
Discussion: Epidemiology and Population Health



According to Laureate Education (Producer). (2012), the term epidemiology refers to the study of the distribution and the determinants of health-related states and events in a specified population, and how it can be applied to curb health issues.

Population Health Problem and How the Principles of Epidemiology Can Be Applied to Address the Same

COVID -19 is a current health problem which has been reported globally. It was first reported in Wuhan, China as a unique and unexplained cases of pneumonia, novel corona virus disease (Friis & Sellers, 2021). The World Health Organization in the quest to contain the issue came up with stringent health measures which was adopted globally in order to curb the spread of the pandemic (Excite, 2004). It is claimed that, it’s widespread outbreaks is associated with psychological distress and symptoms of mental illness which poses a threat.

The principles of epidemiology have been used essentially in the fight against COVID-19 across the world. It has facilitated for the study process of how the disease spread, it’s cause, respond measures and the containment strategies (Nash, et al., 2021). Through it, data of the infection rate and deaths are analyzed and possible projections made based on the studies that model the virus’s spread. Hence, viable and valid decisions and policies are set up and adopted globally (Center for Global Development, n.d.). For instance, locking down countries, imposing quarantines, mandating social distancing and mask-wearing are common containment measures and strategies that were incorporated globally in the quest to control and curb the spread of the pandemic (Excite, 2004).

Lessons learned from the use of epidemiology in the eradication of smallpox that can be applied in eradicating COVID-19

Notably, to eradicate a disease calls for a combined responsibility of all the parties involved in the care sector, as seen from how the smallpox was managed (Nash, et al., 2021).  It is eminent that, the most paramount approach is to first ensure that we live in a very hygienic condition, the environment we dwell in should always be ensured neat and germ free (Laureate Education (Producer), 2012).

Additionally, there should be no or minimal exposure to airborne microbes, this can be attained by avoiding crowded spaces as well as ensuring that all living rooms have enough space for the occupants. Moreover, water for drinking should be ensured safe and fit for human consumption (Center for Global Development, n.d.). All the containment measures put in place by WHO should be fully adhered. Smallpox had posed a global threat, but measures put in place were fully implemented and incorporated as well as executed at all levels, leading to the containment and eradication of the disease which looked detrimental and formidable nut to crack (Nash, et al., 2021).

Concurrently, COVID-19 can possibly be eradicated only if the due and diligent containment procedures are executed and followed with proper vaccination approaches put in place. Change is inevitable, thus the problem posed by the disease can be countered by adopting a unique lifestyle such as the containment measures (Friis & Sellers, 2021).

Cost Effectiveness of Addressing COVID-19 At Population Level Versus at The Individual Level

The cost of mitigating the spread and control of the health problem is far much costly at population level compared to individual level. It is more efficient to curb the spread of the disease at a personal level than letting it to carelessly spread out to the entire population (Excite, 2004). The government is always concern and reminds it’s citizens to adhere the essential measures and report any impending health threat (Center for Global Development, n.d.). A lot of funds have been channeled to educating the mass on the importance of observing the laid down procedures of mitigating the disease and the need to receive the vaccine (Nash, et al., 2021).


Center for Global Development. (n.d.). Case 1: Eradicating smallpox. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from

Excite. (2004). An introduction to epidemiology. Retrieved from

Friis, R. H., & Sellers, T. A. (2021). Epidemiology for public health practice (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2012). Epidemiology and population health: Epidemiology in nursing practice [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Nash, D. B., Skoufalos, A., Fabius, R. J. & Oglesby, W. H.  (2021). Optimistic culture for healthCare: Population health from philosophy to practice. In Population health: Creating a culture of wellness (3rd ed., pp. xviii–xxxii). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Week 1 Discussion

Epidemiology and Population Health

A current health population problem is malaria. It is an illness resulting from a protozoan attack by the Protozoan species Plasmodium vivaxP. ovaleP. malariae, P. falciparum, and P. knowlesi. It is sometimes terminal and affects humans and animals.

Application of principles of epidemiology

The employment of epidemiological principles has been used in combating malaria. Firstly, its means of spreading was deduced and is being limited. It is spread by the female anopheles mosquito and rarely through blood transfusion. Similarly, its symptoms have been documented to allow quick diagnoses (Schoepke, Steffen & Gratz, 1998). These include headaches, joint aches, sweating and fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, shivering, and full-body chills (Tangpukdee et al., 2009). A cure was then developed for the disease. This has lowered fatality rates, but the condition has yet been eradicated.

Lessons learned

Complete eradication of disease took place in the case of Smallpox. Similar epidemiological principles can be applied to both malaria and Smallpox. Quick diagnosis and testing measures were introduced in both. However, Smallpox was only eliminated in the natural environment by using vaccines. Similarly, a malaria vaccine is in development and has been in clinical trials in recent years (Arama & Troye‐Blomberg, 2014). Despite difficulties due to morphology, tests in animals show that a malaria vaccine could provide long-term immunity (Arama & Troye‐Blomberg, 2014).


Financially, it is logical to focus on fighting malaria at a population level. This enables quick mass production of medicine and mosquito nets. Similarly, mosquitoes spread malaria, making their control at an individual level expensive. This is because mosquitoes mass-reproduce and are prevalent in large portions of land. Instead, it is more economical to make community efforts to destroy their breeding grounds, use insecticides, among other control measures (Schoepke, Steffen & Gratz, 1998).


Arama, C., & Troye‐Blomberg, M. (2014). The path of malaria vaccine development: challenges and perspectives. Journal Of Internal Medicine275(5), 456-466. doi: 10.1111/joim.12223

Schoepke, A., Steffen, R., & Gratz, N. (1998). Effectiveness of personal protection measures against mosquito bites for malaria prophylaxis in travelers. Journal of travel medicine5(4), 188-192.

Tangpukdee Tangpukdee, N., Duangdee, C., Wilairatana, P., & Krudsood, S. (2009). Malaria diagnosis: a brief review. The Korean journal of parasitology47(2), 93. Tangpukdee, N., Duangdee, C., Wilairatana, P., & Krudsood, S. (2009). Malaria diagnosis: a brief review. The Korean journal of parasitology47(2), 93.