
IT 3215: Introduction to JavaScript: Full Course Tasks

IT 3215: Introduction to JavaScript: Full Course Tasks

IT 3215: Introduction to JavaScript: Full Course Tasks

Unit 01 Assignment Using Variables in a Form


JavaScript that you use in the course assignments should:

Render and
function properly in at least two of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox,
Edge, and Safari.

Be verified
to be error free, well documented with comments, and appropriately constructed.


In this
assignment, use the Web page called “invitation.html” found in the
Required Resources (in the zip file called to add functionality
to an interactive form that generates an invitation to volunteers for an event.
The file will have the following invitation message placeholder and a form
below it. You will add JavaScript functionality to the form that will allow a
user to dynamically fill out the invitation.


You have
been invited to volunteer for an event held on July 1st. Please respond to this
email to sign up as a volunteer.




placeholders (for example the “recipientName”) will need to be set up as
elements with an assigned id attribute. Prompt the user to enter in the
recipient’s name, and host name (Your name). Using JavaScript, replace those
elements dynamically with what the user has entered in the form.

Use the
form’s input fields (once submitted) to store the values to JavaScript
variables. Then manipulate the DOM to replace the element content dynamically.

To get you
started, in your .js file, you need to first declare the variable names such


Then, you
would need to set the variable to the input field’s value:

= document.getElementById(“recipientNameInput”).value;

Next, you
would then need to set the innerHTML of the span element of the corresponding
name like:

= myRecipientName;

Note on
your submit button, a JavaScript event handler has been defined on the submit
of the form. Notice that it has a return false to prevent the form from
actually submitting.

Hint: See what
happens when you remove the “return false” from the JavaScript code.

Variable names cannot include any special characters or spaces. They cannot
start with a number. They also cannot be any of JavaScript’s reserved words.
Remember as well that JavaScript is case sensitive.


and unzip the file found in the Required Resources. It contains
the initial framework for the site. All of the HTML files are located in the
root directory. Images are placed in the images subdirectory; CSS files are
placed under the css subdirectory. Your JavaScript external files should be
placed under the “js” subdirector. When you submit your work, be sure to zip up
the entire folder, including all of the ancillary files such as the images,
CSS, and JavaScript code.

Note: This
course requires you to use a text editor to complete your work. There are many
free open source options on the Internet from which you may choose. See the
Suggested Resources for links to free, open source text editors.


Read the
Overview. Use the invitation.html file in the Resources as a template for
completing this assessment.

JavaScript that enables the invitation to be dynamically completed using the
form. Make sure to do each of the following:

variables to store the input field data.

Store the
input field data into the variables on form submit.

the DOM to replace placeholder data with the variables.

developer comments to describe the variables being declared and explain the
functions and logical blocks of JavaScript code.

completed, view your pages in each of your two selected Web browsers to see if
the content renders appropriately and consistently within each. Next, verify
that your code is error-free using the appropriate browser-specific development
tool found in the Resources. Take a screen capture of each of your validation
results and save it for submission.


Upload all
your website files to a hosting service of your choice. Two free sites to
consider are or See the Suggested Resources for

Submit your
work in the courseroom using a single Zip file containing the following:

Your entire
Web site (including the updated “invitation.html” file).

A Word
document with:

The url to
your Web site so faculty can view your site on a live host.

A screen
capture of each of your two validations that you completed using the developer
tools found in the Resources.


Variables in a Form Scoring Guide.

Safari Web
Inspector Guide.

Edge Dev Tools.



IT3215 Web
Site Zip Files.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 02 Assignment

Arrays and Loops


For this
assignment, you will use the volunteer.html file to create a more effective
process for managing the volunteer list by using arrays and loops. The web
application will make use of the volunteer.js file and allow the user to add
volunteers, delete volunteers, clear the list of volunteers as well as sort the
volunteers. Some of the functionality has been created to start you off so that
you can see how it is all integrated. You will be focusing on the code to
delete the volunteer as well as alter the volunteer list to add some formatting
on the output. Functionality is also included to be able to sort based on the
volunteer’s last name.


Use the
volunteer.html file to add functionality to our form. This new functionality
should allow the user to enter in volunteers to be added as well as delete
volunteers from the list by re-entering in their name. The volunteer list
should also be altered to use a looping structure to display a running count of
volunteers beside each name (starting at 1) beside each name similar to the
following display:

1. John

2. Jane

3. Randolph

4. Jen

Hint: Use
the splice function in order to remove a specific item from the array.

Tip: The
array index starts at 0, so when displaying the index, you will need to add 1
to the index value when it is displayed.

Make sure
to do the following:

JavaScript to delete a specific volunteer by using loop.

JavaScript that loops through the volunteer list to display the index value.

completed, view your pages in each of your two selected Web browsers to see if
the content renders appropriately and consistently within each. Next, verify
that your code is error-free using the appropriate browser-specific development
tool found in the Resources. Take a screen capture of each of your validation
results and save it for submission.


Upload your
Web site files to your Web host.

Submit your
work in the courseroom using a single Zip file containing the following:

Your entire
Web site, including all associated files.

A Word
document with:

The url to
your Web site so faculty can view your site on a live host.

A screen
capture of each of your two validations that you completed using the developer
tools found in the Resources.


Arrays and Loops Scoring Guide.

Edge Dev Tools.

IT3215 Web
Site Zip Files.


Safari Web
Inspector Guide.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 03 Assignment

Images, E

vents, and
the DOM


both static and dynamic, appear on most Web sites. There are many different
features and functionalities that we can add through the use of JavaScript,
including preloading, rollovers, and cycling banner ads. In this assignment,
you will work with JavaScript, images, events, and manipulating the DOM to
create an interactive image gallery.

Preloading your images will only work on a hosting server and not your local
drive, as there is no load time for your images locally. Once you have
preloaded those images, you should clear your cache to test your loading of the
images again.

Tip: In a
smaller JavaScript program such as this one, each function is created for a
specific purpose. However, in more complex sites, it is better to build
functions that are applicable to multiple situations. For example, rather than
specifying an element name or ID, we can use a variable that is passed into the


Use the
gallery.html and index.html files from the supplied course Zip file. Create
functionality using JavaScript on the following pages:


Preload the
images (banner1.jpg, banner2.jpg, and banner3.jpg in the images folder) for the
banner at the top of the page.

Create a
cycling two-state banner that cycles every three seconds.


Preload the
gallery images.

roll-over functionality for each of the thumbnails in your image gallery. Use
appropriate images found in the images folder.

developer comments to describe the variables being declared and explain the
functions and logical blocks of JavaScript code pertaining to the gallery.

Make sure
to do the following:

Create an
onpageload function to preload all of your images.

Create a
modularized function to cycle the homepage banner.

Create a
modularized rollover function for gallery images.

Once completed,
view your pages in each of your two selected Web browsers to see if the content
renders appropriately and consistently within each. Next, verify that your code
is error free using the appropriate browser specific development tool found in
the Resources.

Take a
screen capture of each of your validation results and save it for submission.

Modularized refers to creating components that can be repurposed without
significant changes to coding. Modularized components have no “hard
coding” of image names, URLs, and so on, in the functions. Samples of
modularized and nonmodularized JavaScript are provided in the Example Code file
linked in Resources.


Upload your
Web site files to your Web host.

Submit your
work in the courseroom using a single Zip file containing the following:

Your entire
Web site including all associated files.

A Word
document with:

The URL to
your Web site so the instructor can view your site on a live host.

A screen
capture of each of your two validations that you completed using the developer
tools linked in Resources.


Images, Events, and the DOM Scoring Guide.


Safari Web
Inspector Guide.

Edge Dev Tools.

IT3215 Web
Site Zip Files.



IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 04 Assignment

Form Field
Validation and Error Messages


You have
created a basic form and added interactivity to images using JavaScript. Now it
is time to validate information entered into your form fields. You will use the
“registration.html” file found in your Zip file. You will see that
the page has a form with the following fields to allow users to register for an
account. The items in parentheses are defined formatting instructions to be
observed for each field.

(must only contain letters and numbers)

(minimum of 8 characters)

(minimum of 8 characters, must match password)

(text string)

(text string)

Email (uses format)

(uses (xxx) xxx-xxxx format)

(radio box for yes/no)


is case sensitive, so a variable named myVar is different from MyVar and myvar.

your form validation testing as you go rather than all at the end. It will be much
easier to fix the error if you have a smaller sequence of code to review.


Read the
assignment overview.

Use the
registration.html file to add functionality to the form found on the page. The
JavaScript that you write should validate each field and, if errors are made,
display appropriate error messages that direct the user to complete the form
properly. Once the form is completed, your script should open the confirmation
page (confirmation.php).

Note: The
input fields in the form with an asterisk are required fields.

Make sure
to do the following:

JavaScript that defines that a field is required and generates an appropriate
error message if the field has not been completed.

JavaScript to validate all input fields per the formatting definitions that the
field values should be checked against (found in the overview) after each

JavaScript that displays an appropriate error correction message (next to the
field) in the event a form entry error has been made.

Write a
JavaScript that will default the user’s cursor to the first erroneous input
field in the event that there is an input error.

Create a
submit button that executes the validation when submitted.

completed, view your pages in each of your two selected Web browsers to see if
the content renders appropriately and consistently within each. Next, verify
that your code is error free using the appropriate browser specific development
tool found in the Resources.

Take a
screen capture of each of your validation results and save it for submission.


Upload your
Web site files to your Web host.

Submit your
work in the courseroom using a single Zip file containing the following:

Your entire
Web site and all associated files.

A Word
document with:

The URL to
your Web site so the instructor can view your site on a live host.

A screen
capture of each of your two validations that you completed using the developer
tools found in the Resources.


Form Field
Validation and Error Messages Scoring Guide.

Edge Dev Tools.

Safari Web
Inspector Guide.


IT3215 Web
Site Zip Files.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 05 Assignment

Strings and Storing Persistent Information


As Web
forms get longer, we very commonly see them split across multiple pages to
collect all of the necessary information. There are different reasons for this.
A long form can be daunting for users and a large/long form can be difficult
for users to fill out on a mobile device. These forms need to be designed so
that the data entered by the user on the forms on each page will be submitted
to the Web server simultaneously. This makes more sense as they are part of the
same data set. The problem with stateless pages is that if the user moves from
one page to the next, the data entered is lost. To bypass this issue, you will
need to use query strings, hidden input fields, and cookies.

In this
assignment you will use the previously created registration.html file to send
information to a second page named confirm.html. You will write a script on
that page that will save the information from the form to a cookie and then
display it on a same page. If the user goes back to this confirm.html page, the
page should display the user form data from the registration entry that was
last entered.


o It will help to output the array
into the browser console so that you can verify that the string is being
correctly parsed. Details on the browser console can be found in the Resources.

o To skip having to enter data into
the form each time to test, it may help to create a JavaScript function that
automatically fills in the fields for you and comment it out when completed.


Read the

Modify the
“registration.html” page created in the prior assessment to send a
query (that has all input field information from that form) to a second page.
When the user presses submit, all of the input fields from the
registration.html form will be saved into a cookie. The user should then be
forwarded to a second page (confirm.html (created by you)) that will read the
cookie information and display it in a name/value pair using JavaScript.

Make sure
to do the following:

o Create and integrate a script on
the registration.html page passes all of the input fields from the form when
the submit button is pressed.

o Create a confirm.html page will
read in the input from the query string data from the registration.html page
and store them into variables first.

o Write a script that runs in
response to the submit event, that saves the input from the
registration.html page to a series of
cookies to store each input, and opens a second page called confirm.html that
reads and displays information from all the fields.

o Once completed, view your pages in
each of your two selected Web browsers to see if the content renders
appropriately and consistently within each. Next, verify that your code is
error-free using the appropriate browser-specific development tool found in the
Resources. Take a screen capture of each of your validation results and save it
for submission.


o Upload your Web site files to your
Web host.

o Submit your work in the courseroom
using a single Zip file containing the following:

? Your entire Web site and all
associated files.

? A Word document with:

? The url to your Web site so faculty
can view your site on a live host.

? A screen capture of each of your
two validations that you completed using the developer tools found in the


o Query Strings and Storing
Persistent Information Scoring Guide.

o Microsoft Edge Dev Tools.

o Chrome DevTools.

o Safari Web Inspector Guide.

o IT3215 Web Site Zip Files.

• Toggle Drawer

IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 01 Discussion

DQ1 Getting
Started With JavaScript

has been one of the most popular scripting languages for dynamic interactivity.
It is a completely different language from HTML5 and CSS3, and it can be
challenging for those without programming experience to begin. Research and
describe some tips for someone new to JavaScript to get started. In particular,
focus on at least two of the following points while providing sample code (with
comments) for each:

Explain how
different browsers handle JavaScript code. What considerations must be made
when developing for different browsers?

the use of JavaScript comments, including the process of “commenting
out” portions of JavaScript code.

Explain the
primary rules for creating a JavaScript identifier.

Explain the
use of variable declarations and assignment statements with numeric, string,
and Boolean data.

Explain the
syntax for referring to a method or property of an object.

Explain the
issue of cross-browser compatibility as it relates to JavaScript code.

the creation and use of event handlers, including an event handler for the load
event of the window object and how the HTML and JavaScript sections work
together using the DOM.

how the process flow for form submissions works between HTML, JavaScript, and a
server-side language like PHP.


Comment on
the post of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples,
or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.

regarding discussions in this course: The discussion topic should determine the
length of your post, however, a minimum of 150 words is recommended. Refer to
the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide for post expectations. Make your
initial posts by Wednesday to allow time sufficient for peers to respond. The
expectation within the course discussions is to respond to at least two posts
by the end of the unit, but it is highly recommended that you extend the dialog
further. Responding over multiple days will help stimulate a lively discussion.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Study the
different variable data types.

Examine the
process flow of form submissions.

the basic concepts of the DOM and how HTML and the JavaScript sections of the
DOM work together.

examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables
and functions.


Participation Scoring Guide.


DQ2 Challenges
to Using Variables in a Form

Note: The
second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing
of challenges and solutions encountered while completing your weekly
assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share
experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how
coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

and employing variables for the first time can be tricky. Putting them in a
form can make it even tougher. For some it is very intuitive; for others, less

Discuss one
or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to
complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?


Comment on
the post of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help your fellow
learners address their challenges.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 02 Discussion

DQ1 Arrays,
Loops, and the DOM

You have
learned about working with the DOM with CSS, but you can also work with the DOM
using JavaScript. You will be able to alter and manipulate the DOM dynamically
with JavaScript to extend basic JavaScript functionality by using loops,
events, controls, arrays, and functions. Research and describe some tips for
someone new to JavaScript to get started. In particular, focus on at least two
of the following points while providing sample code (with comments) for each:

Explain how
arrays and loops be utilized effectively together versus separate variable

the flow of control for while, do-while, and for loops.

the use of a JavaScript array, including the use of its index and length

these methods for working with forms and controls: submit, reset, focus, blur.

the use of the Document Object Model in JavaScript applications.

these events for working with controls: onfocus, onblur, onclick, ondblclick,
onchange, onselect.

the process of creating and adding nodes to the DOM, including adding rows and
cells to a DOM table.

between a function expression and a function declaration, including which one can
be called before it is defined.


Comment on
the post of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples or
opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

how to dynamically add HTML elements to an existing page by manipulating the

when arrays are utilized.

examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables
and functions.

Know the
difference between an array and a variable.

the different types of loops.


Participation Scoring Guide.


DQ2 Challenges
to Arrays and Loops

Note: The
second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing
of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly
assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share
experiences that you are having and to help others with theirs. This is how
coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

and employing arrays and loops can be challenging. For some it is very intuitive;
for others, less so.

Discuss one
or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to
complete the assignment this week. How did you try to address it or solve it?


Comment on
the post of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help them address
their challenges.

IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 03 Discussion

DQ1 Events,
Dynamic Images, and Modularization

The ability
to animate graphics with JavaScript has resulted in increased interactivity of
Web sites. As we add more functionality into our scripts, it is important that
we take the time to modularize our code to make it more efficient. We want to
ensure our functions are split up for reuse.

and describe some tips and suggestions for someone new to JavaScript to get
started. In particular, focus on at least two of the following points while
providing sample code (with comments) of each

which events and methods we can use to handle user interaction with images.

among HTML events, mouse events, and keyboard events.

the use of cross-browser compatible functions or methods for attaching and
detaching event handlers.

the use of images and preloaded images in applications like image rollovers and
slide shows.

setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, and clearInterval.

Explain why
modularizing a program makes it more efficient.

the advantages and disadvantages of modularization.


Comment on
the posts of at least two other learners, offering insights, solutions,
examples, or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables
and functions.

Examine how
JavaScript functions can assist in creating fast-loading image galleries.

the use of the settimeout function.

principles of modular code.

JavaScript timers including how the setInterval timer is used.


Participation Scoring Guide.


DQ2 Challenges
With Dynamic Images, Events, and the DOM

Note: The
second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing
of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly
assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share
experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how
coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

images and events can make a Web page pop. For some, creating this interactivity
is a snap; for others it can be a bit of a challenge.

Discuss one
or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to
complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?


Comment on
the post of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help the posters
address their challenges.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 04 Discussion

Validating Form Input Data

with and processing bad data generally means that a lot of work will have to be
done to clean up the data on the back end. To avoid the processing of bad or
incorrect data, we incorporate form validation into our Web pages. There are
numerous levels of data validation, from ensuring that input fields are not
empty to ensuring the user data entered conforms to a specified format.

and describe some tips for someone new to JavaScript to get started. In
particular, focus on at least two of the following points while providing sample
code (with comments) of each:

How can we
set the focus to certain form elements? How do you check for empty input

What is the
purpose of using client-side validation versus server-side validation? Explain.

How does a
JavaScript function validate numeric and alphabetic inputs in specific fields?

How are
regular expressions used to match patterns with strings?

How can a
regular expression be used to validate data such as a Social Security number?

Under which
circumstances would you use a validation loop?

Why is
client-side validation prior to sending data to the server important?

What is the
potential problem of overly specific form validation?

How are the
+ operator and the \n escape sequence used when working with strings to
manipulate the DOM to add messages for errors?


Comment on
the posts of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples,
or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

how to set focus to certain form elements.

examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables
and functions.

how to check for empty input fields.

how a JavaScript function validates numeric and alphabetic inputs in specific


Participation Scoring Guide.


DQ2 Challenges
With Form Field Validation and Error Messages

Note: The
second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing
of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly
assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share
experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how
coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

validation and its associated error messages are at the heart of creating an
effective form. It is important to both understand what information is required
in a form (and in which format), and anticipate the user’s experience.

Discuss one
or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to
complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?


Comment on
the posts of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help them
address their challenges.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 05 Discussion

DQ1 Cookies:
Storing and Passing Information

On their
own, HTML and CSS are unable to store user information, so once the Web browser
is closed, any user information is lost. Cookies, Web storage, and sessions are
workarounds for this shortcoming. Research and describe some tips for someone
new to JavaScript to get begin to work with user information storage. In
particular, focus on at least two of the following points while providing
sample code (with comments) of each:

o Identify which storage situations
would be best resolved with sessions, local storage, and cookies to store
persistent data.

o Distinguish among session storage,
local storage, and cookies.

o Describe how to create, read, and
delete cookies with the document.cookie property.

o Explain how to parse a cookie

o Describe the visibility, scope, and
lifetime of a cookie.

o Explain how cookies can create a
customized user experience.


Comment on
the posts of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples,
or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

o Examine how to store, retrieve, and
pass data through query strings.

o Examine how to dynamically store
data into hidden input fields.

o View examples of effective
JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables and functions.

o Understand how to store data and
retrieve data from cookies.


o Discussion Participation Scoring

• Toggle Drawer

DQ2 Challenges
with Query String and Storing Persistent Information

Note: The
second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing
of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly
assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share
experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how
coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

Modern Web
sites rely increasingly on processing queries. Saving that data and passing it
along to other Web pages is just as important.

Discuss one
or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to
complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?


Comment on
the posts of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help them
address their challenges.


o Discussion Participation Scoring

• Toggle Drawer

Updates and Handouts

information will be posted in this space for the good of the class.

• Toggle Drawer

Ask Your Instructor

This forum
was created to provide a convenient space for you to ask questions—questions
about particular assignment and discussion activities, questions about the
course in general, questions about expectations. If there is something that you
feel you could use help with, please post your question here. Most likely, some
of your classmates will have the same concern, so your post may help several
learners. If you feel your question is private, please use the Messages tool
found under Notifications.

IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 01 Assignment

Variables in a Form


JavaScript that you use in the course assignments should:

Render and
function properly in at least two of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox,
Edge, and Safari.

Be verified
to be error free, well documented with comments, and appropriately constructed.


In this
assignment, use the Web page called “invitation.html” found in the
Required Resources (in the zip file called to add functionality
to an interactive form that generates an invitation to volunteers for an event.
The file will have the following invitation message placeholder and a form
below it. You will add JavaScript functionality to the form that will allow a
user to dynamically fill out the invitation.


You have
been invited to volunteer for an event held on July 1st. Please respond to this
email to sign up as a volunteer.




placeholders (for example the “recipientName”) will need to be set up as
elements with an assigned id attribute. Prompt the user to enter in the
recipient’s name, and host name (Your name). Using JavaScript, replace those
elements dynamically with what the user has entered in the form.

Use the
form’s input fields (once submitted) to store the values to JavaScript
variables. Then manipulate the DOM to replace the element content dynamically.

To get you
started, in your .js file, you need to first declare the variable names such


Then, you
would need to set the variable to the input field’s value:

= document.getElementById(“recipientNameInput”).value;

Next, you
would then need to set the innerHTML of the span element of the corresponding
name like:

= myRecipientName;

Note on
your submit button, a JavaScript event handler has been defined on the submit
of the form. Notice that it has a return false to prevent the form from
actually submitting.

Hint: See what
happens when you remove the “return false” from the JavaScript code.

Variable names cannot include any special characters or spaces. They cannot
start with a number. They also cannot be any of JavaScript’s reserved words.
Remember as well that JavaScript is case sensitive.


and unzip the file found in the Required Resources. It contains
the initial framework for the site. All of the HTML files are located in the
root directory. Images are placed in the images subdirectory; CSS files are
placed under the css subdirectory. Your JavaScript external files should be
placed under the “js” subdirector. When you submit your work, be sure to zip up
the entire folder, including all of the ancillary files such as the images,
CSS, and JavaScript code.

Note: This
course requires you to use a text editor to complete your work. There are many
free open source options on the Internet from which you may choose. See the
Suggested Resources for links to free, open source text editors.


Read the
Overview. Use the invitation.html file in the Resources as a template for
completing this assessment.

JavaScript that enables the invitation to be dynamically completed using the
form. Make sure to do each of the following:

variables to store the input field data.

Store the
input field data into the variables on form submit.

the DOM to replace placeholder data with the variables.

developer comments to describe the variables being declared and explain the
functions and logical blocks of JavaScript code.

completed, view your pages in each of your two selected Web browsers to see if
the content renders appropriately and consistently within each. Next, verify
that your code is error-free using the appropriate browser-specific development
tool found in the Resources. Take a screen capture of each of your validation
results and save it for submission.


Upload all
your website files to a hosting service of your choice. Two free sites to
consider are or See the Suggested Resources for

Submit your
work in the courseroom using a single Zip file containing the following:

Your entire
Web site (including the updated “invitation.html” file).

A Word
document with:

The url to
your Web site so faculty can view your site on a live host.

A screen
capture of each of your two validations that you completed using the developer
tools found in the Resources.


Variables in a Form Scoring Guide.

Safari Web
Inspector Guide.

Edge Dev Tools.



IT3215 Web
Site Zip Files.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 02 Assignment

Arrays and Loops


For this
assignment, you will use the volunteer.html file to create a more effective
process for managing the volunteer list by using arrays and loops. The web
application will make use of the volunteer.js file and allow the user to add
volunteers, delete volunteers, clear the list of volunteers as well as sort the
volunteers. Some of the functionality has been created to start you off so that
you can see how it is all integrated. You will be focusing on the code to
delete the volunteer as well as alter the volunteer list to add some formatting
on the output. Functionality is also included to be able to sort based on the
volunteer’s last name.


Use the
volunteer.html file to add functionality to our form. This new functionality
should allow the user to enter in volunteers to be added as well as delete
volunteers from the list by re-entering in their name. The volunteer list
should also be altered to use a looping structure to display a running count of
volunteers beside each name (starting at 1) beside each name similar to the
following display:

1. John

2. Jane

3. Randolph

4. Jen

Hint: Use
the splice function in order to remove a specific item from the array.

Tip: The
array index starts at 0, so when displaying the index, you will need to add 1
to the index value when it is displayed.

Make sure
to do the following:

JavaScript to delete a specific volunteer by using loop.

JavaScript that loops through the volunteer list to display the index value.

completed, view your pages in each of your two selected Web browsers to see if
the content renders appropriately and consistently within each. Next, verify
that your code is error-free using the appropriate browser-specific development
tool found in the Resources. Take a screen capture of each of your validation
results and save it for submission.


Upload your
Web site files to your Web host.

Submit your
work in the courseroom using a single Zip file containing the following:

Your entire
Web site, including all associated files.

A Word
document with:

The url to
your Web site so faculty can view your site on a live host.

A screen
capture of each of your two validations that you completed using the developer
tools found in the Resources.


Arrays and Loops Scoring Guide.

Edge Dev Tools.

IT3215 Web
Site Zip Files.


Safari Web
Inspector Guide.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 03 Assignment

Images, E

vents, and
the DOM


both static and dynamic, appear on most Web sites. There are many different
features and functionalities that we can add through the use of JavaScript,
including preloading, rollovers, and cycling banner ads. In this assignment,
you will work with JavaScript, images, events, and manipulating the DOM to
create an interactive image gallery.

Preloading your images will only work on a hosting server and not your local
drive, as there is no load time for your images locally. Once you have
preloaded those images, you should clear your cache to test your loading of the
images again.

Tip: In a
smaller JavaScript program such as this one, each function is created for a
specific purpose. However, in more complex sites, it is better to build
functions that are applicable to multiple situations. For example, rather than
specifying an element name or ID, we can use a variable that is passed into the


Use the
gallery.html and index.html files from the supplied course Zip file. Create
functionality using JavaScript on the following pages:


Preload the
images (banner1.jpg, banner2.jpg, and banner3.jpg in the images folder) for the
banner at the top of the page.

Create a
cycling two-state banner that cycles every three seconds.


Preload the
gallery images.

roll-over functionality for each of the thumbnails in your image gallery. Use
appropriate images found in the images folder.

developer comments to describe the variables being declared and explain the
functions and logical blocks of JavaScript code pertaining to the gallery.

Make sure
to do the following:

Create an
onpageload function to preload all of your images.

Create a
modularized function to cycle the homepage banner.

Create a
modularized rollover function for gallery images.

Once completed,
view your pages in each of your two selected Web browsers to see if the content
renders appropriately and consistently within each. Next, verify that your code
is error free using the appropriate browser specific development tool found in
the Resources.

Take a
screen capture of each of your validation results and save it for submission.

Modularized refers to creating components that can be repurposed without
significant changes to coding. Modularized components have no “hard
coding” of image names, URLs, and so on, in the functions. Samples of
modularized and nonmodularized JavaScript are provided in the Example Code file
linked in Resources.


Upload your
Web site files to your Web host.

Submit your
work in the courseroom using a single Zip file containing the following:

Your entire
Web site including all associated files.

A Word
document with:

The URL to
your Web site so the instructor can view your site on a live host.

A screen
capture of each of your two validations that you completed using the developer
tools linked in Resources.


Images, Events, and the DOM Scoring Guide.


Safari Web
Inspector Guide.

Edge Dev Tools.

IT3215 Web
Site Zip Files.



IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 04 Assignment

Form Field
Validation and Error Messages


You have
created a basic form and added interactivity to images using JavaScript. Now it
is time to validate information entered into your form fields. You will use the
“registration.html” file found in your Zip file. You will see that
the page has a form with the following fields to allow users to register for an
account. The items in parentheses are defined formatting instructions to be
observed for each field.

(must only contain letters and numbers)

(minimum of 8 characters)

(minimum of 8 characters, must match password)

(text string)

(text string)

Email (uses format)

(uses (xxx) xxx-xxxx format)

(radio box for yes/no)


is case sensitive, so a variable named myVar is different from MyVar and myvar.

your form validation testing as you go rather than all at the end. It will be much
easier to fix the error if you have a smaller sequence of code to review.


Read the
assignment overview.

Use the
registration.html file to add functionality to the form found on the page. The
JavaScript that you write should validate each field and, if errors are made,
display appropriate error messages that direct the user to complete the form
properly. Once the form is completed, your script should open the confirmation
page (confirmation.php).

Note: The
input fields in the form with an asterisk are required fields.

Make sure
to do the following:

JavaScript that defines that a field is required and generates an appropriate
error message if the field has not been completed.

JavaScript to validate all input fields per the formatting definitions that the
field values should be checked against (found in the overview) after each

JavaScript that displays an appropriate error correction message (next to the
field) in the event a form entry error has been made.

Write a
JavaScript that will default the user’s cursor to the first erroneous input
field in the event that there is an input error.

Create a
submit button that executes the validation when submitted.

completed, view your pages in each of your two selected Web browsers to see if
the content renders appropriately and consistently within each. Next, verify
that your code is error free using the appropriate browser specific development
tool found in the Resources.

Take a
screen capture of each of your validation results and save it for submission.


Upload your
Web site files to your Web host.

Submit your
work in the courseroom using a single Zip file containing the following:

Your entire
Web site and all associated files.

A Word
document with:

The URL to
your Web site so the instructor can view your site on a live host.

A screen
capture of each of your two validations that you completed using the developer
tools found in the Resources.


Form Field
Validation and Error Messages Scoring Guide.

Edge Dev Tools.

Safari Web
Inspector Guide.


IT3215 Web
Site Zip Files.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 05 Assignment

Strings and Storing Persistent Information


As Web
forms get longer, we very commonly see them split across multiple pages to
collect all of the necessary information. There are different reasons for this.
A long form can be daunting for users and a large/long form can be difficult
for users to fill out on a mobile device. These forms need to be designed so
that the data entered by the user on the forms on each page will be submitted
to the Web server simultaneously. This makes more sense as they are part of the
same data set. The problem with stateless pages is that if the user moves from
one page to the next, the data entered is lost. To bypass this issue, you will
need to use query strings, hidden input fields, and cookies.

In this
assignment you will use the previously created registration.html file to send
information to a second page named confirm.html. You will write a script on
that page that will save the information from the form to a cookie and then
display it on a same page. If the user goes back to this confirm.html page, the
page should display the user form data from the registration entry that was
last entered.


o It will help to output the array
into the browser console so that you can verify that the string is being
correctly parsed. Details on the browser console can be found in the Resources.

o To skip having to enter data into
the form each time to test, it may help to create a JavaScript function that
automatically fills in the fields for you and comment it out when completed.


Read the

Modify the
“registration.html” page created in the prior assessment to send a
query (that has all input field information from that form) to a second page.
When the user presses submit, all of the input fields from the
registration.html form will be saved into a cookie. The user should then be
forwarded to a second page (confirm.html (created by you)) that will read the
cookie information and display it in a name/value pair using JavaScript.

Make sure
to do the following:

o Create and integrate a script on
the registration.html page passes all of the input fields from the form when
the submit button is pressed.

o Create a confirm.html page will
read in the input from the query string data from the registration.html page
and store them into variables first.

o Write a script that runs in
response to the submit event, that saves the input from the
registration.html page to a series of
cookies to store each input, and opens a second page called confirm.html that
reads and displays information from all the fields.

o Once completed, view your pages in
each of your two selected Web browsers to see if the content renders
appropriately and consistently within each. Next, verify that your code is
error-free using the appropriate browser-specific development tool found in the
Resources. Take a screen capture of each of your validation results and save it
for submission.


o Upload your Web site files to your
Web host.

o Submit your work in the courseroom
using a single Zip file containing the following:

? Your entire Web site and all
associated files.

? A Word document with:

? The url to your Web site so faculty
can view your site on a live host.

? A screen capture of each of your
two validations that you completed using the developer tools found in the


o Query Strings and Storing
Persistent Information Scoring Guide.

o Microsoft Edge Dev Tools.

o Chrome DevTools.

o Safari Web Inspector Guide.

o IT3215 Web Site Zip Files.

• Toggle Drawer

IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 01 Discussion

DQ1 Getting
Started With JavaScript

has been one of the most popular scripting languages for dynamic interactivity.
It is a completely different language from HTML5 and CSS3, and it can be
challenging for those without programming experience to begin. Research and
describe some tips for someone new to JavaScript to get started. In particular,
focus on at least two of the following points while providing sample code (with
comments) for each:

Explain how
different browsers handle JavaScript code. What considerations must be made
when developing for different browsers?

the use of JavaScript comments, including the process of “commenting
out” portions of JavaScript code.

Explain the
primary rules for creating a JavaScript identifier.

Explain the
use of variable declarations and assignment statements with numeric, string,
and Boolean data.

Explain the
syntax for referring to a method or property of an object.

Explain the
issue of cross-browser compatibility as it relates to JavaScript code.

the creation and use of event handlers, including an event handler for the load
event of the window object and how the HTML and JavaScript sections work
together using the DOM.

how the process flow for form submissions works between HTML, JavaScript, and a
server-side language like PHP.


Comment on
the post of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples,
or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.

regarding discussions in this course: The discussion topic should determine the
length of your post, however, a minimum of 150 words is recommended. Refer to
the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide for post expectations. Make your
initial posts by Wednesday to allow time sufficient for peers to respond. The
expectation within the course discussions is to respond to at least two posts
by the end of the unit, but it is highly recommended that you extend the dialog
further. Responding over multiple days will help stimulate a lively discussion.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Study the
different variable data types.

Examine the
process flow of form submissions.

the basic concepts of the DOM and how HTML and the JavaScript sections of the
DOM work together.

examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables
and functions.


Participation Scoring Guide.


DQ2 Challenges
to Using Variables in a Form

Note: The
second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing
of challenges and solutions encountered while completing your weekly
assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share
experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how
coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

and employing variables for the first time can be tricky. Putting them in a
form can make it even tougher. For some it is very intuitive; for others, less

Discuss one
or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to
complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?


Comment on
the post of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help your fellow
learners address their challenges.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 02 Discussion

DQ1 Arrays,
Loops, and the DOM

You have
learned about working with the DOM with CSS, but you can also work with the DOM
using JavaScript. You will be able to alter and manipulate the DOM dynamically
with JavaScript to extend basic JavaScript functionality by using loops,
events, controls, arrays, and functions. Research and describe some tips for
someone new to JavaScript to get started. In particular, focus on at least two
of the following points while providing sample code (with comments) for each:

Explain how
arrays and loops be utilized effectively together versus separate variable

the flow of control for while, do-while, and for loops.

the use of a JavaScript array, including the use of its index and length

these methods for working with forms and controls: submit, reset, focus, blur.

the use of the Document Object Model in JavaScript applications.

these events for working with controls: onfocus, onblur, onclick, ondblclick,
onchange, onselect.

the process of creating and adding nodes to the DOM, including adding rows and
cells to a DOM table.

between a function expression and a function declaration, including which one can
be called before it is defined.


Comment on
the post of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples or
opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

how to dynamically add HTML elements to an existing page by manipulating the

when arrays are utilized.

examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables
and functions.

Know the
difference between an array and a variable.

the different types of loops.


Participation Scoring Guide.


DQ2 Challenges
to Arrays and Loops

Note: The
second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing
of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly
assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share
experiences that you are having and to help others with theirs. This is how
coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

and employing arrays and loops can be challenging. For some it is very intuitive;
for others, less so.

Discuss one
or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to
complete the assignment this week. How did you try to address it or solve it?


Comment on
the post of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help them address
their challenges.

IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 03 Discussion

DQ1 Events,
Dynamic Images, and Modularization

The ability
to animate graphics with JavaScript has resulted in increased interactivity of
Web sites. As we add more functionality into our scripts, it is important that
we take the time to modularize our code to make it more efficient. We want to
ensure our functions are split up for reuse.

and describe some tips and suggestions for someone new to JavaScript to get
started. In particular, focus on at least two of the following points while
providing sample code (with comments) of each

which events and methods we can use to handle user interaction with images.

among HTML events, mouse events, and keyboard events.

the use of cross-browser compatible functions or methods for attaching and
detaching event handlers.

the use of images and preloaded images in applications like image rollovers and
slide shows.

setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, and clearInterval.

Explain why
modularizing a program makes it more efficient.

the advantages and disadvantages of modularization.


Comment on
the posts of at least two other learners, offering insights, solutions,
examples, or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables
and functions.

Examine how
JavaScript functions can assist in creating fast-loading image galleries.

the use of the settimeout function.

principles of modular code.

JavaScript timers including how the setInterval timer is used.


Participation Scoring Guide.


DQ2 Challenges
With Dynamic Images, Events, and the DOM

Note: The
second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing
of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly
assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share
experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how
coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

images and events can make a Web page pop. For some, creating this interactivity
is a snap; for others it can be a bit of a challenge.

Discuss one
or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to
complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?


Comment on
the post of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help the posters
address their challenges.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 04 Discussion

Validating Form Input Data

with and processing bad data generally means that a lot of work will have to be
done to clean up the data on the back end. To avoid the processing of bad or
incorrect data, we incorporate form validation into our Web pages. There are
numerous levels of data validation, from ensuring that input fields are not
empty to ensuring the user data entered conforms to a specified format.

and describe some tips for someone new to JavaScript to get started. In
particular, focus on at least two of the following points while providing sample
code (with comments) of each:

How can we
set the focus to certain form elements? How do you check for empty input

What is the
purpose of using client-side validation versus server-side validation? Explain.

How does a
JavaScript function validate numeric and alphabetic inputs in specific fields?

How are
regular expressions used to match patterns with strings?

How can a
regular expression be used to validate data such as a Social Security number?

Under which
circumstances would you use a validation loop?

Why is
client-side validation prior to sending data to the server important?

What is the
potential problem of overly specific form validation?

How are the
+ operator and the \n escape sequence used when working with strings to
manipulate the DOM to add messages for errors?


Comment on
the posts of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples,
or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

how to set focus to certain form elements.

examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables
and functions.

how to check for empty input fields.

how a JavaScript function validates numeric and alphabetic inputs in specific


Participation Scoring Guide.


DQ2 Challenges
With Form Field Validation and Error Messages

Note: The
second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing
of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly
assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share
experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how
coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

validation and its associated error messages are at the heart of creating an
effective form. It is important to both understand what information is required
in a form (and in which format), and anticipate the user’s experience.

Discuss one
or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to
complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?


Comment on
the posts of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help them
address their challenges.


IT3215 Introduction to JavaScript

Unit 05 Discussion

DQ1 Cookies:
Storing and Passing Information

On their
own, HTML and CSS are unable to store user information, so once the Web browser
is closed, any user information is lost. Cookies, Web storage, and sessions are
workarounds for this shortcoming. Research and describe some tips for someone
new to JavaScript to get begin to work with user information storage. In
particular, focus on at least two of the following points while providing
sample code (with comments) of each:

o Identify which storage situations
would be best resolved with sessions, local storage, and cookies to store
persistent data.

o Distinguish among session storage,
local storage, and cookies.

o Describe how to create, read, and
delete cookies with the document.cookie property.

o Explain how to parse a cookie

o Describe the visibility, scope, and
lifetime of a cookie.

o Explain how cookies can create a
customized user experience.


Comment on
the posts of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples,
or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

o Examine how to store, retrieve, and
pass data through query strings.

o Examine how to dynamically store
data into hidden input fields.

o View examples of effective
JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables and functions.

o Understand how to store data and
retrieve data from cookies.


o Discussion Participation Scoring

• Toggle Drawer

DQ2 Challenges
with Query String and Storing Persistent Information

Note: The
second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing
of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly
assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share
experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how
coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

Modern Web
sites rely increasingly on processing queries. Saving that data and passing it
along to other Web pages is just as important.

Discuss one
or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to
complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?


Comment on
the posts of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help them
address their challenges.


o Discussion Participation Scoring

• Toggle Drawer

Updates and Handouts

information will be posted in this space for the good of the class.

• Toggle Drawer

IT 3215 Introduction to JavaScript Full Course Tasks
IT 3215 Introduction to JavaScript Full Course Tasks

Ask Your Instructor

This forum
was created to provide a convenient space for you to ask questions—questions
about particular assignment and discussion activities, questions about the
course in general, questions about expectations. If there is something that you
feel you could use help with, please post your question here. Most likely, some
of your classmates will have the same concern, so your post may help several
learners. If you feel your question is private, please use the Messages tool
found under Notifications.

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: IT 3215: Introduction to JavaScript: Full Course Tasks

APA Writing Checklist

Use this document as a checklist for each paper you will write throughout your GCU graduate program. Follow specific instructions indicated in the assignment and use this checklist to help ensure correct grammar and APA formatting. Refer to the APA resources available in the GCU Library and Student Success Center.

Check Out Also :  IT 3215: Introduction to JavaScript: All Units Discussions Tasks

☐ APA paper template (located in the Student Success Center/Writing Center) is utilized for the correct format of the paper. APA style is applied, and format is correct throughout.

☐  The title page is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ The introduction is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ Topic is well defined.

☐ Strong thesis statement is included in the introduction of the paper.

☐ The thesis statement is consistently threaded throughout the paper and included in the conclusion.

☐ Paragraph development: Each paragraph has an introductory statement, two or three sentences as the body of the paragraph, and a transition sentence to facilitate the flow of information. The sections of the main body are organized to reflect the main points of the author. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ All sources are cited. APA style and format are correctly applied and are free from error.

☐ Sources are completely and correctly documented on a References page, as appropriate to assignment and APA style, and format is free of error.

Scholarly Resources: Scholarly resources are written with a focus on a specific subject discipline and usually written by an expert in the same subject field. Scholarly resources are written for an academic audience.

Examples of Scholarly Resources include: Academic journals, books written by experts in a field, and formally published encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Peer-Reviewed Journals: Peer-reviewed journals are evaluated prior to publication by experts in the journal’s subject discipline. This process ensures that the articles published within the journal are academically rigorous and meet the required expectations of an article in that subject discipline.

Empirical Journal Article: This type of scholarly resource is a subset of scholarly articles that reports the original finding of an observational or experimental research study. Common aspects found within an empirical article include: literature review, methodology, results, and discussion.

Adapted from “Evaluating Resources: Defining Scholarly Resources,” located in Research Guides in the GCU Library.

☐ The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. Utilize writing resources such as Grammarly, LopesWrite report, and ThinkingStorm to check your writing.