
ENGL 220 Unit 5 Discussion Board CTU

ENGL 220 Unit 5 Discussion Board CTU

ENGL 220 Unit 5 Discussion Board CTU

Subject: Importance of Writing and Research in Nursing

I am writing this email to share my experience in the English course for nurses and discuss the importance of writing and research for a nursing student. Writing and research skills essential throughout one’s academic journey, professional and personal life because they allow one to communicate and be effective in attainment of their goals. Writing skills enable one to communicate their ideas and perspective with ease, confidence and clarity to different audiences. Developing and utilizing effective writing and research skills advances one’s academic goals by ensuring that they can communicate well and handle different assignments and coursework as well as their final project. Effective writing ensures that a student can disseminate the gathered information and evidence to meet course requirements and assignment rubrics as they understand the questions and what should be done in such situations. The implication is that with effective writing a student communicates well and confidently with their instructors and colleagues.

Research skills enable one to gather sufficient information in their research work and expand their knowledge as they get new ideas and use them to advance their academic work and achieve set course goals and objectives. Effective research skills are essential as they enable one to navigate different aspects of information and filter what is required in their academic work and progress. Research is a core aspect of academic goals as students are expected to carry out projects and initiatives in areas like evidence-based project (EBP) proposals where they gather evidence on best practices that they can implement in their settings to improve patient care.

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Nurturing and using effective writing skills advances one’s professional and career goals as they attain better ways to understand their abilities, self-awareness and confidence in expressing their ideas and perspectives. Effective business communication emanates from possession of writing skills. As a nurse, you will communicate with patients, colleagues, the management and other stakeholders. These interactions and sharing of ideas entails having effective writing skills to put across them to attain a buy-in from the others.

Developing and using effective research skills can advance one’s professional and career goals in different ways. Firstly, research skills allow a professional to develop better skills like critical thinking and analytical attributes. In this in English course, one of the areas that we addressed was using research skills to develop a professional reputation. Therefore, research leads to dissemination of ideas and relevant organizational skills to help one grow professionally and in their career. Lastly, research is essential in gaining professional ideas and knowledge that one can use to effect changes in their organization.

Therefore, I believe that through this information, you can appreciate the significant roles that effective writing and research skills are essential in academic and professional as well as career life of a future nurse. The information shows the need for one to nurture these skills to attain their academic, professional, and career goals.

I look forward to your response on this information as I hope that it will provide a clear picture of the benefits accrued from developing and using effective writing and research skills in all spheres of life.

Thank you. Regards.

Congratulations on your career choice! I would like to offer some advice and insight on ways to help you through your studies and beyond. Throughout nursing school, effective writing skills will help you communicate with your instructors as well as learning how to note in patients charts during clinical rotations. There are many projects and papers that must be completed throughout nursing school, and effective writing and skills will help enable you to convey what you are trying to say effectively. When entering the world of healthcare, you will also be essentially learning a new language. Things are spoken and written in very different ways in medicine than in other areas of academia. Having a foundation of solid writing and communication skills prior to studying nursing will help you immensely. Once you enter nursing school and learn about different fields and specialties, you may want to further your education and go on to get a master’s degree. Other options include teaching, nursing management, research, and furthering your practice to become a Nurse Practitioner or Physician’s Assistant. All of these advancements require excellent writing and communication skills.

The development of research skills is also extremely important in furthering your academic career and will carry over into your professional career as well. The field of nursing is one that is broad and ever-changing, so nurses should never stop learning. Throughout nursing school, you will learn the basics to get you started in the field. Once you decide what area of nursing you would like to peruse, your knowledge must grow to fit that area and continue growing throughout your entire career. There are so many ways to research and so many platforms to use when learning. There will be research assignments throughout nursing school, and knowledge of how to use the available resources effectively can be very helpful and save time and stress. There are multiple research platforms available in most academic online libraries, which makes research much less difficult and time consuming. These platforms are specific to healthcare, and some even more specific to nursing. If you do go on to get a graduate degree after nursing school, there will be more extensive research required for papers and projects. I advise you to learn as much as you can to have a solid foundation for continued learning throughout your academic career.

When entering the world of nursing professionally, effective writing skills are paramount in ensuring that you are articulate in writing what you mean to say in both patient care notation, as well as communication with other nurses, healthcare providers and other healthcare workers. Communication is the biggest way to keep your patients, peers, and yourself safe. Miscommunications can be dangerous and even fatal in the world of healthcare. Writing something incorrectly could cause someone else to provide care that is already done, not necessary, incorrect, or completely unwarranted. When working at any level as a nurse, you will be not only communicating through your charting, but through email as well. Emails are exchanged between others at your place of work, as well as outside organizations. To be taken seriously in the healthcare world, one must have effective writing skills. Writing skills can also help advance your career goals. Upper management and those in charge of hiring are much more likely to hire or promote those that demonstrate clear and effective writing skills as that is a big asset. People are often seen as a potential liability if they cannot write effectively, as this can be dangerous to the patient and the organization.

Research can help advance your professional career and goals by making you more knowledgeable and stronger as a practicing nurse. One can also use the skills that they have learned to conduct and publish research, sharing their expert findings with other nurses. Many specialties require research to further medical advancements, such as infectious disease research, research on new medication or treatments, or issues related to nursing burn out or staffing issues and how these can be improved. All research is important to the field of nursing and is required to continue to advance the field and provide excellent patient care.

I urge you to learn as much as possible in the world of writing and research and promise you that these skills will be an asset to you throughout your education and career.