
ENMT 301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples Week 5 Discussion

ENMT 301 Environment And Ecosystems Principles Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Climate Change Research Explorer

Climate change is a frequent topic in the news, of much political interest, and a major concern for societies around the globe. For this discussion, we will take a look at some of the data scientists compiled researching climate change.

Go back to the Climate Change Research Explorer you looked at this week.

Select one of the graphs/diagrams and describe and interpret the presented data. Be sure to address what exactly is measured (data measured/displayed), the temporal and spatial coverage of the data (units/time range), if there are any noticeable trends or anomalies, and what conclusions can be drawn from the data as it relates to climate change.

Please select data not previously covered by one of your classmates and post your response using the title of the graph/diagram you selected as header for your post.

DQ2 Clearing Up Common Misconceptions

Climate change and stratospheric ozone layer depletion are two major global environmental issues of our time. Closely related to climate change is the widely discussed issue of alternative energy sources. Yet, there are still a lot of misconceptions surrounding these issues.

Pick one of the erroneous statements below and correct them, briefly explaining why they are incorrect based on scientific evidence and scholarly sources or by going back to definitions and using them clearly.

#1. The greenhouse effect and global warming are the exact same thing.

#2. Global warming means that the weather will be warmer and generally “nicer”. The cooler than usual winters and milder and rainy summers show that global warming is not happening.

#3. Stratospheric ozone depletion causes global warming.

#4. Carbon dioxide (CO2) causes stratospheric ozone depletion.  (This is a good time to review CHEM 297 to explain why this statement is incorrect.)

#5. Ozone pollution is not a serious air pollution problem. In fact, it can help solve the ozone layer problem.

#6. Electric cars are not better than gasoline-powered cars because electricity is mostly produced from coal, so total carbon emissions are about the same.

#7. Renewable energy is too expensive. It would hurt the economy to make a switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

#8. Biofuels are an environmentally friendly alternative to gasoline, because they are renewable and a carbon-free source of energy.

Please select a statement not previously covered by one of your classmates or add on to what your classmates have discussed with additional insights.

DQ3 Thinking about your ENMT Career: Certifications and registrations

Earning credentials in a profession can open up opportunities for employment and promotions. Credentials can come in the form of certifications, licenses, registrations and more. Here are a few to explore:

Certified safety professional:

Registered environmental health specialist:

NEHA credentials:

Certified hazardous materials practitioner:

NEPA certification:

With the career you are interested in mind, please answer the following questions:

Would these certifications be helpful in the career you are interested in?  Explain why or why not with supporting evidence.

Share any other certifications that you think would be helpful.