
Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU

NUR 513 Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template

Grand Canyon University Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU-Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Grand Canyon University Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU  assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU  


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU  depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU  

The introduction for the Grand Canyon University Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU  is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU  


After the introduction, move into the main part of the Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU  assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU  


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU  


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template GCU

A nursing informatics specialist is responsible for designing, implementing, and managing information and communication systems within a healthcare organization. They work to ensure that nurses have the necessary tools and resources they need to do their jobs effectively. A family nurse practitioner is a registered nurse who has completed additional training and education in order to provide primary care services to families. They may be responsible for diagnosing and treating common illnesses, prescribing medications, and providing health education to patients and their families. The purpose of this assignment is to compare Family Nurse Practitioner and Nursing informatics specialist using the nursing roles graphic organizer template.

Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template

Family Nurse Practitioner Nursing informatics specialist Observations (Similarities/Differences)
Ethics  Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) are primary care providers who work in a variety of health care settings, including clinics, hospitals, and schools. They provide comprehensive care to patients of all ages with a focus on promoting health and preventing disease. FNPs may also provide special services such as women’s health care, pediatrics, and geriatrics (Dlamini et al., 2020).

Family nurse practitioners are charged with providing high-quality, ethical care to patients. They are expected to be aware of the values that guide the professional conduct and be prepared to defend their decisions if called into question. Family nurse practitioners are expected to adhere to the ethical principles; they are expected to make decisions based on the ethical principles. When preparing to undertake any nursing practice, family nurse practitioners ought to consider ethical and legal values including patient’s consent and confidentiality of information.

The Nursing Informatics Specialist Code of Ethics is based on the premise that nurses are guided by professional values and ethical principles in their practice. Nurses use information and communication technologies to support patient care and advance the profession. The code of ethics provides guidance for nurses who use informatics to protect the public, promote patient safety, preserve patient privacy and confidentiality, and support nursing practice. The Nursing Informatics Specialist Code of Ethics includes the following principles: -Respect for persons – Nurses using informatics must respect the dignity, autonomy, and rights of patients. They must protect patients’ privacy and confidential health information. -Beneficence – Nurses using informatics must act in the best interests of patients (Byrne, 2021).


Although both family nurse practitioners (FNPs) and nursing informatics specialists share some similarities in their ethical codes, there are also some important differences to consider. On the one hand, both FNPs and nursing informatics specialists have a strong commitment to protecting patient privacy and confidentiality. They understand that patient health information is highly sensitive and must be handled with care. As such, they take precautions to prevent unauthorized access to patient records and work to ensure that data is properly secured. On the other hand, there are some key differences in the ethical codes of FNPs and nursing informatics specialists. For example, FNPs generally have a greater focus on providing direct patient care, while nursing informatics specialists typically play a role in healthcare computer systems.


Education To become a Family Nurse Practitioner, one must first obtain a nursing degree from an accredited school. After completing nursing education, they will then need to complete a graduate-level FNP program. This program will prepare nurses to diagnose and treat common illnesses, prescribe medication, and provide patient education (Dlamini et al., 2020). Finally, nurses must pass the National Certification Corporation exam to become certified as Family Nurse practitioners. Nursing informatics specialists require a significant amount of formal education. Most nursing informatics specialists have at least a bachelor’s degree in nursing, although some may have master’s degrees or higher. Many nursing informatics specialists also have additional certification in informatics or a related field.  

Although both family nurse practitioners (FNPs) and nursing informatics specialize in the care of individuals and families, there are some similarities between the two educational paths. Both FNPs and nursing informatics specialists need to have a strong foundation in nursing theory and practice. In addition, both FNPs and nursing informatics specialists should be comfortable using technology to facilitate patient care.


FNPs provide direct patient care, whereas nursing informatics specialists often play a more behind-the-scenes role. However, both FNPs and nursing informatics specialists need to be able to effectively communicate with patients and families. In addition, both FNPSs and nursing informatics specialists should have a solid understanding of epidemiology and population health.

Leadership Family Nurse Practitioner often get involved in leadership. Leadership skills are important for managing and directing the work of others and for achieving results through other people. Nurses are natural leaders due to our caring and compassionate nature, as well as our ability to stay calm under pressure. There are many opportunities for Family Nurse Practitioners to get involved in leadership roles. Some examples include serving on hospital or clinic committees, leading or participating in quality improvement projects, or becoming a nursing leader in the community (Dlamini et al., 2020). Whatever the chosen path, developing strong leadership skills will benefit them and those around.


Nursing informatics specialists often lead teams in healthcare because of their visionary leadership. This is because nursing informatics specialists are able to identify and implement new technologies that can improve patient care. In addition, they are also able to educate other nurses on how to use these new technologies effectively. As a result, nursing informatics specialists play a vital role in the advancement of healthcare (Byrne, 2021).


There are many similarities in the leadership approaches for Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) and nursing informatics specialists. Both roles require a deep understanding of the complexities of healthcare and a passion for helping others. Here are some key areas where FNPs and nursing informatics specialists can learn from each other: Understanding the big picture of healthcare. FNPs need to be able to see beyond the immediate patient interaction and understand how their work fits into the larger context of healthcare. Nursing informatics specialists are well-versed in the big picture of healthcare, thanks to their experience working with electronic health records and other data sources. They can help FNPs see how their work contributes to positive patient outcomes at a population level.


Public Health The role of the Family Nurse Practitioner in public health is to promote and maintain the health of populations. FNP’s work in a variety of settings, including clinics, schools, hospitals, and private practices. They may also work for government or non-profit agencies. FNP’s use their knowledge of nursing and public health to assess the health status of individuals and communities, develop and implement plans for improving population health, provide direct care to patients, and advocate for healthy policies and practices (Dlamini et al., 2020). Some common duties of FNPs in public health include: -Developing community health programs, -Educating patients about disease prevention and healthy lifestyles, and -Conducting screenings for chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension. Nursing informatics specialists play a critical role in public health by helping to manage and protect the health of populations. They use their knowledge of information technology and data management to support nurses and other healthcare professionals in their work. Some of the specific roles that nursing informatics specialists play in public health include:


-Developing information systems that help healthcare professionals collect, store, and analyze data on population health

-Designing software tools and applications that improve communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals

-Creating training materials and guidelines for using technology in healthcare settings

-Managing big data projects to extract insights about population health

-Providing consultative services to help organizations implement best practices for using technology in population health management (Byrne, 2021).

There are many similarities in the roles of Nursing informatics specialists and Family Nurse Practitioners. Both roles are responsible for improving patient care through the use of technology and information management. However, there are also some key differences.


Nurse Practitioners in public health may have a broader range of responsibilities than Nursing informatics specialists. They may be responsible for developing population-level health interventions, overseeing health services delivery, and conducting research into best practices in public health nursing. In contrast, Nursing informatics specialists typically focus on using technology to improve care within a specific clinical setting (Jouparinejad et al., 2020).


Overall, both roles are essential to improving patient care through the effective use of technology and information management.

Health Care Administration   Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) play a vital role in healthcare administration. They work to ensure that families receive the best possible care and that they have access to all the resources they need. They also work to advocate for families within the healthcare system and to ensure that their voices are heard. Besides, play an important role in providing primary care services (Dlamini et al., 2020). FNPs are trained to provide a wide range of health services, including preventive care, health education, and chronic disease management. Nursing informatics specialists play a critical role in the administration of healthcare. They are responsible for developing and implementing information technology solutions that improve the quality and efficiency of care. Nursing informatics specialists also work to ensure that nurses have access to the latest information and technology tools so that they can deliver the best possible care to their patients.

In addition, nursing informatics specialists are often responsible for training nurses on how to use new technology tools. This is an important role, as nurses are often on the front line of patient care and need to be able to use technology in order to provide quality care (Byrne, 2021).

A nursing informatics specialist is a professional who has expertise in the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of information and communication systems that support nursing practice. They work in a variety of settings including healthcare administration, clinical informatics, patient education, and research.

A nursing informatics specialist is responsible for managing the flow of information within a healthcare organization (Jouparinejad et al., 2020). They work with nurses and other healthcare professionals to develop information systems that improve patient care. They may also be responsible for training staff on how to use these systems.

There are many similarities between the roles of nursing informatics specialists and nursing informatics nurse practitioners. However, there are some key differences as well.

Informatics Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) are increasingly utilizing informatics to provide patient care. Informatics is defined as the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of healthcare information to improve patient care (1). FNPs use informatics in a variety of ways, including electronic health records, decision support tools, and disease management protocols.


The use of informatics by FNPs has been shown to improve patient outcomes. One study found that using an electronic health record improved communication between providers and resulted in fewer medication errors (2). Another study found that using a computerized decision support system increased screening rates for breast and cervical cancer among FNP patients (3)

Nursing informatics specialists apply their knowledge of both nursing and computer science to direct the use of technological tools in order to optimize patient care. Informatics nurses utilize a wide range of technologies in their work, including electronic health records (EHRs), clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), and mobile apps. By understanding how these different tools can be used to support nursing care, informatics nurses help to improve patient outcomes and increase efficiency within healthcare organizations.

One specific way that nursing informatics specialists can apply their skills is by using data from EHRs to drive quality improvement initiatives. For example, they may examine patterns of medication errors or readmissions in order to develop new protocols or processes.

There are many similarities between Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) and Nursing informatics specialists. Both roles require a deep understanding of nursing theory and practice, as well as a strong aptitude for using technology to improve patient care.

Both FNPs and nursing informatics specialists play a critical role in evaluating and designing new clinical systems and processes. They also work together to ensure that these systems are properly implemented and functioning optimally. One key difference between the two roles is that FNPs typically provide direct patient care, while nursing informatics specialists focus more on developing, managing and improving clinical systems.

Business/Finance There are several reasons why family nurse practitioners (FNPs) need to have business and financial competencies. First and foremost, FNPs are often times the owners or operators of their own practices. In order to be successful, they need to understand basic business principles in order to run their practice effectively (Dlamini et al., 2020). Secondly, even if FNPs are not the owners of their own practice, they still need to have a good understanding of business and finance in order to be successful within the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry is constantly changing and evolving, and those who can adapt and thrive will be the most successful. Those who understand business and finance will be better equipped to navigate these changes successfully.


As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, so too does the role of the nursing informatics specialist. Today’s specialists need to have a strong understanding of both business and financial concepts in order to effectively implement and manage clinical systems within a hospital or other care setting.

There are a number of reasons why business and financial competencies are essential for nursing informatics specialists. Firstly, they need to be able to understand the costs associated with different clinical systems and make well-informed decisions about which ones are worth investing in. They also need to be able understand how these systems can impact a care facility’s bottom line and make recommendations accordingly.

Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) and Nursing Informatics Specialists (NIS) share a lot of similarities in terms of their skill sets and abilities. Both FNPs and NISs are highly skilled nurses who are experts in their respective fields.


FNPs are primary care providers who focus on the health of the whole family. They provide comprehensive care, including preventative care, to patients of all ages. In addition to general nursing knowledge, FNPs must also have a strong understanding of primary care protocols and procedures.

NISs, on the other hand, are experts in the field of nursing informatics. They use their skills to help nurses and other healthcare professionals optimize the use of technology.

Specialty (e.g., Family, Acute Care) There are three main Specialty for Family Nurse Practitioner which includes adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioner, family nurse practitioner, and pediatric nurse practitioner. Adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioners provide healthcare services to adults who are age 65 or older. Family nurse practitioners provide healthcare services to individuals and families across the lifespan from birth to death. Pediatric nurse practitioners provide healthcare services to infants, children, and adolescents.



A nursing informatics specialist is a registered nurse who has specialized in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) within healthcare. This may include working with electronic health records (EHRs), managing patient data, or providing training on ICT tools to healthcare staff.

Nursing informatics specialists are in high demand due to the ever-growing use of technology in healthcare. They are an important part of modernizing the healthcare system and helping nurses and other health professionals use technology to improve patient care.


A nursing informatics specialist is a registered nurse with a master’s degree in nursing informatics. Nursing informatics specialists manage and coordinate nursing information systems and patient care technology. They develop, test, and implement new technology to improve patient care. A family nurse practitioner is also a registered nurse but with a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree. Family nurse practitioners provide primary health care services for families, including diagnosing and treating common illnesses, managing chronic conditions, prescribing medications, and performing preventive health measures. So both specialties are important in the field of nursing. The main difference would be that the nursing informatics specialist has more education in information technology and how to use technology to improve patient care.

Regulatory Bodies or Certification Agencies That Provide Guidance or Parameters on How These Roles Incorporate Concepts Into Practice There are two main regulatory bodies for the family nurse practitioner: the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA). The ANA provides guidelines and standards of practice for nurse practitioners, while the NCCPA certifies and recertifies physician assistants. Both organizations are committed to ensuring that family nurse practitioners provide high-quality, patient-centered care. There are a few different regulatory bodies that exist for nursing informatics specialists. One of the most well-known is the International Council of Nurses, which provides guidance and standards for nurses around the globe. In the United States, the Nursing Information Technology Company regulates many aspects of healthcare, including nursing informatics. There are also state boards of nursing that provide regulation and oversight on a more local level. Finally, hospitals and other healthcare organizations may have their own specific regulations in place for nurses who work with informatics systems. All of these regulatory bodies help to ensure that nurses who work in this field are properly educated and trained to use information technology safely and effectively. There are differences in the regulatory bodies for nursing informatics specialists and family nurse practitioners. Nursing informatics specialists are regulated by the American Nurses Association, while family nurse practitioners are regulated by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.




The nursing informatics specialist is responsible for the development and implementation of information systems and technology in healthcare organizations. This may include designing and coding databases, creating user interfaces, and developing training materials. They work with nurses and other healthcare professionals to identify and meet the needs of patients and caregivers. There are three main Specialty for Family Nurse Practitioner which includes adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioner, family nurse practitioner, and pediatric nurse practitioner.



Byrne, M. D. (2021). Nursing Informatics Specialist: Role in the Perianesthesia Environment. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing36(1), 90-92.

Dlamini, C. P., Khumalo, T., Nkwanyana, N., Mathunjwa-Dlamini, T. R., Macera, L., Nsibandze, B. S., … & Stuart-Shor, E. M. (2020). Developing and implementing the family nurse practitioner role in Eswatini: implications for education, practice, and policy. Annals of Global Health86(1). 10.5334/aogh.2813

Jouparinejad, S., Foroughameri, G., Khajouei, R., & Farokhzadian, J. (2020). Improving the nursing informatics competency of critical care nurses: results of an interventional study. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries14(1), 1-20.

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  < Public Health Nurse > <Healthcare administration> Observations (Similarities/Differences)
Ethics Public Health Nurses often engage in the ethical decisions that aids in the protection of rights of the patient and quality healthcare delivery. Ethical leadership in nursing has moved to fulfill the universal ethical principles in nursing which include beneficence, autonomy, nonmaleficence, justice, as well as veracity. In most cases, it is the role of Public Health Nurses to ensure that the above ethical concerns are addressed to encourage an effective healthcare system. Public Health Nurses direct care with ethical considerations and ensure that every patient is treated in line with the requirements and standards set (Handbook of Research on Healthcare Administration and Management, 2016). In every profession leaders often ensure that every process of undertaken with serious ethical concerns. Public Health Nurses usually engage in the formulation and implementation of ethical policies that guide every healthcare process. They also ensure the basic ethical standards that ought to be followed by every practitioner and physician.



Healthcare administrators enforce the ethical concerns and ensure that every practitioner, including nursing leadership, apply the set ethics within their practice. The healthcare administration ensures that every practitioner is persuaded to work in line with the set ethical standards. Both the Public Health Nurse s and administrators are upholders of the ethical standards and codes in the nursing practice; they formulate and enforce ethical standards that ought to be followed by every practitioner.
Education Public Health Nursing qualification is concerned with the skills and experiences that one acquires from the job. However, to become a Public Health Nurse, one needs to possess at least a degree in nursing or related field (Handbook of Research on Healthcare Administration and Management, 2016). Moreover, there is a need for public health nurses to qualify for the management and leadership training. Also, the accreditation commission for education in nursing is required. Public Health Nurse also need to have the latest licensing in the nursing practice to ensure that they comply with all the requirements in the nursing practice. Healthcare administrators need to have an advanced qualification in organizational management and practices. A master’s degree in business administration or a degree in management or nursing with the qualification from other relevant field is required for one to become an administrator. Both the Public Health Nurses and the healthcare administrators possess leadership management; moreover, relevant skills, and competencies are required.
Leadership Public Health Nurses are role models, directors, or change, and they possess a high level of integrity. In most cases, they lead by example and ensure that work processes are done in line with the required standards. After the administrators, they lead in the decision-making processes and direct nurses towards the operational processes. Leaders provide leadership in every aspect to ensure that nurses perform their responsibilities as per the required standards.




Healthcare administrators develop and evaluate healthcare professionals. They provide an effective environment for nurses to operate. They also negotiate on behalf of nurses to ensure that they are given an excellent working environment. In other words, they direct the operations of hospitals, healthcare systems and different health organizations. Both Public Health Nurses and healthcare administrators act as role models to the entire nursing profession. They direct the activities undertaken by the nurses to ensure that there is compliance with the medical or ethical standards.
Public Health Public Health Nurses often coordinate with the nurses and other medical professionals to ensure effective care outcomes and excellent health and well-being of the public. In other words, they usually encourage evidence-based practices that ensure efficiency in healthcare delivery to all the people. Being specialists in the healthcare system, Public Health Nurses work in collaboration with the administrators to ensure that the right treatment and medical attention are given to the patients.




Healthcare administrators often take part in ensuring public health and well-being (Wilcox & Deerhake, 2020). They formulate policies and direct activities that ensure that the public healthcare system operates within the required standards. Through interprofessional participation, healthcare administrators can operate or work as change agents in society. Both Public Health Nurses and healthcare administrators operate to ensure the general health and well-being of the public. In other words, they enhance public health. Also, they both operate to ensure efficient healthcare delivery through evidence-based practices.
Health Care Administration Public Health Nurses are a link to the healthcare administration. They can participate in the administrative activities given the skills, leadership competency, and the ability to make decisions at the nursing levels. In the course of their operation, Public Health Nurses can identify the gaps in different medical practices and provide administrative support within their mandate.




Healthcare administrators provide administrative services to nursing leaders and entire health organizations (Morrison, 2015). They provide leadership, management, and coordination when it comes to the administration of the public healthcare system. Both the Public Health Nurses and healthcare administrators take part in the administrative activities, provide leadership, and coordinate the activities within the healthcare system to improve public health.
Informatics Public Health Nurses often advocate for the improvement of the healthcare system through the application of technology that ensures accuracy in the diagnosis and surgical processes. They also advocate for the regular workshops and training to promote the application of technology in the healthcare settings (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine & Institute of Medicine, 2014). Public Health Nurses also participate in the management of the healthcare information system which includes the protection of patient’s data.



Within the medical facilities, administrators promote the use of technology, both in the administrative and treatment processes. They promote partnerships with ICT companies to the effective management of databases in a bid to promote the security of the patient data. Both Public Health Nurse and administrators promote the use of technology to ensure the achievement of evidenced-based practices and efficient patient outcomes.
Business/Finance Public Health Nurses participate in the development and implementation of cost-effective medical services to improve access of patients to medical services. In most cases, they evaluate factors associated with efficiency, cost-effectiveness, as well as the availability of resources in the determination of costs.





Health administrators organize financial activities for different clinical processes. They organizes the payment of the workforce and direct the financial flow to different departments within a healthcare system. Both the Public Health Nurses and the administrators direct the flow of finances in various capacities. They also control the financial activities of each department.
Specialty (e.g., Family, Acute Care) Public Health Nurses specialize in leadership. However, being nurses by profession, they may also take part in the treatment processes whenever there is a need. Further, they specialize in home health, critical care management, and related services. Healthcare administrators specialize in administrative processes. In most cases, they are competent in management and leadership activities. Both Public Health Nurses and health administrators are specialists in leadership and management. They mostly work with and coordinate people in various capacities.
Regulatory Bodies or Certification Agencies That Provide Guidance or Parameters on How These Roles Incorporate Concepts Into Practice The American nurses credentialing center (ANCC) offers certification to the Public Health Nurses after completing the required tests (King & Gerard, 2012). Also, there is the Clinical Public Health Nurse (CNL) Certification provided by the Commission on the Nurse Certification Body.








Healthcare administrators obtain certification in Graduate Certificate in Health Care Leadership provided by Cornell University. Also, there is the Certification in Medical Manager Program provided by the Professional Association of Health Care Office Management Both Public Health Nurses and healthcare administrators require certifications in the management services for effective control of the medical processes.

The purpose of strategic planning in a health care environment is not only important in that setting but any business setting as this creates the foundation. It allows systematic approaches to any situation, especially with how complex or simple some procedures might be, this gives guidelines any of those situations. But as it can become more complex with each situation being different, there are planning committees that are available for each organization to help plan for any future issues. Factors that may affect future planning in an organization are budgeting, level of staff, time and level of care (Whitney, 2019). A useful tool in future planning is with the SWOT analysis, identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the the organization or the situation at hand. This can then help guide towards a decision that is needed to be made.


Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine, & Institute of Medicine. (2014). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health.

Handbook of Research on Healthcare Administration and Management. (2016). Hershey: IGI Global.

King, C. R., & Gerard, S. (2012). Clinical Public Health Nurse Certification Review. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Morrison, E. E. (2015). Ethics in health administration: A practical approach for decision makers.

Wilcox, J., & Deerhake, A. (2020). Fast facts for the clinical Public Health Nurse.

The advanced practice registered nurse arose in the middle of the 20th century to help patients who were otherwise unable to seek medical care; the nurse practitioner was a cost-effective solution for clinicians in underserved and rural areas (DeNisco, 2021). The 1965 program was also intended to promote the nursing profession (DeNisco, 2021). Throughout the remainder of the 20th century, nurse practitioners gained autonomy and educational opportunities as more NP programs were funded by the federal government and states gradually recognized diagnosis and treatment as part of the NPs’ scope of practice (DeNisco, 2021). The APRN role has expanded to include additional categories of clinical nurse leaders, which were introduced in 2003, clinical nurse specialists who have provided care since the 1960s, and nurse educators whose graduate-level experience provides a deeper understanding of the foundations of nursing education (DeNisco, 2021).

Throughout the last several decades, the healthcare industry has worked to shift its emphasis and goals towards delivering primary and preventative care to patients, with a particular emphasis on underserved and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities. This increases the demand for primary care providers, a role that NPs can fulfill. Additional jobs such as certified registered nurse anesthetist, certified nurse midwife, and nurse administrator continue to expand to meet the demands of surgical services, women’s health, nursing, and healthcare administration. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, more states will need to recognize the autonomy of these roles and let APRNs to diagnose and treat patients without physician oversight (DeNisco, 2021). In order to fulfill the rising need for RNs in hospital and clinical settings as the American population ages and more healthcare demands arise, it will be necessary to increase the number of nursing faculty and educational programs.


DeNisco, S. M. (2021). Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential professional knowledge (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning


Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession

Read Chapters 8, 11, 26, and 27 in Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession.

Leadership in Nursing Practice: The Intersection of Innovation and Teamwork in Healthcare Systems

Read Chapter 3 and 7 in Leadership in Nursing Practice: The Intersection of Innovation and Teamwork in Healthcare Systems.

American Nurses Association

Explore the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) page of the American Nurses Association (ANA) website.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing – Resources for Students

Explore the Resources for Students page of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing website.

American Nurses Association

Explore the American Nurses Association (ANA) website.

Nursing Overview

Explore the Nursing Overview page of the Explore Health Careers website.

Grand Canyon University Initial Course Survey

In an effort for continuous improvement, Grand Canyon University would like students to take this opportunity to provide feedback about t


Searching Nursing Databases

Read the strategies a


Initial Course Survey

In an effort for continuous improvement, Grand Canyon University would like students to take this opportunity to provide feedback about t
