
NR551 All Weeks Discussions 2018

NR 551 All Weeks Discussions 2018

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 1 Discussion Cost and Quality Approaches

A variety of systems have been utilized in the United States
in an attempt to provide cost-effective, quality healthcare without federal
government regulation. What cost and/or quality measure has worked in the past
that may prove beneficial in our current society?

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 2 Discussion

Using Upstream Thinking for Public Health Reform

After reading the assigned articles by Bharel and

Consider a public health concern such as illicit drug use,
obesity, smoking, or alcohol abuse in your state. As a nurse, what would you
advocate for that would improve health for the population rather than focusing
on the individual? How would such policy be influenced by the ACA?

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 3 Discussion

Governing Healthcare

Research an area of healthcare that you are interested in
finding more about the laws and/or policies. Discuss the importance of this
area of interest and include the governmental agency or organization that
governs that area of practice, if applicable.

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 4 Discussion

RN Safe Staffing Act

Massive reductions in nursing budgets, combined with the
challenges presented by a growing nursing shortage, have resulted in fewer
nurses who are working longer hours and caring for sicker patients. This
situation compromises care and contributes to the nursing shortage by creating
an environment that drives nurses from the bedside. The American Nurses
Association (ANA) is fighting for legislation that would hold hospitals
accountable for the development and implementation of unit-by-unit nurse
staffing plans created in coordination with direct care registered nurses (RNs)
themselves, and based on each unit’s unique circumstances and changing needs.

Explore a current or proposed law/policy regulating nurse
staffing at the institutional, state, or federal level. How is nurse staffing
defined (ratios, acuity, census)? Present the law and/or policy and provide
information on where this law can be found. What is the intended effect of the
law and/or policy on patient outcomes?

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 5 Discussion

Policy and Professional Ethics

Briefly describe a healthcare policy you are interested in
learning more about. What ethical dilemmas arise when first looking at the
policy? Discuss your opinion based on the ANA Nursing Code of Ethics.

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 6 Discussion

Policy Origination and Impact

Explore the Nurse Practice Act in your state for a change
that has taken place in the past year. Contact the board of nursing or review
minutes from the board for information on sources of this policy or rule
change. Share your findings and provide insight into how this change will
affect nursing practice in your state.


NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 7 Discussion

Nurses Leading Change

Nurse leaders may be practicing in a healthcare facility;
members of city, county, state, or federal legislation; nursing educators; or
leaders in professional healthcare organizations. Investigate a nurse leading
policy change. Define his or her position in the community and present one of
the issues he or she is working on to make a difference in healthcare.

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 8 Discussion

Reflection on Course Outcomes

Reflect on the concepts and practices you have learned in
this course on healthcare systems, politics, and policy. Share insights on what
you have learned. How will you utilize what you have learned to make informed
decisions on nursing practice and patient outcomes?

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 1 Discussion

Cost and Quality Approaches

A variety of systems have been utilized in the United States
in an attempt to provide cost-effective, quality healthcare without federal
government regulation. What cost and/or quality measure has worked in the past
that may prove beneficial in our current society?

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 2 Discussion

Using Upstream Thinking for Public Health Reform

After reading the assigned articles by Bharel and

Consider a public health concern such as illicit drug use,
obesity, smoking, or alcohol abuse in your state. As a nurse, what would you
advocate for that would improve health for the population rather than focusing
on the individual? How would such policy be influenced by the ACA?

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 3 Discussion

Governing Healthcare

Research an area of healthcare that you are interested in
finding more about the laws and/or policies. Discuss the importance of this
area of interest and include the governmental agency or organization that
governs that area of practice, if applicable.

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 4 Discussion

RN Safe Staffing Act

Massive reductions in nursing budgets, combined with the
challenges presented by a growing nursing shortage, have resulted in fewer
nurses who are working longer hours and caring for sicker patients. This
situation compromises care and contributes to the nursing shortage by creating
an environment that drives nurses from the bedside. The American Nurses
Association (ANA) is fighting for legislation that would hold hospitals
accountable for the development and implementation of unit-by-unit nurse
staffing plans created in coordination with direct care registered nurses (RNs)
themselves, and based on each unit’s unique circumstances and changing needs.

Explore a current or proposed law/policy regulating nurse
staffing at the institutional, state, or federal level. How is nurse staffing
defined (ratios, acuity, census)? Present the law and/or policy and provide
information on where this law can be found. What is the intended effect of the
law and/or policy on patient outcomes?

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 5 Discussion

Policy and Professional Ethics

Briefly describe a healthcare policy you are interested in
learning more about. What ethical dilemmas arise when first looking at the
policy? Discuss your opinion based on the ANA Nursing Code of Ethics.

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics, and Policy

Week 6 Discussion

Policy Origination and Impact

Explore the Nurse Practice Act in your state for a change
that has taken place in the past year. Contact the board of nursing or review
minutes from the board for information on sources of this policy or rule
change. Share your findings and provide insight into how this change will
affect nursing practice in your state.


NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics,
and Policy

Week 7 Discussion

Nurses Leading Change

Nurse leaders may be practicing in a healthcare facility;
members of city, county, state, or federal legislation; nursing educators; or
leaders in professional healthcare organizations. Investigate a nurse leading
policy change. Define his or her position in the community and present one of
the issues he or she is working on to make a difference in healthcare.

NR551 Healthcare Systems, Politics,
and Policy

Week 8 Discussion

Reflection on Course Outcomes

Reflect on the concepts and practices you have learned in
this course on healthcare systems, politics, and policy. Share insights on what
you have learned. How will you utilize what you have learned to make informed
decisions on nursing practice and patient outcomes?