
ECO 605 Assignment 6.1: Profit and Loss

ECO 605 Assignment 6.1: Profit and Loss

ECO 605 Assignment 6.1: Profit and Loss


Review the income statement in table 7.2 in Waxman chapter 7, Financial Statements and the DNP: Essential Knowledge for Success, p. 189.

Assignment Guidelines

In chapter 7 of your Waxman text, complete Question #4 on p. 199. Use the Assignment 6.1 Document (Word)Links to an external site. to record your responses.

Upload your responses. Your document should be named using the following convention: Last name_First

ECO 605 Assignment 6.1 Profit and Loss
ECO 605 Assignment 6.1 Profit and Loss



Submit your assignment and review full grading criteria on the Assignment 6.1: Profit and Loss page.

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Assignment Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
5 to >4 pts
Meets Expectations

Answers to all questions are correct. Graphs are all properly labeled and axes all properly identified. All graphs are properly drawn. (If applicable.)

4 to >2 pts
Nearly Meets Expectations

Answers to most questions are correct. Graphs are mainly labeled correctly and axes are usually properly identified. (If applicable.)

2 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations

Answers to most questions are incorrect. Graphs are not labeled or axes are not properly identified. Graphs are not drawn properly. (If applicable.)

/ 5 pts
5 to >4 pts
Meets Expectations

Provides thorough explanation of rationales and skillfully applies course materials to develop conclusions. There is always a close and strong connection between the explanations provided and the material from the lessons.

4 to >2 pts
Nearly Meets Expectations

Provides adequate explanation of rationales, but conclusions could be supported more strongly using course materials. There is a connection between explanations and concepts from the lessons but this connection is not always strong or clear.

2 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations

Neither provides adequate explanation of rationales nor uses available resources to substantiate conclusions. There is no close connection between the explanations provided and the concepts given in the lessons.

/ 5 pts
Structure and Mechanics
5 to >4 pts
Meets Expectations

Contains one or two errors in grammar, spelling, and/or APA format.

4 to >2 pts
Nearly Meets Expectations

Contains several errors in grammar, spelling, and/or APA format.

2 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations

Contains many errors in grammar, spelling, and APA format.

/ 5 pts
Total Points: 0