
NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

Grand Canyon University NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence-Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Grand Canyon University  NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence                                   


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University   NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence                                   


The introduction for the Grand Canyon University   NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence                                   


After the introduction, move into the main part of the NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence                                   


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence                                   


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

Sample Answer for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

Do you foresee any issues with the proposed implementation of your project? Identify a strategy to help create or sustain a higher level of readiness to change with your organization and discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence.

It is preferable, as with any project execution, to anticipate any potential problems before they occur. As a result, I am concerned about the proposed implementation of my project. Finances have been and will continue to be a major concern for me as I move forward with my evidence-based initiative implementation. One strategy I discovered to help alleviate budgetary issues was the involvement of senior leadership in the process.

To gain the support of the senior leadership team, it is critical to be open and honest about the implementation plan’s costs and savings strategies. A team of subject matter experts and educators on the Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) program using the system Respecting Choices Model could also be formed. The development of software within the system will reduce the need for external resources.

Secondly, a lack of physician support for the program and change management has been anticipated.

It is vital to use strategies such as education, participation, and communication to overcome this issue.

Continuing education, audits, and reviews will all be a part of the training.

As part of the engagement strategy, we want to make sure that employees have faith in their job, that processes are consistent, and that stakeholders are included in the process. The communication strategy includes regular updates on educational and engagement opportunities, events, current POLST material, and the production of a newsletter.

Third, the POLST method and order sets need to be improved.

The quality of the work depends greatly on the first two difficulties that were mentioned. NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

“The quality of POLST documentation is only as good as the prior discussions” (Abbott, 2019, p. 297). POLST quality will suffer as a result if there is a lack of financial support or physician acceptance.

Research on POLST implementation is actively being reviewed and updated therefore in order to  ensure that my proposed evidence-based practice proposal is based on current evidence it’s necessary to regularly search for the most up-to-date literature. NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence


Abbott, J. (2019). The POLST paradox: Opportunities and challenges in honoring patient end-of-life wishes in the emergency department. Annals of Emergency Medicine73(3), 294–301.

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Sample Answer 3 for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

The only issue I see with the proposed implementation of my project is allowing time for both nurses and patients to adjust to the new process. Most organizational change initiatives fail because we use strategies that are inappropriate for the structure of the organization in question. I work at the VA in Lancaster, and our organization is in good shape. It takes trust, clarity, and integrity to change a healthy structure. Employees are held accountable for their actions. If they lack skills, they can be trained or seek assistance from their managers.

“When will you be ready?” or “Have you tested the quality of your realization?” are likely to be asked by anyone in the organization, not just managers. Everyone is responsible to their coworkers. Here are the steps to take in order to determine the best change strategy. It breaks down the transition from the current state to the future state into five steps. (Cavarec, 2014):

  • Formulate change
  • Plan change
  • Implement change
  • Manage transition
  • Sustain change

Threats to sustainability may be identified both at the beginning of a project and when it is ready for implementation. The National Health Service Sustainability Model is reviewed as one example to help identify issues that affect long-term success of quality improvement projects. Tools to help sustain improvement include process control boards, performance boards, standard work, and improvement huddles (Silver et al., 2016).

Investments in new clinical practices do not stop with their developers; enormous effort and resources are directed to introducing new clinical knowledge to healthcare organizations. These investments include mobilizing human resources through the establishment of knowledge brokers, evidence-based practice committees or teams and identifying opinion leaders and champions who will support the practice excellence (Virani et al., 2009).


Cavarec, Y. (2014). Increase your organization readiness to change. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2014—North America, Phoenix, AZ. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

Silver, S. A., McQuillan, R., Harel, Z., Weizman, A. V., Thomas, A., Nesrallah, G., Bell, C. M., Chan, C. T., & Chertow, G. M. (2016). How to Sustain Change and Support Continuous Quality Improvement. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN11(5), 916–924.

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

Virani, T., Lemieux-Charles, L., Davis, D. A. & Berta, W. (2009). Sustaining Change: Once Evidence-Based Practices Are Transferred, What Then? Healthcare Quarterly, 12(1), pp 89- 96

Sample Answer 4 for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

I do foresee issues with the proposed implementation of my project, including financial difficulties. My project focuses on the importance of continuous CPR during defibrillation. For many decades the focus of CPR was identified in order of importance; airway, breathing, circulation. Recently the American Heart Association announced that circulation would overtake as the number one priority during cardiopulmonary resuscitation  (American Heart Association., n.d.). This means that early and continuous high quality compressions are seen to improve circulation and perfusion during CPR to help increase patient outcomes. NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

According to Clark et al., 2019, interruptions in chest compressions lasting more than 10 seconds are associated with poor outcomes: “previous literature has associated shorter peri-shock pause times with greater odds of survival and longest pause during chest compressions with lower odds of survival” (Clark et al.,2019). Getting not only nurses but also physicians on board with the new evidence-based practice is a major impediment to implementation. It is extremely difficult to change people’s practices, especially if they have been practicing for a long time.

To encourage staff buy-in to this new practice, a significant amount of education and support from leadership and clinical education will be required. Furthermore, the research I gathered revealed that in simulation studies, ECG devices and the LUCUS device were found to be the most beneficial for performing continuous compressions during defibrillation. These devices are extremely expensive and may be out of reach for small rural community hospitals. In this case, small community hospitals will be unable to provide patients with the most up-to-date evidence-based practice care due to a lack of funding. This is not only a barrier to implementation, but it is also a barrier to providing the best possible care to the patient.

To assess the organization’s readiness, capacity, and strength to change and implement this project, I would use The Organizational Readiness to Change Assessment (ORCA) tool. For a project of this size, I believe this tool would be capable of assessing all areas of change in order to determine whether the organization is a good fit for the project and vice versa.

American Heart Association . (n.d.). CPR Facts and Stats.

Clark, L. R., McDannold, R., Mullins, M., & Bobrow, B. (2019). Pause Duration During Manual CPR is Associated With Survival and Favorable Neurological Outcome in All-Rhythm OHCA. Circulation140(Suppl_2), A458-A458.

Sample Answer 5 for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

The first issue with any proposed project implementation is that people avoid change because they are afraid of failing to adapt to the new system, losing their comfort zone and losing confidence in their choice, or possibly having a previous bad experience when workflow changes. A lack of communication is another issue that could lead to the project failing. To ensure that all stakeholders are involved in the process, I should be more vigilant in dealing with this issue through effective communication, timely communication, and transparent communication methods ( (Project.2021).

Another issue is a lack of available labor. Assessing the available workforce to determine whether additional staff and skill sets are required to complete the project is critical for project success. As the project leader, you must ensure that all project stakeholders are on the same page and have a clear vision by inviting them to actively shape and provide feedback on the project plan.

An evidence-based approach entails a continuous, critical review of research literature to determine what information is credible and which policies and practices, based on the best available evidence, would be most effective. It also necessitates rigorous quality assurance and evaluation to ensure that evidence-based practices are faithfully replicated and that new practices are evaluated to determine their effectiveness (

Projects: (2021). 9 Project management Challenges and How to Overcome them.

National Institute of Corrections. (n.d). Evidence-based Practices (EBP).

Sample Answer 6 for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

From an institutional standpoint, I do not anticipate any problems with implementing my EBP Project because the nurses are already involved in patient education and have the resources to do so. However, patient compliance and adherence may be an issue. According to Pan et al (2019), noncompliance with treatment regimens is the primary cause of uncontrolled blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

Organizations must assess their readiness for change before implementing change.

As a result, when conducting change readiness assessments, organizations must examine systems, processes, and, most importantly, people.

According to Borges and Camila (2020), 70% of organizational changes fail due to a lack of employee adoption.

Change readiness assessments can help to facilitate change by gathering quantitative and qualitative data measurements about potential readiness gaps.

Change can be initiated after the change readiness assessment has been completed, data has been summarized and reviewed, and issues have been addressed.

Because it involves establishing, maintaining, and sustaining change, John Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model would be most appropriate.

According to Kotter’s model, organizational change is essential for success (Kuo & Chen, 2019).

In Kotter’s model, the eight steps of change are: create urgency, organize a guiding team, develop a clear and concise vision and strategy, communicate the vision, use empowerment to remove obstacles or barriers, create short-term victories, build on the change, and cement cultural changes (Kuo & Chen, 2019).


Borges, R., & Camila, A. Q. (2020). Understanding the individual’s reactions to the organizational change: A multidimensional approach. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 33(5), 667-681. doi: NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence 

Kuo, Y. L. & Chen, I. J. (2019). Facilitating a change model in age-friendly hospital certification: Strategies and effects. PLOS One, 14 (4).

Pan, J., Wu, L., Wang, H., Lei, T., Hu, B., Xue, X., & Li, Q. (2019). Determinants of hypertension treatment adherence among a Chinese population using the therapeutic adherence scale for hypertensive patients. Medicine98(27), e16116.

Sample Answer 7 for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

As with any change there is stress on an organization or staff in the process of the change, even good change causes stress to staff as their process is changed moving them out of their comfort zone (Ost et al., 2020). In every population from nursing to the janitor, change has moments of unacceptance, In my project of teaching a new practice change from EBL to QBL I foresee change stress and pushback, due to lack of trust in this new process.

Utilizing assessment tools such as a SWOT analysis to address readiness is the first step to understand where the population of a EBP project is ready to accept(Renalt, 2021).  Once barriers are identified one can start to formulate a plan to address those barriers and to navigate around them by removing barriers, acceptance of a change is made easier.

Transformation or change is a large problem area in an organization, Implementing or using a change management tool such as ADKAR also will help in the success of a project. ADKAR is an acronym with the following meanings,  A= starting with awareness, presenting the issue, why it is a problem or why they should be a change.  NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

D= creating desire or want to become engaged in the process, creating a desire of the how this will improve practice and outcomes.  K= giving knowledge or improving knowledge in the process, through providing the research for staff to understand. A= abilities, or assessment of abilities of the nurse involved, do they have the tools, understanding, equipment needed. Finally, R= reinforcement or circling back to address issues that arose in the process after development and re-enforcement of usage of a practice(Pawl & Anderson, 2017).

As the leader of a project understanding there may be pushback, self-awareness is another area needed for assessment and creating a support system around oneself whenNUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence “hiccoughs” happen, a process has a lot of push back.  Assessing or understanding your emotions and the intellectual intelligence of those you are leading, or teaching will help you to stay focused and look for solutions.

Ost, K., Blalock, C., Fagan, M., Sweeney, K. M., & Miller-Hoover, S. R. (2020). Aligning organizational culture and infrastructure to support evidence-based practice. Critical Care Nurse40(3), 59–63.

Pawl, J. D., PhD, RN, OCN, CNE, & Anderson, L. S., PhD, RN. (2017). The use of change theory to facilitate the consolidation of two diverse Bachelors of science in Nursing programs. Nursing Outlook, (65), 233–239. Retrieved May 4, 2021, from

Renalt, V. (Ed.). (2021). SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. Community Tool Box.

Sample Answer 8 for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

I foresee a few issues/ barriers with the implementation of my project. My innovation includes communication via the EHR/telehealth by sending photographs or videos to healthcare providers to improve infant safe sleep practices and reduce sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) rates among African American populations. One issue with this implementation includes mothers/parents not responding to prompts to send photos/videos of their infant sleep practices. One randomized controlled trial by Canty et al. (2020) that looked at the effectiveness and feasibility of this kind of innovation.

They found that photograph submission rates were lower than they expected throughout the study. This could be because the first couple of months of an infant’s life is an especially busy time for parents, so communicating with researchers and responding to their prompts was not a priority at the time (Canty et al., 2020). One strategy to improve photo/video submission rates could be  having the prompts for submission be made by a primary care provider/OB-GYN, instead of a separate research group, like was the case in this study.

A strategy to help create readiness for change within an organization where this implementation will occur, like an OB-GYN clinic, would be to assess the nurses’ and providers’ commitment to change. Change initiatives and the implementation of new innovations often fail within an organization when those in charge of implementing the change are not committed (Olafsen et al., 2020).

Making sure that the nurses and providers who will be enrolling mothers into this patient portal program, prompting parents for photos/videos, analyzing the infant sleep spaces, and providing personalized feedback are passionate about this innovation and reducing the incidence of SUID is essential to the success of its implementation.


Canty, E. A., Fogel, B. N., Batra, E. K., Schaefer, E. W., Beiler, J. S., & Paul, I. M. (2020). Improving infant sleep safety via electronic health record communication: A randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics20(1), 1-9.

Olafsen, A. H., Nilsen, E. R., Smedsrud, S., & Kamaric, D. (2020). Sustainable development through commitment to organizational change: The implications of organizational culture and individual readiness for change. Journal of Workplace Learning, 33(3), 180-196.

Sample Answer 9 for NUR 590 Topic 2 DQ 2 Discuss how current research or literature will be used to ensure that change is based on current evidence

Yes. There are a host of challenges that are likely to be encountered. Implementation of the project is one of the main steps to address obesity among Latin American children. Even though the project intends to address behavior change, there is a likelihood of poor communication between the Hispanic-American parents and project implementers (Øen et al., 2018). Poor education among the population of the Latin Americans affects their knowledge of English as a large proportion of the racial group communicates in Espanol.

At the facility, financial and human resources may alter the effective implementation of the project. This is because materials such as health brochures that address obesity need to be printed and availed to the parents of the Latin-American children. Besides, machines that measure the body composition of patients for a diagnosis of obesity must also be procured by the facility (Brunani et al., 2015). Nonetheless, nurses and other care providers will require training on the management of obesity among children. In overall, the facility is likely to incur additional expenses to realize the goals of the project.

The project can achieve success if stakeholders in the hospital are involved in planning and implementation. Mostly, hospital investors and other financiers are engaged to avail financial resources. Moreover, the hospital’s chief executive officer and administrators are involved in assessing the performance metrics of the facility to recommend a need for the implementation of the program (Øen et al., 2018). In this project, the recruitment of nurses and training of the seasoned practitioners are two of the key steps to address the evidence-based practice. The process requires finances to realize and to ensure the sustainability of the program. However, organizational change as a theoretical framework will be adopted to help the stakeholders adapt the changes proposed by the project (Brunani et al., 2015). The theory addresses the introduction of strategies on patient education about obesity which needs to be practiced by all care providers. In essence, strategies involving the introduction of a new culture will need to be embraced by all stakeholders for the successful implementation of the project.



Brunani, A., Raggi, A., Sirtori, A., Berselli, M., Villa, V., Ceriani, F., … & Capodaglio, P. (2015). An ICF-based model for implementing and standardizing multidisciplinary obesity rehabilitation programs within the healthcare system. International journal of environmental research and public health12(6), 6084-6091.

Øen, G., Kvilhaugsvik, B., Eldal, K., & Halding, A. G. (2018). Adolescents’ perspectives on everyday life with obesity: a qualitative study. International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being13(1), 1479581.