
NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved

NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved

Grand Canyon University NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved-Step -By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Grand Canyon University NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved

The introduction for the Grand Canyon University NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved


After the introduction, move into the main part of the NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for NRS-429 Family Health Assessment Part 1 Solved


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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Upon completion of the interview, write a 750-1,000-word paper. Analyze your assessment findings. Submit your questionnaire as an appendix with your assignment.

Include the following in your paper:

  1. Describe the family structure. Include individuals and any relevant attributes defining the family composition, race/ethnicity, social class, spirituality, and environment.
  2. Summarize the overall health behaviors of the family. Describe the current health of the family.
  3. Based on your findings, describe at least two of the functional health pattern strengths noted in the findings. Discuss three areas in which health problems or barriers to health were identified.
  4. Describe how family systems theory can be applied to solicit changes in family members that, in turn, initiate positive changes to the overall family functions over time.

Family Health Assessment is crucial in identifying the family’s strength and weakness in terms of access to quality and affordable care. The assessment also provides crucial information to the healthcare practitioners on the threats to achieving comprehensive health and general wellness for the whole population. Furthermore, the family assessment prepares nurses especially the Family Nurse Practitioners with the relevant skills required in the assessment of the family health patterns and be able to offer family-based solutions (Peterson-Burch, 2018). The concept has also proved to be instrumental in advancement of genetic interventions in some of the complex conditions.

Family Health Assessment Part 1

Family Health Assessment is crucial in identifying the family’s strength and weakness in terms of access to quality and affordable care. The assessment also provides crucial information to the healthcare practitioners on the threats to achieving comprehensive health and general wellness for the whole population. Furthermore, the family assessment prepares nurses especially the Family Nurse Practitioners with the relevant

skills required in the assessment of the family health patterns and be able to offer family-based solutions (Peterson-Burch, 2018). The concept has also proved to be instrumental in advancement of genetic interventions in some of the complex conditions.

Family Structure

In my family health assessment, I interviewed the family of Mr. and Mrs. K. The family unit is composed of three elderly adults of age between 60 to 95 years and two young adults, a 21-year-old female and a 24-year-old male. The family is of Hispanic -American descent, Mr. K is 68-year-old retired attorney while Mrs. K is a 60-year-old retired high school teacher they live together with Mrs. K’s mother who is 92-year-old battling arthritis and Alzheimer. All the family members are practicing Catholics with an upper middle class economic standard. They have enough pension to cater for their medical, food and other family expenses.

Family Health and Family Behavior

The current family health behavior is focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Mr. and Mrs. K have regular exercise schedules in the gym. They do exercise thrice a week on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. They do also maintain a healthy diet to keep them healthy. Mr. K has a history of hyperlipidemia while Mrs. K has hypertension, they both manage the health conditions well through diet and exercise. Their two elderly children are healthy, with no pre-existing medical conditions. They are normal with above average performance in school. They have been excelling in both academic and sporting activities. The 24-year-old son has interest in soccer and plays in the college soccer team while the 21-year-old has been participating in the tennis ball competitions since she was a 6-year-old. Mrs. K’s mother has been battling arthritis and Alzheimer for the last five years. She attends regular therapy to relieve the pain associated with arthritis.

Functional Health Patterns; Strengths and Barriers to Health

In the assessment of the family’s health pattern strength and weakness, it was clear that the family lifestyle and concern about health has helped the family members remain healthy. The family members are engaged in regular exercise and nutrition which are precursors to staying healthy and fit. Mr. K has been able to successfully manage his hyperlipidemia while Mrs. K has been managing hypertensive condition through regular exercise and diet. The strength towards adoption of the health promotion measures as one of the key pillars in the Affordable Care Act that advocates for reduced pressure on healthcare resources and facilities through health promotion measures (Courtemanche et al., 2018). Additionally, give the level of education of Mr.and Mrs. K they are fully aware and knowledgeable on the health matters concerning, health insurance, immunization and vaccination programs and general health promotion measures. The fact that they are practicing Catholics with strong foundation in Christian values of faith, love, patience and compassion, it helps in strong family culture of unity and helping each other overcome the emotional stress that might arise from the workplace or school. The religious guidance has for long been associated with improved mental health among the adolescents and young adults (Estrada et al., 2019). Another strength noted in ensuring a healthy pattern and lifestyle in the excellent communication skills that exists between the family members. They do discuss in open any challenges they are facing and this helps in coping up with stress.

The barrier to health that were noted could be limited energy and ability to exercise due to their advanced age. Another barrier to health in the family is Mrs. K’s mother’s health condition that has put the family under stress especially when her arthritis condition becomes very severe. This condition calls for both physical and emotional support o help the patient in coping up with the condition (Brignon et al., 2020). Mrs. K elimination complexity has been an area of concern and discomfort that has hindered her from fully enjoying a quality life.

Family Systems Theory

The family system theory views a family as a complex social system where the individual behaviors of the family members influence one another and make a collective interactive system. The system is observed as a whole and not as a single unit or individual person. The role Family Health Nurses Practitioners (FHNP) has been gaining popularity over the years; however, the enhancing health care practices requires a multifactorial approach that brings together all the stakeholders to realize effective change in healthcare (Duhamel, 2017). Families are encouraged to incorporate collective health promotion measures such as health diet, regular exercise, hygiene and following immunization and vaccination programs.

In the coping with stress issues in the family, the family notes of doing outdoor activities such as working on the garden, exercising and meditation. They mention of experiencing stress about the current situation of Covid-19 condition and stress due dealing with grown up children’s issues. The family systems theory can be instrumental in helping strengthen communication between the family members. The fact that all the family members are practicing Catholics, they can have joint sessions of Bible study and prayer sessions together to help in dealing with the stress and the psychological and mental effects associated with Covid-19 pandemic.

ALSO READ: NRS-429N Health Promotion in Minority Populations Solved


Family health assessment process helps the nurse practitioner better understand the family health patterns, the strengths and barriers families experience in access to quality care and achievement of the complete functional health that guarantees the family members quality life. In my family assessment report, I was able to interview a Hispanic-American family of five people. Three elderly adults and two young adults. The family being from the middle upper middle class, have adequate resources and descent living. Though the family has elderly family members battling chronic illness of hyperlipidemia, hypertension and arthritis, they have been able to manage the conditions well through proper nutrition, regular exercise and adherence to the prescribed medication.


Brignon, M., Vioulac, C., Boujut, E., Delannoy, C., Beauvais, C., Kivits, J., Poivret, D., Giraudet Le Quintrec, J., Untas, A., & Rat, A. (2020). Patients and relatives coping with inflammatory arthritis: Care teamwork. Health Expectations : An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy, 23(1), 137–147.

Courtemanche, C., Marton, J., Ukert, B., Yelowitz, A., & Zapata, D. (2018). Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Health Care Access and Self-Assessed Health After 3 Years. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 55, 004695801879636.

Duhamel, F. (2017). Translating Knowledge From a Family Systems Approach to Clinical Practice: Insights From Knowledge Translation Research Experiences. Journal of Family Nursing, 23(4), 461–487.

Estrada, C. A. M., Lomboy, M. F. T. C., Gregorio, E. R., Amalia, E., Leynes, C. R., Quizon, R. R., & Kobayashi, J. (2019). Religious education can contribute to adolescent mental health in school settings. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 13(1).

Peterson-Burch, F. M. (2018). Family Matters: The Nurse’s Role in Assessing Family Health History in Ocular Disease. Insight (American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses), 43(4), 23–25.




Appendix A

Family Focused Functional Assessment Questionnaire


  1. Values, health perception:

How healthy is your family? I would say that we are moderately healthy with the exception of having a few co-morbidities.  My husband, Mr. K has hyperlipidemia, I have hypertension. We do also stay with my mother who is 92 years old battling Arthritis and Alzheimer. We all control our conditions by medication, diet, and exercise. However, my mother attends additional physiotherapy sessions to help her ease the pain from Arthritis.

Do you and your family value be healthy? As a couple entering our seasoned years, we see the value of managing our health. The healthier we live, the longer we will be able to enjoy life.

Do you always try to follow doctor’s recommendations when given? In most parts, we follow doctor’s instructions.  We get our annual physicals, vaccinations, and health screening as instructed.

  1. Nutrition:

Do you read labels for nutrition value?  On occasion we read label due

to see the amount of sodium.

What kind of snacks do you eat? Nuts, popcorn, grapes, cheese

Do you have diet restrictions and are you compliant?  Both of us watch our sodium and cholesterol intake.  Generally, we eat lots of fish, vegetables, and grains.  We bake or grill our meats and veggies.  Our

Biggest challenge is eating out at restaurants frequently.

  1. Sleep/Rest:

How much sleep do you get a night? We both get about 6-8 hours each night. My mother sleeps for less than 6 hours especially when experiencing pain

Does anyone snore? Mr. K, snores a little during allergy seasons

My son also snores, but my daughter does not snore.

What problems do you experience with getting sleep? Mr. K and I both have some periods of insomnia during stress times (work, projects, school)


Do you all have normal bowel movements? How often? Mr. K has regular bowel movements; never an issue. Mrs. K has history of irregularities and constipation; uses laxatives on occasion

Are you experiencing any changes in elimination system? My husband, mother and I are               experiencing changes- as old man says he never passes up a restroom;

We both laugh at each other

Have you had the 50- year colonoscopy? We have both had our initial

colonoscopy; Mrs. K – one and done; Mr. K has had followed up- clear
5. Activity/Exercise:

How much exercise do you get in a typical week? We try to get 30 mins

to 1 hour 3 times a week

What types of exercise do you do? Walking on treadmill, riding echelon

stationary bike, and weights.

My mother does light exercise that involves assisted walking around the compound every morning for about 15 minutes.
6. Cognitive:

Do you ever get confused? We both do not get confused. At times forgetful

Are you experiencing any memory loss? No, we both have not experienced any memory loss.

How are decisions made? We make decisions together after discussion
7. Sensory-Perception:

How is your eyesight?  We both wear glasses. Mrs. K- for computer work and driving; farsightedness; Mr. K – glasses or contacts always.

Is taste a problem?  Mr. K taste buds are poor.

Do you have any numbness and tingling in extremities? We both are not experiencing any numbness or tingling.
8. Self-Perception:

Do you feel hopeful about the future? We both are feeling very hopeful for the future.  The pandemic has caused a lot of grief to family, church         family, and friends. Overall, our spirits are better now that we both have the covid vaccination and cases are dropping.

What do you think of yourself?  We are both self-confident in our abilities, education, and self-worth.

Have you experienced any depression or mental illness? We both have no mental illness. Mr. K. suffered from depression more than 10 years ago.


  1. Role Relationship:

How is your marital relationship? We are both happy in our martial         relationship. We both previously married but find that this relationship is far more enjoyable and appreciative.

How do you discipline your children?  Our children are grown

How do you deal with conflicts?  We agreed many years ago that communication was the key to resolving issues or problems.

Though our children are grown up now, we still have to be close to them and guide them as they start their adulthood life.
10. Sexuality:

How often do you have sex? Mr. K. would say “not enough”; currently 2 times weekly- Mrs. K. needs to increase energy

Is there any sexual dysfunction? Not at present

How would rate your sexual relationship? We agree that “it is well”
11. Coping:

What methods do you use to deal with stress? Exercise, gardening,         reading and meditation.

Have there been any prominent stressful events in your life lately? Yes, dealing with the effects of Covid, dealing with grown children’s issues.

What are your strengths and concerns with dealing with stress? We both agree that communication about issues is key, being on the “same sheet of music”

The involvement of nurses with families is not a new phenomenon as families have long been the clinical point of focus for clinicians working in a home setting (Wu et al., 2020). Over the past decade, there has been an upsurge of interest in assessing the family unit to promote an understanding of the health promotion and disease prevention activities that can be adopted by the family  (Wu et al., 2018). The family assessment not only narrows down to risk factors but also involves the perception of the nurse regarding the family’s norms, constitution, theoretical knowledge, standards, and community abilities (Lauritzen et al., 2018). The nurse utilizes open communication when conducting family health assessments to promote the level of accuracy of the information provided. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the assessment findings of the conducted interview with Shawn’s family.

Family Structure

            Shawn’s family is a middle-class nuclear family that resides in Fort Lauderdale, Broward county, Florida. They live together in a three-bedroom apartment downtown. The family is composed of a 55 years old husband, Mr. Shawn, who is a father of two. He is considered the head of the family. The wife, Mrs. Shawn is 49 years only, with their daughter being 10 years old Amanda, and their son, John, is 12 years old. Both the children are in middle school. The family is of African American descent. They are strong Christians, who go to church every Sunday.

Family Health and Health Behaviours

Values/Health Perception

The family believes in seeking medical care when ill. Mr. Shawn is hypertensive and is managing the condition with dietary interventions and antihypertensives. Mrs. Shawn is diabetic and on metformin and Glibenclamide to control her blood sugar levels. Amanda is obese and tries to exercise to cut down on her weight. John on the other hand is healthy, with all childhood immunizations up to date. They believe in supporting each other to promote their health, with Christ as their true healer.


            The family used to consume high-calorie foods including sweet potatoes, cassava, wheat, rice, and red meat among others. However, ever since Mr. Shawn was diagnosed with hypertension, the family has tried as much as possible to cut their calorie intake and shift to a heart-healthy diet. Mr. Shawn was diagnosed with diabetes about 2 years ago, which also led to the family being keen on a healthy and balanced diet.


            All the family members report getting enough rest and sleep every night. Mr. and Mrs. Shawn sleep for about 8 hours each. Besides, their two children sleep for 8 hours every night.


            Mr. Shawn reported frequent episodes of constipation about two years ago, which were associated with dehydration. It was however managed, and the family currently reports regular elimination patterns.


            Mr. Shawn and his son, Jjohn, exercise every Saturday by playing basketball. Mr. Shawn walks the dog every night. Amanda on the other hand like staying back at home, with limited activity level.


            The intellectual capacity of Mr. Shawn’s family is average. They can all read and write appropriately. No cognitive defects run in the family.


Mr. Shawn’s family reported no sensory issues at the moment. However, his son reported incidences of headaches about two weeks ago when he had the flu.


            Only one member of the family reported problems with self-perception. Mr. Shawn’s daughter Amanda is obese and has been trying to diet to lose weight, only ending up adding a few more pounds. She feels embarrassed and humiliated by her body image.

Role Relationship

Mr. Shawn is considered the head of the family and the main provider. Mrs. Shawn on the other hand takes care of the entire family, making sure that all the children have eaten and slept in time. John and Amanda help with house chores.


            Mr. Shawn was reluctant to involve his children to talk about their sexuality. However, he and his wife confirmed being heterosexual, in a committed relationship, and believing in the Christian values of marriage.


            Mr. Shawn’s family is strongly Christian and uses faith as their coping mechanism. They also provide support for each other to reduce their stress levels.


Upon completing the interview with all members of Mr. Shawn’s family, I was able to identify areas of strength that help promote the health and well-being of the family. The health literacy level of the family is slightly high, as all family members are aware of their medical conditions and what is needed to promote their health (Crone et al., 2021). Consequently, the family being strong Christians, believe in supporting each other which is crucial for positive care outcomes. However, their nutrition knowledge is still low given the presenting health problem of hypertension for Mr. Shawn, diabetes for Mrs. Shawn, and obesity for Amanda  (Wu et al., 2018). All these three conditions are associated with lack of exercise and poor diet.

Application of Family Systems Theory

The family system theory (Kerr and Bowen, 1988) defines a family unit as a multifaceted social system where members interact to influence the behavior of one another. Mr. Shawn’s family displayed a great bond among family members, providing support for each other in promoting their health and well-being (Wu et al., 2020). For instance, Mr. Shawn’s heart-healthy diet, contributed to his wife and obese daughter also adopting dietary interventions to promote their health and manage their condition (Lauritzen et al., 2018). Consequently, Mrs. Shawn’s diabetic diagnosis led to the family acknowledging the importance of exercise in promoting their health and preventing chronic conditions.


The family health assessment of Mr. Shawn’s family reveals a strong and supportive family with a history of obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. They however have a high health literacy and are seeking medical interventions to manage their medical conditions.




Crone, M. R., Slagboom, M. N., Overmars, A., Starken, L., van de Sande, M. C. E., Wesdorp, N., & Reis, R. (2021). The Evaluation of a Family-Engagement Approach to Increase Physical Activity, Healthy Nutrition, and Well-Being in Children and Their Parents. Frontiers in Public Health9, 747725.

Lauritzen, C., Kolmannskog, A. B., & Iversen, A. C. (2018). Family assessment conversations as a tool to support families affected by parental mental illness: a retrospective review of electronic patient journals. International Journal of Mental Health Systems12(1).

Wu, R. R., Myers, R. A., Sperber, N., Voils, C. I., Neuner, J., McCarty, C. A., Haller, I. V., Harry, M., Fulda, K. G., Cross, D., Dimmock, D., Rakhra-Burris, T., Buchanan, A. H., Ginsburg, G. S., & Orlando, L. A. (2018). Implementation, adoption, and utility of family health history risk assessment in diverse care settings: evaluating implementation processes and impact with an implementation framework. Genetics in Medicine21(2), 331–338.

Wu, R. R., Sultana, R., Bylstra, Y., Jamuar, S., Davila, S., Lim, W. K., Ginsburg, G. S., Orlando, L. A., Yeo, K. K., Cook, S. A., & Tan, P. (2020). Evaluation of family health history collection methods impact on data and risk assessment outcomes. Preventive Medicine Reports18, 101072.