
Capella IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java Unit 2 Assignment

Capella IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java Unit 2 Assignment

Unit 2 Assignment

Add and Multiply Three Integers

In this assignment, you will design and code a simple Java application that reads in three integer values and prints out both the sum and the product of these three values.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Add and Multiply Three Integers” course file resource. Complete instructions and required templates are included in the Resources section (Week X Solution Submission Template and Add and Multiply Three Integers Instructions).

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Design a program that meets Java arithmetic operators requirements.

Code an application that exercises fundamental constructs.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to develop the application and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.

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Add and Multiply Three Integers Scoring Guide.

Opening an Existing Project in NetBeans.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

Add and Multiply Three Integers Instructions.

Replies to Krishana Owens

Statistics is a very important aspect in healthcare. Florence Nightingale is well known for her contributions in the development and use of statistics in health care. Another person who made a considerable contribution in medical statistics is William Farr, he is considered to be the pioneer of quantitative study of morbidity, he developed disease classification and was one of the pioneers of the International Classification of disease that is used today. Farr developed the first national vital statistics system and assured its use as a surveillance instrument.

Farr was able to note that mortality rate among male miners in Cornwall was higher after the age of 35 as compared to the mortality rate of men who were not miners. Using statistics Farr was able to define mortality rate. He concluded that mining conditions contributed to the pulmonary diseases that led to these rates (Eyler, 1979).

Another application of statistics in health care is its use in the routine immunization of children in the 20th Century. Statistics in healthcare provide information used for monitoring, improving, planning of use of resources in order to promote health and well-being of the population. Other areas where statistics have changed healthcare are in birth, death, and fetal death statistics constitute the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). The safety and efficacy of these lifesaving vaccines were tested using statistically designed clinical trials and statistical quality control during manufacturing.

Statistics is an integral part of the health care and nursing profession. It has a direct effect on patient care in a variety of settings as well as the potential to change policies and procedures on a wider scale.


Eyler, J.M. (1979). Victorian Social Medicine: The ideas and Methods of William Farr. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore

Helbig, J. Ambrose, J. (2018). What are Statistics and Why are They Important to The Health Science. Retrieved from