ENGL104 Unit 1 – Discussion Board CTU
Reminder: Primary Response posts due by Thursday.
Students will be expected to post their primary Discussion Board posting by Thursday of each week. Discussion posts will be graded and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the Late Penalty Policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.
This is a terrific time to meet your fellow classmates, to learn a little bit about them, and for them to learn about you. Please introduce yourself in the Introductory Discussion Board that can be accessed via the Discussion Board link to the left. If you are not sure how to get started, begin by discussing your background and why you are in school. Feel free to mention your proudest accomplishments, and offer advice to others. Say something unique or fun about yourself! Additionally, please review the course outline and share with your fellow classmates at least one area that you are looking forward to learning more about.
Your introduction should be a minimum of 100 words.
You may also upload a picture by clicking on “Post File” when you respond to the Discussion Board. JPEG images work well, but it will accept other formats, too.
Get started today. For purposes of your attendance, please post your introduction into this discussion by Thursday.
You are encouraged to participate in this thread throughout the term.
For those of you who missed the live chat, my name is Paige Wintrow. I’m a 34 (almost) year old wife and mother of 5. Our oldest will be starting his second year at The University of Cincinnati in the fall and our youngest will be 4 in December. I live in southern Ohio and my house actually sits in one of Hocking Hills state parks, if you happen to be familiar with the area.
I’m currently enrolled here at CTU for my Bachelors in Criminal Justice Human Services. I chose this major because I wanted to be able to give back to a community that has helped me through some of the lowest points in my life. As some of you are aware, I’m a recovering addict with 5 years clean time. It’s one of my proudest accomplishments, besides my children. I’m not a hundred percent sure as to what I want to do with my degree once I get it, but I know it’ll be something in the recovery field.
When I got clean, I took up painting as way to channel my thoughts. I don’t wanna toot my own horn or anything, but I’ve gotten pretty good at it. Along the the way I’ve learned that I prefer acrylic over oil, and pallet knives over brushes. Though, I do use them both. The largest piece I’ve done so far is a 20×30 and the smallest was a 5×7. I can not paint a portrait to save my life. I’m more of a scenery/ landscape and animals kind of painter. My youngest son has really shown interest in painting with me the last few months, so I get a canvas in front of him any chance I get! I love to watch the wonder on his face when he mixes a new color or the excitement he gets when he finishes a piece. Being able to share a hobby with your child is, in my opinion, one the greatest joys of being a parent. That one on one time is priceless.
After looking through the course outline, I’m really looking forward to honing my writing skills. My husband is always telling me that I “text a book” or my emails say way more then need be. (I just like to be clear🤷🏻♀️) so I’m looking forward to learning when enough is enough, for lack of a better term. I’m also kind of nervous but excited to get a refresher on proper sentence structure and punctuation. I try to use them both already, but I can admit that I may misuse them from time to time. But hey, that’s what this class is for though, right?
I can’t wait to read everyone’s first discussion board post to learn more about each and every one of you! I wish you all nothing short of the best this session. Good luck in all your upcoming classes.
Hello nice to meet everyone, I hope all is well.. My name is Tamia, prefer to be ca

lled Mia. I am 22 years old. Im a gemini, love to listen to music and love to talk. Im from Brooklyn, New York. I come from 7 other siblings raised by my grandmother.
I decided to enroll myself back into school because I want to be my own boss, a business owner. I’m excited to learn more! .. In 2020, I tried selling eyelashes. My business name is called LashStyles by Lee. Lee is my father who passed on when I was 5 years old. I stopped early 2021 because I felt I was missing some things as far as packaging, labels and just the business period professionally inside and out. I needed some more professional knowledge on how to operate a business first hand because I want to be hands on with everything. I want to eventually get back to my business and expand it as well. For now I am studying and mapping things out.
Furthermore I’m looking foward to receiving my Associates degree of Science in Business Administration. After receiving my degree I will then get back to my eye lash business, the right way this time. I also will eventually move onto my bachelors.. Good luck to you all on your journey I wish you’ll the best!!
Hello. My name is Lucero, but everyone calls me Lucy. I live in East Texas a city called Tyler, also named Rose City, famous for its beautiful roses that grow beautifully in abundance. I am originally from South Texas, a city called Brownsville just a 20-minute drive from South Padre Island. This being my second year pursuing a degree in Bachelor of Computer Science, it has been both challenging and intriguing. Have had to face some challenging times during my studies but have overcome that, for the most part and continue to stay on board with perusing my education. In the summer before my senior year of High school my family and I moved from South Texas to East Texas and opened the first authentic Mexican Restaurant in Texarkana Texas in 1991. The second semester of my senior year I joined the work program which was offered to students with enough credits to graduate at the end of the first semester. So, I attended school until 11 am and got credit for working the rest of the school day. At the time, my mother did not speak any English, nor did the rest of my family which was working at the restaurant, so I had to be there during business hours which was 11 am to 10pm, Monday through Saturday. So, after graduation I did not go to college like I planned. Shortly after that I married and not long after that I became a mom. As a single mom I worked hard to make sure my son got an education. Twenty-five years later he is doing well and perusing his carrier. That was one of the greatest accomplishments of my life. So now it is my turn to follow my dreams and started attending CTU. It has been hard, but I love it. Having an education is like ammunition under your belt. Especially, at time like this when our economy is in trouble. Knowledge is power and getting my degree will be my other greatest accomplishments of my life. I want to thank all our educators because we could not have done it without them. Well, that is all for now. Good luck everybody, and until next time.