
LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?

LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?

Grand Canyon University LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?-Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort? assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?                                   


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University   LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort? depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?                                   


The introduction for the Grand Canyon University   LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort? is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?                                   


After the introduction, move into the main part of the LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort? assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?                                   


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?                                   


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort?

Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort? Describe either a good or a bad example of this from your organization or one that you have studied. Describe how the communication affected the various stakeholders affected by the change effort.

Constantine Dapilma

Organizational change is usually a multifaceted and demanding process requiring the commitment and participation of all stakeholders. Communication is the informational component that enhances understanding of the change process and ensures that teams work together. This discussion explains the importance of effective and frequent communication.

Stakeholders drive the change process and should be actively involved throughout the change process. Effective communication ensures that stakeholders understand why the change occurs and how it will affect them (Jankelová & Joniaková, 2021). Frequent communication plays an influential role by reminding stakeholders about their role and importance. It is a strategy of inspiring people affected and influencing the change to continue supporting it and playing their roles as allocated. Neill (2018) found effective and timely communication critical in controlling the inertia or fears associated with change. Minimizing the fears reduces resistance, implying that the change project can be completed within the set timelines.

Example of Good Communication

A suitable example of good communication is communication to all people when driving change. It is a form of systems thinking where all the constituents of an organization are valued, and the change leader ensures that they receive the message. Al-Ghabeesh and Qattom (2019) described such an instance in a study of the impacts of bullying among nurses and preventive measures. Communication was done to bullies and victims to understand the phenomenon and ensure they worked together to mitigate the problem. In this case, effective communication inspired the various stakeholders affected by the change effort to work collaboratively.

In conclusion, communication is the informational component of a change effort. It enhances understanding of the change effort by explaining its reasons and outcomes. Effective and frequent communication is also crucial in controlling fears associated with the change. It is among the strategies that help change leaders overcome stakeholders’ resistance to change.


Al-Ghabeesh, S. H., & Qattom, H. (2019). Workplace bullying and its preventive measures and productivity among emergency department nurses. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research8(1), 1-9.

Jankelová, N., & Joniaková, Z. (2021). Communication skills and transformational leadership style of first-line nurse managers in relation to job satisfaction of nurses and moderators of this relationship. In Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 346). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.

Neill, M. S. (2018). Change management communication: Barriers, strategies & messaging. Public Relations Journal12(1), 1-26.

Last saved changes Nov 6, 2021


I believe that everyone can agree that communication is so vital to the success of an organization. If there is no communication and if it is not effective communication then there will be distrust, confusion, and lack of awareness among employees. A bad example that I can give from my organization is a couple of weeks ago we made a huge agency-wide change that resulted in many glitches in our ad campaigns. during this time period as Account Managers, we got the backlash of our members since their campaigns were glitching. We didn’t have the right communication process in place since it was something that was rolled out randomly with no training or previous communication on it. This is a sign of a bad communication example that can affect change efforts.

For organizations, if a change is happening it is so important to discuss with your team and make sure that everyone is on the same page and ready for that change to occur.

Effective communication involves both delivering and receiving a message. There are four key pieces to effectively communicating within an organization. They include presenting a clear and detailed message, the receiver listening and asking questions, an appropriate method of delivery, and content that resonates with the beliefs of the team (Heathfield, 2021)

. Having poor communication cab cause confusion, resentment, and failure of the change initiative. One example I have witnessed in my organization was during the pandemic. The hospital was full of patients, the emergency department was holding patients, and we had to bring in travel nurses to help care for the patients. We also lost

LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort
LDR 615 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is effective and frequent communication so critical to a successful change effort

several nurses to travel nurse jobs, stress, COVID, and retirement. The organization decided to develop an agency/travel group within the company. Several of our staff members saw the posting for these positioins and some even received recruiting emails. The pay was triple what many of them were currently making. I immediately pointed out this was causing problems, as we were now making our full-time staff upset. Several full-time nurses requested to transfer to the travel positions. Leadership realized instead of drawing new nurses in we were causing the staff we had to want to take those positions. This did not fix the nursing shortage. Internal candidates were told they were not ellligible for those positions. These nurses were angry and ended up quitting. New nurses did not come for the positions either, because they made more at traditional travel nursing agencies. The poor coomunication of the plan did not help bring relief to our over-worked staff, and caused several to quit. We are still trying to recover from this. The leadership should have communicated the “why”. The goal was to provide relief to our staff working so many extra shifts and save money by reducing the number of travel nurses from outside agencies. Having recruiters email current staff was a huge communication error. Then the way in which internal staff were told these positions were not intended for them was insensitive. The staff felt under-appreciated. 

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Heathfield, S. M. (2021, February 28). Why is communication is important in change management. The Balance Careers.

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Hello ,

thank you for sharing. What a tough time that was for all of you. I can understand the emotional feelings behind it all. I would agree that leadership lack the communication that gives a clear view of what the plan was supposed to be. I believe as leaders and management it is their job to make sure that everyone understands what the next steps are. When everyone is on the same page things seem to run according to the plan and the team will find themselves successful. Thank you nurses for all you do to help our community. Again, Thank you for sharing your post!

Hi Class,

As we bring our fifth week to a close, I must say that this has been a very enlightening and engaging week of discussions. As many of you pointed out in your discussion responses, effective communication is not just important in a changing office environment, but can also prove beneficial in our ever changing personal lives as well.

As we end this module armed with additional knowledge regarding employee empowerment and creating sound communication plans during times of organizational change, I would like to highlight a few key points to take away:

  • From a leadership perspective, it is important to provide training for employees that align with the change and are designed in such a way that employees feel as though the new responsibilities and tasks are appropriate based upon their career interests and skill sets. Employees should never have to question the organization’s commitment to fairness and to their well-being.
  • Leaders must build a common understanding of the purpose of the change in order to minimize barriers that could impede the change initiative.

Thank you so much for the substantive contributions that you made to this week’s discussions. Another outstanding week…only 3 more to go!!!!

Dr. E

Hello Class,

Suggest a communication strategy/plan for communicating a change initiative if the change initiative involves office cutbacks and workforce reduction. As the leader, how would you communicate this to the employees? In this case, what role does communication play in overcoming resistance to change?

Dr. Erica

One communication strategy I’ve found effective is weekly meetings, upfront email correspondence, and having a scheduled post such as in an application everyone can see in real-time allows for confusion to be negated long before it begins. I organize several off-duty police security jobs for bars, restaurants, churches, etc., and they all have a reduction in staffing at various points. It’s difficult to tell officers I have to reduce the workforce at job sites. Still, I keep it fair by utilizing a seniority system, which eliminates the accusation of preferential treatments.

An article titled “Planning for voluntary workforce reductions” discusses strategies managers should take, including demonstrating all efforts were made to avoid reductions, address communication needs of those affected and those who retained their jobs, and provide whatever support possible during the process (Daniel, 1995).


Daniel, T. A. (1995, September 22). Planning for voluntary and involuntary workforce reductions. Employment Relations Todayv22(n3).


According to SHRM (2021) face to face meetings are the most appropriate way to give out sensitive communication. In regards to cutbacks in the workforce many employees may be scare, confused and want to ask many question regarding the process. It is important for the leaders to relay all vital communication so that there is no confusion in the workforce about what will happen, how it will happen, and when it will happen. This type of proper communication may help with the resistance to change.

SHRM. (2021, July 7). Managing organizational communication. SHRM. Retrieved November 10, 2021, from,face%20communication%20is%20generally%20preferred.&text=The%20telephone%20is%20another%20way%20to%20communicate%20information%20to%20employees. 


Hi Dr. E. Great question. Unfortunately this is a common issue that many companies are facing. In the hospital I work in we have been dealing with short staffing since the pandemic. Due to the financial strain of the pandemic and the need to hire travel nurses the hospital like many other hospitals went on a hiring freeze. This of course lead to alot of resistance and frustration on the staff’s end. They are dealing with higher ratios then they are used to. In order to deal with the staffing shortage administration needed to think out of the box. One of the first thing they did was cut new hire orientation by a few months. We used to give a new grad RN 4-5 month orientation to a 2-3 month orientation. We also went to a stretch staffing model which allows the preceptor and orientee to take care of more patients(The orientee would have her set of patients and the preceptor would have her own). This of course was a sudden change initiative which needless to say was met with resistance. Even as a leader I knew the change was needed but I also felt bad delivering this message to a staff that had already worked so hard during the peak of the pandemic. However part of being a leader is communicating difficult news at times.

As a change agent or leader, you need to explain and convey what the purpose of the change is, while helping the entire team understand and work towards a common goal, known as the vision (Ricks, 2020).

One of the things I did was not only communicate what the change was but more importantly shared the reason for the change. The other thing we did was involve the stakeholders in the change initiative. One of the ideas that the staff came up with was to look at NA-RN workflows. Redistributing responsibilities. By involving them in the solution led to greater buy-in even in difficult times.

Rick, T. (2020). Communication is paramount when it comes to change management.


One thing I’ve always preached to either my staff or leadership is to always communicate. When I came to my current organization there was no such thing as communication. We had projects that everyone pulled their own way, which caused confusion, anger, and cost so much more money in scheduling, transporting, and product loss it was killing our profits.

When I took over the Manger role over materials and trucking, the very first thing I did was open lines of accountability in communication and needs, rather then word of mouth. I did this with group text, excel sheets for services and vehicle needs, creating a shared scheduling in Google DOC with coordination and had the schedule remain fluid to accommodate customer needs outside what was scheduled.

Overall it worked wonders. Some issues are current leadership still not wanting the accountability and refusing to communicate out of only spite. But that’s a issue for owners.


I can agree with your point of view. Yes, communication is very important and it really depends on how the communication is being delivered and spoken among one another. Communicating is a form of language that can either help, hinder, and hurt others simply by the way things are said. Within an organization it is important for all leaders and staff to clearly communicate with one another so that everyone is on the same page. I have been in the early childhood industry for quite some time now and I can tell you communication is the major key to our company running like a welled oiled machine. Thank you for sharing your post.


Effective and frequent communication is essential during organizational change. A change agent with exceptional communication is needed to deliver, support, coordinate, and paint a picture of the proposed change. Staff must be given the opportunity to ask questions and allow the change agent to build trust with the stakeholders. A successful change agent can communicate clearly, transparently, honestly, engage with staff, and is constantly present throughout the changing process.

A bad and ineffective way of communicating is where a change agent is not a good listener but interrupts stakeholders constantly. Change agents must be able to give their full attention and detach from multitasking. The change agent must try not to equate his or her experiences with others. Every person’s experience is unique and should show empathy. The change agent should not ramble but be concise when delivering the message. Ineffective communication cause distrust among stakeholders. Poor communication can lead to stakeholders thinking that the organization is withholding information and trust deteriorates.  Lack of communication can generate frustration, stress, and anxiety among staff.


Marketing Magazine. (2020). Why communication is critical for successful change management. 


I agree with you point that frequent and effective communication is essential for organizational change. One of the most common mistakes a leader can do is assume that once the communication is given it is understood and heard in the manner the leader expected it to be and to be followed. A leader must check in often with frequently with their staff or co-workers to ensure their path of communication is being followed. Leaders must continually re-invest time and energy in communication to seek input, clarification and understanding of the vision. Ineffective communication is simple not listening it is also failure to follow through with emotional intelligence to make a shift from communication to mindfulness and effective communication techniques (Connors, 2020). Change, while exciting can also be exhausting and difficult, a mindful leader that is Intune with their own reactions, as well as others will create an effective thoughtful communication technique.