
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples Week 7 Discussion

ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 Review of the “Story of Stuff” Movie

What are your thoughts on the “Story of Stuff” movie? How does the movie tie in with the concepts and topics discussed in this course? How would our present consumption patterns change if we were to work towards sustainability?

DQ2 Your Sustainable City

This week’s learning resources introduce us to typical features and characteristics of sustainable cities. Now, think about your own community, either were you currently live or where you are originally from.

What sustainable or smart growth features does the community have? What improvements could be made?

Is your community covered in any sustainability rankings? For example, what is the walkability score? Is your community covered in the “Sustainable Cities Mobility Index” ( Or is your community a “STAR Community” ( Or maybe you discover another rating your community is part of instead.

How can sustainable city design promote more sustainable consumption practices?

DQ3 Thinking about your ENMT Career: Summary & Reflection

Now that you have spent time over the past six weeks thinking about and researching career options in ENMT, please take some time to reflect on what you have discovered.


Discuss whether the career information you found helped you focus your future career goals onto a specific field within environmental management, or whether you discovered that the information expanded your view of environmental management career options that might interest you.

Discuss 2-3 career options that have resonated with you. What is it about these career options that interest you?

What specific action(s) will better prepare you to pursue these careers? Discuss certifications, registrations, internships, and networking opportunities that can support your pursuit of these careers.

What concepts covered in this course would you most likely use in your career of choice?