
DQ: How has nursing practice evolved over time

DQ: How has nursing practice evolved over time

DQ: How has nursing practice evolved over time

Nursing has evolved tremendously in the past 200 plus years. What was viewed primarily as a caregiving role provided by men, has turned into a role that is driven by “knowledge, judgment, and skill” ( According to Texas Woman’s University, the public did not think it was appropriate for women to take care of strangers (2019). How times have changed! The nursing profession has grown into a desirable and respected profession that utilizes scientific processes to improve and dictate patient care. Nurses are no longer primarily men with a reputation of being “undesirable…the immoral, the alcoholic, the illiterate” (gcumedia.lms).

A name familiar to all nurses is Florence Nightingale. Her work with injured soldiers during the Crimean War was instrumental in improving how sanitation and cleanliness is viewed in a hospital setting. She also backed up her theories of improved sanitation with statistics and improved mortality (Market, 2017). Her work greatly improved how people viewed nursing and gave the profession a credibility it had not seen before.

Linda Richards is another notable pioneering nurse. Known as “America’s first trained nurse” and she was the the first to start keeping records such as “nurses notes and doctors notes” in a patient’s chart ( What we take for granted now, a nurse brought attention to! I cannot even fathom a world in healthcare where a patient’s medical history is not readily available.

And what about Mary Nutting? She was the “first nurse ever to be appointed to a university professorship” ( Her work in nursing education was the foundation for legitimizing nursing education. Her advocacy for the development of the university educated nurse was a profound accomplishment for the nursing profession.

DQ How has nursing practice evolved over time

There are so many people to acknowledge for the advancement of nurses! The American Nurses Association has a plethora of information on so many people who have shaped the nurses that we see today. We have come from feeble, undesirable beginnings and turned into a formidable force that advocates for our patients and pushes scientific discovery.

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Grand Canyon University (n.d.). Nursing Timeline. https://gcumedia.lms-resources/student-success-center

Market, H. (2017, May 12). How Florence Nightingale cleaned up “hell on Earth” hospitals and became an international hero. PBSNewsHour.

Texas Woman’s University. (2019, December 6). How the Evolution of the Nursing Profession Benefits Nurses & Patients Alike.

Hello Professor and Classmates:

The advent of technology has produced a favorable environment for effective patient care. The foundation of nursing dates back to the 19th century when Florence Nightingale had good practices of public health. At this time, Nightingale showed other women about caring for soldiers who had been wounded during warfare confrontations. Later on, nursing became famous and the training of nurses started, where people were taught of taking care of patients using scientific methodologies. Today’s nursing changes can be seen in healthcare settings, extensive nursing programs, rising duties, patient care, and nursing culture, which have saved countless lives. Nursing was once thought to have nothing to do with professional medical training or your gender or willingness to work (Willgerodt et al., 2018). The foregoing is true because females learned their medicinal talents from other women or their mothers in a similar field. Nursing schools are now more extensive, with a more diverse staff and a higher reputation for the profession.

Key leaders and historical events influencing the advancement of nursing education, nursing, and nursing roles

Nurses have played an essential role in the health and well-being of people throughout their lives. The importance of professional nursing in American health care cannot be overstated. Nurses work to improve the health of communities, individuals, and families. Florence Nightingale is a key figure who helped to revolutionize nursing. She led a team of female nurses to the Crimean War, where they provided nursing care to British troops. Florence returned to England and became a successful nursing educator in a number of British hospitals. The institutes were organized about the “Nightingale principles,” which describe how nurses should be educated (Waite & Nardi, 2019). Furthermore, it is critical to recognize the significance of competent nursing care to patient well-being.


Waite, R., & Nardi, D. (2019). Nursing colonialism in America: Implications for nursing leadership. Journal of Professional Nursing35(1), 18-25.

Willgerodt, M. A., Brock, D. M., & Maughan, E. D. (2018). Public school nursing practice in the United States. The Journal of School Nursing34(3), 232-244.

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