
NR 224 RUA Safety Goals Solved

NR 224 RUA Safety Goals Solved

My topic is Speak up at the doctor\’s office. The guidelines is posted below.

Preparing the assignment
1. Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.
a. Select a Speak Up brochure from The Joint Commission website.
b. Write a short paper reviewing the brochure. Use the Grading Criteria (below) to structure your critique and

Infographics are widely used in health education and communication. The content and the appearance of the communication tool matter so much. The analysis in this study focuses on the brochure entitled, SpeakUp: depression which was published in 2018. The brochure focuses on the adult populations who are at risk of developing depression. The study analyzes the content in the brochure and the communication method used by the author. Furthermore, a deep reflection and evaluation of the topic covered in the brochure will be provided.

Summary of the Brochure

The brochure address the causes and signs of depression. In the beginning, the brochure introduces depression as something more than just the ad feeling. The common warning signs of depression include feeling sad, worthless, eating disorders, lack of interest in sex, low energy, and sleeping disorders among others (Depression, n.d.). Furthermore, the brochure identifies the risk factors for depression. The brochure identifies risk factors include a family history of depression, stress, mental illness, and drug and substance abuse. The treatment options include counseling and psychotherapy. Furthermore, the brochure highlights what should be known about therapy and management measures for depression. Finally, the brochure also offers advice on how people can get help whenever presenting with depressive symptoms.

Patient Communication

The brochure communicates various important messages to the patients. Patient-healthcare provider communication can be analyzed from different angles. The healthcare providers ought to use a language that is easy to be understood by the patients. In this case, the brochure presents simple, but vital information to the audiences. Furthermore, the brochure provides contact information where people concerned with depressive symptoms can seek help. The contact information promotes the communication between the healthcare providers and the patients. There are cases where patients have no idea about where to get help and how to start the process. The brochure also presents information on how to seek medical help whenever one suspects depression and how to go about the treatment modulus.

Personal Reflection

The incidences of depression are worrying in the current world. On the other hand, some people fail to seek prompt medical help because they are not aware that they have depression. The increasing burden and the associated poor health outcomes make the topic interesting to explore in this case. People with depression tend to withdraw from others and have low energy. On the other hand, some may develop suicidal thoughts. The world becomes unsafe because you may not know that the next person in the street is having depression. People with depression are likely to engage in weird activities especially when they think that they are no longer valuable. There is a great urgency to create awareness of depression and the measures to manage the condition.

Evaluation of the Brochure

The information provided in the brochure is beneficial. First, it provides information about the signs and symptoms of depression. The data in the infographic is properly organized and this means that patients can easily follow through and understand. I would incorporate the source in patient education because it provides factual information that resonates with the experiences of many people globally.

Furthermore, the brochure was properly organized with short sentences being used to facilitate communication. Also, pictures and images were incorporated into the piece to make it more appealing to the audience. The proper organization makes it even more relevant in public education on health issues (Hernandez-Sanchez, et al., 2020). The information presented is on point. However, there are few cases of repetitions that could have been eliminated. For example, I find information about ‘how to get better’’ and treatment interventions repetitive. On the other hand, assuming that the patients lack information about the topic of discussion, it is important to be as elaborative as possible.

The current nursing research article supports the information presented in the brochure. According to Emery-Tiburcio, et al. (2016), integration of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy is needed for better outcomes among patients with depression.

The brochure targets the general adult population considering that anybody can get depression. However, people with depressive symptoms are likely to benefit more because they will know where and how to get help in managing their condition. Furthermore, corporate sectors may also benefit from the information when they realize that depression lowers productivity in the workplace. The information presented will increase patients’ safety by promoting healthy behaviors.

Evidence Review and Application

There is sufficient evidence provided to support the information in the brochure. Data from different sources and expert opinions were incorporated to strengthen the argument provided in the brochure. As a result, the brochure serves as an important tool for promoting evidence-based nursing practices.


The burden of depression continue to rise and this increases the need to inform the public on the signs and symptom of the condition and where to get help. Many people are silently suffering from depression. The brochure provides relevant data for the general public on presentation and treatment measures for depression. The data is clearly and concisely presented to meet the patients’ needs.



Depression. (n.d.). Leading the Way to Zero | The Joint Commission.

Emery-Tiburcio, E. E., Mack, L., Lattie, E. G., Lusarreta, M., Marquine, M., Vail, M., & Golden, R. (2016). Managing depression among diverse older adults in primary care: The brighten program. Clinical Gerontologist40(2), 88-96.

Hernandez-Sanchez, S., Moreno-Perez, V., Garcia-Campos, J., Marco-Lledó, J., Navarrete-Muñoz, E. M., & Lozano-Quijada, C. (2020). Twelve tips to make successful medical infographics. Medical Teacher, 1-19.

Introduction of the Brochure

The brochure that was selected for this assignment focuses on speaking up: at the doctor’s office. The brochure encourages the patients to speak up their concerns or views when they seek medical attention in the doctor’s office. The aim of the video in the brochure is to empower patients to take responsibility for their health. The titled of the brochure is, SpeakUp: At the Doctor’s Office. The brochure was published five years ago. The brochure targets patients, the general population and healthcare providers. The brochure educates the patients and the general population about the importance of speaking up during a visit to a doctor’s office. It is expected that some patient might feel anxious during their visits to the doctors. The anxiety makes it difficult for them to ask any questions that relate to their health. Due to this, the brochure encourages the patients to develop a list of questions to ask their providers before visiting hospitals. The video also targets healthcare providers. It raises the need for active patient involvement in the provision of care. This can be seen from the need for the doctors and nurses to ask patients to repeat the things they have learned about the care that they need (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

Summary of the Brochure

The brochure explored a number of topics that relate to speaking up at the doctor’s offi

NR 224 RUA Safety Goals Solved
NR 224 RUA Safety Goals Solved

ce. One of them is the need for the patients to speak up their views or concerns during a visit to the doctor’s office. The brochure encourages the patients and the general population to express themselves without fear in seeking information on the care that is provided to them. The brochure also explored the ways in which the patients can speak up in the doctor’s office. One of them is coming up with a list of things that they would wish to ask concerning their health problem. The brochure revealed that having a written list enables the patient to have confidence in asking their doctors any relevant questions related to their health. The brochure also explored how doctors can ensure that their patients understand the care they have been prescribed. This includes asking them to restate the things that they have understood about the care (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

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Evaluation of the Brochure

A number of things were done well in the brochure. The first one is the organization of the information. The presentation started from what that audience knows to unknown. The use of this approach ensured that the audience understands the importance of the topic of presentation. The second thing that was done well in the brochure is the clarity of the language that was used. The language used is simple and easy to understand. The last thing that was done well is the emphasis on the patients taking responsibility for their health. The presentation emphasized the need for the patients seeking adequate information about the care that they receive. Through it, enhanced outcomes of care are achieved due to patient satisfaction and empowerment with care. One thing that could have been improved is providing statistics of adverse events that occur due to patients not speaking up at the doctor’s office. The statistics would have strengthened the patient’s understanding of the importance of speaking up and seeking clarifications during their hospital visits.

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The topic of speaking up on the use at the doctor’s office interested me because of a number of reasons. Firstly, the provision of healthcare aims at ensuring that the needs of the patients are met. The needs not only encompass those related to the health problem but also the perceived social and emotional impacts of the disease. It therefore implies that patients should be encouraged to express their health needs and other factors that influence their response to treatment during their hospital visits (McMillan, Stanga & Van Sell, 2018). The brochure also interested me because encouraging patients to speak up during their visits to the hospital or doctor’s office promotes safety of care that is given to them. Speaking up at the doctor’s office enables the healthcare providers to identify the contraindications of the prescribed medications. It also provides insights into the lifestyle and behavioral modifications that should be adopted by the patient for the desired outcomes of treatment to be achieved. Speaking up at the doctor’s office is also important in promoting treatment adherence among the patients. Patients’ adherence to treatment tends to increase when their issues are addressed adequately alongside their enhanced understanding of the treatment modalities (Ochs, 2020). It therefore proves important that patients are educated about the importance of speaking up during their visits to the doctor’s office as it optimizes the outcomes of care.

The information that was presented in the brochure is beneficial, as it can be incorporated into patient education. It can be used to increase the level of patient awareness on their role in the utilization of healthcare services. Patients can be educated on the health benefits of their active involvement in the determination of the most effective treatment methods for their conditions and ways of achieving the set goals of disease management. As shown earlier, the information in the brochure was also presented clearly. The organization and language use was simple for the populations of different backgrounds to understand. Current evidence in nursing supports the information that was presented in the brochure. According to Lewenson (2017), healthcare providers, including nurses have a critical role to play in ensuring that patients are actively involved in their care. They utilize models of care such as shared decision-making where the health needs of the patients are prioritized. These models of care depend largely on the level of patient’s understanding about the disease and readiness to seek further information from their providers, hence, the need for speaking up at the doctor’s office (Stanley, 2016).

As shown earlier, the information from the brochure targets patients and the general population. It imparts them with knowledge on the importance of speaking up and seeking clarifications of care during their hospital visits. It encourages them to play an active role in determining their healthcare needs and ways of achieving them. It can be argued that the information in the brochure promotes patient safety. The risk of adverse events is minimized when the concerns of patients on the care they receive are addressed. The reduction in risks is also attributed to enhanced treatment adherence that optimizes the outcomes of care. Healthcare providers also understand the indications and contraindications of the selected treatments when patients speak, hence, promotion of patient safety.


The selected brochure for this assignment focuses on raising the awareness of the public and patients on the importance of speaking up at the doctor’s office. It provides information that these populations can use to ensure that their concerns on care are addressed during their hospital visits. Current evidence in nursing supports the information contained in the brochure. Therefore, populations and patients that follows the advice in the brochure benefit in ways that include minimization of adverse events, empowerment, and satisfaction with the care that is given to them.


Lewenson, S. (Ed.). (2017). Public health nursing: Practicing population-based care. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

McMillan, E., Stanga, N., & Van Sell, S. L. (2018). Holism: a concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices2018.

Ochs, G. (2020). Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Stanley, D. (Ed.). (2016). Clinical leadership in nursing and healthcare: Values into action. John Wiley & Sons.

The Joint Commission. (n.d.). SpeakUp: At the Doctor’s Office. Retrieved on 31st July 2020 from