
IT 2249 Introduction to Programming with Java All Assignments Tasks

IT 2249 Introduction to Programming with Java All Assignments Tasks

IT 2249 Introduction to Programming with Java All Assignments Tasks

IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 1 Assignment

Software Development and Your Role in It

In this assignment, you will articulate the roles played by team members in a software development project. You will explain how the Java programming language and development environment enable you to perform your role as a software programmer/developer in a development project.

Please refer to the studies in this unit to learn about the software development process and the roles played in a typical software development project. You may wish to reference these resources in your assignment.

Follow these steps to complete this assignment:

Research the software development process and the roles played by the development team members in software development projects.

Create a document named “U1A1_SWRoles.docx” of 2–3 pages in which you:

Describe the software development process and its phases.

Explain at least four of the roles played by team members in a software development project and examine their corresponding responsibilities. The four roles must include the role of the software developer/programmer.

As an aspiring Java programmer, articulate how the Java programming language and the Java development environment enable you to perform the role of a Java developer in a software development project.

Your document should follow APA style and guidelines, including proper spelling and grammar. See the APA Module linked in the Resources for more information.


Submit your paper as Word document saved as: “U1A1_SWRoles.doc.”

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Describe the software development process and its phases.

Explain roles and responsibilities of the developer/programmer teams.

Articulate how the programming language and development environment enable the role of a developer/programmer.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Use the following, linked in the Resources:

6 Basic Steps of Software Development.

The Key Difference Between Developer and Architect Roles

Team Functions and Responsibilities.

Five Key Roles and Responsibilities for Software Development Projects Success.

SDLC: Overview.

Java Developer Job Description.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 2 Assignment

Add and Multiply Three Integers

In this assignment, you will design and code a simple Java application that reads in three integer values and prints out both the sum and the product of these three values.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Add and Multiply Three Integers” course file resource. Complete instructions and required templates are included in the Resources section (Week X Solution Submission Template and Add and Multiply Three Integers Instructions).

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Design a program that meets Java arithmetic operators requirements.

Code an application that exercises fundamental constructs.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to develop the application and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Add and Multiply Three Integers Scoring Guide.

Opening an Existing Project in NetBeans.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

Add and Multiply Three Integers Instructions.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 3 Assignment

Debug and Fix if Statements

In this assignment, you will debug and fix a given Java console application that uses if statements, but the application does not compile nor execute.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Debug and Fix if Statements” course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the submission template provided in the resources, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Identify Java decision statement bugs in a program using development tools.

Code an application to fix bugs.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to complete the fix and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Debug and Fix if Statements Scoring Guide.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

Debug and Fix if Statements Instructions.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 4 Assignment

Validate User Input Using Java Chars and Strings

In this assignment, you will design and code a Java console application that validates the data entry of a course code (like IT4782) and report back if the course code is valid or not valid. The application uses the Java char and String data types to implement the validation.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Validate User Input Using Java Chars and Strings Instructions” course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the submission template, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Design a program that meets char and String processing requirements.

Code an application that validates data entry.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to complete data validation and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Validate User Input Using Java Chars and Strings Scoring Guide.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

Validate User Input Using Java Chars and Strings Instructions.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 5 Assignment

Find Highest and Lowest of Five Integers Using Java Loops

In this assignment, you will design and code a Java console application that takes as input five integer values and produces as output the lowest and highest values of these five integer values. The application uses Java looping constructs to implement its functionality.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Find Highest and Lowest of Five Integers Using Java Loops Instructions” course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the provided submission template, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored according to the following criteria:

Design a program that meets Java looping statements requirements.

Code an application that exercises looping constructs.

Test the application and documents testing.

Explain the approach taken to develop the application and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Find Highest and Lowest of Five Integers Using Java Loops Scoring Guide.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

Find Highest and Lowest of Five Integers Using Java Loops Instructions.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 6 Assignment

Complete the Programming of a Java Console Application Using Methods

In this assignment, you will complete the programming of a Java method in a console application that registers students for courses in a term of study. The application does compile and does run, but it does not produce the expected result as stated in its requirements.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Complete the Programming of a Java Console Application Using Methods Instructions” course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the submission template, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Design a program that meets Java method invocation requirements.

Code an application that uses methods.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to complete this assignment and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Complete the Programming of a Java Console Application Using Methods Scoring Guide.

Console Register for Course Result | Transcript.

Complete the Programming of a Java Console Application Using Methods Instructions.

Week X Solution Submission Template.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 7 Assignment

Count Occurrences in Seven Integers Using Java Single Dimension Arrays

In this assignment, you will design and code a Java console application that reads in seven integer values and prints out the number of occurrences of each value. The application uses the Java single dimension array construct to implement its functionality.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Count Occurrences in Seven Integers Using Java Single Dimension Arrays Instructions” course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the submission template available in the resources, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Design a program that meets Java single dimensional arrays requirements.

Code an application that exercises single array constructs.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to develop the application and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Count Occurrences in Seven Integers Using Java Single Dimension Arrays Scoring Guide.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

Count Occurrences in Seven Integers Using Java Single Dimension Arrays Instructions.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 8 Assignment

Debug and Fix a 2-Dimensional Array Java Console Application

In this assignment, you will debug and fix a given Java console application that uses 2-dimensional arrays, but the application does not compile nor execute.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Debug and Fix a 2-Dimensional Array Java Console Application Instructions” course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the submission template from the resources, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Identify Java 2-dimensional array bugs in a program using development tools.

Code an application to fix bugs.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to complete this assignment and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Debug and Fix a 2-Dimensional Array Java Console Application Scoring Guide.

2D Console Register for Course | Transcript.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

Debug and Fix a 2-Dimensional Array Java Console Application Instructions.




IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 9 Assignment

Define Java Classes and Instantiate Their Objects

In this assignment, you will design and code a simple Java application that defines a class, instantiates the class into a number of objects, and prints out the attributes of these objects in a specific way.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Define Java Classes and Instantiate their Objects Instructions” course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the submission template available in the resources, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Design a program that meets basic object-oriented constructs requirements.

Code an application that exercises classes and objects.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to develop the application and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Define Java Classes and Instantiate Their Objects Scoring Guide.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

Define Java Classes and Instantiate Their Objects Instructions.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 10 Assignment

Complete the Programming of an Object-Oriented Console Application

In this assignment, you will complete the programming of two Java class methods in a console application that registers students for courses in a term of study. The application is written using the object-oriented features of the Java programming language. The application does compile and does run, but it does not produce the expected result as stated in its requirements.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Complete the Programming of an Object-Oriented Console Application Instructions” course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the submission template available in the resources, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Design a program that meets object-oriented design requirements.

Code an application that exercises object-orientation.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to develop the application and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

IT 2249 Introduction to Programming with Java All Assignments Tasks
IT 2249 Introduction to Programming with Java All Assignments Tasks

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Complete the Programming of an Object-Oriented Console Application Scoring Guide.

OO Console Register for Course | Transcript.

Opening an Existing Project in NetBeans.

Complete the Programming of an Object-Oriented Console Application Instructions.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

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APA Writing Checklist

Use this document as a checklist for each paper you will write throughout your GCU graduate program. Follow specific instructions indicated in the assignment and use this checklist to help ensure correct grammar and APA formatting. Refer to the APA resources available in the GCU Library and Student Success Center.

Also Read:  IT 2249 Unit 1 Assignment Software Development and Your Role in It

☐ APA paper template (located in the Student Success Center/Writing Center) is utilized for the correct format of the paper. APA style is applied, and format is correct throughout.

☐  The title page is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ The introduction is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ Topic is well defined.

☐ Strong thesis statement is included in the introduction of the paper.

☐ The thesis statement is consistently threaded throughout the paper and included in the conclusion.

☐ Paragraph development: Each paragraph has an introductory statement, two or three sentences as the body of the paragraph, and a transition sentence to facilitate the flow of information. The sections of the main body are organized to reflect the main points of the author. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ All sources are cited. APA style and format are correctly applied and are free from error.

☐ Sources are completely and correctly documented on a References page, as appropriate to assignment and APA style, and format is free of error.

Scholarly Resources: Scholarly resources are written with a focus on a specific subject discipline and usually written by an expert in the same subject field. Scholarly resources are written for an academic audience.

Examples of Scholarly Resources include: Academic journals, books written by experts in a field, and formally published encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Peer-Reviewed Journals: Peer-reviewed journals are evaluated prior to publication by experts in the journal’s subject discipline. This process ensures that the articles published within the journal are academically rigorous and meet the required expectations of an article in that subject discipline.

Empirical Journal Article: This type of scholarly resource is a subset of scholarly articles that reports the original finding of an observational or experimental research study. Common aspects found within an empirical article include: literature review, methodology, results, and discussion.

Adapted from “Evaluating Resources: Defining Scholarly Resources,” located in Research Guides in the GCU Library.

☐ The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. Utilize writing resources such as Grammarly, LopesWrite report, and ThinkingStorm to check your writing.