
NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation

NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation

Grand Canyon University NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation-Step -By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Grand Canyon University NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation

The introduction for the Grand Canyon University NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation


After the introduction, move into the main part of the NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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You will find important health information regarding minority groups by exploring the following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) links:

  1. Minority Health:
  2. Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations:

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directio

ns in the Student Success Center.

PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 15-20 slides (slide count does not include title and references slide) describing the chosen community interest.

Include the following in yo

NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation
NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation I

ur presentation:

  1. Description of community and community boundaries: the people and the geographic, geopolitical, financial, educational level; ethnic and phenomenological features of the community, as well as types of social interactions; common goals and interests; and barriers, and challenges, including any identified social determinates of health.
  2. Summary of community assessment: (a) funding sources and (b) partnerships.
  3. Summary of interview with community health/public health provider.
  4. Identification of an issue that is lacking or an opportunity for health promotion.
  5. A conclusion summarizing your key findings and a discussion of your impressions of the general health of the community.

Sample Answer for NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation

The interview demonstrates the community (Dallas County) as a well-informed community regarding health, diseases, and control. High education rates and internet access are critical to creating a community up-to-date with health and health-related matters. The assessment further revealed that the main barriers to quality and timely health in Dallas include poverty, lack of insurance, and inequity. Ethnic minorities are the most affected by the inequity problem. However, many enablers, including education and high access to health care, help people live healthily. Other findings include government and non-government agencies partnering to improve health. Community health nurses can improve health outcomes in the community through education and awareness programs, policymaking, and advocacy.

NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation

Overall, the health status in Dallas has many positive elements, although there are massive opportunities for improvement. Health care stakeholders and partners should continue working together to maximize the output of enablers as they deal with current and future barriers. When addressing health care problems and setting goals, health care providers should prioritize some areas. Chronic diseases have emerged as a severe health problem affecting all populations. As a result, the immediate goal is to prevent a further rise in their rates by adopting appropriate interventions. Above all, continuous support from government and non-government agencies is key to achieving the desired results.

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview.

  1. My first question is about your routine work. How do you see it overall? Do you enjoy doing it?
  2. How can you describe Dallas in terms of health, diseases, and vulnerabilities?
  3. Do you think the populace is adequately conversant with the essentials of healthy living?
  4. What can you describe as the main measure of healthy living?
  5. What are the key barriers to healthy living in Dallas?
  6. Which area do you think requires government intervention?
  7. How can community health nurses and other providers help to improve health outcomes in the community?
  8. Do you think some populations are at a higher risk than others?
  9. Do you think there are adequate health care providers?
  10. If you were to prioritize health interventions, what would be your choice?
  11. Any general remark?

›Focus: community description

›Community: Dallas County

Content Areas

›Community and community boundaries

›Community assessment summary

›Interview summary

›Opportunity for health promotion

›Key findings and impressions of the general health

Welcome to this presentation on Dallas County health situation. Its primary purpose is to describe the community in terms of health status to get a general impression of the community health and appropriate health promotion interventions. The first section describes the community and its boundaries. It analyzes the people living in Dallas, social interactions, common goals, social determinants of health, and other elements. The second part reviews assesses the community’s funding sources and partnerships. The third section is the interview summary with the public health provider. The other two sections include an analysis of an opportunity for health promotion and a conclusion of key findings and impressions of the community’s general health.

Description of Community and Community Boundaries

The People, Geographic, Geopolitical Features

›Second most populous counties in Texas

›Population estimates: 2.6 million people

›Population per square mile: approximately 3,000 people

›Land area in square miles: 873.06

›Current leader: Governor Gregg Abbott

Communities’ health is affected by the density of the population, geographical location, and political presentation. Dallas is the second most populous county in Texas with about 2.6 million people (United States Census Bureau, 2022). Its high density implies that it is a habitable county and likely to experience a gradual increase in population over time. Other crucial geographic and geopolitical features include population per square mile estimated at 3,000 people and land area in square miles at 873.06 (United States Census Bureau, 2022). Political representation is another crucial area as far as a community’s overall status is concerned. Dallas is currently under Governor Gregg Abbott (Texas Governor).

Financial and Educational Level

Financial Level

›Median household income- $61,870

›Poverty levels- 13.7%

Educational Level

›High school graduates or higher- 80.3%

›Bachelor’s degree or higher- 32.5%

People’s financial status affects health multi-dimensionally. It is among the elements that determine access to health care services and the quality of health care services a person gets when sick. Financial projections show that the median household income in Dallas County is $61,870 and the poverty level is at 13.7% (United States Census Bureau, 2022). The implication is that a significant population can afford the basic lifestyle. The education status in Dallas is encouraging. A proportion of high school graduates over 80% and bachelor’s degree holders over 32.5% demonstrate a highly educated populace. However, efforts are necessary to improve the current levels.

Ethnic and Phenomenological Features

›Dominant ethnicity: (whites- 66%)

›Others: African Americans (23.8%), Asians (7%), American Indians (1%)

›Foreign born populace: 24.3%

›Elderly adults (over 65 years): 11.5%

›Children under 5 years: 6.9%

A community’s ethnic representation has many effects on people’s health. It shapes cultural and religious beliefs, economic patterns, and attitudes. Current projections show that the dominant ethnic group in Dallas County is whites making up 66% of the total population (United States Census Bureau, 2022). The other major population group is African Americans at 23.8% as Asians and American Indians occupy 7% and 1% respectively. The ethnic composition portrays Dallas as an ethnically diverse county. The diversity is further enriched by the foreign-born populace that comprises 24.3% of the population (United States Census Bureau, 2022). As vulnerable populations, elderly adults comprise 11.5% and children less than 5 years 6.9%.

ALSO READ: NRS 428 Explain the role of the community health nurse in partnership with community stakeholders for population health promotion

Social Interactions, Goals, and Interests

›Businesses: establishments (68,180)

›Social media/online communication

›Religious places and social sites

Goals, Interests

›Economic prosperity

›Quality life and progressive growth

Social interactions are crucial for a healthy and progressive community. A glance at the community shows numerous opportunities for social interactions. The first opportunity is business/trade since people interact while engaging in business. Businesses (employer establishments) were estimated at 68,180 in 2020 (United States Census Bureau, 2022).  People also interact via social media and other forms of online communication since broadband internet subscription in households is approximately 84.9% (United States Census Bureau, 2022). Religious centers and social sites such as tourist centers also provide avenues for social interaction. Goals and interests are similar to many other communities and include economic prosperity, quality life, and progressive growth.

Barriers and Challenges (Health-Related)

›Under-insurance leading to:

  • Low access to health care services
  • Struggle with preventable and treatable diseases

›Vulnerability to chronic diseases

  • High prevalence of diabetes- 11.7%
  • Related conditions: obesity, heart disease, etc.

Health care barriers and challenges are another important area requiring in-depth reflection to provide a detailed view of health status in Dallas County. A leading barrier is under-insurance of a significant population. Health insurance facilitates access to care, implying that the uninsured population cannot access timely health care services. Lack of coverage also deters them from seeking medical attention when in need. The other major barrier is chronic diseases. Chatha et al. (2021) noted that diabetes prevalence in Dallas is approximately 11.7%. Other chronic diseases include obesity and heart disease. Insurance coverage problems and chronic diseases lead to poor health outcomes.

Identified Social Determinants of Health

People live in different areas and make health-related choices based on many factors. Social determinants of health represent the conditions in which people are born, work, and grow (Artiga & Hinton, 2018). They include factors such as employment, access to health, education, and neighborhoods. Education rates in Dallas County are encouraging. Education status determines people’s health behaviors and attitudes and educated people are likely to make informed decisions. The other social determinant is income/poverty. Per capital income in Dallas is $33,604 (United States Census Bureau, 2022). Income determines eating behaviors since people eat what they can afford. It also affects where people live and their ability to afford health care services.

Funding Sources and Partnerships

›Government and non-governmental sources

›Health and Human Services

›CARES Act funding

›Private partners

›Grant resources

Like other counties, Dallas depends on multiple sources of funding to sustain public health. The sources help to fund services such as community-based programs, preventive health initiatives, and improving access to communities living in remote areas. Government and non-government entities collaborate to fund different programs. The Health and Human Services has an annual budget for protecting and promoting health. CARES Act funding is a stimulus package to help health care providers to surmount the effects of COVID-19 pandemic and improve its management. Private partners include business organizations that support community health programs as part of corporate social responsibility. Grant resources are also available from multiple sources.

Summary of Interview

›My first question is about your routine work. How do you see it overall? Do you enjoy doing it?

It is an exciting field that offers a great opportunity for health care professionals to meet people.

›How can you describe Dallas in terms of health, diseases, and vulnerabilities?

People live healthily and access to health care services is encouraging.

›Do you think the populace is adequately conversant with the essentials of healthy living?


Community health nursing was described as an exciting field that offers a great opportunity for health care professionals to meet people and understand their health problems in more detail. It requires nurses to combine clinical knowledge, communication, and research skills to excel in this area. On Dallas’ overall health, there are many health care initiatives for promoting healthy living. People live healthily and access to health care services is encouraging. However, there are many diseases hampering people’s health and overall productivity. Vulnerable populations include the elderly minority communities. Regarding healthy living, access to information from both mainstream and social media helps to create an informed populace that can make accurate health-related decisions.

Summary of Interview

›What can you describe as the main measure of healthy living?

Preventive health

›What are the key barriers to healthy living in Dallas?

Poverty, inequality, insurance coverage challenges

There are many interventions for enabling people avoid diseases and injuries in the community. They include regular screening, community-based education, and an active lifestyle. Among these and others, the main measure is preventive health. Preventive health strategies include healthy eating, getting children at a productive age, and avoiding risky behaviors such as alcoholism and smoking. Inequality is a leading barrier. For instance, structural racism affects how and when different populations access health care services. Poverty among some communities is another barrier. The other problem that needs to be addressed is lack of insurance coverage.

Summary of Interview

›Which area do you think requires government intervention?

Insurance coverage

›How can community health nurses and other providers help to improve health outcomes in the community?

Health education, awareness programs, policymaking, and advocacy

Insurance coverage: people need more support and education to improve coverage. Such measures will ensure that people can get health care services when needed. Timely services are integral to reducing mortality and morbidity rates. A community health nurse can be involved in health education via media, community-based teaching, and publishing/distributing educational materials. Awareness programs sensitize people on risk avoidance while reminding them on the essentials of healthy living. Policies would help to address inequities and other barriers. Advocacy is essential for promoting health needs of different populations.

Summary of Interview

›Do you think some populations are at a higher risk than others?

Yes: ethnic and sexual minorities, elderly adults

›Do you think there are adequate health care providers?


›If you were to prioritize health interventions, what would be your choice?

School-based education programs

Ethnic and sexual minorities and the elderly are more vulnerable to health care issues than other populations. Like many other counties and states, Dallas County needs more health care providers. Increasing the current number of nurses will lead to a significant reduction in health care staff shortage and patient care problems since health care services will be timely and efficient. On school-based education programs, all children should be educated on chronic diseases including causes, risk factors, and management. There should be a mandatory exam on the same at all levels.

Opportunity for Health Promotion

›Problem/issue: chronic diseases/ high diabetes incidence

›Opportunity: school-based health education program

Features/Defining Elements

›Health education at all levels

›Regular school visits

›Exams/continuous assessment

After a detailed assessment of health status, barriers, and enablers to health in the community, the appropriate opportunity for health promotion is a school-based health education program. The opportunity would effectively respond to the problem of chronic diseases in the community characterized by high diabetes incidence. Under this program, children will receive health education at all levels to ensure they are conversant with chronic diseases’ prevention and management. To improve outcomes, community health nurses and other health care professionals will regularly visit learning institutions to review/update the programs where necessary. Learners will also undergo mandatory assessment to enable them retain the learned skills.


›Problem centered intervention

›Proactive measure for health promotion

›EBP integration in community health

›Creating informed populations

›Improving nurses-community connection

The opportunity for health promotion has been selected based on many considerations. Generally, it is problem-centered intervention to address a critical community health problem. Educating children at an early is a proactive measure for health promotion since it will help children avoid risky behaviors that can expose them to chronic diseases. Furthermore, the opportunity helps to integrate evidence-based practice (EBP) into community health practice. As such, it coincides with the professional obligation of health care providers of integrating clinical expertise and research to improve health outcomes. Other justifications include creating informed populace and improving the community’s relationship with health care providers.

Key Findings/Conclusion

›A well-informed population/community

›Main barriers to health: poverty, lack of insurance, inequity

›Leading enablers: education and access to health care

›Government and non-government agencies partner to improve health outcomes

›Community health nurses’ support: education/awareness, policymaking, advocacy

The community health assessment from research and the interview demonstrates Dallas County as a well-informed community as far as health, diseases, and control are concerned. High education rates and internet access are critical to creating a community up-to-date with health and health-related matters. The assessment further reveals that the main barriers to quality and timely health in Dallas include poverty, lack of insurance, and inequity. Ethnic minorities are the most affected by the inequity problem. However, there are many enablers, including education and high access to health care, that help people live healthily. Other findings include government and non-government agencies partnering to improve health. Community health nurses can improve health outcomes in the community through education and awareness programs, policymaking, and advocacy.

Conclusion: General Health of the Community/Impressions

›The community health status can be further improved

›Multiple barriers hamper access, affordability, and attitude

›There are also many enablers to enable people live better lives

›Chronic diseases should be prioritized

›Continuous governmental and non-governmental support determines the overall health outcomes

Overall, the health status in Dallas has many positive elements although there are massive opportunities for improvement. Health care stakeholders and  partners should continue working together to maximize the output of enablers as they deal with current and future barriers. When addressing health care problems or setting goals, health care providers should prioritize some areas. Chronic diseases have emerged as a severe health problem affecting all populations. As a result, the immediate goal is to prevent further rise in their rates by adopting appropriate interventions. Above all, continuous support from government and nongovernment agencies is key to achieving the desired results.

1.Describing the community and its limits, including its inhabitants, its geography, geopolitics, economy, educational level, ethnic makeup, and forms of social interactions, as well as its obstacles and problems, which may include any known socioeconomic determinants of health.

2.Detailed summary of the community assessment’s financial and collaboration components.

3.Summary of the interview with community health/public health provider.

  1. Identification of a deficiency in the community or a prospect for health promotion

5.A conclusion synthesizing significant results and discussing interviewers’ opinion of the community’s overall health.

The Mexican-American population is the second biggest in the United States. These people make up 16.7% of the total population of the United States. They make up 53% of the Latino/Hispanic populace in the US. Various elements, especially Mexican Americans’ movement inclinations, add to the scattering of the Mexican American people group all through the US. Mexican Americans make up by far most of Los Angeles’ populace, representing 97% of the city’s aggregate. Texas, California, and Miami all have a significant amount of these inhabitants.

Mexican Americans moved away from their hometown mostly due to poverty. Notwithstanding, their development has supported the elevated degrees of destitution in their new settlement regions. Most members of this ethnic group are financially insecure. This cultural group is the least educated in America. Due to their recent embrace of education, about 8 million Mexican Americans now attend public schools throughout the country. Nevertheless, the neighborhood faces educational segregation with the establishment of low-level Mexican schools.

A widely diverse population makes up Mexican Americans. The group has members from a wide variety of cultures that contribute to the current lifestyle that the neighbourhood has adopted. Instead of being categorized as a race, Mexican Americans are an ethnic group. This is shown by statistics from a 2006 research by the Institute of Genomic Medicine, which showed that Mexicans are composed of 58.9% Europeans, 35.05 Asians, and 5.03% other compositions. Due to their origins, the group is now classified as an ethnicity rather than a race.

Mexican Americans share many traits with Hispanics, including an extroverted personality. Everyone they come into touch with appreciates their kind disposition. They are extremely transparent in their relationships with others, and even among themselves, they rarely engage in confrontational behavior. Parents serve as their children’s primary social context educators. The cultural traditions of the group are passed down through parents. Currently, Mexican Americans have a high rate of intercultural marriage.

The Mexican American community shares objectives like being financially independent. This was the aspiration of the people when they immigrated to the United States. Mexican Americans work tirelessly to improve their living situations and by engaging in education. They believe that they will be able to escape poverty by pursuing formal education. The group is interested in improving their living conditions . The safeguarding of their way of life, which has been displayed to adversely affect individuals, is a main issue among Mexican Americans.

Mexican Americans face a number of difficulties, including economic hardship brought on by a lack of resources as a result of their disadvantaged upbringing. On a variety of levels, this makes it challenging for people to engage within cultures. Additionally, the danger of their removal as immigrants exists. One of the most important problems confronting the Mexican American community is this. Their kids do get a good education, as shown by the overcrowded, subpar learning environments in public schools where they are jammed. This group is affected by the racial segregation from their neighborhood. The community’s interaction with other American communities is also constrained by language barriers.

One of the lifestyle influences affecting the health of Mexican Americans is the level of education they have, which influences how well they know the healthcare system and interact with it. One social viewpoint that influences their wellbeing is the local area’s dietary culture, which is likewise a way of life for them. This is a result of individuals from this background not caring about their nutrition. Socially imposed poverty levels, which include a mindset of inexpensive treatment options, prevent people from accessing better healthcare.

In addition to my own funds, our instructor, a school official, provided the required funding for this assessment. To aid with the completion of this job in line with the course requirements, guidance was provided by the instructor. Thank you everyone for providing the funding and enough supply of the necessary resources, which allowed the evaluation of this community to be completed successfully. I enlisted the help of other students from my school to do the several tasks required to evaluate this community. To do the community evaluation, I also had help from a close friend. The success of the evaluation was also significantly influenced by members of the general public and the healthcare professional who accorded me his time.

Since the community health worker answered the questions honestly, the interview with the healthcare professional went well. The person gave comprehensive responses to every question, she raised and gave replies that were supported by examples from her own professional experiences. Because of this interaction, the community’s understanding and viewpoint have both improved. I now understand why members of this group interact with the medical system the way they do. The conversation helped to clarify a number of other factors that affect how Mexican Americans get healthcare.

The absence of health information in the community is one of the main issues that was raised throughout this interview. It is evident that most people (Mexican Americans) are ignorant of the importance of healthcare and the benefits of engaging with it. To change the condition in this neighborhood, the health sector must be involved in general. It will also be essential to pass health education, which offers an opportunity to enhance health. Reaching out to underprivileged regions of the community and teaching people about the value of health is part of the process (Castro-Schilo, Fredrickson, & Mungas, 2018). Long-term improvements in Mexican Americans’ medical encounters with healthcare will result from community education.

As per this assessment, the way that 33% of the Mexican American populace is large adds to the local area’s wellbeing concerns. This is a huge gamble factor that advances the improvement of a few way of life sicknesses(Castro-Schilo, Fredrickson, & Mungas, 2018). One aspect of this problem is a lack of nutritional education and the need of good meals. This problem has also led to the rise in diabetes prevalence in society (Giger, 2016). Community education on dietary habits will give an opportunity for health promotion. Individuals in the community will live better lives because of this method, which will significantly improve health.

The fact that communication is a barrier to Mexican Americans, willingness to seek healthcare may be another factor. To address this issue, the health sector’s involvement must be focused. Increasing the number of Mexican healthcare professionals in areas where this issue has been identified is one way to solve it (Giger, 2016). Individuals are more ready to interface with health services when they feel that they are much improved comprehended. Language barriers can make it difficult to accurately address and promptly resolve the problems they Mexicans Americans encounter.

The study’s main result is that Mexican Americans’ relationships with their health are often poor. The community has put healthcare so far down the list of priorities that it is now unworkable. Another significant finding is that these individuals have little interaction with the healthcare system largely due part to financial constraints. The income of most households’ limits interactions with health practitioners due to the community’s extreme poverty. Another important finding was that since the local population still adheres to conventional beliefs and outdated healthcare delivery techniques, they are less engaged with contemporary healthcare (Lemley, & Spies, 2015).

The investigation’s key result is that the Mexican American population lacks understanding, which greatly affects how they engage with modern healthcare. Lack of understanding of how important healthcare is to an individual’s well being contributes to this. The relationship between this community and healthcare might be improved with the required knowledge. The third important finding is that Mexican Americans’ access to the healthcare system has been hampered for a long time by the language barrier.

Based on this assessment, the overall impression of health services among Mexican Americans is that they have not completely embraced current healthcare. This may be seen in the way they have long ignored this part of society. The population is now adopting English as a common language and have a connection to education. Their financial condition will change as a result, opening the door to potential interactions with the healthcare system. In the next four generations, the situation will likewise significantly change . As a result, more Mexican Americans will start using contemporary medical treatments.


Castro-Schilo, L., Fredrickson, B. L., & Mungas, D. (2018). Association of Positive Affect with Cognitive Health and Decline for Elder Mexican Americans. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1-16.

Lemley, M., & Spies, L. A. (2015). Traditional beliefs and practices among Mexican American immigrants with type II diabetes: A case study. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 27(4), 185-189.

Champagne, B. R., Fox, R. S., Mills, S. D., Sadler, G. R., & Malcarne, V. L. (2016). Multidimensional profiles of health locus of control in Hispanic Americans. Journal of health psychology, 21(10), 2376-2385.

Giger, J. N. (2016). Transcultural nursing: Assessment and intervention. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Sample Answer for NRS 428 Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation

About the Community

Port Charlotte is a small community found in western Florida in the United States. It has a population of more than 50,000 people. Its positioning is quite wonderful next to two popular national parks and a huge natural harbor (Okumus& Sonmez, 2019). It is also next to the mouth of the Peace River. Most of the area is covered by land, with only a small portion covered with water. 65 miles north of the area is Naples while Tampa is 100 miles towards the south. The climate of the area is warm and humid, with long hot and humid summers. Winters are however mild and warm.

Community Key features

Port Charlotte is a small town with a population of about 58,001. The majority of the population is made of adults and the aged (Harris, 2016). The gender distribution in this community is quite even with the ratio of males to females being 0.9:1. Most of these people come from a different racial background, with the majority being the non-Hispanic whites (40.8%), closely followed by black Americans (34.9%) while other Hispanics are the minority. Most people in this area are religious. Christians are far much more than the Muslims. However, there is a huge diversity of Christians, which Catholics being the majority.

According to the State Center for Health Statistics System, the leading cause of death in Charlotte county in 2016 was cancer. The second leading cause of this community is heart disease. These records align with the sedentary lifestyle of community members in this region, leading to overweight/obesity and their smoking traits, which put them at risk of developing lung cancer (Eglin, Niemela, & Baynard, 2019). As such, it is necessary to introduce preventive measures such as physical activity and increased awareness of smoking cessation to reduce the risks of developing lung cancer. The immunization status of the community is quite impressive with over 90% of kindergartens having been immunized against Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine (Dtap), Mumps, measles, rubella, and Varicella.

As previously mentioned, community members in this region mainly suffer from cancer and heart problems which is a result of the lifestyle that they have chosen to take. In 2016, the Local Mecklenburg Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) reported that most of the patients who were suffering from chronic illness were either obese or overweight. Additionally, a good number claimed to have smoked at one point in their life. As such, the nutrition of this community is very important in making sure that people adopt an appropriate lifestyle, inclusive of a healthy diet and adequate physical exercise to reduce their chances of developing these health conditions (Meyer, Velken, & Jensen, 2017).

Generally, the government of Charlotte county has done a great job of ensuring that the community members enjoy a safe environment, free from infections. Several organizations have been established, with different roles in making sure that the environment is maintained this way. For instance, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) was developed to help regulates biomedical waste disposal, from all the hospitals among other facilities involved with the same (Jacobson, & Adams, 2017). The Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County on the other hand is responsible for regulating food hygiene and inspecting tanning facilities to lower the risk of injuries and diseases in these facilities. Lastly, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation was established to regulate restaurants, caterers, and food vehicles in public events, to ensure that people are supplied with food that meets the set quality of standards.

Just as mentioned early, physical activity is an essential aspect of the livelihood of people of Port Charlette, given the healthcare issues in this region. To help in weight reduction for those who are overweight and obese, it is necessary to take part in at least one physical activity in addition to joining a healthy living program for longterm benefits (Hita-Contreras et al., 2018). As such, the government of Charlette has developed several recreation facilities, in addition to promoting several programs such as Zumba to help achieve the shared community goal of reducing the high rates of obesity and overweight in the region. Consequently, as part of healthy living, the community has adopted a 6 to 8-hour sleep routine to enhance enough rest for both the young and the elderly.

The majority of the community members in this area speak English (66%), followed by Spanish (27%). Very few people speak other languages. However, most people in this region are learned, and hence able to speak more than one language (Bertram et al., 2020). This has greatly helped reduce disparities as a result of the language barrier. The area has adequate educational resources with 10 elementary schools, 4 middle schools, and 4 high schools. Consequently, looking at the education level of the entire population, about 33.3% of individuals above the age of 18 have attained an associate’s degree or have gone to a college education, while only 19.3% are bachelor’s degree holders.

This community is mainly made up of adults who are well perceived by their needs. Very few people in this region are below the age of 18 years (14%). However, given than the elderly, above the age of 65, add up to a significant percentage of the population, their health concern is quite more pronounced than the youths (Bertram et al., 2020). This age group is believed to be just as dependent as children. They are however perceived to be left to age alone in their homes, due to lack of adequate finances to afford nursing homes. This is a result of the failure of Medicaid to cater for all the health needs as it is rejected by most doctors in the region.

Collaborative approaches have been used to help improve the livelihood of community members in this region. As such, it is very important to look at some of the common interests of all the people of Port Charlotte. Some of these common goals and interest include the availability of affordable housing, improved transportation to healthcare facilities, availability of affordable nursing homes for the elderly, availability of adequate educational facilities, availability of jobs, equality in the distribution of resources, and better healthcare services to reduce the burden of deadly conditions such as cancer and diabetes (McElfish et al., 2018).

The majority of people living in Port Charlotte has over the year complained of the poor transportation to the educational and healthcare system. This has also been a great barrier towards the expansion of the healthcare system as facilities remain bare, with fewer customers due to poor accessibility. Consequently, patients are unable to afford healthcare services as most doctors have declined the use of Medicaid (McElfish et al., 2018). Thirdly, communication especially among the minority has created a barrier to the delivery of health amongst these populations. These barriers are also accompanied by several challenges facing this community such as lack of adequate health information, limited financial stability, and unaffordable housing.

Social Determinates of Health

Social determinants of health are the conditions in a specific environment under which an individual is born and raised which influences the availability of healthcare services hence affecting the quality of life. In port Charlette, the main social determinants of health include low-income, educational attainment, additional vulnerable population, accessible jobs, and transportation among others (Bertram et al., 2020). For instance, several people in this area have not been able to timely access healthcare services due to the poor transport system. Consequently, healthcare services are expensive for some people due to a lack of education which has resulted in a lack of jobs and eventually increased poverty rates.

Community assessment summary

Most of the healthcare services in this area receive funding from the revenue collected from the community member in this region. However additional funding for projects that have been introduce to improve the healthcare system comes from categorical state funds,both public and private insurance companies, and county contributions (McElfish, et al., 2018). Organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have also helped in funding some projects aimed at improving the health of people living in this area. Lastly, several organizations such as Gulf Coast Partnership, Charlotte County Healthy Start, and Bayfront Health Port Charlotte have also formed some partnerships to help raise funds to accomplish projects to improve the quality of healthcare services provided in the region.

Interview summary

The interview conducted was composed of 13 questions. The respondent was a critical care nurse serving the people of Port Charlotte. She stated that most patients from this community were the adults and the elderly. They were however unable to pay for their medical bills and instead relied on Medicaid which was being rejected by most doctors. This would leave them hopeless and instead stay back at home, until when they collected enough funds to pay for their medication. Consequently, they had a sedentary lifestyle and hence could frequently visit the hospital due to comorbidities as a result of overweight and obesity (Jacobson, & Adams, 2017). Transportation was also a problem for this community to be able to timely access to healthcare facilities. As such, she suggested that there was a need for mass empowerment on methods of weight reduction and a healthy diet.


The healthcare system of Port Charlotte has been facing several challenges over the years with no definitive solution up to date. However, several measures have been put in place creating an opportunity for the development of substantial solutions to boost the health of its population. For instance, increasing physical activity through implementation of the Screen-Free Charlotte Challenge, expanding the Points of Decision Prompt posters, and teaching 5-2-1-0 is necessary to help reduce the high rates of obesity and overweight (McElfish et al., 2018). Consequently, smoking can also be reduced through lung cancer awareness promotion and encourage frequent screening for the population at high risk of lung cancer.


In conclusion, Port Charlotte, mainly made up of the elderly is a crucial area that needs the best healthcare services to be able to reduce suffering and promote the well-being of this delicate population. As such, physical activity and smoke cessation, as reiterated all through the presentation is necessary. Consequently, majority of the population is unable to access healthcare services which should not be the case. The government must enhance the provision of affordable healthcare services to reduce the frustration of this population. Lastly, the transport system must be improved to pave way for expansion and provision of even more, easily accessible health resources for desirable patient outcomes.


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