
DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

Grand Canyon University DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?-Step-By-Step Guide

This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Grand Canyon University DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.

How to Research and Prepare for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?                                 

Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.

After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.

How to Write the Introduction for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?                               

The introduction for the Grand Canyon University DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.

How to Write the Body for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?                               

After the introduction, move into the main part of the DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.

Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.

How to Write the Conclusion for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?                               

After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.

How to Format the References List for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?                                 

The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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PHI 413 Topic 1 DQ 1

Sample Answer for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

Spiritual care is an essential part of the healing process for every human being physically, mentally, and emotionally. During my patient rounds, I might encounter patients with different worldviews or religions. It is somehow of a challenge for me when I have a patient with a different worldview than mine due to my lack of knowledge about other religions. However, the best way to approach those situations is to acknowledge other people’s beliefs, be active listener, provide support and facilitate communication with pastoral care. As a healthcare professional, it is important to learn about different religions to understand their beliefs and traditions, but it is most important to empathize and provide care with love and respect for every human being because humans are creatures of God (Hoehner, 2020).

What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? How do you believe that your conception of spirituality would influence the way in which you care for patients?

Sample Answer 2 for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

Spirituality, in my perspective, is a belief in a higher power than oneself. It also entails believing in a power greater than oneself or any other human being. As a nurse, I conduct myself ethically and responsibly and utilize these beliefs to improve care, comprehension, and human compassion. Further, spirituality assists patients in managing stress, making significant health choices, and improving their overall living standards. As a nurse, I collect spiritual backgrounds to get a more in-depth understanding of the patient’s spiritual and religious history and select the most appropriate assistance.

Each patient has unique spiritual requirements that may or may not be religious. The patient may convey this requirement verbally or implicitly. The patient or family may not even realize they are asking for spiritual help. Spiritually distressed patients or their relatives may express a sense of disconnection, hopelessness, future apprehension, purposelessness, or belief in punishment (Selman et al., 2017). As a nurse, I am constantly aware of the patient’s needs, irrespective of conveying them. They may miss these requests for spiritual assistance if I am not attentive.

As a nurse, I can include the patient’s spiritual requirements into their treatment plan. I employ connections, patient involvement, and bodily therapeutic interventions as part of a complete plan of care. Spiritual care initiatives are adaptable, and the nurse and other healthcare team members may provide them in several ways (O’Brien et al., 2018). By respecting the patient’s spirituality and offering presence, building a therapeutic connection, and conversing with the patient gives value to the person. Saying a prayer with the patient, providing caring participation, fostering the person’s faith’s practice, trying to explore options to hurdles, boosting pardon, providing assistance to the patient in uncovering self-expectations and establishing whether those goals are achievable, and encouraging profound articulation of emotions with communication skills are all examples of spiritual initiatives I could employ as a nurse (Selman et al., 2017).

Although spiritual care is meant to help people, I frequently gain as a nurse. Interpersonal trust and a connection with the patient require high emotional intelligence. It’s important to realize that spirituality isn’t always theological care (Ross et al., 2018). Whereas the health care industry easily incorporates spirituality into therapy, spiritual care is essential in all sectors of operation. For the sake of our clients, we as caregivers must respect spiritual support, learn the required skills, and schedule time to satisfy these needs.


O’Brien, M. R., Kinloch, K., Groves, K. E., & Jack, B. A. (2018). Meeting patients’ spiritual needs during end‐of‐life care: A qualitative study of nurses and healthcare professionals’ perceptions of spiritual care training. Journal of Clinical Nursing28(1-2), 182-189.

Ross, L., McSherry, W., Giske, T., Van Leeuwen, R., Schep-Akkerman, A., Koslander, T., Hall, J., Steenfeldt, V. Ø., & Jarvis, P. (2018). Nursing and midwifery students’ perceptions of spirituality, spiritual care, and spiritual care competency: A prospective, longitudinal, correlational European study. Nurse Education Today67, 64-71.

Selman, L. E., Brighton, L. J., Sinclair, S., Karvinen, I., Egan, R., Speck, P., Powell, R. A., Deskur-Smielecka, E., Glajchen, M., Adler, S., Puchalski, C., Hunter, J., Gikaara, N., & Hope, J. (2017). Patients’ and caregivers’ needs, experiences, preferences and research priorities in spiritual care: A focus group study across nine countries. Palliative Medicine32(1), 216-230.

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Sample Answer 3 for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

Thank you for sharing; responses to items regarding “defining spiritual care” indicated that most nurses perceive that good spiritual care means focusing on respecting patients’ beliefs and dignity and respecting their needs to share their feelings and concerns with others. Despite guidelines supporting spiritual care, patients report unmet spiritual needs; Although health care providers acknowledge the importance of assisting patients with their spiritual needs, it still is a barrier as time and discomfort in discussing spirituality and cultural differences. Health care providers need education about spiritual care (Puchalski et., al 2020)


Puchalski, C., Jafari, N., Buller, H., Haythorn, T., Jacobs, C., & Ferrell, B. (2020). Interprofessional spiritual care education curriculum: A milestone toward the provision of spiritual care. Journal of Palliative Medicine23(6), 777–784.

Sample Answer 4 for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

As being a Sikh woman, I have been raised in a religious family. I believe in God and prayers. I believe that God always listen to the prayers, and is always with me to protect me. As a Sikh woman, Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh Holy book, is our God. Guru Granth sahib teaches us to love everyone and pray for everyone. Since spirituality teaches us to be patience, respectful, hard-worker, and that’s why spiritual people tend to live longer. “Some observational studies that people who have regular spiritual practices tend to live longer” (Puchalski, 2001). I believe that being spiritual teaches me to care for my patients with patience and compassion. I listen to spiritual songs called Shabad Kirtan, and pray for five minutes before going to work. At work, I treat all my patients with love and equal, since my religion teaches me to treat everyone with respect and equality.


Bogue, D. (2018). An introduction to Christian values and decision making in Health Care. Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in Health Care. Retrieved December 18, 2021, from

Puchalski, C. M. (2001, October). The role of spirituality in Health Care. Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center). Retrieved December 18, 2021, from

Sample Answer 5 for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

Thank you for a great post. I believe that spirituality leads us as healthcare providers to care for our patients with patience, compassion, and respect, regardless of our religious or non-religious background. While providing care, we are attentive to their physical and emotional needs. We engage in conversation and listen to their hopes and fears, and often listen to their life stories, and we obtain their spiritual history. As you stated, spiritual people tend to live longer. Spirituality helps patients cope with stress, make crucial medical decisions, and improves their quality of life. (Puchalski, 2001)

Puchalski C. M. (2001). The role of spirituality in health care. Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center)14(4), 352–357.

Sample Answer 6 for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

Thank you for sharing; I agree with the purpose of spiritual care is to assist patients in reaching a balanced and holistic understanding of their health condition. One of the nurse’s roles is to assist them in overcoming despair and hopelessness, providing the support they need in finding meaning and purpose. Assessing their spiritual needs will allow us to prepare and implement nursing interventions. Nursing care professionals act as liaisons between the patient and other health care professionals and encourage spiritual care. All the persons who are essential to the patient are involved (Montanic, 2019).


Montanič Starc, T., Karnjuš, I., & Babnik, K. (2019). Attitudes towards spirituality and spiritual care among nursing employees in hospitals. Obzornik zdravstvene nege53(1), 31–48.

Sample Answer 7 for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

My Spirituality comes from my Christian worldview and my belief in the Triune God. I know there is a power greater than myself. No matter what I face in my life, I know that I will not be alone, and God will see me through it. Christianity forms the foundation for my values, morals, and ethics by which I live my life.

As a healthcare worker, I believe my Spirituality enables me to be patient, understanding, compassionate, respectful, and supportive of my patient, their beliefs, and their needs. Providing care for not only the physical needs of my patient but engaging in conversation and providing strength and support for their spiritual needs as well is my goal in patient care. “Spiritual or compassionate care involves serving the whole person—the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. Such service is inherently a spiritual activity” (Puchalski, 2001).

Spirituality, to me, involves the recognition of a sense or a belief that there is something greater than myself. There is something more to being human that this sensory experience. What we are a part of is cosmic or divine. I believe that if I am part of the good in this world, good will also come my way. “Spiritual people are more altruistic, compassionate, and forgiving of others because they identify with what connects–rather than what separates–them” (McGinley, 2018).  With that kept in mind, that mindset helps me care for my patients.

When caring for my patients and helping them meet their needs, I am also meeting my spiritual needs. I am successfully being part of the good in this world every shift. I provide my patients with compassion, and I forgive them when their moods change, as I know their position must be hard to cope with. I call and arrange for spiritual consults because some patients may experience spiritual distress. Spiritual needs are needs whose satisfaction promotes spiritual growth. These patients heal and thrive on communication with others, communication with god, and prayers full of hope. I am so thankful I get to be a part of others’ spiritual journeys even if they differ from my own. For that I am grateful.


McGinley, K. (2018, August 29). The Correlation Between Spirituality and Happiness. Chopra. Retrieved April 12, 2023, from

Sample Answer 8 for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

Spirituality is a critical source of strength for many clients that can be instrumental in promoting healing and well-being which begins with compassionate relationships. Christianity significantly influences the way healthcare professionals demonstrates compassionate care to others. Firstly, it promotes selflessness by encouraging clinicians to empathize with their patients and provide care that is rooted in understanding and compassion. Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, depicted as a model of selfless service. This perspective can inspire individuals to put the needs of others before their own, which is a key aspect of compassionate care. Christianity teaches that every person is made in the image of God, which implies that every individual has inherent dignity and worth (Polat, 2019). This belief can influence individuals to treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their circumstances.

Furthermore, it emphasizes forgiveness and reconciliation by helping individuals to provide care that is nonjudgmental but seeks to understand and help others, even when they have made mistakes. Christian spirituality provides a message of hope and encouragement. This can influence individuals to provide care that uplifts and encourages others, even in difficult circumstances. Additionally, compassion enables nurses to establish therapeutic communication with patients and facilitates their ability to understand patients, recognize their emotions and needs and meet their spiritual needs (Polat, 2019). There is growing empirical evidence that our spiritual values and behaviors promotes physical and psychological well-being through the provision of nurse compassion care which increases patient satisfaction, accelerating the recovery process and decreasing the length of hospital stay and treatment costs (Pembroke, 2019). It comprises interventions aimed at strengthening healthy and sick individuals through coping mechanisms against stressful situations as well as providing counseling for some situations and interpreting the situations that individuals experience (Pembroke, 2019).


(Pembroke, 2019). Empathic and compassionate healthcare as a Christian spiritual practice. Retrieved from

(Polat, 2022). Relationship between Compassion and Spiritual Care among Nurses in Turkey. Retrieved from

Sample Answer 9 for DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

According to Bogue & Hogan (2010), spirituality is experienced in and through relationships with sacred or higher power, family, individuals, connectedness with nature, which permeates life, providing purpose, meaning strength, and guidance expressed through individual’s values, beliefs, practices, and traditions. My original introduction to spiritualism began at a young age when my parents introduced me to religion and God through the Catholic Church. However, as I was exposed to other beliefs, spiritual experiences, and religions throughout the years, I have incorporated other religious aspects into my spirituality and no longer express myself through a specific faith but through a general overall spiritual belief in a higher power. For example, I have learned to treat others as I wish to be treated, that humans have a strong bond to nature, and that we are somehow all connected. In addition, I believe in the concept of karma and reincarnation (past lives), that souls travel together for love, support, and to help each other grow and learn. Although Catholicism is no longer the primary religion in my life, it is still part of my foundation and helps shape my faith.

My conception of faith and spirituality helps me find calm and serenity in times of stress, which helps me pass that energy on to my patients. In addition, my spirituality helps me provide spiritual care for patients by offering compassion, helping my patients find meaning and purpose in their illness, and incorporating their expression of religious or spiritual beliefs and practice in their care.


Bogue, D.W. & Hogan, M. (2020). Foundational issues in Christian spirituality and ethics. In Practicing dignity: An introduction to

Christian values & decision making in health care (1st ed.).