
NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU

NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU

Grand Canyon University NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU-Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Grand Canyon University NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU  assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU  


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU  

The introduction for the Grand Canyon University NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU  is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU  


After the introduction, move into the main part of the NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU  assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU  


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU  


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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Our team of experienced writers is well-versed in academic writing and familiar with the specific requirements of the NRS 451 Executive Summary GCU assignment. We can provide you with personalized support, ensuring your assignment is well-researched, properly formatted, and thoroughly edited. Get a feel of the quality we guarantee – ORDER NOW. 


Executive Summary Assignment: Handwashing

There is quite a range of topics on improving patient safety that I have thought about writing. However, I have decided on addressing handwashing among patients admitted in care facilities. The reasons why I chose this heading is due to the frequent adverse events related to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) among hospitalized patients. I have also realized that there are several infection prevention and control (IPC) strategies in hospitals but most of such practices give preference to healthcare providers as opposed to patients who are the recipient of medical intervention (Pittet et al., 2017). Attention has been on the effectiveness of handwashing practices that guarantee safety to patients. Even though hand hygiene has been widely promoted across the world, specific concerns still remain on the best practices that ensure optimal protection to patients. The challenges of proper hand washing in healthcare system among patients are unexpected but continue to suffice. In my visit to one of the public hospitals in Los Angeles, I realized that effective handwashing techniques are not followed by the patients to the latter. This is due to the unreliable supply of liquid soap and alcohol handrubs to achieve the three stages of handwashing. Besides, even when these agents are available, some patients lacked knowledge on proper techniques of handwashing as some start with alcohol handrub and ends by using the soap. This calls for an initiative by care facilities to inform patients about the handwashing protocols. The education on handwashing can be addressed during bedside services or patients sensitized during health education forums organized by the care facility.

There are many reasons why emotional intelligence is important in leadership. First, leaders with high emotional intelligence are able to create a positive work environment. They do this by maintaining open communication, showing empathy and understanding, and promoting a healthy balance between work and life. Emotionally intelligent leaders are better able to relate to and motivate their team members (Whitney, 2018). They are able to understand what drives and inspires people, and can use this knowledge to build a cohesive and high-performing team. Lastly, leaders with high emotional intelligence are better equipped to deal with difficult situations and people. They are able to stay calm under pressure and make decisions based on logic and reason, rather than emotion.


Pittet, D., Boyce, J. M., & Allegranzi, B. (Eds.). (2017). Hand hygiene: a handbook for medical professionals (Vol. 9). John Wiley & Sons.

ALSO READ: NRS 451 Professionalism and Social Media GCUNRS 451 Executive Summary GCU

Assessment Description

In this assignment, you will propose a quality improvement initiative from your place of employment that could easily be implemented if approved. Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive summary (750-1,000 words) to present to the board, from which the board will make its decision to fund your program or project. Include the following:

Target Audience or Population

The target audience for this QI is hospitalized patients in acute care settings. The CDC provides a report on elderly patients as being prone to the risk of falls. To this effect, the intervention focuses on patients not less than 60 years. To add up, the intervention will focus on trauma patients who have sustained injuries, especially on their lower extremities.

Benefits of the Quality Improvement Initiative

Falls management in an acute care setting is associated with various aspects of patient health and quality of life. The approach will reduce the number of additional cases related to falls at the facility. Furthermore, nurses and other health care professionals will not be held liable for negligence, even if the falls result in serious injuries that result in the death of patients (Morello et al., 2017). The care facility’s reputation will be enhanced so that it becomes a preferred destination for trauma patients.

Collaboration Among Professionals

The fall management intervention program includes various health professionals from the facility. Registered nurses with extensive experience in critical care will be part of the team educating patients (Watson, Salmoni & Zecevic, 2019). Physicians from the facility’s critical care units will also be included in the program because they will play a key role in developing diagnoses for trauma patients. Pharmacists and physiotherapists are among the professionals who provide education on fall prevention strategies in the facility.

Cost Justification

The primary goals of this fall management project are staff and patient education. The project is expected to cost around $500 if the Senior Falls Investigative Methodology (SFIM) is used as an intervention strategy. The financial estimate is based on minimum unit requirements because professional education will take place in nurse stations and patient education will take place in the hallways (Morello et al., 2017). Brochures and other publications are only available on request.


The interprofessional team will be responsible for evaluating the performance of the falls management strategy. The variables for the project will be evaluated in comparison to hospital policies on falls reduction and also broadly assessed by the standards developed by America’s Institute of Medicine (IOM) on patient care (Watson, Salmoni & Zecevic, 2019). In this regard, patient feedback will be examined to affirm the effectiveness of the patient fall prevention program. The approach will be determined by the quality of life for the trauma patients and reduced instances of falls for at-risk patients.

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative.
The target population or audience.
The benefits of the quality improvement initiative.
The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative.
The cost or budget justification.
The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated.

You are required to cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Executive Summary Feedback Form

Assessment Description

Share your written proposal with your manager, supervisor, or other colleague in a formal leadership position within a health care organization. Complete the “Executive Summary Feedback Form,” located in topic Resources, during the exchange and submit the document.

There are many quality improvement initiatives in healthcare. Some of the most common ones include Six Sigma, Lean, and Total Quality Management (TQM). Six Sigma is a data-driven methodology that aims to improve the quality of products and services. It uses a set of tools and techniques to measure defects and identify ways to reduce them. Lean is a process improvement approach that aims to eliminate waste and increase efficiency. It focuses on eliminating steps or activities that do not add value to a product or service. TQM is a management philosophy that promotes the pursuit of excellence in all areas of business operations. It emphasizes continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and teamwork. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a quality improvement initiative involving improved electronic medical record documentation, including target population, benefits, cost, and the basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated.

Main Problem

In my healthcare settings, incomplete or illegible documentation continues to be a major problem that requires improvement. One potential solution is improved electronic medical record documentation. Incomplete physician notes are the leading cause of malpractice claims, and account for almost half of all paid malpractice claims. In my healthcare organization, incomplete or illegible documentation lead to miscommunication and errors. For example, if a doctor’s notes are incomplete or illegible, another doctor may not be able to understand them and could end up prescribing the wrong medication or performing the wrong procedure.

Solution to the Problem

Improved electronic medical record documentation is one way to help mitigate the problems caused by incomplete or illegible documentation. With accurate and complete patient information, clinicians can deliver consistent healthcare services to patients. Electronic health records (EHRs) can help improve the accuracy and completeness of patient information. EHRs can also help reduce the amount of time clinicians spend on documentation, which can free up time to provide more patient care. Improved electronic medical record documentation is a quality improvement initiative that will ensure proper and accurate information.

Purpose of the Quality Improvement Initiative

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative is to improve electronic medical record documentation by reducing the number of incomplete or illegible documentation. The goal of this initiative is to improve patient care by ensuring that all information pertinent to the patient’s care is documented in the electronic medical record (Fazio et al., 2020). Incomplete or illegible documentation can lead to errors in treatment, which can potentially have adverse impacts on patients. By improving electronic medical record documentation, we can ensure that all information pertinent to a patient’s care is available when it is needed most (Gandrup et al., 2020). This will help us provide the highest level of care possible for our patients.

Target Population or Audience

The target population for a quality improvement initiative involving improved electronic medical record documentation would be healthcare professionals who are responsible for providing patient care. This would include physicians, nurses, and other clinical staff. The goal of the initiative would be to improve the accuracy and completeness of medical records documentation (Fitzgerald et al., 2021). This would ultimately improve patient care by ensuring that all relevant information is available to healthcare professionals when making decisions about treatment plans. It would also help to ensure that patients receive appropriate care based on the most current information available.

Benefits of the Quality Improvement Initiative

The benefits of the quality improvement initiative involving improved electronic medical record documentation include: A reduction in medical errors and adverse drug events, improved patient care and safety, efficient and accurate communication between providers, time savings for clinicians, and reduced costs for healthcare providers. Improved EMR can help to ensure that all members of the healthcare team have accurate and up-to-date information about a patient’s medical history, medications, and allergies. This can help to reduce the risk of medical errors, which can potentially lead to serious injury or even death. EMR also makes it easier for healthcare professionals to track patients’ progress over time and to identify any potential problems early on. This can lead to more timely and effective treatment plans, which in turn results in improved patient care.

The Cost or Budget Justification

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that improved electronic medical record documentation, or “EHR use”, can result in significant cost savings for healthcare organizations. The study was conducted over a two-year period and found that EHR use led to a 11.8% reduction in hospital admissions and a 13.6% reduction in total hospital costs. The study also found that increased EHR use was associated with reductions in both length of stay and costs for patients who were admitted to the hospital.

The overall cost of this project will be $36,000,000 on the lower side and $49,500,000 on the higher side. The breakdown is as follows:

Cost Category for EMR Improvement Start-up Costs per bed-low ($) Start-up Costs per bed-high ($)
External IT Consulting 26,000 30,000
Hardware 14,000 25,000
Clinical Software Licenses 15,000 20,000
External Training Services 10,000 12,000
Other Software Licenses 5,000 7,000
Internal IT Support 2,000 5,000
Total 72,000 99,000
Total Bed Capacity 500  
Grand Total 36,000,000 49,500,000


Interprofessional Collaboration Required For the Quality Improvement Initiative

Interprofessional collaboration is key for the success of any quality improvement initiative. In order to improve electronic medical record documentation, all healthcare professionals involved in the patient’s care will work together to create and implement a plan that meets the specific needs of each individual patient (Tajirian et al., 2020). There is also the need for collaboration with external organizations and partners to ensure the implementation of all the processes required. By involving all members of the healthcare team, one can ensure that everyone has a shared understanding of the patient’s care plan and are able to properly document all interventions and treatments in the EMR (Sutton et al., 2020). This improved documentation will help to improve patient care overall and ensure that all members of the healthcare team are working towards the same goal.

The Basis for Evaluating a Quality Improvement Initiative

There are a few key factors that will be considered when evaluating the quality of an electronic medical record documentation improvement initiative. First, it will be important to look at how the new system is being used by clinicians – is it making their lives easier or more difficult? If it is making their lives more difficult, then the initiative is not likely to be successful in the long run. Second, the implementation team will look at how well the system is capturing patient data (Sutton et al., 2020) and to determine whether sufficient information in the records are available to support clinical decision-making. Other question that will be asked when evaluating the quality improvement initiative will be: Are all of the necessary fields being completed, and are they populated with accurate data? If not, then there will be problems downstream when the data is analyzed for quality improvement purposes.


A quality improvement initiative involving improved electronic medical record documentation can have a number of benefits, including: improved patient care, increased efficiency and accuracy in data entry, reduced administrative costs, and enhanced overall quality of care. Anytime a change is introduced to a given process, it is important to evaluate the impact of those changes. In this case, you’re talking about introducing an electronic medical record documentation system. There are a number of factors to consider when evaluating the impact of such a change.


Fazio, S., Doroy, A., Da Marto, N., Taylor, S., Anderson, N., Young, H. M., & Adams, J. Y. (2020). Quantifying mobility in the ICU: Comparison of electronic health record documentation and accelerometer-based sensors to clinician-annotated video. Critical care explorations2(4).

Fitzgerald, M. P., Kaufman, M. C., Massey, S. L., Fridinger, S., Prelack, M., Ellis, C., … & Hagopian, S. (2021). Assessing seizure burden in pediatric epilepsy using an electronic medical record–based tool through a common data element approach. Epilepsia62(7), 1617-1628.

Gandrup, J., Li, J., Izadi, Z., Gianfrancesco, M., Ellingsen, T., Yazdany, J., & Schmajuk, G. (2020). Three quality improvement initiatives and performance of rheumatoid arthritis disease activity measures in electronic health records: results from an interrupted time series study. Arthritis care & research72(2), 283-291.

Sutton, R. T., Pincock, D., Baumgart, D. C., Sadowski, D. C., Fedorak, R. N., & Kroeker, K. I. (2020). An overview of clinical decision support systems: benefits, risks, and strategies for success. NPJ digital medicine3(1), 1-10.

Tajirian, T., Stergiopoulos, V., Strudwick, G., Sequeira, L., Sanches, M., Kemp, J., … & Jankowicz, D. (2020). The influence of electronic health record use on physician burnout: cross-sectional survey. Journal of medical Internet research22(7), e19274.

Executive Summary – Rubric
Collapse All Executive Summary – RubricCollapse All
Purpose of the Quality Improvement Initiative

21 points

Criteria Description

Purpose of the Quality Improvement Initiative

5. Excellent

21 points

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, is provided in detail, and demonstrates higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

4. Good

18.69 points

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail.

3. Satisfactory

16.59 points

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative is provided and meets the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions.

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2. Less Than Satisfactory

15.75 points

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative is incomplete, missing relevant information.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative is not provided.

Target Population or Audience

18.2 points

Criteria Description

Target Population or Audience

5. Excellent

18.2 points

The target population or audience meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

4. Good

16.2 points

The target population or audience meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail.

3. Satisfactory

14.38 points

The target population or audience is provided and meet the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

13.65 points

The target population or audience is incomplete, missing relevant information.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The target population or audience is not addressed.

Benefits of Quality Improvement Initiative

18.2 points

Criteria Description

Benefits of Quality Improvement Initiative

5. Excellent

18.2 points

The benefit of the quality improvement initiative meet all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

4. Good

16.2 points

The benefit of the quality improvement initiative meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail.

3. Satisfactory

14.38 points

The benefits of the quality improvement initiative are provided and meet the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

13.65 points

The benefits of the quality improvement initiative are incomplete, missing relevant information.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The benefits of the quality improvement initiative are not provided.

Interprofessional Collaboration Required to Implement the Quality Improvement Initiative

18.2 points

Criteria Description

Interprofessional Collaboration Required to Implement the Quality Improvement Initiative

5. Excellent

18.2 points

The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative is clearly discussed and meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

4. Good

16.2 points

The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement is discussed and meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail.

3. Satisfactory

14.38 points

The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement is discussed and meets the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions

2. Less Than Satisfactory

13.65 points

The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative is incomplete, missing relevant information.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative is not discussed.

Cost or Budget Justification

18.2 points

Criteria Description

Cost or Budget Justification

5. Excellent

18.2 points

The cost or budget justification issue meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated by the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

4. Good

16.2 points

The cost or budget justification issue meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail.

3. Satisfactory

14.38 points

The cost or budget justification is provided and meets the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

13.65 points

The cost or budget justification is incomplete, missing relevant information.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The cost or budget justification is not provided.

Basis Upon Which the Program or Project Will Be Evaluated

18.2 points

Criteria Description

Basis Upon Which the Program or Project Will Be Evaluated

5. Excellent

18.2 points

The basis, upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated as indicated by the assignment instructions, is provided in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

4. Good

16.2 points

The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated is provided in detail.

3. Satisfactory

14.38 points

The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated meets the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

13.65 points

The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated is incomplete, missing relevant information.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated is not provided.

Thesis Development and Purpose

7 points

Criteria Description

Thesis Development and Purpose

5. Excellent

7 points

Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

4. Good

6.23 points

Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.

3. Satisfactory

5.53 points

Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

5.25 points

Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.

Paragraph Development and Transitions

7 points

Criteria Description

Paragraph Development and Transitions

5. Excellent

7 points

There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.

4. Good

6.23 points

A logical progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent. Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are appropriate to purpose.

3. Satisfactory

5.53 points

Paragraphs are generally competent, but ideas may show some inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationships to each other.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

5.25 points

Some paragraphs and transitions may lack logical progression of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Some degree of organization is evident.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Paragraphs and transitions consistently lack unity and coherence. No apparent connections between paragraphs are established. Transitions are inappropriate to purpose and scope. Organization is disjointed.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

7 points

Criteria Description

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

5. Excellent

7 points

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

4. Good

6.23 points

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech.

3. Satisfactory

5.53 points

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

5.25 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used.

Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

2.8 points

Criteria Description

Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

5. Excellent

2.8 points

All format elements are correct.

4. Good

2.49 points

Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style.

3. Satisfactory

2.21 points

Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

2.1 points

Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Template is not used appropriately, or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.

Documentation of Sources

4.2 points

Criteria Description

Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)

5. Excellent

4.2 points

Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

4. Good

3.74 points

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.

3. Satisfactory

3.32 points

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.

2. Less Than Satisfactory

3.15 points

Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Sources are not documented.

Total 140 points

Rubric Criteria

Total 140 points


1. Unsatisfactory

2. Less Than Satisfactory

3. Satisfactory

4. Good

5. Excellent

Interprofessional Collaboration Required to Implement the Quality Improvement Initiative

Interprofessional Collaboration Required to Implement the Quality Improvement Initiative

0 points

The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative is not discussed.

13.65 points

The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative is incomplete, missing relevant information.

14.38 points

The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement is discussed and meets the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions

16.2 points

The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement is discussed and meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail.

18.2 points

The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative is clearly discussed and meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

0 points

Template is not used appropriately, or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.

2.1 points

Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent.

2.21 points

Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.

2.49 points

Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style.

2.8 points

All format elements are correct.

Cost or Budget Justification

Cost or Budget Justification

0 points

The cost or budget justification is not provided.

13.65 points

The cost or budget justification is incomplete, missing relevant information.

14.38 points

The cost or budget justification is provided and meets the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions.

16.2 points

The cost or budget justification issue meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail.

18.2 points

The cost or budget justification issue meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated by the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

Basis Upon Which the Program or Project Will Be Evaluated

Basis Upon Which the Program or Project Will Be Evaluated

0 points

The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated is not provided.

13.65 points

The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated is incomplete, missing relevant information.

14.38 points

The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated meets the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions.

16.2 points

The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated is provided in detail.

18.2 points

The basis, upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated as indicated by the assignment instructions, is provided in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

0 points

Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used.

5.25 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied.

5.53 points

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.

6.23 points

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech.

7 points

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Thesis Development and Purpose

Thesis Development and Purpose

0 points

Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.

5.25 points

Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear.

5.53 points

Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose.

6.23 points

Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.

7 points

Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

Documentation of Sources

Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)

0 points

Sources are not documented.

3.15 points

Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.

3.32 points

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.

3.74 points

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.

4.2 points

Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

Purpose of the Quality Improvement Initiative

Purpose of the Quality Improvement Initiative

0 points

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative is not provided.

15.75 points

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative is incomplete, missing relevant information.

16.59 points

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative is provided and meets the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions.

18.69 points

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail.

21 points

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, is provided in detail, and demonstrates higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

Target Population or Audience

Target Population or Audience

0 points

The target population or audience is not addressed.

13.65 points

The target population or audience is incomplete, missing relevant information.

14.38 points

The target population or audience is provided and meet the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions.

16.2 points

The target population or audience meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail.

18.2 points

The target population or audience meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

Benefits of Quality Improvement Initiative

Benefits of Quality Improvement Initiative

0 points

The benefits of the quality improvement initiative are not provided.

13.65 points

The benefits of the quality improvement initiative are incomplete, missing relevant information.

14.38 points

The benefits of the quality improvement initiative are provided and meet the basic criteria for the assignment as indicated in the assignment instructions.

16.2 points

The benefit of the quality improvement initiative meets all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail.

18.2 points

The benefit of the quality improvement initiative meet all criteria for the assignment, as indicated in the assignment instructions, and is provided in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

Paragraph Development and Transitions

Paragraph Development and Transitions

0 points

Paragraphs and transitions consistently lack unity and coherence. No apparent connections between paragraphs are established. Transitions are inappropriate to purpose and scope. Organization is disjointed.

5.25 points

Some paragraphs and transitions may lack logical progression of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Some degree of organization is evident.

5.53 points

Paragraphs are generally competent, but ideas may show some inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationships to each other.

6.23 points

A logical progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent. Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are appropriate to purpose.

7 points

There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.