
NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it

NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it

Grand Canyon University NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it-Step-By-Step Guide

This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Grand Canyon University  NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.

How to Research and Prepare for NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it

Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University  NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.

After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.

How to Write the Introduction for  NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it 

The introduction for the Grand Canyon University  NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.

How to Write the Body for  NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it 

After the introduction, move into the main part of the  NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.

Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.

How to Write the Conclusion for  NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it 

After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.

How to Format the References List for  NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it

The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2

Discuss the difference between a nursing conceptual model and a nursing theory. Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it. Provide an example in nursing practice where the nursing theory you selected would be effective in managing patient care.


A component to being a profession is that the discipline have it’s own body of knowledge, and in some cases theoretical support. Our Florence Nightingale started us off with her Environmental Theory. We often do not think about why we do what we do on a daily basis as a nurse. Have you thought about what theory drives your nursing practice? While I may use several, Orem’s Theory was my go to theory when caring for patients. What theory drive’s your practice?

Virginia Henderson’s Nursing need theory has been a source of inspiration to my practice. Her definition of nursing says it all. Without a need to care, there won’t be a practice. Most times, i remind myself that if this patient does not have a defect in health, there won’t be a reason to be in a health care facility.

Hence, the nurse helps them when they are dependent while preparing them for independence when discharged home.

Care is one element that makes nursing, well….nursing. We add care into everything we do.

I would say that I have never really thought about what nursing theory guides my professional nursing practice, but after reading this week and learning more about the nursing theories I got to thinking about what nursing theories guide my practice. I would say that I practice with multiple nursing theories regularly but one that stands out to me the most that I would say I use is Kurt Lewins Field Theory, where human behavior is related to both the individual and the environment (Whitney 2018).

I tend to think that people are often a product of their environments. For example if you are sitting in a cold dark room all day you may end up being depressed, whereas if you go outside and get some sunshine on your face and smile you may actually feel happier. In nursing I think if we promote a healing environment, that is warm, quite, relaxing and positive we may have a better patient outcome on healing than if we were to promote a uncomfortable environment. I also feel that if we promote a safe environment then we will inherently have less falls and injuries to patients that if we were to not. Overall the environment in which someone is, in my opinion, has a lot to do with patient outcomes.

NRS 430 Topic 3 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it

Whitney, Stacey. (2018). Dynamics in Nursing: Art and Science of Profession Practice. History of Profession Nursing. Grand Canyon University.

Thank you for sharing. I agree that often we do not think about what drives our care….we just do it. I will also add along with your post, Florence Nightingale’s Environmental theory addressed light, etc. which also goes along with your post.

Billie, I know in my previous post I talked about Rogers’s science of unitary human beings but working in an outpatient surgery setting, that really seems to be the theory that drives my practice. Our patients come in to a situation where it is totally foreign to them! We, as nurses, deal daily with what to expect in the different phases of surgery and recovery but it is totally new to our patients and we have to be cognizant of that daily.

Thank you for determining that Roger’s theory is most relevant to your work setting. As we explore who we are as nurses and question why we do what we do, the reflection allows us to become more aware.

Theory is wildly deep in passion for purpose. As I have been trying to understand these theories more, I have come to identify them in my past care experiences and now use them to advance my new ones. After reading the other posts, one of Cassidy’s comments sparked my attention, and I realized that I use Lewin’s Field Theory a lot in pediatrics. Cassidy said, “I tend to think that people are often a product of their environments.”

This takes me to Lewin’s change management model and why I use it in pediatrics. Working in the ICU brings an already intense and scary environment that greatly challenges one’s behavior. In the cardiac ICU, we have a higher rate of newborn admissions than others. We care for the parents and the patient as if they are one. Parents make the decisions, they are the advocates, and they feel the pain or happiness of their babies. Babies also feel the energy of their surroundings. The stressors are crazy high. They just gave birth; the mom doesn’t always come with the baby. It’s usually just dad. They are separated and highly emotional because multiple environments are changing without their control.

So what am I getting at? Their environment is in a state of unfreezing. When they walk through my doors and enter a new crazy, stressful, and life-altering environment, I have this window of opportunity to create a positive force in a negative situation. If the desired change can be, they can move to the next phase. They can refreeze and solidify this environment to not be as scary and harsh. Instead, the environment displays support and caring. They have reassurance our people will be there to help them during this uncontrollable and new environment. If they are a product of their environment, as Cassidy said, creating a welcoming, safe, and caring one will make parents more receptive to coping, listening, and understanding.

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Thank you for your reflection on this question. It is evident that you are focused on your patients in times of stress and uncertainty and your ability to establish the positive environment makes all the difference to the patient.

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I enjoyed reading about the various theories this week. Now that I have a better understanding on Florence Nightingales Environmental Theory, I feel like I apply this every day at work; especially once the pandemic started. Florence Nightingale believed that changing the environment around the individual and improving living conditions can improve overall health (Whitney, 2018). Although we are not battling providing clean water or proper sewage systems to improve health, we are changing the enviromnent for our patients in many ways.

The first thing I do when meeting my patient is do a room “sweep”; a fresh start. I clean up any dubris, organize, supplies, make sure bathroom is clean, make sure patient has clean linens and gown. Once the pandemic hit, I now wipe down all surfaces multiple times through the day as an extra effort to keep both my patient and the staff safe. I wipe down common areas like the nurses station including computers, phones, light switches, handles and tube station. Taking those extra moment to make the effort to keep our environment clean and safe.

Whitney, Stacey. (2018). Dynamics in Nursing: Art and Science of Profession Practice. History of Profession Nursing. Grand Canyon University.

Nursing theory is inter-connected to nursing practice because it helps to improve the quality of nursing care. The nursing process, which is the most important tool for putting nursing knowledge into practice which is a systematic problem solving method. In nursing process, Assessment is the first tool before stating treatment. For example, when a COPD patient arrives to unit after assessment, a nurse must know how much oxygen is to be administered to this patient. COPD patients need less oxygen. So like this, Nursing Theory and nursing practice are related.

A nursing concept model is an organized structure that explains a certain way of thinking. Theories describe and explore a proposed and testable relationship between variables or ideas. (Whitney, 2018).

The Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment involves personal, interpersonal and social efforts to achieve the same goal. Personal to be considered a personal system which includes, perception of self, growth, body image learning and coping. “Perception significantly contributes to nurse–patient relationship because an accurate perception of self, facilitates the perception of others and even the perception of body image, time, place, and daily life events, and helps person establish better interaction with the surrounding environment” (Adib-Hajbaghery, Tahmouresi, 2018). King’s theory defines nursing as the interaction of the patient with the environment to attain health and improve well-being.

King’s theory was based on four main elements that contribute to goal attainment. 1. Appropriate nurse-patient relationships promote health. 2. Mutual understanding of nurse-patient is needed. 3. Goals of both the nurse and patient should be in sync. 4. Nurses knowledge used to establish relationships and create goals (Adib-Hajbaghery, Tahmouresi, 2018). I would like to apply this to the recent pandemic. The nurse and patient work together to achieve a similar goal by changing social norms. Having the same education and similar ideas, working to goal attainment of prevent a disease. Washing hands, social distancing and wearing masks were efforts used to stop the spread of covid. The nurse-patient having similar goals and techniques that help prevent covid and promote health.

Adib-Hajbaghery M, Tahmouresi M. (2018, June 29). Nurse–patient relationship based on the imogene king’s theory of goal attainment. Nurse Midwifery Studies.;year=2018;volume=7;issue=3;spage=141;epage=144;aulast=Adib-Hajbaghery

Whitney, S. (2018). Dynamics in Nursing. Art and Science of Professional Practice. Grand Canyon University.

I liked your comment that appropriate nurse-patient relationships promote health. The first step of treatment starts with a patient-nurse relationship. When a patient begins to have faith in a nurse, it helps in decreasing the patient’s feelings of helplessness. The nurse helps the patient to become engaged with the treatment process by providing them with information and answering questions. The main concept of this theory is that patients are the focus of nursing care and each patient might have different needs (Gamez, 2009).

Granados Gámez, G. (2009). The nurse-patient relationship as a caring relationship. Nursing science quarterly22(2), 126-127.

Nursing theory helps nurses follow a disciplined practice that roots back to centering their practice around specific ideas that correlate with one another in order for the nurse to maintain consistency in their practice. Nursing theory is a structure of purposeful and systematic ideas that help to organize disciplinary thinking and influence practice (Whitney 2018). There are many different nursing theories taught and studied and many nurses may practice some or all of the theories in their professional nursing career. When looking at a conceptual model, we find that this is the framework, so to speak, that helps to organize a specific nursing theory.

Examining Change Theory a bit closer, we see that the governing principle uses certain motivating factors where patients feel empowered and have a desire to change unhealthy habits. By setting goals and offering incentives, learning and change occur for the patient (Whitney 2018). This theory is used across nursing all the time on a regular basis. Change Theory shows to have foundations in using undesired outcomes as motivators to get better or healthier and this elicits deep rooted change that can often times come from both internal stimuli, wants and needs and external forces and motivations such as nurses. Lewin, believed that desired change in human behavior could occur by first identifying the undesired behavior, then understanding the cause of such behavior, and what forces would need to be strengthened or weakened to bring about change (Burnes & Cooke, 2013).

For example, in nursing practice when a nurse speaks with a type 2 diabetes mellitus patient and informs them that there A1C test unfortunately came back high at 10.4 the nurse can educate the patient about how important diet and exercise changes are in order to help manage their type 2 diabetes and bring their A1C levels down on their next blood test, that would be the external stimuli that elicits change. The internal unwanted stimuli that elicits change in this type of patient is the patient may be feeling unwell due to unregulated diabetes mellitus type 2. Those stimuli together will help promote change in this patient and move them toward a better and healthier lifestyle and overall better management of their diabetes. The nurse must help educate the patient on how they can promote lifestyle changes in this patient’s life to move toward health and wellness.

Topic 3 DQ 2

A conceptual model and a nursing theory are different in various ways. A conceptual model a theoretical framework which offer an abstract yet organized structure, associated ideas, design and aspects in research while a theory provides a foundation as the basis of actions that denote a phenomenon. A nursing conceptual model offers direction and an orderly manner to research and implementation of research evidence in nursing profession. A nursing theory on its part describes a certain phenomenon utilized or deployed in nursing profession to provide strategies and approaches to patient care (Butts & Rich, 2018). The implication is that both conceptual models and theories are critical aspect of nursing research and practice.

One of the nursing theories is Virginia Henderson’s needs theory whose focus is on the role of nurses in helping a patient attain recovery by addressing certain needs. Henderson’s theory implores nurses to focus on each patient at individual level as patients may have unique needs that should be catered for to ascertain that they attain their wellbeing (Fawcett et al., 2018). The needs may include physical, and psychological like behavioral patterns which may be addressed through scriptural readings and offering psychological support. Social needs entail nurses incorporating recreational activities.

Henderson’s theory is effective in managing patients with post-traumatic stress disorder by assisting them to gain recovery after encountering traumatic events that may have negative effects on one’s life. Counseling sessions can meet psychological needs by helping a patient accept that he is no longer has power or control over what occurred to them. Through this approach, a patient can have face life in a positive manner through hope for a better tomorrow. The use of the theory allows nurses to effectively address the physiological needs of their patients which facilitates fast recovery from traumatic events and gaining of their wellbeing (Premkumar et al., 2022). Nurses should focus on the other needs of a patient based on the underlying health aspects. These include having a better and supportive environment to mitigate unhealthy behaviors which may have necessitated stressful situations.


Butts, J. B. & Rich K. L. (2018). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice.

Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Fawcett, J., Amweg, L. N., Legor, K., Kim, B. R., & Maghrabi, S. (2018). More thoughts about

conceptual models and literature reviews: Focus on population health. Nursing Science Quarterly, 31(4), 384-389.

Premkumar B., David, S., & Ravindran, V. (2022). Conceptual models and theories: Developing

a research framework. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 18:48-53.


Levine (1995) Defined nursing theory as the intellectual life of a nurse.Concepts are the essence of a theory. There are four domain concepts: the person, the environment, health, and nursing. Every nursing theory must communicate and describe the four domain concepts.A theory basically uses various concepts in an inventive way to make something grand by Mintz-Binder(2019).

Virginia Henderson Need  theory as it relates to the individual means that every individual has health needs and needs help in achieving it sustaining emotional and physical balance.emphasizing that he mind and body are one.

According to Henderson (1966).The needs theory as it relates to the environment means  people need a supportive environment that will encourage healing and nurses are the advocates to ensure it especially in patients who are unable to say what they need.Need theory as it relates to health means nurses are to help patients achieve balance in all aspects of life promoting health, preventing illness and aid with healing. Using Virginia’s 14 components in the hierarchy of needs.

The need theory as it relates to nurses is to be the advocate for patients and help them reach their optimal health prior to sickness and to also help those who are well maintain their health. Being the eyes , hands, feet and everything their patient cannot be .To provide an environment that fosters the patients independence.

The need theory can be helpful in managing client care because I think the goal of everyone seeking care is to return to their level of functioning prior to sickness. A patient coming in due to a fracture of the humerus may need surgery and that would affect the patient’s mobility, the nurse ensures physiotherapy works with the patient to build strength and increase mobility. The nurse works with the patient at their level assisting with care while encouraging independence where possible. Initially the patient might need assistance with baths, setting up the food tray as time goes by and the nurse works with the patient at their level continuing to encourage independence. The patient might be discharged and not have the level of functioning prior to fracture but the nursing team will ensure that the patient has all the resources and environment  required to be back to normal functioning.


Henderson, V. (1966). The nature of nursing. In George, J. (Ed.). Nursing theories: the base for professional nursing practice. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange.

Mintz-Binder, R. (2019). The connection between nursing theory and practice. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 17 (1), 6-9. doi: 10.1097/01.NME.0000549615.05397.55.

Levine, M. E. (1995). The rhetoric of nursing theory. Image—The Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 27(1), 11-14.