
NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved

NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved

Grand Canyon University NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved-Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved                                   


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University   NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved                                   


The introduction for the Grand Canyon University   NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved                                   


After the introduction, move into the main part of the NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved                                   


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for NRS-493 PICOT Question Paper Solved                                   


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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NRS 493 PICOT Question Paper Solved

The PICOT question will provide a framework for your capstone project change proposal.

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

Step 1: Create PICOT question; A PICOT question is presented and provides a clear framework for the capstone project change proposal. Your PICOT question should clearly outline all of these elements: patient, intervention, comparison, outcome and time.

Step 2: PICOT Problem:   Identify the PICOT problem, what clinical problems or issues may arise from clinical care? The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and nursing practice is thoroughly described.

Step 3: Describe nursing intervention: A nursing intervention used to address the problem. Compare the nursing intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and timeframe needed to implement the change process.

Step 4: Summarize Clinical Problem and Patient Outcome: The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

PICOT Question Paper

The health care system has a fundamental responsibility of providing health care services to improve patient outcomes and quality of life. However, the complexity of the current health care system and the increasing cases of chronic diseases have led to fragmentation of care and necessitated the need for more health care resources. Childhood obesity is one of the leading chronic diseases, which will form the basis of this project. Childhood obesity is an outstanding public health issue that is growing at an alarming rate throughout the United States and has become a global epidemic among children aged 2 to 19 years. Managing childhood obesity is challenging and one of the effective techniques to understand its management is through PICOT question. The nursing profession obliges nurses to write clinical questions to address various concerns. The PICOT format is used to develop these clinical questions. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to provide a PICOT question to address childhood obesity and discuss the health concern in relation to evidence-based solutions, nursing intervention, patient care, health care agency, and nursing practice.

The PICOT Question

In obese adolescents (P) does health education on lifestyle changes (I) compared to no intervention (C) reduce adolescent obesity rates by 10% (O) in 12 months (T)?

Evidence-Based Solution

The health care delivery system needs to be founded on evidence-based practice (EBP) to promote safe, affordable, and quality patient care to enhance health outcomes. Recent research and systematic reviews have generated a large volume of evidence indicating a high prevalence of childhood obesity globally. Given the serious effects of childhood obesity, database queries should be conducted to find evidence-based solutions to various concerns before settling on the appropriate nursing intervention for this issue. A database query can be achieved through a PICOT question. Formulation of PICOT question involves the framing of the clinical question to draw evidence, specifying the population, the intervention, comparison, outcome, and time. This capstone project advocates for the adoption of educational initiatives on lifestyle changes by nurses to create awareness and inspire healthy lifestyles among obese adolescents at school, home, and community settings.

Nursing Intervention

The proposed nursing intervention for this capstone project is the adoption of educational initiatives on lifestyle changes by nurses to create awareness and inspire healthy lifestyles among obese adolescents at school, home, and community settings (Bahia et al., 2019).  The objective of the intervention is to establish a patient support program that seeks to educate and create awareness among obese adolescents on lifestyle changes to promote a healthy lifestyle among them. Nurse educators should consider the cultural diversity in the target population to enable them to provide patient-tailored educational programs. The educational programs should also be designed based on the literacy levels of the recipients and tailored to the particular needs of the patients. Ultimately, this nursing intervention is not only aimed at creating awareness on childhood obesity but also strives to reduce utilization of health care resources and reduction of care costs through prevention and reduction of obesity-related complications (Bahia et al., 2019). Given the seriousness of childhood obesity, this nursing intervention is important because it assists in enhancing the health of many obese adolescents in the United States and developing strategies for addressing the issue.

Patient Care

Childhood obesity is a threatening chronic condition associated with various negative impacts in children including disability, the risk for factor for many chronic conditions, high mortality rates, social, mental, and emotional effects (Faienza et al., 2020). Implementation of the educational program is crucial in enhancing patient care because it increases the understanding of the need to adopt healthy lifestyle changes, which enhances better health outcomes.

Health Care Agency

Health care agencies play crucial roles in disease management such as the creation of treatment design, modalities of diagnosis, and management of childhood obesity. The successful adoption of the proposed nursing intervention is a promising move in the active engagement of the target population in their care. Therefore, it is essential for health care agencies to create innovative solutions to equip obese adolescents, their parents, and the community with the capacity to engage actively in their health care processes through healthy lifestyle adoption.

Nursing Practice

The adoption of this nursing intervention will possibly impact nursing practice in several ways. It will help in easing the heavy workload that nurses are currently facing due to the increased prevalence of chronic conditions such as childhood obesity. The reduced workload is critical in addressing nursing burnout and fatigue and also reduces medication errors. The intervention will also enhance nurses’ knowledge of various processes involved in obesity management.


Childhood obesity has dire impacts on the physical and psychological health of children. The proposed nursing intervention for this capstone project is the adoption of health education on lifestyle changes among obese adolescents, which is essential in establishing a patient support program that seeks to educate and create awareness on lifestyle changes to promote a healthy lifestyle among children. The PICOT format provided essential to develop and solution to clinical questions under childhood obesity.


Bahia, L., Schaan, C. W., Sparrenberger, K., Abreu, G. D. A., Barufaldi, L. A., Coutinho, W., & Schaan, B. D. (2019). Overview of meta-analysis on prevention and treatment of childhood obesity. Jornal de pediatria, 95, 385-400.

Faienza, M. F., Chiarito, M., Molina-Molina, E., Shanmugam, H., Lammert, F., Krawczyk, M., … & Portincasa, P. (2020). Childhood obesity, cardiovascular and liver health: a growing epidemic with age. World Journal of Pediatrics, 16(5), 438-445.

The State of Childhood Obesity. (2022). 2021 Report: From Crisis to Opportunity – The State of Childhood Obesity. The State of Childhood Obesity. Retrieved from

Searching for superior evidence in clinical research is always an intimidating task, yet it is a fundamental component of the evidence-based practice (EBP) process. One way nurses can use to streamline and enhance the research process is through the use of the PICOT search strategy. PICOT search strategy connotes a format for creating an effective clinical research question before beginning an evidence search (Granger, 2020). This paper seeks to develop a PICOT question to address the clinical issue of CAUTI prevention and management in medical-surgical units. Specifically, the paper will focus on the creation of a PICOT question, a description of the PICOT problem, a description of nursing intervention, and summarizing the clinical problem and patient outcome.

Creation of PICOT Question

PICOT question is essential in evidence search by helping in structuring the clinical question to ease search and obtaining evidence to solve the clinical problem at hand. It entails means of identifying the terms that should be utilized in searching for pertinent evidence to address the issue at hand (Granger, 2020). The proposed nursing solution in the current EBP project is the adoption of intentional leadership rounding to facilitate the management and prevention of CAUTIs in the medical-surgical units. Consequently, the proposed PICOT question is;

In patients admitted to medical-surgical wards (P), can intentional leadership rounding (I) compared to no intervention (C) manage and prevent CAUTIs (O) in six months (T)?

PICOT Problem

CAUTIs are among the primary healthcare concerns that plague health facilities nationwide affecting the safety and well-being of patients in medical-surgical units. They are associated with dire complications such as sepsis and endocarditis, increased healthcare costs, long hospital stay days, and even death (Mong et al., 2022). Moreover, CAUTIs are linked to a heavy economic burden attributed to the heavy financial load needed in the treatment of infections, which causes a fiscal burden on the healthcare industry.

Evidence-Based Solution               EBP plays a vital role in the healthcare system including promoting safety, quality, and cost-effectiveness of healthcare delivery, leading to positive patient outcomes. Appropriate evidence is crucial in providing directives for managing nursing practice problems. Similarly, obtaining relevant evidence is crucial in guiding nurses about the management of CAUTIs in the medical-surgical units. Proper utilization of evidence leads to positive patient outcomes. Nursing Intervention               The proposed nursing intervention is the adoption of intentional leadership rounding. According to Auten (2021), intentional leadership rounding is crucial in providing information to caregivers and discussing with nurses particular process issues that may be encumbering progress in addressing CAUTIs in the medical-surgical units.Patient Care

Patient care is instrumental in informing the decision to manage and prevent CAUTIs in medical-surgical units. CAUTIs prevention and management are essential in avoiding the negative implications of CAUTIs on patients. Also, proper patient care is essential in enhancing patient health outcomes and reducing CAUTIs within medical-surgical units.

Health care Agency                Healthcare agencies are tasked with the obligations of managing individual and population health by adopting various activities such as the development of diagnosis modalities, management of diseases, and treatment mechanisms. In the present project, healthcare agencies need to establish modern ways of managing and preventing CAUTIs in medical-surgical units.  Nursing Practice                The management of CAUTIs among medical-surgical patients is likely to create an important impact on nursing practice such as addressing the overwhelming workload attributed to hospital-acquired infections such as CAUTIs. Nurses have the obligation to champion the safety and quality of care for patients. As such, the management of CAUTIs among medical-surgical patients aligns with this nursing obligation (Shadle et al., 2021). Implementation of the proposed intervention will help nurses to understand different interventions that can be used to reduce vulnerability to patients who are at risk of contracting CAUTIs.

Describe nursing intervention

The proposed nursing intervention is the adoption of intentional leadership rounding in the management and prevention of CAUTIs in the medical-surgical unit. Hedenstrom et al., (2022) define leadership rounding as a process where leaders engage frontline nurses to deliberate on areas of excellence and prospect for improvements regarding CAUTIs management and prevention. Leadership rounding is crucial in providing information to caregivers and discussing with nurses particular process issues that may be encumbering progress in addressing CAUTIs in the medical-surgical units (Auten, 2021). Leadership rounding enhances participation in CAUTI management and prevention programs in the medical-surgical units. Rounds enhance safety culture by supporting the organization’s dedication to safety, identification of hindrances or challenges to be corrected, and enabling leaders to take the views of nurses and use them to inform solutions needed in addressing the problem of CAUTIs.

Summary of Clinical Problem and Patient Outcome

CAUTIs are associated with dire complications such as sepsis and endocarditis, increased healthcare costs, long hospital stay days, and even death. Moreover, CAUTIs are linked to a heavy economic burden attributed to the heavy financial load needed in the treatment of infections, which causes a fiscal burden on the healthcare industry. The adoption of intentional leadership rounding is essential in enhancing safety culture by supporting the organization’s dedication to safety, recognizing hindrances or challenges to be adjusted, and enabling leaders to take the views of nurses and use them to inform solutions needed in addressing the problem of CAUTIs. As a result, positive patient outcomes are realized.



Auten, K. (2021). Intentional Leadership Rounds: A Proactive Approach to CAUTI Reduction. American Journal of Infection Control, 49(6), S9.

Granger, B. B. (2020). Life after PICOT: taking the next step in a clinical inquiry project. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 31(1), 92-97.

Hedenstrom, M., Harrison, A., Heath, M., & Dyess, S. (2022). “What’s Old Is New Again”: Innovative Health Care Leader Rounding—A Strategy to Foster Connection. Nurse Leader, 20(4), 366-370.

Mong, I., Ramoo, V., Ponnampalavanar, S., Chong, M. C., & Wan Nawawi, W. N. F. (2022). Knowledge, attitude, and practice in relation to catheter‐associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) prevention: A cross‐sectional study. Journal of clinical nursing, 31(1-2), 209-219.

Shadle, H. N., Sabol, V., Smith, A., Stafford, H., Thompson, J. A., & Bowers, M. (2021). A bundle-based approach to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections in the intensive care unit. Critical Care Nurse, 41(2), 62-71.

Management of patient fall in nursing homes is demanding and challenging. However, using techniques such as the PICOT question can help to facilitate evidence search to address the issue of patient falls. Development of the PICOT question involves formatting the clinical question to ease the process of searching and obtaining evidence to address the issue in focus (Granger, 2020).  The purpose of this paper is to develop a PICOT question to address falls and falls prevention in nursing homes. The paper will focus on specific areas including the development of the PICOT question, description of the PICOT problem, description of nursing intervention, and summary of the clinical problem and patient outcomes.

Creation of PICOT Question

Development of the PICOT question involves formatting the clinical question to ease the process of searching and obtaining evidence to address the issue in focus.  It involves a mechanism to identify the terms that need to be used in searching for the appropriate evidence to address fall and fall prevention in nursing homes (Granger, 2020). The proposed nursing intervention is the adoption of hourly rounding to prevent patient fall by attending to the patient’s needs proactively. Consequently, the proposed PICOT question is;

In patients admitted to nursing homes (P), do hourly rounds (I) compared to no intervention (C) prevent and reduce patient falls by 30% (O) in six months (T)?

PICOT ProblemEvidence-Based Solution               Evidence-based practice (EBP) plays an instrumental role in healthcare delivery by fostering quality, safe, and affordable healthcare to enhance patient outcomes. Effective evidence is important in guiding the management of nursing practice problems (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2021). In the nursing issue at hand, research has generated evidence indicating that patient fall is linked to far-reaching negative impacts. As such, it is imperative to conduct an evidence search from appropriate databases to obtain evidence-based solutions to support hourly rounding in the prevention of patient falls in nursing homes. Nursing Intervention               This project proposes the adoption of hourly rounding to address patient fall in nursing homes. Patient fall is linked to negative implications such as economic burden emanating from heavy financial loads needed in the management of implications associated with falls and the loss of productivity. Patient falls also lead to injury-related mortality and disabilities, longer hospital stay days, and physical and psychological discomforts in patients (Hill et al., 2019). The proposed intervention is projected to assist to reduce the chances of falls, reduce fall-related injuries, improve quality of life, and maintain mobility leading to better patient outcomes.  Patient Care               Patient care is instrumental in reducing the causes of falls in nursing homes. It focuses on the prevention, management, and treatment of given conditions to sustain the mental and physical health of an individual. In the case at hand, patient care focuses on ensuring that patients admitted to nursing homes are prevented from falling. Falls prevention is critical in averting further consequences that may emanate from fall incidences.      Health Care Agency                In the healthcare system, healthcare agencies have a responsibility of managing population and individual health through a range of activities including formulation of diagnosis modalities, treatment plans, and disease management. In the case at hand, healthcare agencies should create innovative ways to prevent patient falls in nursing homes. Nursing Practice                The implementation of this project intervention is likely to bring a significant impact on nursing practice including a reduction in the heavy workload that is associated with patient falls and related injuries. This proposed nursing intervention involving hourly rounds will also help nurses to appreciate various interventions that can be adopted to help in lowering the vulnerability of patients with various health conditions who are a risk of falls.

The Nursing Intervention

The proposed nursing intervention is the adoption of hourly rounding to prevent patient fall by attending to the patient’s needs in a proactive manner (Grillo et al., 2019). Various community interventions are conducted during hourly rounds to prevent patient falls. They include providing nourishment to patients, managing pain, and providing musculoskeletal needs such as proper positioning, range of motion, and ambulation. The intervention also involves clearing walking areas of clutter and ensuring medical equipment is effectively functioning. Other interventions include maintaining call lights within patients’ reach, teaching patients to use call lights, and ensuring strong handrails in hallways, wards, and bathrooms. However, failure to adopt measures to prevent patient falls could result in adverse consequences such as the economic burden emanating from heavy financial loads needed in the management of implications associated with falls and loss of productivity. Patient falls also lead to injury-related mortality and disabilities, longer hospital stay days, and physical and psychological discomforts to patients.

Conclusion Entailing Summary of Clinical Problem and Patient Outcome

Patient falls in nursing homes are highly common and a significant concern in the United States and globally. Patient falls are associated with negative consequences such as heavy cost of care, loss of productivity, high mortality, disabilities, longer hospital stay days, and physical and psychological discomforts to patients. The hourly rounds to prevent falls is projected to assist patients in various ways including providing nourishment to patients, managing pain, and providing musculoskeletal needs such as proper positioning, range of motion, and ambulation. The intervention also involves clearing walking areas and ensuring medical equipment is effectively functioning. In turn, this intervention is expected to improve quality of life and positive health outcomes.









Granger, B. B. (2020). Life after PICOT: taking the next step in a clinical inquiry project. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 31(1), 92-97.

Grillo, D. M., Firth, K. H., & Hatchel, K. (2019). Implementation of purposeful hourly rounds in addition to a fall bundle to prevent inpatient falls on a medical-surgical acute hospital unit. Medsurg Nursing, 28(4), 243-250.

Hill, A. M., Jacques, A., Chandler, A. M., Richey, P. A., Mion, L. C., & Shorr, R. I. (2019). In-hospital sequelae of injurious falls in 24 medical/surgical units in four hospitals in the United States. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 45(2), 91-97.

LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2021). Nursing Research E-Book: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.