network with Jessica for mentorship, career advice, and better understanding of health issues in today’s society.


Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Notes: Sandine Happi is widely experienced in many areas and has the nursing experience to guide me during and after my program. Besides her over ten years’ experience, Ms. Happi applies a philosophy of care that I would like to learn more about and practice it myself. In addition, she has an excellent work-life balance since she travels and spends a lot of time with her family. She will be instrumental in a general career advice and expert knowledge on what is happening in the nursing world today.


Nurses should study in a community to improve their chances of academic success. Academic and professional networking is critical to promoting a sense of community and belongingness. Networking will enable me to get academic and professional support as well as a guidance and mentorship necessary for me to be a successful student and a nursing professional. I believe that I have selected perfect individuals to network with to help me through my MSN journey.


Catalano, J. T. (2019). Nursing now: Today’s issues, tomorrows trends. FA Davis.

Foolchand, D., & Maritz, J. E. (2020). Experience of nurses regarding the clinical mentoring of student nurses in resource-limited settings. Health SA = SA Gesondheid25, 1434.

Gaines, K. (2019, Oct 11). You should join a nursing organization. Here’s why.

Morin, K. H. (2021). Editorial: contributions of professional nursing organizations. JAN, 77(6), e1-e3.

Nurse Journal Staff. (2021, Jun 7). Professional networking in nursing. Nurse Journal.

Main Discussion Post 

My Goals and Walden University’s Mission and Vision 

My name is Deborah, and I have been a nurse for nineteen years, practicing in the state of Maryland. During the past nineteen years, I have spent my career working with geriatrics in long-term care and short-term rehab. I have been in management for seventeen years, the last ten as a Director of Nursing. I have always desired to further my education and become a Nurse Practitioner. Still, I put it aside year after year to raise my children, all while giving excuses to myself that I could not find the time, and now, in my late 40s, I was beyond the age of going back to school. It was not until my oldest son completed his BSN in Nursing with Walden before going to Medical School, that I realized Walden offered the flexibility that I needed to fulfill my dream of becoming a Nurse Practitioner. 

As I looked into Walden University and read further about what was offered and the flexibility, I found that Walden’s Mission and Vision aligned with my professional goals. Walden’s Mission of providing the opportunity to become a scholar-practitioner making positive social changes and their vision that includes Walden graduates being part of a solution for the critical challenges of our society coincided with my goals and desires (Walden University, n.d.). I have not only tried to achieve this in my nursing career but I feel I would be able to be a part of as a Nurse Practitioner, advancing in my healthcare field. Health professionals face many challenges today in all fields of practice, from lacking staff, resources, and practitioners to providing the quality of care everyone deserves. One area where challenges have been spotlighted, especially since the Covid pandemic, is in our long-term care facilities. Lack of investment in our nursing homes, including the lack of providing quality care, lack of staffing, and oversight, gained attention, showing a critical challenge in society in need of a positive change (The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2022). As a scholarly professional, I aim to be a part of the positive change for geriatric patients in long-term care settings, including their healthcare and the environment they live, and in changing the negative views by many on these facilities. 

Social Change and Goals 

Walden University’s definition of social change and its goals align with my professional goals. With my goal to be a part of a change for geriatric patients in long-term care facilities, this program will allow me to play a role in Walden’s Social Change Initiative of building community and empowering change-makers (Walden University, n.d.). I look to practice in underserved areas where socioeconomic factors play a part in the care received by our communities. By obtaining my degree at Walden, I will be given the skills and knowledge to work towards and meet my goals effectively, representing Walden and their Social Change Initiative.  

MSN Program Outcomes and Perspectives 

Inspiring change in others, developing oneself, and attaining the skills and knowledge needed to become a confident leader is part of Walden’s MSN Program Outcome and Perspectives (Walden University, n.d.). Currently, as well as throughout my career, as part of being in nurse management, I have always aimed to be a role model. My leadership style is leading by example, working alongside my staff, supporting them, and advocating for them and our patients. The MSN program here will help me grow in my profession and provide me with skills that I need to continue to inspire others and be a positive role model for fellow nurses and healthcare workers. 


As part of making a positive change in society and upholding the missions, values, and goals of Walden University and the MSN Program, networking is essential. Networking offers many opportunities to achieve these goals, including knowledge sharing, exchanging of information, and being a part of writing and revising policies and procedures, as well as opening doors for career advancement and many different job opportunities (Schmidt, n.d.). Networking with other healthcare professionals both within Walden and outside of Walden will allow me opportunities to connect with others who may have similar goals. Networking also allows me to connect with others I can learn from, sharing experiences and knowledge that will help each other. Connecting with other healthcare professionals who have been where I am now in college can give me positive inspiration and push when I feel overwhelmed. Also, linking with those currently going through the program will allow us to encourage each other and lean on each other for professional and personal support. I know I am not the only single parent working a full-time job and now going through college. Networking with individuals trying to juggle all the same responsibilities of running a home, caring for children, a full-time job, and now college can be of great encouragement because we understand each other’s situation personally.  

I look forward to continuing my education at Walden, and upholding the Missions, Values, and Goals, as well as networking with others to achieve these goals. 



Schmidt, K. (n.d.). 5 reasons nurses should engage in professional networking links to an external site.[Blog post].

Links to an external site. 


The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2022). Wide-ranging systemic changes are needed to transform nursing homes to meet the needs of residents, families, and staff.

Links to an external site. 


Walden University. (n.d.). College of Nursing.

Links to an external site. 


Walden University. (n.d.). Walden University catalog.

Links to an external site. 


Wofford, P. (2018). 10 networking tips for nurses who hate netw

Good evening class, my name is Eseosa Ogbemudia, I live in Houston Texas, and I have been a registered nurse for 3 years, I work for Memorial Hermann at Texas Medical Center. I am happily married and have three children.  I chose to attend Walden University to study Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing because of the mission, vision, and knowledge they impart to their students.

Mental Health is a challenge in our society, as humans our mind cannot focus when we are going through tough or challenging times as this not only affects our mind, and health, it also affects our spiritual life. As a nurse seeing people go through these challenges makes me sad not knowing how to help them. When I read through the Walden University Handbook and her mission and vision statement where knowledge acquired is judged worthy to the degree that can be applied by its graduates to the immediate solution of critical societal challenges such as mental health this really stood out to me hence, that is my reason for choosing to study mental health and psychiatric so that I can be of help to those going through various challenges to overcome, make them better persons.

Vision, Mission, and Value

According to the vision statement which states that “Walden University envisions a distinctively different 21st-century learning community where knowledge is judged worthy to the degree that it can be applied by its graduates to the immediate solutions of critical societal challenges, thereby advancing the greater global good” (“Academics: Student handbook: Vision, mission, and goals,” n.d.). As earlier stated, the mission, vision, and value of Walden University is the chief reason why I picked it as my choice for my post-graduate degree because it aligns with my personal values and professional goals. As a healthcare worker and a Nurse practitioner to be, my professional goal is to provide professional care and solutions to those who need our care and help. The vision also highlights the importance of the practical application of knowledge in resolving problems. This vision aligns with one of my goals in becoming a nurse practitioner, my goal is to apply my acquired knowledge and skills from Walden to my everyday practice in problem-solving in my organization and society at large,

Social Change

Social change is a process of creating and applying ideas, strategies, and actions to promote the worth, dignity, and development of individuals, communities, organizations, institutions, cultures, and societies. (“Academics: Student handbook: Vision, mission, and goals,” 2023). Though they say change is constant, sometimes it could be very difficult to adjust or embrace change. A perfect example is wearing a mask during and after covid-19 pandemic. To date, most people do not believe in COVID-19 and its vaccination or the wearing of masks. Furthermore, as a nurse and prospective nurse practitioner, it is my duty and obligation to educate my patients and fellow colleagues on the importance of embracing change because it is our duty and responsibility to provide excellent care and create a positive impact in society which also reflects in Walden statement about social change which states that  “Walden supports positive social change through the development of principled, knowledgeable, and ethical scholar-practitioners, who are and will become civic and professional role models by advancing the betterment of society.


The importance of networking in professional nursing cannot be overemphasized, networking is the backbone of professional growth and development in any career. Networking can open doors for countless opportunities to gain new knowledge, meet new people, visit new places, and advance your career. Successful networking involves identifying opportunities to meet and interact with people and to do so in a genuine way that fosters the development of a professional relationship (Chichester, 2014). Through networking, one can acquire new ideals and skills for continuous improvement in our personal and professional career. I got my new job and learned about Walden University through Networking with friends. It also helps build confidence, advance careers, and develop lifelong relationships. It is my desire to learn all I can from Walden and apply the knowledge gained to my professional and everyday life.