
NUR 752 Discussion 4.1: Bongo CLABSI Board Presentation—Questions: Part II

NUR 752 Discussion 4.1: Bongo CLABSI Board Presentation—Questions: Part II

NUR 752 Discussion 4.1: Bongo CLABSI Board Presentation—Questions: Part II

Overview of Due Dates and Point Values

Item Due Value
Part I: Bongo Presentation—Deliver Board Presentation Completed 40 points
Part II: Respond with questions to peers’ Board Presentations. Week 5, Thursday 4 points
Part III: Follow-up Post—Respond to Questions Week 5, Sunday 5 points


You completed Part I—Board Presentation in Week 4. This week, you will complete Parts II and III. You have made your summary presentation to the board. Now, you will act as a board member for your peers, and ask them a few questions about their Board Presentations. Remember that the hospital’s advisory board comprises persons from the community, and none of them have a background in any medical field.

Discussion Guidelines

Part II: Respond with questions to peers’ Board Presentations in Bongo

Acting as a board member for your classmates, respond to two of your peers’ Board Presentations from Week 4 Part I using Peer Review in Bongo. Pose questions, as if you are a board member, regarding the information provided for each Board Presentation.

Part III: Follow-up Posts: Respond to Questions

Review and respond to the questions your board members (classmates) posed regarding your Board Presentation.

This discussion is graded using the Extended Discussion Rubric found in your syllabus.


Post your questions and follow-up responses on the Discussion 4.1: Bongo Board Presentation—Questions and Follow-Up Parts II and III page.

While utilizing the E-DRAP framework I will be evaluating my organization’s readiness to move forward on a strategic information plan to best utilize enterprise data.  “E-DRAP is designed to assist organizations in successfully operationalizing their reporting and analytics program by more tightly integrating the people, process, and technologies associated with the effort” (McBride, 2018, p. 402).  This is particularly crucial in understanding why hospital administration focuses on numbers.  As we had seen in the CLABSI data that was presented to us by CMS, this data is crucial for hospital funding and reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid.

I do believe that my organization is ready to move forward in the best utilization of enterprise data.  From what has been endorsed to

NUR 752 Discussion 4.1 Bongo CLABSI Board Presentation—Questions Part II
NUR 752 Discussion 4.1 Bongo CLABSI Board Presentation—Questions Part II

me by the nursing supervisor through our charge meetings, is the importance of the audit data to better our chances to one day become a magnet status hospital.  This is one of the key factors for my understanding of readiness.  One concept my hospital has added is a shared governance committee.  Being a part of this shared governance meeting is an opportunity for nurses from different units and different experience levels to discuss how we can better our process and policies.  In my eyes, when we better the policy and practices we also account for staff retention because their concerns are being heard.

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Among the key components of reporting and analytics, technology will always be a key component.  Not only do we need a method to collect and analyze but we also need to identify and conclude what is important to collect and analyze.  In addition to the technology factor, there must also be data stores and management in addition to the collection then analysis. Central players to this data management and consumption include those that are trained to be superusers as well as those who specialize in information technology and can troubleshoot errors and problems that occur.  This data management can be related to anything regarding the patient such as medications or vital signs.  Alongside data collection, the process in which the data is collected and stored then processed is also crucial information to the benefit of the patient.

In a study conducted by Miake-Lye et al. they dive deeper into surveys to determine the readiness of organizations to make changes (2020).  This study is crucial to understanding how we can further benefit from change and how to appropriately implement change.  Their approach involved multiple steps to filter through databases and reporting systems to gather data involving change, whether it be related to improving care for patients with depression or things like information and communication technology.  Their studies progress through multiple different sample sizes and their settings to show evidence of change and readiness for change.

Therefore, I think that in order to fully understand what the technology and process mean, we must fully understand the procedures we are making daily at the bedside.  While working as a bedside nurse I know that it is easier for me to comprehend changes when there is evidence to back up the necessity and the benefits.  If there is documentation on why one way works better than the other I know I am more open to changing how I practice through conscious effort.


McBride, S., & Tietze, M. (2019). Nursing Informatics for the advanced practice nurse: Patient safety, quality, outcomes, and interprofessionalism (2nd ed.). Springer Publishing Company.

Miake-Lye, I. M., Delevan, D. M., Ganz, D. A., Mittman, B. S., & Finley, E. P. (2020).Unpacking organizational readiness for change: An updated systematic review and content analysis of assessments. BMC Health Services Research20(1).

Week 5: Technology for Managing Projects

This week has one lesson: Timelines and the Use of the E-DRAP Framework. Activities include readings, a learning module, discussions, and a group assignment.

Review a list of all items due this week in your course’s syllabus.

Lesson 1: Timelines and the Use of the E-DRAP Framework

In this lesson, you will continue your work as the DNP leader in your organization and discuss your CLABSI summary with the group. Utilizing the E-DRAP framework, you will evaluate your organization’s enterprise strategic plan. In addition, you will work in teams to create an electronically shared project timeline.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Explore project management technologies, stakeholders, and language conversion.
  • Create an electronically shared timeline.

Before attempting to complete your learning activities for this week, review the following learning materials:

Learning Materials

Read the following in your Nursing Informatics for the Advanced Practice Nurse textbook:

Chapter 17, “Strategic Thinking in Design and Deployment of Enterprise Data, Reporting, and Analytics”

This chapter discusses a framework to assist you in utilizing enterprise data, reporting, and analytics for your organization.

Additional Readings:

Consider reading the following in your optional Excel Bible textbook:

Chapter 30, “Analyzing Data with PivotTables”

This chapter includes a section on filtering PivotTables with a timeline.