
MHA 614 Entire Course Policy Formation & Leadership in Health Organizations

MHA 614 Entire Course Policy Formation & Leadership in Health Organizations

 MHA 614 Week 1 Dq 1- Health Policy

 Explain health policy. What is it and how does it work?

 MHA 614 Week 1 Dq 2 – Comprehensive National Health Insurance

 According to Steinmo and Watts (in Harrington & Estes), Comprehensive National Health Insurance always fails in America; Discuss the authors’ viewpoint. Do you agree with the authors? Why or why not?

MHA 614 Week 1 Assignment  Healthcare Research

Research has a wide definition and regularly has totally distinctive implications relying upon the group included. As per Merriam-Webster, research is the watchful and steady search of a particular point; it includes the gathering of data around a specific subject (“Research – Definition from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary”, n.d., p. 1). On an expansive level, all researchers look to further comprehend a particular topic. Then again, the way to research shifts incredibly all through every community. A few researchers utilize evidence based information, examining and making inferences while others create their own particular information through experimentation or mathematical hypothesis. On an expert’s level, research is regularly in view of statistical information utilized to confirm a point the creator is attempting to express. One such sample is the diagram on page 31 found on Harrington’s “Health Policy: Crisis and Reform in the U.S. Health Care Delivery System,” here we will find that the writer gives a passage wherein the author is endeavoring to accept their perspective that national health care will never work in the U.S. (Harrington & Estes, 2008, p. 31).

MHA 614 Week 2 Dq 1 Mental Health

What have been the effects (discuss at least three) of state parity laws and the use of mental health care? Describe and explain the role of two organizations that are advocates for the mentally ill?

MHA 614 Week 2 DQ 2 Long Term Care

 Review articles on the subject of long term care. What is long term care? According to your readings, do most Americans have long term care insurance? Do Americans feel that they need long term care? Why or why not? What is your personal position on long term care?

 MHA 614 Week 2 Health Disparities Based on Socioeconomic Status


All through history, the financial status a kid is born into regularly sets the stage for specific desires, for example, earning prospective, future and access to training. As the world has advanced, kids in all nations have profited from progressions in innovation, prescription and the data superhighway. Then again, even with the progressions made in the course of the last numerous hundred years, there is still such an unbelievable marvel as destitution, lack of healthy sustenance and homelessness. In particular, youth destitution regularly impacts the physical improvement and wellbeing status of those unluckily born into scarcity. As indicated by Saki Knafo, who is from the Huffington Post, US is second in position when it comes to the most eminent as far as adolescence neediness among the main thirty-five wealthiest countries in the created world. Also, 23.1% of the youngsters in the US are well thought-out to live in a condition of destitution (“U.S. Child Poverty Second Highest Among Developed Nations: Report”, 2012, p. 1).

MHA 614 Week 3 DQ 1 Mergers and Acquisitions

 Analyze and discuss mergers and acquisitions in the health care delivery system since President Clinton’s National Health Care Reform Policy (text, p.153; Kitchener, p.160). Which stakeholders in the health care system tend to lose due to mergers? Why?

 MHA 614 Week 3 DQ 2 Labor Issues

 Discuss projections and trends in the supply of registered nurses. What do the projections and trends tell us about the nursing shortage?

 MHA 614 Week 3 Medical Practices and Conflicts of Interest


Therapeutic health development has been on the ascent with the appearance of advances that have prompted expanded exploration, better principles of care and the imparting of data. With these progressions, the inquiry of morals as it identifies with irreconcilable situations has likewise been on the ascent. Intermittently, apparently safe connections can have real ramifications as they identify with inquiries of morals. Circumstances like doctor payment for every service given “al a carte” and in addition doctor referral toward oneself and private doctors being compensated for restorative exploration.

Expense for administration payments have existed following in any event the 1980s. It was as of right now that doctors started charging for administrations (and charging) on an every administration premise versus one expense that secured all administrations given for every disease. This has had a negative effect on the level of administration as a few specialists were doing a maxing out on patient’s yearly breaking points by charging in this way. This particular practice and its negative effects were further exacerbated by increasing premiums to take care of expanded expenses to the insurance agencies. Studies have been carried out that demonstrate the effect of this practice and institutes the reason that paying doctors for every administration that they give makes incentives to doctors to expand the volume of administrations, which additionally expands their pay and society’s expenses for health care (“Conflicts of Interest and Medical Practice – Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice – NCBI Bookshelf”, n.d., p. 1).

MHA 614 Week 4 Managed Care


Managed care is regularly the best arrangement a patient has for congruity of health awareness administrations and predictable access to health care assets. The arrangement of managed care is intended to profit all partners, those being the insurance suppliers, doctors as well as patients. Be that as it may, in view of impacts both deliberate and unexpected, doctors regularly change the elements of managed care. Also, the business sector mastery of a given area decides the viability of a managed care arrangement. Zwanziger as well as Melnick clarify that market supremacy can occur by way for doctor mastery or insurance supremacy, each having their individual upsides and downsides.

In a doctor conquered business, one where the particular insurer does not confine the patient’s decision of doctor or clinic nor manages the level or measure of care obtained, the doctor controls the demand for administration (Zwanziger & Melnick, 1996, p. 186).

MHA 614 Week 5 DQ 1 World Health Situation

 Discuss and analyze the world health situation. What is the greatest problem facing the world population? What strategies (at least three) would you utilize to alleviate this problem?

 MHA 614 Week 5 DQ 2 MDG

 Explain Health, Poverty, and Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Briefly discuss each concept on this list from the World Health Organization (WHO).

 MHA 614 Week 6 DQ 1 Research Findings

 Discuss your research findings and how you will apply them to your work environment.

 MHA 614 Week 6 Final Paper  Research Findings

MHA 614 Week 6 Assignment Research Findings


On an expert’s level, research is regularly in view of statistical information utilized to confirm a point the creator is attempting to express. One such sample is the diagram on page 31 found on Harrington’s “Health Policy: Crisis and Reform in the U.S. Health Care Delivery System,” here we will find that the writer gives a passage wherein the author is endeavoring to accept their perspective that national health care will never work in the U.S. (Harrington & Estes, 2008, p. 31). Health care research in the work environment setting is appropriate as it gives a means to approve and characterize principles of care, lawful necessities and health strategy. Research led over the past six weeks have brought to light the concern of managed care inadequacies, absence of talented health care laborers as well as destitution on a worldwide scale; these concerns have a noteworthy effect on the health care industry and nature of care on a worldwide scale.