
IT 3215 Unit 3 Discussion DQ1 Events, Dynamic Images, and Modularization

IT 3215 Unit 3 Discussion DQ1 Events, Dynamic Images, and Modularization

IT 3215 Unit 3 Discussion DQ1 Events, Dynamic Images, and Modularization

The ability to animate graphics with JavaScript has resulted in increased interactivity of Web sites. As we add more functionality into our scripts, it is important that we take the time to modularize our code to make it more efficient. We want to ensure our functions are split up for reuse.

Research and describe some tips and suggestions for someone new to JavaScript to get started. In particular, focus on at least two of the following points while providing sample code (with comments) of each:

Explain which events and methods we can use to handle user interaction with images.

Distinguish among HTML events, mouse events, and keyboard events.

Describe the use of cross-browser compatible functions or methods for attaching and detaching event handlers.

Describe the use of images and preloaded images in applications like image rollovers and slide shows.

Describe setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, and clearInterval.

Explain why modularizing a program makes it more efficient.

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of modularization.

Unit 1 discussion

DQ1 Getting Started With JavaScript

JavaScript has been one of the most popular scripting languages for dynamic interactivity . It is a completely different language from HTML5 and CSS3, and it can be challenging for those without programming experience to begin . Research and describe some tips for someone new to JavaScript to get started . In particular, focus on at least two of the following points while providing sample code (with comments) for each:

Explain how different browsers handle JavaScript code . What considerations must be made when developing for different browsers?

Describe the use of JavaScript comments, including the process of “commenting out” portions of JavaScript code .

Explain the primary rules for creating a JavaScript identifier.

Explain the use of variable declarations and assignment statements with numeric, string, and Boolean data.

Explain the syntax for referring to a method or property of an object.

Explain the issue of cross-browser compatibility as it relates to JavaScript code.

Describe the creation and use of event handlers, including an event handler for the load event of the window object and how the HTML and JavaScript sections work together using the DOM.

Describe how the process flow for form submissions works between HTML, JavaScript, and a server-side language like PHP.

Response Guidelines

Comment on the post of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples, or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.

Note regarding discussions in this course: The discussion topic should determine the length of your post, however, a minimum of 150 words is recommended. Refer to the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide for post expectations. Make your initial posts by Wednesday to allow time sufficient for peers to respond. The expectation within the course discussions is to respond to at least two posts by the end of the unit, but it is highly recommended that you extend the dialog further. Responding over multiple days will help stimulate a lively discussion.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Study the different variable data types.

Examine the process flow of form submissions.

Understand the basic concepts of the DOM and how HTML and the JavaScript sections of the DOM work together.

View examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables and functions.

DQ2 Challenges to Using Variables in a Form

Note: The second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing of challenges and solutions encountered while completing your weekly assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

Creating and employing variables for the first time can be tricky. Putting them in a form can make it even tougher. For some it is very intuitive; for others, less so.

Discuss one or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?

Response Guidelines

Comment on the post of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help your fellow learners address their challenges.

Unit 2 discussion

DQ1 Arrays, Loops, and the DOM

You have learned about working with the DOM with CSS, but you can also work with the DOM using JavaScript. You will be able to alter and manipulate the DOM dynamically with JavaScript to extend basic JavaScript functionality by using loops, events, controls, arrays, and functions. Research and describe some tips for someone new to JavaScript to get started. In particular, focus on at least two of the following points while providing sample code (with comments) for each:

Explain how arrays and loops be utilized effectively together versus separate variable declarations.

Describe the flow of control for while, do-while, and for loops.

Describe the use of a JavaScript array, including the use of its index and length property.

Describe these methods for working with forms and controls: submit, reset, focus, blur.

Describe the use of the Document Object Model in JavaScript applications.

Describe these events for working with controls: onfocus, onblur, onclick, ondblclick, onchange, onselect.

Describe the process of creating and adding nodes to the DOM, including adding rows and cells to a DOM table.

Distinguish between a function expression and a function declaration, including which one can be called before it is defined.

Response Guidelines

Comment on the post of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Understand how to dynamically add HTML elements to an existing page by manipulating the DOM.

Examine when arrays are utilized.

View examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables and functions.

Know the difference between an array and a variable.

Understand the different types of loops.

DQ2 Challenges to Arrays and Loops

Note: The second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share experiences that you are having and to help others with theirs. This is how coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

Creating and employing arrays and loops can be challenging. For some it is very intuitive; for others, less so.

Discuss one or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to complete the assignment this week. How did you try to address it or solve it?

Response Guidelines

Comment on the post of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help them address their challenges.

Unit 3 discussion

DQ1 Events, Dynamic Images, and Modularization

The ability to animate graphics with JavaScript has resulted in increased interactivity of Web sites. As we add more functionality into our scripts, it is important that we take the time to modularize our code to make it more efficient. We want to ensure our functions are split up for reuse.

Research and describe some tips and suggestions for someone new to JavaScript to get started. In particular, focus on at least two of the following points while providing sample code (with comments) of each:

Explain which events and methods we can use to handle user interaction with images.

Distinguish among HTML events, mouse events, and keyboard events.

Describe the use of cross-browser compatible functions or methods for attaching and detaching event handlers.

Describe the use of images and preloaded images in applications like image rollovers and slide shows.

Describe setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, and clearInterval.

Explain why modularizing a program makes it more efficient.

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of modularization.

Response Guidelines

Comment on the posts of at least two other learners, offering insights, solutions, examples, or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

View examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables and functions.

Examine how JavaScript functions can assist in creating fast-loading image galleries.

Understand the use of the settimeout function.

Understand principles of modular code.

Understand JavaScript timers including how the setInterval timer is used.

DQ2 Challenges With Dynamic Images, Events, and the DOM

Note: The second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

Dynamic images and events can make a Web page pop. For some, creating this interactivity is a snap; for others it can be a bit of a challenge.

Discuss one or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?

Response Guidelines

Comment on the post of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help the posters address their challenges.

Unit 4 discussion

DQ1 Validating Form Input Data

Working with and processing bad data generally means that a lot of work will have to be done to clean up the data on the back end. To avoid the processing of bad or incorrect data, we incorporate form validation into our Web pages. There are numerous levels of data validation, from ensuring that input fields are not empty to ensuring the user data entered conforms to a specified format.

Research and describe some tips for someone new to JavaScript to get started. In particular, focus on at least two of the following points while providing sample code (with comments) of each:

How can we set the focus to certain form elements? How do you check for empty input fields?

What is the purpose of using client-side validation versus server-side validation? Explain.

How does a JavaScript function validate numeric and alphabetic inputs in specific fields?

How are regular expressions used to match patterns with strings?

How can a regular expression be used to validate data such as a Social Security number?

Under which circumstances would you use a validation loop?

Why is client-side validation prior to sending data to the server important?

What is the potential problem of overly specific form validation?

How are the + operator and the n escape sequence used when working with strings to manipulate the DOM to add messages for errors?

Response Guidelines

Comment on the posts of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples, or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Understand how to set focus to certain form elements.

View examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables and functions.

Understand how to check for empty input fields.

Understand how a JavaScript function validates numeric and alphabetic inputs in specific fields.

DQ2 Challenges With Form Field Validation and Error Messages

Note: The second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

Field validation and its associated error messages are at the heart of creating an effective form. It is important to both understand what information is required in a form (and in which format), and anticipate the user’s experience.

Discuss one or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?

Response Guidelines

Comment on the posts of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help them address their challenges.

Unit 5 discussion

DQ1 Cookies-Storing and Passing Information

On their own, HTML and CSS are unable to store user information, so once the Web browser is closed, any user information is lost. Cookies, Web storage, and sessions are workarounds for this shortcoming. Research and describe some tips for someone new to JavaScript to get begin to work with user information storage. In particular, focus on at least two of the following points while providing sample code (with comments) of each:

Identify which storage situations would be best resolved with sessions, local storage, and cookies to store persistent data.

Distinguish among session storage, local storage, and cookies.

Describe how to create, read, and delete cookies with the document.cookie property.

Explain how to parse a cookie string.

Describe the visibility, scope, and lifetime of a cookie.

Explain how cookies can create a customized user experience.

Response Guidelines

Comment on the posts of at least two other learners. Offer insights, solutions, examples, or opinions that add depth and value to the conversation.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Examine how to store, retrieve, and pass data through query strings.

Examine how to dynamically store data into hidden input fields.

View examples of effective JavaScript comments that describe and explain variables and functions.

Understand how to store data and retrieve data from cookies.

DQ2 Challenges with Query String and Storing Persistent Information

Note: The second discussion in each unit of this course is dedicated to community sharing of challenges and solutions you have encountered while completing your weekly assignment. You are encouraged to post and respond early in the week to share experiences that you are having, and to help others with theirs. This is how coders solve tough issues: they rely on one another!

Modern Web sites rely increasingly on processing queries. Saving that data and passing it along to other Web pages is just as important.

IT 3215 Unit 3 Discussion DQ1 Events, Dynamic Images, and Modularization
IT 3215 Unit 3 Discussion DQ1 Events, Dynamic Images, and Modularization

Discuss one or more of the challenges or experiences that you encountered when trying to complete this week’s assignment. How did you try to address it or solve it?

Response Guidelines

Comment on the posts of at least two other learners. Share suggestions to help them address their challenges.


Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

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APA Writing Checklist

Use this document as a checklist for each paper you will write throughout your GCU graduate program. Follow specific instructions indicated in the assignment and use this checklist to help ensure correct grammar and APA formatting. Refer to the APA resources available in the GCU Library and Student Success Center.

Also Check Out:  IT 3215: Unit 3 Discussion DQ2 Challenges With Dynamic Images, Events, and the DOM

☐ APA paper template (located in the Student Success Center/Writing Center) is utilized for the correct format of the paper. APA style is applied, and format is correct throughout.

☐  The title page is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ The introduction is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ Topic is well defined.

☐ Strong thesis statement is included in the introduction of the paper.

☐ The thesis statement is consistently threaded throughout the paper and included in the conclusion.

☐ Paragraph development: Each paragraph has an introductory statement, two or three sentences as the body of the paragraph, and a transition sentence to facilitate the flow of information. The sections of the main body are organized to reflect the main points of the author. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ All sources are cited. APA style and format are correctly applied and are free from error.

☐ Sources are completely and correctly documented on a References page, as appropriate to assignment and APA style, and format is free of error.

Scholarly Resources: Scholarly resources are written with a focus on a specific subject discipline and usually written by an expert in the same subject field. Scholarly resources are written for an academic audience.

Examples of Scholarly Resources include: Academic journals, books written by experts in a field, and formally published encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Peer-Reviewed Journals: Peer-reviewed journals are evaluated prior to publication by experts in the journal’s subject discipline. This process ensures that the articles published within the journal are academically rigorous and meet the required expectations of an article in that subject discipline.

Empirical Journal Article: This type of scholarly resource is a subset of scholarly articles that reports the original finding of an observational or experimental research study. Common aspects found within an empirical article include: literature review, methodology, results, and discussion.

Adapted from “Evaluating Resources: Defining Scholarly Resources,” located in Research Guides in the GCU Library.

☐ The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. Utilize writing resources such as Grammarly, LopesWrite report, and ThinkingStorm to check your writing.