
Assignment: Integrative Literature Review

Assignment: Integrative Literature Review

Assignment: Integrative Literature Review

Question Description

Use the Literature Review Summary Table Template to create a literature review summary table.

Your APA-formatted literature review summary table with all references


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I. Guedes Lopes, A. M. Sousa Magalhes, A. L. Abreu de Sousa, and I. M. Batista de Arajo (2015). An integrative review of the literature on preventing perioperative hypothermia. 4(4), 147-155 in Revista de Enfermagem Referência.

S. LYNCH, J. DIXON, and D. LEARY (2010). Preventing Unplanned Perioperative Hypothermia 553, AORN Journal, 92(5). URL:

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E. Madrid, G. Urrtia, M. Roqué I Figuls, H. Pardo-Hernandez, J. M. Campos, Paniagua,… P. Alonso-Coello (2016). Active body surface warming systems for adults to prevent complications from inadvertent perioperative hypothermia. CD009016, The Cochrane Database Of Systematic Reviews,

J. Munday, S. Hines, K. Wallace, A. M. Chang, K. Gibbons, and P. Yates (2014). A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Warming Interventions for Cesarean Section Women. Evidence-Based Nursing Worldviews, 11(6), 383-393.


K. M. Shin, J. H. Ahn, I. S. Kim, J. Y. Lee, S. S. Kang, S. J. Hong,… Lee, H. J. (2015). The effectiveness of pre-warming in reducing intraprocedural hypothermia in cerebral aneurysm endovascular coiling. BMC Anesthesiology, 15, 8; doi:10.1186/1471-2253-15-8.

Literature Review Summary

The Covid-19 pandemic caused several negative impacts, both financially and in terms of health, forcing scientists to come up with vaccines in record time to try and tame the virus. However, ending the problem still requires collaborative and collective efforts and action at all levels, from the local to the global stage. While various behavioral efforts, such as wearing masks in public spaces, sanitization, and handwashing, helped in slowing down the spread of the virus, longer-term solutions may depend on various aspects, such as the use of vaccination (Shi et al.,2020). Even though there are currently a host of vaccines, a substantial number of people were and still are skeptical about taking the vaccines, leading to low rates of vaccine uptakes. Therefore, it is important to use various strategies to encourage people to take the Covid-19 vaccines.  Health education has gained increased prominence since the onset of the pandemic; hence it offers a suitable route for improving covid-19 vaccine uptake. As such, the purpose of this assignment is to perform a literature review on the importance of education in improving vaccine uptake.

PICOT statement: Among the general population and individuals at risk of covid-19, will the use of health education about covid-19 vaccination plans, as compared to no intervention, lead to a 50% increased willingness to take covid-19 vaccine within six months?

Search Methods

The search strategy forms an integral part of a good literature search as it allows the researcher to obtain the most relevant article which is in line with the issue at hand. Therefore, a search method was employed to assist with the literature review. Various databases formed the basis of the literature search. The article databases used include Google scholar, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Ovid, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), and Medline. Keywords used as part of the search strategy include “risk of Covid-19”, “health education,” “vaccine uptake,” and “willingness to take the vaccine.” Since the pandemic occurred within the last five-year time frame, the publication dates were not used in the exclusion criteria.

Synthesis of the Literature

The literature search yielded several articles, and ten articles were chosen that support the PICOT question. As such, eight of them will be reviewed in this section. In one of the articles, Motta et al. (2021) performed a study to determine the impact of educational messages in improving individuals’ willingness to take the Covid-19 vaccine. Using a qualitative study approach, the researchers recruited 7064 individuals to take part in the study. These individuals were offered pro-vaccine messages as an intervention while the data was collected and analyzed through survey and regression analysis, respectively. The researchers found that the pro-vaccine health messages substantially improved the individuals’ willingness to take the vaccine. This source supports the PICOT in that it shows that the use of pro-vaccine health messages as a form of health education led to an increased willingness to take the vaccine.

Another study was conducted by James et al. (2021). This study was conducted to determine if the use of persuasive messages as an education strategy can impact Covid-19 vaccine uptake. In a quantitative study, patients were educated on the importance of taking the vaccine. While a survey was used to collect the data, regression analysis was applied to the analysis. As part of the key findings, the researchers noted that the use of persuasive messaging led to an increased willingness to take vaccines, influence others to do so, and become less judgmental about those who have taken the vaccine. This study is also relevant since it showed the importance of using health education to improve vaccine uptake.

Jensen et al. (2022) explored the use of health education delivered through video-based messages. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of educational video-based messages in lowering hesitancy in taking the covid-19 vaccine. A quantitative research design was used where the researchers recruited a total of 1620 individuals to participate. Data collection and analysis were conducted through survey and regression analysis, respectively. The researchers found out that the messages that increased confidence in the vaccines drove the willingness to take the vaccine. The messages were also effective in increasing willingness to take the vaccine among the skeptical population. This research supports the project as it showed that the use of video-messages-based health education improved people’s willingness to take the vaccine.

Piltch-Loeb et al. (2021) also conducted a study with the major aim of exploring the impact of channels for passing educational information on the Covid-19 vaccine. The researcher employed a quantitative design where 2650 participants were recruited to take part in the study. The researchers passed the vaccine education through various channels such as national tv, newspaper, and social media. The data was collected through a survey and analyzed through logistic regression analysis. As part of the findings, the researcher noted that the use of both traditional media and social media to pass vaccination education led to an increased likelihood of vaccine acceptance among the participants. Therefore, this study is also relevant to the PICOT as it shows that health education delivered through various media was effective in improving people’s will to take the vaccine.

Li et al.(2022) explored the effect of education on Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy. Using a quantitative study design, a total of five hundred participants were recruited to take part in the study. The researchers collected data through a survey and completed the analysis using chi-square and regression analysis. The use of education significantly reduced vaccine hesitancy and improved their willingness to take the vaccine. As such, this source is also relevant as it proves the efficacy of education.

Davis et al. (2022) conducted a study to determine if providing information contrasting the high effectiveness of covid-19 vaccine with the lower efficacy of the annual flu vaccine would increase vaccine uptake. Through a quantitative research design, the researchers recruited a total of four hundred and eighty-one participants. As part of the findings, offering such information about the safety of covid-19 vaccine improved the participants’ willingness and intentions to take the vaccine. This study supports the proposed solution as it has shown that the use of educational intervention was key in increasing individuals’ willingness.

Argote et al. (2021) explored the impact of education accomplished through vaccine campaigns in improving the willingness of individuals to take vaccines.  This study used a quantitative study design, and a total of two thousand individuals were recruited to take part. The researchers collected data through a vaccine survey. The provision of vaccine efficacy information improved the individual’s willingness to take the vaccine. Therefore, this article supports the in propose intervention since it has shown that educational campaigns positively influence individuals’ willingness to take Covid-19 vaccine.

Santos et al.(2021) evaluated the impact of messages targeting behavior on vaccination registration and acceptance. The research design employed was a quantitative research design, and a total of 9723 participants were recruited to take part in the study. The educational messages were designed to target the participant’s behavior, and the researcher collected data through a survey and email. As part of the findings, the researchers found that the intervention substantially increased the number of individuals registering and willing to take the covid-19 vaccine. This article supports the intervention since it shows that the educational messages positively impacted vaccine uptake.

Comparison of Articles

The reviewed articles were published in the last three years. Hence they have recent information which supports the proposed project. The articles used different research designs. While one article employed a qualitative approach, the remaining seven used a quantitative study design approach. While the major focus of the article was the delivery of education, the researchers used various strategies to deliver education, for example, the use of educational messages (Motta et al.,2021), persuasive messages (James et al.,2021), video-based educational messages (Jensen et al.,2022) and the use of traditional and social media strategies (Piltch-Loeb et al.,2021). All the reviewed articles are also primary articles. Even though the researchers used different research approaches, all the articles supported the proposed project in their unique ways as they showed the efficacy of using health education to improve vaccine uptake.

Suggestions for Future Research

The analysis of the literature led to the identification of certain gaps which should inform future research. For example, it is still not yet clear which form of health education could yield the best results. There was heterogeneity in the use of health education forms, making it difficult to know the most effective methods. Therefore, a meta-analysis can be conducted on various strategies to determine the most effective health educational strategy.


Improving the Covid-19 uptake by the population forms a central part of the plan to help eliminate the pandemic. Hence effective strategies should be used to improve the vaccine uptake. Therefore, this literature review has focused on the use of health education as a strategy. All the reviewed articles showed the efficacy of health education. Therefore, this strategy should be implemented widely to increase vaccine uptake.



Argote, P., Barham, E., Daly, S. Z., Gerez, J. E., Marshall, J., & Pocasangre, O. (2021). The shot, the message, and the messenger: COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Latin America. NPJ Vaccines6(1), 118.

Davis, C. J., Golding, M., & McKay, R. (2022). Efficacy information influences the intention to take the COVID‐19 vaccine. British Journal of Health Psychology27(2), 300–319.

James, E. K., Bokemper, S. E., Gerber, A. S., Omer, S. B., & Huber, G. A. (2021). Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions. Vaccine39(49), 7158-7165.

Jensen, U. T., Ayers, S., & Koskan, A. M. (2022). Video-based messages to reduce COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and nudge vaccination intentions. PloS One17(4), e0265736.

Li, P. C., Theis, S. R., Kelly, D., Ocampo, T., Berglund, A., Morgan, D., … & Burtson, K. (2022). Impact of an education intervention on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in a military base population. Military Medicine187(Special Issue_13), e1516-e1522.

Motta, M., Sylvester, S., Callaghan, T., & Lunz-Trujillo, K. (2021). Encouraging COVID-19 vaccine uptake through effective health communication. Frontiers in Political Science3, 630133.

Piltch-Loeb, R., Savoia, E., Goldberg, B., Hughes, B., Verhey, T., Kayyem, J., … & Testa, M. (2021). Examining the effect of information channels on COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. Plos One16(5), e0251095.

Santos, H. C., Goren, A., Chabris, C. F., & Meyer, M. N. (2021). Effect of targeted behavioral science messages on COVID-19 vaccination registration among employees of a large health system: A randomized trial. JAMA Network Open4(7), e2118702-e2118702. Doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.18702

Shih, H. I., Wu, C. J., Tu, Y. F., & Chi, C. Y. (2020). Fighting COVID-19: A quick review of diagnoses, therapies, and vaccines. Biomedical Journal43(4), 341-354.