
NR 326 RUA: Scholarly Article Review Solved

NR 326 RUA: Scholarly Article Review Solved

NR 326 RUA: Scholarly Article Review Solved

This is an article review base on this topic posted above. I will provide two article and you can add the third one. thanks. Please use this two article provided. Thanks.

Schizoid Personality Disorder

            Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is a perversive mental disorder characterized by the feeling of indifference towards people and self-isolation. Individuals diagnosed with this disorder are normally described as distant individuals or withdrawn. Studies show that SPD is very rare, and common among men as compared to women. Approximately 3.1% to 4.9%  of the United States population are living with SPD (Căndel, and Constantin, 2017). These patients are also at high risk of developing depression. According to DSM-5, the diagnosis of SPD involves persistent patterns of detachment from social relationships and limited emotional expressions in interpersonal interactions, in addition to at least four of the following; lack of enjoyment of close relationships; enjoyment of few or no activities; limited interest in sexual activity; emotional coldness, lack of close friends and apparent indifference to the criticism or praise of others. Patients usually benefit from the available treatment interventions discovered through evidence-based practice. This paper further elaborates an in-depth understanding of schizoid personality disorder through research articles.

Article Summary

The article selected for this review was conducted by Căndel and Constantin, (2017) aimed at developing and validating scales utilized in the evaluation of schizoid and antisocial personality disorders. The significance of their study was based on the impact of SPD on mental healthcare, affecting approximately 3.1% to 4.9%  of the United States population living with SPD. They further illustrate that despite this disorder is rare, it can cause a significant deterioration in the patient’s personal and social life. However, with appropriate diagnosis patients can benefits greatly from the available treatment options comprising of both pharmacological and psychotropic agents.

The article illustrates the development and validation of two different scales that can be utilized in evaluating antisocial and schizoid disorders. Both the scales, however, rely on ICD 10 and DSM-V diagnostic criteria. The Schizoid scale contained 20 items, whereas the antisocial scale contained 22 items. For validation purposes, 125 subjects were utilized in this study.

The study outcome revealed that both scales are statistically significant in diagnosing antisocial and schizoid disorders. However, the evidence only supports the use of the diagnostic scales by researchers and not for psychiatric use, since Căndel, and Constantin, (2017) cannot fully support the construct validity of the scales.

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Based on the study results and discussions, the personal inventory traits, and symptom checklist, in addition to the

NR 326 RUA Scholarly Article Review Solved
NR 326 RUA Scholarly Article Review Solved

20 items schizoid scale and 22 item antisocial scales, can be utilized in current nursing practice in the diagnosis of personality disorders such as SPD, to avoid incidences of misdiagnosis. Additionally, based on the evidence displayed by this study, nurses can utilize the information to come up with a study that will refine and reset the diagnostic scales on a clinical sample, to promote its incorporation in the psychiatric diagnostic guideline.

Article Critique

             The study conducted by Căndel and Constantin (2017) utilized 125 participants to validation the research outcome. This number is adequate for conducting qualitative research. Several pieces of literature were used in the construction of this study and acquiring adequate background knowledge on the topic.

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On the other hand, the study encountered several limitations. For instance, all the participants utilized were from a non-patient population, which could lead to a restriction of range. Consequently, the correlation matrix between the two scales displayed some unexpected results. The unexpected results were associated with social desirability bias or common method bias. As such, there was no adequate evidence to fully support the construct validity of the two scales. Additionally, some of the pieces of literature utilized in this study were published longer than 10 years ago, which makes the information outdated.

However, as stated by Căndel and Constantin, (2017) the evidence displayed in this study can be utilized by researchers to promote knowledge regarding the topic, and not in clinical practice. As such, I would recommend this study to my colleagues to gain more clarity and insight on the development of the SPD diagnostic scale and promote research on the same. The research can also be utilized in clinical trials aiming to seek approval so that it can be incorporated into psychiatric diagnostic guidelines.


SPD is a rare condition, with limited understand as a result of a lack of adequate research about this disorder (Fariba & Gupta, 2021). The DSM-V and ICD-10 have, however, given a clear outline on the diagnosis of this disorder (Mulay & Cain, 2017). Studies show that misdiagnosis of this disorder is common. As a result, an interdisciplinary team must be utilized to ensure accurate diagnosis, for better treatment outcomes. A study conducted by Căndel and Constantin (2017) provides a scale that can be used to evaluate antisocial and schizoid personality disorders. However, these scales have limitations, and there is a need for future research to promote appropriate diagnosis and management of schizoid personality disorder.




Căndel, O. S., & Constantin, T. (2017). Antisocial and Schizoid Personality Disorder Scales: Conceptual bases and preliminary findings. Romanian Journal of Psychology19(1). DOI: 10.24913/rjap.19.1.02

Mulay, A. L., & Cain, N. M. (2017). Schizoid personality disorder. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, 1-9.

Fariba K, & Gupta V. (2021). Schizoid Personality Disorder. updated 2021 Jun 9. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from: