
HIM 615 Health Care Information Technology Professional Interview

HIM 615 Health Care Information Technology Professional Interview

HIM 615 Health Care Information Technology Professional Interview

Interview with a health information technology professional
It is crucial for stakeholders to comprehend the many components of health care information initiatives and their importance in achieving the desired outcomes. In order to shed light on many aspects of IT projects and their implementation, this paper conducts an interview with an information technology expert working in project management in my current business. The document is divided into two sections, with the first section including ten questions to elicit further information from the expert. The second section contains the question’s specifics depending on sub-areas.
1st section: 10 questions

Why do project management elements need to be included in an IT project?

Which project development technique do you use while working on IT projects in healthcare environments?

Which project management approach is best for projects involving health care IT?

What function does a business analyst play in projects involving health IT?

How might a project methodology better equip a business analyst for difficult projects?

Do health IT professionals need certain skill sets for their jobs?

How do they use these sets in their careers, particularly at your level, question g).

What kind of abilities are necessary for managing successful IT projects and completing them?

1. What does quality assurance entail?

J). What part does system testing methodology play in the health IT industry?

Part 2

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Project implementation and management approaches offer a road map for achieving projects’ targeted results. According to studies,

HIM 615 Health Care Information Technology Professional Interview
HIM 615 Health Care Information Technology Professional Interview

progressive managers and leaders are less likely to adhere to a single methodology and are more likely to employ a hybrid of two or more methodologies in order to address potential project challenges like scope creep. The respondent suggested that IT project managers try to combine these strategies without increasing the overall cost of their projects. As a result, the IT expert disclosed that he uses both waterfall and agile methodologies to perform jobs.

Because of its characteristics, waterfall is regarded as the conventional software development methodology. The technique breaks down the procedure into a linear flow based on a particular order so that users may comprehend the following level. The IT industry suggested that he could create Gantt charts using the Waterfall methodology to plan and schedule the tasks and teams needed to complete them (Andrei et al., 2019). The methodology’s progressive nature, which implies that one cannot go back to dealing with any changes, is a key component. The method also saves time because it is straightforward to understand and makes analysis and testing simple. However, it implies that maintenance projects cannot use it because it can only fulfill certain needs.

The IT specialist claimed that he employs the agile model to make up for the shortcomings of the Waterfall method. The approach is appropriate for incremental and iterative projects because demands and solutions change as a result of a collaborative approach between self-sufficient teams and even users. The methodology was initially developed for software development in order to address shortcomings in the Waterfall method (Halani & Jhajharia, 2022). The IT expert was clear that the values and principles Agile gives that Waterfall does not possess serve as the foundation for his mix of the two techniques.

Business analysts’ roles in health IT projects

According to the IT expert whose opinion was sought, the development of contemporary data creation methodologies has forced an increase in the production of electronic health data, creating chances for clinical analysts to improve patient outcomes, manage risks, and advance healthcare. Therefore, by assessing a health institution’s data management strategies, financial operations, and services it offers, a healthcare business analyst augments and increases the effectiveness and profits of the facility. The analyst manages initiatives focused on improving health outcomes and acts as a liaison between the business and its clients. Additionally, the business analyst compiles functional requirements, develops workflow analyses, and serves as the technical team’s point of contact with clients. Business analysts pinpoint areas of the medical institution that need development to maximize returns, according to the health IT industry.

Business analysts are prepared to ensure that they identify the financial returns from any project for the stakeholders, notably the project sponsors, using project management methodologies like Agile and Waterfall. The expert added that a business analyst must use Agile technique since it allows for adjustments to predicted income and expenses for each project.

The IT professional’s skill set for application developers

Application development is a sequential process used to create software or a collection of programs to carry out various tasks required by commercial enterprises. Application development abilities are crucial since they show a software developer’s capacity to meet organizational requirements. The developer needs expertise in product management, the usage of agile approaches, scrum management, and design. They also need proficiency in business analysis, effective communication, quality assurance, and performance testing. For instance, design expertise guarantees that clients receive software that is appealing and provides a good experience and value (Meloncon & Scott, 2017). The IT expert also stated that he employs writing abilities to make sure that the software’s verbiage is user-friendly.

To ensure high levels of user pleasure, the expert additionally employs user interface and user experience abilities. The implication is that these abilities are crucial and can be utilized by IT experts to create cutting-edge, user-friendly, and appealing products. These skill sets will help me improve my software development abilities and guarantee the highest quality products for my customers.

Process for System Testing the Methodology and Quality Assurance

A product or service’s compliance with the required quality standards is determined through the quality assurance process, which comprises planned and methodical operations carried out in a quality system. The quality assurance method is process-based, with the relevant parties analyzing the requirements, planning the tests, creating the tests, and carrying them out to find flaws. Re-tests, regression tests, and release tests must all be performed as part of the process. System testing methodology is a procedure where software engineers examine installed programs and systems to make sure their features comply with business needs (Wager et al., 2021) System testing methodology is used to assess finished, integrated systems as a whole to see if they comply with the necessary specifications and the operational needs of the company.


The discussion with the health IT specialist highlights the crucial part that various IT specialists play in health information technology. These experts must employ project management skills include choosing the appropriate methodology, doing business analyses, and integrating methodologies for quality control and system testing.