
N 584 Ethical and Logistical Considerations

N 584 Ethical and Logistical Considerations

N 584 Ethical and Logistical Considerations

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Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussions and any insights gained from it.

4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS:N 584 Ethical and Logistical ConsiderationsN 584 Ethical and Logistical Considerations


Critical Thinking Exercises :

Topic 1 DQ 1

What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? How do you believe that your conception of spirituality would influence the way in which you care for patients?

Spirituality is a broad concept with different perspectives from diverse people. Spirituality is important in human life, as it is considered both a motivating and harmonizing force. Further, spirituality is a difficult and multidimensional part of individuals’ life as an inner belief system. According to Polat and Ozdemir (2022), spirituality is an aspect of humanity that includes how people seek and express their meaning and purpose, and the way individuals experience connectedness to self, the moment, nature, others, and the sacred. Further, spirituality can be described as a set of beliefs that bring liveliness and meaning to the actions of life (Dewi & Hamzah, 2019). This indicates that spirituality is a significant dimension of people’s quality of life. Following the various descriptions of spirituality, spirituality can be described as seeking and expressing a meaningful connection with something greater than oneself, and a purpose of one’s existence to experience inner peace, love, hope, support, and comfort.

As nurses strive to provide holistic care to patients, spirituality influences nurses to address the spiritual needs of the patients. With spirituality being a key component in health and healing, spirituality influences nurses to lessen patients’ anxieties, provide hope, and empower patients to achieve inner peace by providing appropriate coping mechanisms and counseling during stressful situations. Nurses apply spiritual care to address patients’ needs of the spirit when they experience disease, fears, concerns, and sorrow (Polat & Ozdemir, 2022). Further spirituality influences nurses to provide therapeutic approaches that are based on compassionate relationships (Polat & Ozdemir, 2022). Spirituality allows nurses to care for the human spirit by developing caring and safe relationships and interconnectedness with patients to support spiritual well-being and health. Thus, spirituality is essential in nursing care.


Dewi, D. S & Hamzah, H. B. (2019). The relationship between spirituality, quality of life, and resilience. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 349, 145-147.

Polat, H. T. & Ozdemir, A. A (2022). Relationship between compassion and spiritual care among nurses in Turkey. Journal of Religion and Health, 61, 1894-1905.

Case Study #1: Jasmine University School of Nursing

Faculty of Jasmine University School of Nursing have worked diligently to develop a new curriculum. Although they considered the advantages of an upper-division nursing program, they decided to continue with their 4-year integrated curriculum. The new curriculum is based in phenomenology, feminism, and humanism, with a strong emphasis on community-based nursing. However, hospital-based practice remains a feature of the curriculum. Concurrent with the introduction of the new curriculum will be a fifty percent increase in the class size from 100 to 150.

For more than 35 years, university students have had on-campus classes from Monday to Wednesday, with hospital-and community-based clinical practice on Thursday and Friday, during the day. Other nursing programs in the city have had clinical experiences at other times.

As they discuss phasing out the existing curriculum and introducing the redesigned one, faculty identify a significant problem with clinical placements. Currently, fourth-year students have an experience on maternal-infant units in the fall semester. In the changed curriculum, this experience is scheduled in the fall and winter semesters of the second year (75 students in each semester). Both groups have 2 days of clinical experience each week. This means that for 2 consecutive years, 100 fourth-year students and 75 second-year students require placements on the same units on the same days in the fall semester. In addition, the popularity of home births, discharges from hospital, 8–24 hours after delivery, and city-wide hospital restructuring, will lead to a 40% decrease in the number of family birthing rooms.

What are the logistical considerations in this case?

What options are possible to address this situation?

What are the likely implications for students, faculty, and clinical agency personnel for each of the options proposed?

Should faculty reconsider the design of the new curriculum? Justify whether or not they should.

In what ways can faculty prevent situations such as this when a revised curriculum is being planned and implemented?

Case Study #2

A national nursing accrediting body has notified you that your program is due for reaccreditation in 3 years. What steps must you take to be prepared for the accreditation team? Develop a plan of action to evaluate and document student and program outcomes, and organize the documents obtained.

Based on the best evidence, choose an evaluation model and evaluation tools, develop a method to track outcome evidence, and a plan to delegate certain evaluation components.

Develop a timeline and action plan.

Discuss your timeline, action plan, and impact of accreditation with at least two other students.

What are the evaluation obstacles facing your nursing program and what plan do you have to overcome these obstacles?

Also Read: N 584 The Role of Curriculum Committee in Design Process