
Discussion Value of The Law Enforcement

Discussion Value of The Law Enforcement

Discussion Value of The Law Enforcement

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: Discussion Value of The Law Enforcement

Need help in writing a discussion post + 2 responses to other posts + up to five responses on my post.

You will read one chapter and watch documentaries. Then you will answer the discussion question prompt.

-For the discussion post DUE WED: need to include evidence, anecdotes, examples, or citations in MLA format from the readings/videos.

I recently learned about nurse that didn’t follow the standards of professional accountability when it came to medication administration and the out come resulted in death of the patient and much pain and suffering for that family after the loss of their family member. The nurse should have followed her 5 rights to medication administration. Right patient, right medication, right dose, right route, right time. In this instance this nurse overrode the pyxis and pulled vecuronium when she was supposed to pull versed. This mistake could have been prevented if the nurse followed the standards of professional accountability when it comes to patient safety and medication administration safety checks. Nurses are given great responsibility when it comes to caring for the lives of others, the accountability that the general public places in nurses is so great that nurses must always follow the standard of professional accountability in their day to day work in order to create a safe practice that becomes their second nature. Yes, the system that is in place could often times fail a nurse resulting in a sentinel event although, as a licensed nurse it is imperative to fall back on always using safe patient standards no matter where you work in order to protect patient safety and the RN license.

Needs to be two paragraphs 150-250 words

-For the two responses on other post DUE WED Reply to two people, one paragraph each/75-150 words/6-8 sentences, must be meaningful reply, ask critical questions back,

-For the up to five responses on my post DUE THE NEXT MON: reply in one or a few sentences. Needs to be thoughtful

Values are what guide an agency and its employees. Law enforcement agencies will have differing values depending on their function. An agency that investigates wildlife infractions may possess different values from correctional services.

Let’s take a look at various law enforcement agencies and the values they identify as being important on their websites.

Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA)
We exercise our authority in an honest, open and fair manner.
We accept responsibility for our actions in order to build and maintain a reputation of trustworthiness and accountability.
We serve the public interest through non-partisan support of our Minister.
We show the utmost appreciation for the dignity, diversity and worth of all people and uphold the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
We develop and sustain mutual trust with our colleagues.
We employ public resources wisely and properly.
We provide efficient, competent and excellent service.
We set high standards of achievement and accountability both individually and collectively.
BC Corrections[1]
Taking responsibility for our actions
Understanding how our actions can affect others
Doing what’s right and staying positive, not popular
Trying something new, risking failure
Leading by example
Coming together in times of crisis
Working with people in other departments for a common purpose
Sharing creative solutions with the leadership team
Demonstrating pride in what we do
Attempting to perform at a level we would expect of others
Maintaining respectful relationships
Working effectively with our justice partners
Doing our job really well
Listening to new ideas
Challenging the way we do business and being willing to try new ideas
Seeking a better way to achieve our goals

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: Discussion Value of The Law EnforcementDiscussion Value of The Law Enforcement

Being responsible for any action we take, and believing in ourselves
Taking ownership for our actions
Providing effective leadership and direction to our teams
Vancouver Police Department
The Vancouver Police Department has four core values, which they refer to as IPAR:

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) [2]
Recognizing the dedication of all employees, we will create and maintain an environment of individual safety, well-being and development. We are guided by:

When applying for a job with any law enforcement agency, it is important that the applicant understands the core values of that agency. The Vancouver Police website succinctly addresses the importance of knowing the agency’s stated core values and demonstrating a life lived where these values have been incorporated in day-to-day living:

These core values can’t be taught in any school, and they are non-negotiable for our applicants. Without these, it would be impossible to have a successful career with the VPD.

Values are not solely limited to what the agency believes are core values, but also include one’s personal and outside values. (Caldero and Crank, 2004). For example, applicants to the Vancouver Police Department should be aware of the agency’s values and demonstrate how they have incorporated these values into their everyday personal and professional life.

We are inclined to have similar values that are shared among other members of the agency. Values are important for law enforcement officers and should be shared and agreed upon by all members. These imparted values are concentrated throughout the agency and become part of the agency’s culture. Working with various constituents and members of other agencies also requires officers to consider their values. The Canadian Border Services Agency articulates the full integration of values from various sectors of society in its values statement, which reads:

Values are a compass that guides us in everything we do; they represent what we believe and care about. Values cannot be considered in isolation from each other as they often overlap. We are expected to integrate public sector and CBSA values into our decisions, actions, policies, processes, systems, and how we deal with others. Similarly, we can expect to be treated in accordance with these values by our colleagues and management.

Let’s review a situation of differing values in a law enforcement case. As illustrated in the table below, in the case of an active shooter at a theatre, individuals involved in the shooting will have differing values.

Role at the Theatre Values
Single person Hope, stamina, sobriety
Mother with child Caring, concern, fortitude
Officer responding Self-discipline, fortitude, courage
Follow-up detectives Accountability, empathy, consideration
Each person will have his or her own interests and goals, which reflect the values that are important to them at the time. The mother with her child is primarily concerned with the safety of her child, and must show caring to her child and the fortitude to protect her child in the face of danger. Conversely, the follow-up detectives sent to investigate the shooting have goals that include conducting a thorough investigation. They may share some of the values that the mother possesses, but for the investigation, they will likely possess values of accountability to the mother and other victims, as well as have empathy for all the victims’ families. When the situation changes, so too do the values that we possess.

The Ethics Resource Center (2009), located in Arlington, Virginia, identifies the following values as typical values that appear throughout codes of ethics. These are important for us to remember when faced with difficult ethical decisions where we are required to be aware of all the values of each of the vested stakeholders.

Topic 1 DQ 1

Oct 3-5, 2022

What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? How do you believe that your conception of spirituality would influence the way in which you care for patients?

According to Hart (1994, p. 23), spirituality is the way a person lives out their beliefs in daily life and the way they “respond to the end conditions of individual existence” (Bożek, Nowak, , & Blukacz, 2020).A sense of peace and well-being are generated by spirituality, which is defined by faith, a search for life’s meaning and purpose and a feeling of belonging with one another. Through spiritual connection life satisfaction may increase or make it easier to accommodate illness or disability. Although, the idea of spirituality encompasses a huge range of personal experiences and convictions. Every individual has a unique perspective on spirituality. We may develop more comprehensive and compassionate healthcare systems by addressing the spiritual needs of our patients. 

Nurses are being required more and more to recognize and respond to spiritual issues because of the emphasis on holistic care and meeting the requirements of each individual patient. Physical healing, pain relief, and personal development might result from attending to the patient’s spiritual needs. The nurse must attend to the patient’s emotional as well as physical demands in order to meet their total needs.The way in which we provide patient care would be influenced by our personal understanding of spirituality. For example, my spiritual beliefs consist of treating everyone with respect, compassion, care and equality regardless of their health status, race, spiritual view, gender, etc. I can take that into consideration into my practice by providing culturally competent, holistic care so I can better understand what I can do to assist the patient’s physical, spiritual, and mental wellbeing. Further, hospitals are held liable by The Joint Commission (TJC) for upholding patient rights, which includes making accommodations for cultural, religious, and spiritual values. The bodies, minds, and spirits of patients must all be taken into consideration by healthcare practitioners and systems (Swihart, Yarrarapu, & Martin, 2021).

Bożek, A., Nowak, P. F., & Blukacz, M. (2020). The Relationship Between Spirituality, Health-Related Behavior, and Psychological Well-Being. Frontiers in Psychology11 

Swihart, D.L., Yarrarapu ,S.N.S & Martin R.L. (2021). Cultural Religious Competence In Clinical Practice. StatPearls Publishing