
Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment

Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment

Grand Canyon University Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment-Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment                                   


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University       Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment                                   


The introduction for the Grand Canyon University  Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment                                   


After the introduction, move into the main part of the Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment                                   


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment                                   


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment

Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment

Part 1: Medication errors in nursing as a result of staffing shortage

The selected nursing issue for the evidence-based practice (EBP) project is medication errors in nursing that happen due to staffing shortage. Medication errors are a significant problem in healthcare sector, especially at this time when there is nursing shaortage and high nurse turnovers. With reduced number of nurses working in the healthcare sector, the susceptibility of patients to medication errors increases, particularly adverse drug events that can lead to death and prolonged stays in hospitals (Buerhaus et al., 2017). The project will focus on the effectiveness of implementation of health information technology compared to the conventional ways of medication management to mitigate medication errors in critically ill patients. The selection of critically ill patients as the population of interest emanates from their increased vulnerability to injuries that need high-risk medication and more use of intravenous infusions which rises the possibility of medication errors. Health information technology can play an essential role in enhancing efficiency of nurses to offer required care and reduce medication errors.

Findings show that religious engagement among students declines during college, but their spirituality shows substantial growth. “Students become more caring, more tolerant, more connected with others, and more actively engaged in a spiritual quest.” (“Cultivating the Spirit – Spirituality in Higher Education”) The authors also found that spiritual growth enhances other outcomes, such as academic performance, psychological well-being, leadership development, and satisfaction with college. The study also identified a number of college activities that contribute to students’ spiritual growth. Some of these–study abroad, interdisciplinary studies, and service learning–appear to be effective because they expose students to new and diverse people, cultures, and ideas. Spiritual development is also enhanced if students engage in “inner work” through activities such as meditation or self-reflection, or if their professors actively encourage them to explore questions of meaning and purpose. (“Cultivating the Spirit – Spirituality in Higher (Alexander W, 2010)”). By raising public awareness of the key role that spirituality plays in student learning and development, by alerting academic administrators, faculty, and curriculum committees to the importance of spiritual development, and by identifying strategies for enhancing that development, this work encourages institutions to give greater priority to these spiritual aspects of students’ educational and professional development

While errors are inevitable and lead to detrimental effects on patients, healthcare providers can leverage technological tools to reduce their likelihood through establishing appropriate measures. Health systems and providers can reduce the problem through organization-wide processes and not just through medication administration component alone (Trimble et al., 2017). Due to the increased demand on healthcare services that has resulted in provider shortage, health information technology can offer solutions to the issue. The EBP project will delve into the issue using evidence-based practice intervention and translational research to provide possible solutions to the health systems and practitioners like nurses.

Part II:

PICOT Question
P Population Critically ill patients
I Intervention Integration of health information technology in the medication administration process
C Comparison Use of conventional medication management process
O Outcome Reduction of medication errors
T Timeframe Duration of hospital stay
PICOT Among the critically ill patients (P), does the integration of health information technology (I) compared to conventional methods in medication administration process (C), reduce medication error (O) during hospital stay (T)?
Problem Statement Medication errors remain a critical health challenge which impacts not just the nursing staff but also patients under their care. Medication errors sometimes do not cause harm. However, in most instances, they can be devastating to the nurses and harmful to patients. Nurses play a critical roel in protection of patients against mistakes and errors in the medication administration as they are exclusively responsible for administration, dispensation and monitoring of medications to patients (Trimble et al., 2017). While the healthcare struggles with increased nurse shortage due to high turnover, providers can leverage health information technology to reduce these adverse events and enhance protection of patients under their care. In their study, Alotaibi et al. (2017) assert that health information technology (HIT) offers numerous chances for enhancing and transforming healthcafe that include reduction of human errors, facilitating effective coordination and improving practice efficiencies. Therefore, through levarging on health information technologies like barcode scanning, electronic medication administration record (eMAR) and patient data management systems, electronic incident reporting and E-prescribing among other interventions, health organizations and providers can reduce medication errors and enhance patient safety despite having nurse staffing shortage. The implication is that these technologies reduce the possibility of errors that are mainly human mistakes by providers during the medication administration process.



Alotaibi, Y. K. & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient safety. Saudi

            Medical Journal, 38(12):1173-1180. doi: 10.15537/smj.2017.12.20631

Buerhaus, P., Skinner, L., Aurhach, D. & Staiger, D. (2017). Four challenges facing the nursing workforce in

the United States. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 8(2), 40-46. DOI:10.1016/S2155-8256(17)30097-2

Trimble, A. N., Bishop, B., & Rampe, N. (2017). Medication errors associated with transition from insulin pens

to insulin vials. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 74(2), 70-75. doi:10.2146/ajhp150726

Learners will select a valid nursing practice problem for an evidence-based practice project proposal. The project will be completed in sections, beginning in NUR-550 and culminating in a final written paper detailing the evidence-based practice proposal in NUR-590.

The purpose of this assignment is to select a relevant nursing practice problem for your evidence-based practice project proposal. To identify a relevant problem, consider problems generally faced in nursing practice (coordination of health care, assessment, education, patient support, trauma prevention, recovery, health screenings, etc.).  Use the “PICOT Draft” template to complete this assignment.

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Use a national, state or local population health care database to research indicators of disparity. Choose a mortality/morbidity indicator to identify a clinical problem or issue that you want to explore pertaining to a population of focus. Use this indicator to begin to formulate a PICOT statement.

Refer to the “Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Assignment Overview” document for an overview of the evidence-based practice project proposal assignments. NUR 550 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment

You are required to cite one peer-reviewed source to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
AttachmentsNUR-550-RS1-EBP-PICOT Draft.docx

Topic 1 DQ 1

Identify the different levels of translational research. Explain how translational research is different from evidence-based practice and discuss application to population health management.

Re: Topic 1 DQ 1

As nurses, we all have heard about evidence-based practice and Florence Nightingale. Although back then, the term evidence-based practice was not a common phrase, that is exactly what Florence Nightingale was doing back then. She would examine and experiment with the sanitary conditions of the facilities and look at how it affected the patient’s outcomes (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017). Translational research is more of a newer terminology. Although it can be confused with evidence-based practice, there is a key distinction. Evidence-based practice is the act of applying the evidence into everyday practice, whereas translational research is more the act of conducting the studies to find the best evidence (Titler, 2018). Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment

There are strict guidelines when conducting translational research or what many of us know as clinical trials. There is phase process where in order to progress to the next phase of clinical trials, they must meet certain criteria. New drugs must undergo in vitro preclinical trials where they are testing it in a laboratory setting instead of human trials. Then they can proceed to in vivo studies where they are studying it in animals and small sample size of human trials (Eske, 2020). Once it has proven to be safe, then they can progress to a phase two or three trial increasing the sample size and comparing it to common treatments or sometimes placebos. Once it has shown safety and efficacy in a phase two or three trial, it can then go for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. There are also phase four and five trials that help with translating the evidence into practice and community settings (Titler, 2018).

In my specialty area of oncology, we are constantly hearing about clinical trials and new therapies coming to market. It is critical to have a good understanding of what each phase of the trial consists of and what the outcomes really mean to the patient.References

Eske, J. (2020, August 31). In vivo vs. in vitro: What is the difference? Medical News Today. Retrieved June 17, 2021, from

Mackey, A., & Bassendowski, S. (2017). The history of evidence-based practice in nursing education and practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33(1), 51–55.

Titler, M. G. (2018). Translation Research in Practice: An Introduction. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(2).

Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
NUR-550 NUR-550-O503 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Identification of Nursing Practice Problem 10.0

Re: Topic 1 DQ 1
Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2019) state translational research is often confused with evidence-based practice (EBP). The EBP process involves a critical appraisal of multiple bodies of evidence to make recommendations about patient care. EBP takes clinician expertise and combines it with multiple studies, patient/family preferences and values, to enhance health care quality, improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and empower clinicians. Translational research, in comparison, studies how EBP interventions translate into real-world clinical settings. Also known as implementation science, translation science focuses on testing implementation interventions to improve the use of evidence to improve patient outcomes and population health (Titler, 2018). It also clarifies what implementation strategies work for whom, in what settings, and why. EBP is the actual application of evidence into practice, or the “doing of” where translational science is research steps to take discoveries “from the bench to the bedside and back again” (Fort et al., 2017). Identification of Nursing Practice Problem Assignment

Although the concept of translational research has been widely used and applied in the scientific literature for more than a decade, and there is little agreement between definitions, five phases (T0-T4) remain as an emerging consensus (Fort et al., 2017).

5 Phases of Translational Research

T1 involves processes that bring ideas from basic research through early testing in humans.
T2 involves the establishment of the effectiveness of an intervention in humans and particularly the establishment of clinical guidelines
T3 primarily focuses on the implementation and dissemination of research
T4 focuses on outcomes and effectiveness in populations
T0 phase is relatively rare but involves steps to close the research cycle, wrapping back around to basic research to T1
One reason governments fund research is for the value it provides to society at large (Luke et al., 2017). Benefits to translational research cover four domains: clinical and medical, community and public health, economic benefits, and policy/legislative.

Community and Public Health Specific Benefits

Health Promotion
Disease prevention/reduction
Life expectancy/quality of life
Characteristics of Health Care
Health Activities and Products
Education resources
Community health services

Fort, D. G., Herr, T. M., Shaw, P. L., Gutzman, K. E., & Starren, J. B. (2017). Mapping the evolving definitions of translational research. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 1(1), 60–66.

Luke, D. A., Sarli, C. C., Suiter, A. M., Carothers, B. J., Combs, T. B., Allen, J. L., Beers, C. E., & Evanoff, B. A. (2017). The translational science benefits model: A new framework for assessing the health and societal benefits of clinical and translational sciences. Clinical and Translational Science, 11(1), 77–84.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: a guide to best practice. Wolters Kluwer.

Titler, M. G. (2018). Translation Research in Practice: An Introduction. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(2), 1.


Part 1: Propose a relevant nursing practice problem for an evidence-based practice project. Explain why you selected this topic and how it is relevant to advance nursing practice. Include one research article that demonstrates support for the nursing practice problem.
To provide optimal health care, nurses should work without being overwhelmed and always ready to serve all populations. However, the number of patients visiting health care facilities because of obesity and related complications has surged in the last decade. Some of the most at-risk population segments are school-age children and adolescents. My nursing practice problem for an evidence-based practice project is obesity among school-age children. Robinson et al. (2017) found that vulnerability to obesity has increased among children due to unhealthy lifestyles associated with sedentary living, such as watching television and gaming for a long time. I selected this topic since obesity is among the health care issues increasing mortality and morbidity rates in children as its prevalence increases. Being at risk of obesity implies that school-age children will be more exposed to chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes, and reduced quality of life (Che et al., 2018; De Lorenzo et al., 2019). Such adverse health outcomes increase illness burden in health care organizations, families, and society and increase nurses’ workload. In response, nurses should explore health care issues affecting population health and directly impacting their work and provide evidence-based interventions. I found the article by Stiglic and Viner (2019) to be relevant to the issue and directly supporting the nursing practice problem. Stiglic and Viner (2019) confirmed that obesity hampers children’s well-being, and interventions such as reducing screen time effectively reduce obesity rates. To improve health outcomes, nurses can also help patients and families to understand the risks of obesity and educate them on the recommended amount of screen time for children while encouraging parents to regulate the time that children spend on the screens.
Part II: In the table below, describe the population and the intervention. (You will continue drafting the PICOT, completing the shaded areas in Topic 3.)
PICOT Question
P Population School-age children with obesity
Obesity among school-age children has reached epidemic levels in the United States. De Lorenzo et al. (2019) described obesity as significant public health concern since it affects the physical, psychological, and cardiovascular health of the affected populations. Data from 2015-2016 shows that 1 in 5 children in the United States aged 6 to 19 years has obesity, and the rate has tripled since the 1970s (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). Risk factors include poor eating habits, lack of physical activity, genetics, and negative childhood events. Therefore, immediate, evidence-based, and population-driven interventions are necessary to reduce the surging rates.
I Intervention Reducing screen time
Increased screen time is among the unhealthy lifestyles reducing the level of physical activity among school-age children. According to Robinson et al. (2017), screen media exposure increases obesity levels by encouraging more eating while viewing, reducing sleep duration, and increasing the possibility of taking sugary and low-nutrient foods. In addition, more screen time also exposes children to marketing that influences their eating habits and preferences. As a result, reducing screen time is a perfect intervention to keep children from these dangers to reduce obesity incidence.

Population 25.0% The population is not described. The description for the population is incomplete, or the information for the population is inaccurate. A summary of the population is presented. More information is needed. Revision is required. The population is described. Minor detail is needed for clarity or accuracy. Minor revision is needed. The population is thoroughly and accurately described. No revision is needed.

Criteria Percentage Unsatisfactory (0.00%) Less Than Satisfactory (80.00%) Satisfactory (88.00%) Good (92.00%) Excellent (100.00%)
Content 100.0%
Nursing Practice Problem (relevant to nursing practice, appropriate for an evidence-based practice project proposal, supported by current research) 35.0% A problem was not submitted. A proposed problem is presented but is not relevant to nursing practice. The nursing practice problem lacks support from current research. A new nursing practice problem must be selected. A relevant nursing practice problem for an EBP project proposal is presented and is generally supported by a current research article. Some information or revision is required. The explanation for why the topic is selected and its relevance to advance nursing practice is somewhat unclear. The nursing practice problem is conditionally approved; final approval is contingent upon revision. A relevant nursing practice problem for an EBP project proposal is presented and is adequately supported by a current research article. Minor revision is needed for the nursing practice problem. An explanation for why the topic is selected and its relevance to advance nursing practice is presented. The nursing practice problem is conditionally approved; final approval is contingent upon revision. The proposed problem is highly relevant to nursing practice, strongly supported by a current research article, and excellent for an evidence-based practice project. A clear explanation for why the topic is selected and relevant to advance nursing practice is presented. The nursing practice problem is approved. No revision is needed.

Intervention 25.0% The proposed intervention is not described. The proposed intervention is incomplete, or the proposed intervention is not relevant to the population or problem. The proposed intervention is generally described and adequate to the nursing practice problem and the population. More information needed. Revision is required. The proposed intervention is described and adequate to the nursing practice problem and the population. Minor detail is needed for clarity. Minor revision is needed. The proposed intervention is clearly described and relevant to the nursing practice problem and the population. No revision is needed.

Required Sources 5.0% Sources are not included. Number of required sources is only partially met. Number of required sources is met, but sources are outdated or inappropriate. Number of required sources is met. Sources are current, but not all sources are appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content. Number of required resources is met. Sources are current and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use) 5.0% Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is employed. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech. The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 5.0% Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. “The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.”

Topic 1 DQ 1

Identify the different levels of translational research. Explain how translational research is different from evidence-based practice and discuss application to population health management.

Re: Topic 1 DQ 1

In my experience as a nurse, the terms “evidence-based practice” (EBP) and “research” are frequently spoken. However, the idea of “translational research” is something that I have only recently become aware of. People frequently confuse translational research with evidence-based practice (EBP). However, translational research refers to the investigation of EBP studies, as well as the study of EBP treatments and their translation into practice (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019) Evidence-based practice is a guide to practice, and translation science is the translation to incorporate the findings of evidence-based research into clinical settings. Translational research is exactly what it sounds like: it translates how EBP “translates” into clinical settings. (Tilter, 2018). The implementation of different components of translational research, such as preclinical studies, phase one small clinical trials, phases 2 and 3 larger clinical trials, outcomes from clinical trials, and then phase 5 population outcomes research, all offer a “bench to bedside” continuum, are known as the phases of translational research (Tilter, 2018).

Gaps between the availability of evidence and the placing evidence into practice has shown to partner with poor outcomes by not enabling caregivers to place the evidence into practice. (Tilter, 2018)Transitional research has shown to be beneficial in-patient outcomes and health care management by translating the evidence into practice which improves patient outcomes by the utilization of the evidence. In my field of Labor and delivery I have seen this similar process in the abundance availability of research and evidence of the increased risk of hypertension in pregnancy. Yet the physicians I practice with implement in very many ways through lack of translation causing early inductions and higher risk to the infants. When implementing a new technology, evidence or practice it is important to understand the research and evidence behind it as well as how best to safely implement into practice. (Sung et al., 2020) Translation research is an exciting and has multiple opportunities to advance patient outcomes, as an upcoming APRN in a magnet hospital, utilizing this process with EBP will strongly improve patient care as well as nursing practice.


Melnyk, B. M., PhD, RN. APRN-CNP, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN, & Fineout-Overholt, E., PhD, RN, FNAP, FAAN. (2019). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing& Healthcare A Guide to Best Practice (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Sung, V. W., MD MPH, Tulikangas, P., MD, Bradley, C. S., MD, MSCE, & Rideway, B., MD. (2020). Assessing and adopting New medical devices for Obstetric and Gynecologic care. ACOG135(4), 160–166. Retrieved May 26, 2021, from

Tilter, M. G. (2018). Translation Research in Practice: An Introduction. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing23(2). Retrieved June 16, 2021, from

Topic 1 DQ 2

Using the GCU Library (notably the GCU Library: Nursing and Health Sciences Research Guide), find a database, journal, or other collection of resources that focuses on translational research. Select a population health problem or issue of interest from the available studies. What type of translational research is used for the study? Provide rationale as to why this is the best.

Re: Topic 1 DQ 2
The type of translational research conducted in this study was T1. T1 translational research involves the development of treatments and interventions (Vukotich, 2016). In this study, a multidisciplinary approach was employed to improve nutrition in preterm neonates. Although approved nutritional guidelines were in place, routine chart audits revealed noncompliance (Page et al., 2017). Therefore, an evidence–practice gap existed. The researchers’ goal was to identify barriers to the timely delivery of the appropriate nutrition in a tertiary‐level Neonatal Critical Care Unit through the development of an implementation project to ensure best practices (Page et al., 2017). Information was obtained via individual interviews with medical and nursing staff and digitally recorded with informed consent of the participants (Page et al., 2017). After analysis of the interview questions, the data highlighted inconsistent practice and a lack of adherence to guidelines regarding nutritional support as a barrier to achieving optimal early nutrition (Page et al., 2017). As a result of this study, appropriate and specific interventions were developed, implemented, and evaluated (Page et al., 2017).T1 translational research was conducted because interventions were needed to increase compliance with following nutritional guidelines in the treatment of preterm neonates. New knowledge was gained to enhance patient care and improve patient outcomes. Furthermore, the interventions developed were intended to change behaviors and bridge the evidence–practice gap.ReferencesPage, D., Gilroy, M., Hurrion, E., Clark, L., & Wilkinson, S. (2017). Optimising early neonatal nutrition using translational research methodology. Nutrition & Dietetics74(5), 460–470., C. J., Jr. (2016). Challenges of T3 and T4 translational research. Journal of Research Practice12(2). Retrieved from

Optional: ThinkingStorm


For additional information, the following is recommended:

ThinkingStorm is an online tutoring resource that provides flexible support to supplement traditional educational environments. The tutoring center is remotely accessible to GCU learners with a computer and an Internet connection and offers convenient hours for learners with busy schedules. ThinkingStorm tutoring includes a writing center that offers 24/7 submission-based writing support, as well as live writing support across the curriculum.

If you are interested in utilizing ThinkingStorm’s writing support, submit your documents chapter by chapter, rather than as a full manuscript.

To assist learners with their success at the university, GCU will pay for the first 10 hours of a learner’s annual ThinkingStorm activity. Learners are responsible for usage charges after the first 10 hours.

To access ThinkingStorm, click on the link provided and select the yellow “Go to ThinkingStorm” button.

Optional: Grammarly


For additional information, the following is recommended:

Grammarly is an online writing assistance application that reviews written submissions and suggests context-specific corrections for grammar, spelling, word usage, wordiness, style, punctuation, and plagiarism. The reasoning for each suggested correction is provided, allowing users to make informed decisions about how to correct writing issues.

Grammarly can be installed as free browser extension, though Grammarly Premium requires an annual subscription. This subscription is not a GCU-required purchase.

NUR-550 Course Objectives


In this course, the student will:

1. Explore research articles, nursing and related theories, applying levels of evidence, and theoretical frameworks to identify quality research studies.
2. Demonstrate understanding of scientific inquiry, knowledge generation, utilization, and dissemination in advanced nursing practice.
3. Evaluate the evidence for potential solutions/innovations that can potentially solve a health care issue and improve patient outcomes.
4. Identify gaps in nursing knowledge and evidence-based practice that can potentially be resolved by planning and implementing a practice change project.
5. Formulate a clinically researchable question amenable to an innovative evidence-based practice change proposal.
6. Write a scholarly literature review that supports a clinically researchable question amenable to an innovative evidence-based practice change proposal.
7. Evaluate health policy and advocacy issues for the purpose of improving health care outcomes.
8. Engage in scientific inquiry into the state of health care delivery, patient-centered care, and ethical principles related to health beliefs, health promotion, and risk reduction of diverse populations.
9. Propose quality improvement initiatives that advance the delivery of safe, high-quality health care.
10. Use principles from epidemiology, biostatistics, genetics, genomics, and cultural competence to guide comparisons of various patient populations.

Nurses are professionally and ethically mandated to promote safe workplaces for optimal patient care. In the current nursing practice, nursing professionals achieve this objective by addressing nursing problems through evidence-based interventions. Nursing burnout is widespread in clinical care, considering that approximately 35%-45% of nurses are burned out in the United States (Schlak et al., 2021). The problem is multifaceted and stems from multiple factors, including a high workload, high job turnover rates, inadequate sleep, and stressful work environments. Research shows that the rate of nurse burnout increases proportionately with an increase in nurses’ psychological stress (Al Sabei et al., 2022). To underline the significance of nurse burnout as a practice problem, it is crucial to explore its profound impacts. The article by Schlak et al. (2021) demonstrates the importance of addressing nurse burnout by underlining that the risk of patient adverse events and patient mortality is about 8% when being attended to by nurses experiencing burnout. Length of stay is also high in environments with a high prevalence of nurse burnout. As a result, evidence-based interventions for reducing workplace stress can cushion nurses against burnout and improve patient care outcomes.

Part II: In the table below, describe the population and the intervention. (You will continue drafting the PICOT, completing the shaded areas in Topic 3.)

PICOT Question
P Population Nurses experiencing burnout

Nurses with burnout pose a significant risk to patient care and hardly meet the desired health outcomes. According to Babapour et al. (2022), stressful environments that intensify burnout decrease nurses’ energy and work efficiency, hampering their capacity to provide proper patient care. Other adverse outcomes associated with such a workforce include low job satisfaction, a lack of teamwork, and increased intention to leave (Monroe et al., 2021). Since these outcomes affect patient care and work relationships adversely, evidence-based interventions to reduce nurse burnout should be a priority for nurses and nurse leaders.

I Intervention Guided mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation enhances coping and could be an effective intervention for nurse burnout. Mindfulness-based interventions are associated with positive benefits among nurses, such as stress and anxiety reduction, improved coping, and strong mental health and well-being (Fadzil et al., 2021; Huberty et al., 2019). Besides, mindfulness improves nurses’ self-awareness and judgment, enabling them to make better health decisions.

C Comparison
O Outcome
T Timeframe
Problem Statement  



Al Sabei, S. D., Al‐Rawajfah, O., AbuAlRub, R., Labrague, L. J., & Burney, I. A. (2022). Nurses’ job burnout and its association with work environment, empowerment and psychological stress during COVID‐19 pandemic. International Journal of Nursing Practice28(5), e13077.

Babapour, A. R., Gahassab-Mozaffari, N., & Fathnezhad-Kazemi, A. (2022). Nurses’ job stress and its impact on quality of life and caring behaviors: a cross-sectional study. BMC Nursing21(1), 1-10.

Fadzil, N. A., Heong, W. O., Kueh, Y. C., & Phang, C. K. (2021). The effect of a mindfulness-based intervention on nurses in Kelantan, Malaysia. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences: MJMS28(6), 121–128.

Huberty, J., Green, J., Glissmann, C., Larkey, L., Puzia, M., & Lee, C. (2019). Efficacy of the mindfulness meditation mobile app “calm” to reduce stress among college students: Randomized controlled trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth7(6), e14273.

Monroe, C., Loresto, F., Horton-Deutsch, S., Kleiner, C., Eron, K., Varney, R., & Grimm, S. (2021). The value of intentional self-care practices: the effects of mindfulness on improving job satisfaction, teamwork, and workplace environments. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing35(2), 189-194.

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