
PHI-413V Case Study on Death and Dying Solved

PHI-413V Case Study on Death and Dying Solved

Provide a 1,500-2,000-word ethical analysis while answering the following questions:

How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the fallenness of the world?
How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?
As George contemplates life with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), how would the Christian worldview inform his view about the value of his life as a person?
What sorts of values and considerations would the Christian worldview focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?
Given the above, what options would be morally justified in the Christian worldview for George and why?
Based on your worldview, what decision would you make if you were in George\’s situation?
Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

Death and Dying

Health problems and diseases are common occurrences in the human life. However, some health problems require individuals to make decisions on end of life care. Conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) do not have a cure, with the affected individuals having a short life span. As a result, patients often engage in making end of life decisions on the things that should be done should they experience increased dependence on others in undertaking the activities of the daily living. An example is the assigned case study involving George. George has been diagnosed with ALS and is considering voluntary euthanasia. Therefore, this paper explores George’s situation from the Christian worldview. It examines aspects related to resurrection, human suffering, and justification for or against euthanasia from a Christian worldview.

How Would George Interpret his Suffering in Light of the Christian Narrative, with an Emphasis on the Fallenness of the World?

The Christian worldview asserts that fallenness of the world and human suffering goes hand in hand. As seen in the book of Genesis, the fallenness of the world began with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden when they violated God’s command not to eat the forbidden fruit. Their violation led them being chased from the garden and the beginning of human suffering. Since then, God separated himself from man, leading to the fallenness of the world. The fallenness of the world therefore marked the beginning of human suffering in this world. For instance, God told Adam and Eve that they must work hard for them to eat. The fallenness of the world weakened the power that the human beings had, increasing their vulnerability to ignorance, sins, and suffering, with the ultimate end being death. From the understanding of the fallenness of the world, Christians consider suffering as the consequence of human beings sinning (O’Neill & Snodderly, 2021). Therefore, world’s sufferings are meant to act as source of hope, courage, generosity, and forgiveness.

From the above analysis of the fallenness and suffering, George is expected to consider his suffering as an opportunity to re-examine his life and mature. He is expected to consider his ways of life and turn to God, as he is the only one who can

PHI 413V Case Study on Death and Dying Solved
PHI 413V Case Study on Death and Dying Solved

alleviate his impending suffering. George is also expected to consider his illness because of his sinful deeds. George should therefore search God and seek his redemption through the sufferings of Jesus Christ. Rather than blaming God, George should console himself that all human beings have sinned, and expected to undergo suffering.  George should also consider his suffering as God’s test for his faith. An example from the Bible is Jacob’s story where he was subjected to challenges to test his faith. Thus, George has to seek the things that he believes that would be best for him and in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

How Would George Interpret his Suffering in Light of the Christian Narrative, with an Emphasis on the Hope of Resurrection?

The Christian worldviews holds in the existence of resurrection after death. Accordingly, Jesus Christ resurrected after three days of death and ascended to the heaven. Christians therefore believe that human beings will resurrect after death. The resurrection provides them with new experiences and eternal life or suffering by burning in the hell. Christians further believe that the body dies and not the spirit. The type of life that one lived while alive will dictate the destination of their soul. As noted above, those who lived a righteous life will go to heaven while sinners will burn in eternal hell with the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Being a Christian, George is expected to interpret his suffering as the will of God. George’s suffering is aimed at bringing him closer to God and be aware of the sufferings of Jesus Christ. George should focus on teachings of Jesus Christ and understand that life exists after death. George should understand that death is evil, and since Jesus conquered it, he should believe that he would also resurrect in his second coming. By perceiving his suffering as God’s will, George will have a revived hope in living an eternal life after his death, as it only represents the death of his body and not the soul (Vasylieva et al., 2021). George should therefore repent his sins and turn to God for him to live an eternal life with the second coming of Jesus Christ.

How Would the Christian Worldview Inform his View about the Value of his Life as a Person?

As seen in the case study, George has been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He is likely to depend on others in undertaking his activities of the daily living due to loss of functions in most of his organs. In terms of the medical field, George’s quality of life will be considered reduced. However, Christian worldview has a different perspective of life from those of the medical field. Accordingly, Christians believe that sufferings are part of human life. Despite suffering, human beings are encouraged to consider life as a crucial and most important gift by God. Human beings are not supposed to take one’s life away but only God (Becker, 2021). George is therefore expected to remain hopeful and consider the life given to God to him, as precious. George is also expected to endure the pain that he will experience with the disease. He should not lose hope and opt for decisions that would lead another being to end his life. The Christian worldview also considers that human beings should hold to their faith despite the devastating nature of their health problems such as that George has been diagnosed. Despite the pain, George is expected to hold his faith in God, as he has better plans for him. As a result, the best consideration for him would be trying to understand the things that God is trying to teach him with the disorder and glorify the good things he has done for him. Based on the above, George should persevere, respect his life, and consider it a precious gift from God.

Values and Consideration that the Christian Worldview Focus in Deliberating about Euthanasia

As noted above, the Christian worldview holds that no human being has the right to take another’s life except God. The implication of this assertion is that human beings do not have a right to make decisions about when and whom to end their lives. The assertion extends to the use of medication practices such as voluntary euthanasia. The teachings of Jesus Christ also show the fact that human beings do not have the power to take another’s life irrespective of the health status. For example, Jesus endured the suffering he underwent in the cross, and asked God that he should take away the suffering if it was his will. Jesus made the above remarks before his death on the cross (O’Neill & Snodderly, 2021). Similarly, George should consider his suffering as the will of God. He should also seek enough grace from God to enable him endure and overcome the suffering that he is undergoing.

The Christian worldview also considers human suffering as a God’s way of bringing us to him. In this case, God may be using George’s condition to bring him close to him and repent his sins. George should use the suffering as the opportunity to learn the things that God wants from him and get closer to him. Since Christians view sufferings as the will of God, and he is in control, George should therefore consider his suffering as doing of God and trust in him (O’Neill & Snodderly, 2021). He should also consider that God has a purpose with his suffering and pray for his enough endurance with the test.

Morally Justified Options in the Christian Worldview for George

End of life decisions often predispose healthcare providers to ethical and moral dilemmas. Healthcare providers have a professional responsibility of safeguarding health and lives of the patients that they serve. They also have the professional responsibility of ensuring that the needs, rights and values of the clients they serve are respected. As a result, it becomes a challenge for the healthcare providers to safeguard the interests of the clients in situations where they have chosen voluntary euthanasia (Tilburt et al., 2020). Irrespective of the situation, providers are bound to respecting the choices of the clients on issues that relate to end of life care.

From a Christian worldview, one does not have the authority to take his life or that of the other. As a result, it would be morally right for George not to opt for voluntary euthanasia. Instead, George should continue living until the time God decides to take away his life. George should consider that he does not have any option as a Christian to consider euthanasia, as it is a precious gift from God. George should seek endurance from God until his time when he experienced a natural death. The Christian worldview considers that taking life is morally unacceptable (Cherry, 2018). Therefore, since suffering is God’s plan, George should not interfere with it by considering interventions such as voluntary euthanasia.

Decisions from my Worldview

If I were George, I would make a decision that benefits me by minimizing suffering in those that I care for in my family. As a result, I would consider voluntary euthanasia as an approach to reduce the suffering that others and I would undergo due to the disease. Increased dependence on others in undertaking the activities of the daily living not only affects one’s quality of life but also that of the significant others too. Considering voluntary euthanasia will also help me avoid severe pain and distress due to the disorder. In the end, patients with ALS die due to lack of organ functioning and increased dependence on mechanical ventilation (O’Neill & Snodderly, 2021). Therefore, I would consider shortening the suffering by signing for voluntary euthanasia and seek forgiveness from God.


Christian worldviews have an important influence on health and healthcare. The worldviews influence the decisions that patients make in relation to issues such as end of life disease management. Nurses should have competence in facilitating care that is appropriate to diverse religious beliefs and practices. Therefore, based on the above views, George should accept the suffering associated with his health problem and endure the pain. He should also turn to God and seek forgiveness for his sins for him to have eternal life after death.


Becker, S. E. (2021). Awaking to Mutual, Reciprocal Need in Plague and Epidemic Disease: The Origins of Early Christian Health Care. The Linacre Quarterly, 88(2), 163–174.

Cherry, M. J. (2018). Physician-Assisted Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia: How Not to Die as a Christian. Christian Bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, 24(1), 1–16.

O’Neill, D. W., & Snodderly, B. (2021). All Creation Groans: Toward a Theology of Disease and Global Health. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Tilburt, J., Pacyna, J., & Rusthoven, J. (2020). Christian Integrity Regained: Reformational Worldview Engagement for Everyday Medical Practice. Christian Bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, 26(2), 163–176.

Vasylieva, I., Hololobova, K., Nechushkina, O., Kobrzhytskyi, V., Kiriienko, S., & Laputko, A. (2021). Attitudes of Medical Students Towards Artificial Termination of Pregnancy and Euthanasia in the Context of Christian Ethics. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 41(1).

Moral status of individuals entails the deployment of ethical principles in the consideration of the importance of living things and their value concerning their life and living. In evaluation of theories of moral status, theorists advance that life is equal irrespective of living things under consideration (Brown, 2018). However, others have a contrary approach and place hierarchies or consideration levels for moral standing. Beckwith and Thornton (2020) identify five unique perspectives on the moral status and each aspect entails certain elements that act as a measure to ascertain the moral status of any creature. These include cognitive elements, human characteristics, sentience, moral agency, and relationships. The purpose of this paper is to explore the Christian belief concerning the nature of human person and examine theories applicable to the case study to ascertain the moral status of the fetus.

Christian View on the Nature of Human Persons and Moral Theory It Aligns

Christians define human person as man and women created by God in His image. Christians believe that human person entails the body, soul, and mind. They advance that the spiritual soul makes the body which is created by matter to become a living entity. Further, human persons have intrinsic value since their body is the soul and God’s temple. Christians also advance that human life is sacred and starts at conception. Further, individual’s identity is considered as the result of being a person and instead their acts of consciousness, intelligence and freedom (Brown, 2018). The Christian view on the nature of human persons implies that human beings, right from conception, have full moral status by virtue of their creation based on God’s image without any considerations on other aspects like cognition status. The implication is that human beings, irrespective of their age and social status have moral abilities because of their inherent nature and creation.

The Christian perspective resonates more with the human properties theory which is a religious philosophical model. The model asserts that only human beings possess moral status among other living organisms. Imperatively, all creations, including animals and plants, exist to serve man’s interests and aspects. The theory asserts that human beings acquire this full moral status upon their conception in the womb where they become alive (Müller, 2020b). The implication is that both a fetus and a grown up human person share same moral status and cognitive functions. The Christian view asserts that human beings are self-awareness and understand time, the past, and even the future. Based on these cognitive properties and abilities, individuals have the freedom and capacity to participate in meaningful deeds. The theory is connected to the inherent human value and dignity as it illustrates that human beings are superior to all creatures and their dignity is intrinsic upon conception. Human life is sacred and enjoys full moral status from the beginning.

Theories Used by Jessica, Marco, Maria and Dr. Wilson in the Case

The case study entails a fetus who will be born with a deformity because it will lack limbs, and has a probability of having Down Syndrome. The implication is that there is a high possibility of the child having mental health challenges with cognitive deficiencies. Based on this situation, the individuals in the case study employ diverse theories to make their decisions and perspectives. Jessica and her aunt, Maria subscribe to the theory of human properties as a religious philosophical approach. Accordingly, they believe that the fetus has full moral status from its conception irrespective of its physical and mental deficiencies that it may have or develop at birth (Colgrove, 2019). For instance, Jessica, based on her religious background knows that life is sacred and a gift from God. She is conscious of the mental and physical challenges that the infant will have but believes that all life is a sacred gift from God. Jessica also uses the moral agency theory as she needs to make a determination on the status of the fetus despite its challenges. Aunt Maria is religious and cannot entertain any idea of terminating the pregnancy and the fetus. She advises Jessica to think about her relationship with the fetus as the mother and God as the giver of life (Blackshaw & Rodger, 2021). Despite the medical evidence, she encourages Jessica to keep the pregnancy and play her role as a “mother.”

Marco uses relationship theory and believes that Jessica is a moral agent who should make a decision without any coercion. Marcos asserts that he shall support Jessica based on any decision that she makes concerning the pregnancy. Marco considers the effects of having the child with all these challenges, especially their economic and social wellbeing (Milliken, 2018). However, he asserts that he shall accept any decision that Jessica makes regarding the status of the fetus. On his part, Dr. Wilson is a medical practitioner whose suggestions and recommendations are based on the scientific approaches or evidence. Dr. Wilson holds the cognitive properties theory which suggests that something or an individual attains moral status when they demonstrate a certain level of awareness and rationality. However, a fetus does not illustrate rationality or awareness and can be terminated based on this model. The physician exhibits this theory when he enlightens the family about every possible solution to the case and the benefits accrued from each decision.

Effects of Theories on their Recommendations

These theories influence the suggestions and perspectives of each individual in this case (Colgrove, 2019). For instance, the moral agency theory sways Marco’s decision to support Jessica while the relationship theory influences Maria’s approach to the issue of terminating the pregnancy. She asserts that it is wrong and focuses on persuading Jessica to keep the pregnancy irrespective of the risks involved. The theory of cognitive properties influences Dr. Wilson’s decisions and recommendations about the termination of the pregnancy (Müller, 2020). The use of this theory by the doctor is based on the scientific knowledge that he possesses about fetal abnormalities and the implications that it will bring to the family.

Theory I Align With

The human properties theory is the most agreeable of the theories used by the individuals as it asserts that moral status begins at conception. I agree with this theory because of my Christian worldview and as a health care provider whose first duty is to protect and preserve life, especially when such life does not endanger the health of the mother (Surovell, 2018). While I believe that moral status should be offered to people or things that have cognitive abilities, I disagree that the fetus should be terminated on that basis alone. It should be offered a chance to live and enjoy whatever freedom the infant will bring to the world. God has a purpose for giving Jessica and Marco the child with deformities and possible Down syndrome.


Christians assert that human persons can comprehend, possess and make decisions independently, even when still fetuses in their mothers’ wombs. Their view aligns with the human properties theory and a bit of cognitive theory’s aspects. All people have cognition based on their level of development. In this case study, the four persons use different ethical theories to affirm the moral status of the fetus. These theories also influence their decisions and recommendations concerning the fetus with deformity.






Beckwith, F., & Thornton, A. K. (2020, July). Moral status and the architects of principlism.

The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine, 45(4-5): 504-520).

Blackshaw, B. P., & Rodger, D. (2021). Parental responsibilities and moral status. Journal of

            Medical Ethics, 47(3), 187-188. DOI: 10.1136/medethics-2020-106173.

Brown, M. T. (2018). The moral status of the human embryo. The Journal of Medicine and

Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine, 43(2):132-158).

Colgrove, N. (2019). Subjects of ectogenesis: are ‘gestatelings’ fetuses, newborns or neither?

Journal of Medical Ethics, 45(11), 723-726. DOI: 10.1136/medethics-2019-105495.

Milliken, A. (2018). Refining moral agency: Insights from moral psychology and moral

philosophy. Nursing Philosophy, 19(1), e12185.

Müller, S. (2020). Concepts and dimensions of human dignity in the Christian tradition.

Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 6(1), 22-55.

Müller, G. C. (2020b). The Christian understanding of the human person. Principles.

The Christian Understanding of the Human Person

Surovell, J. (2018). But for the Grace of God: Abortion and Cognitive Disability, Luck and

Moral Status. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 20(2), 257–277.

Nurses and healthcare workers need to understand different components of various religions in the world and their practices as well as their effects on patients in their healthcare settings. The Christian worldview is an essential perspective that has diverse values, norms and beliefs which influence decisions among patients on the kind of interventions that they select for their disease conditions. terminal conditions like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis present delicate situations leading to contemplation of decisions and interventions that can have lifelong effects on individuals, their families and even society. In this assignment, the paper focuses on the case of George, a 50-year-old attorney recently diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and contemplates euthanasia to alleviate the worse conditions and symptoms of the disease in its later stages. The paper uses a Christian worldview to understand how Christians would handle such a situation and what George ought to do based on these teachings.












Case Study on Death and Dying

Healthcare workers (HCWs) especially nurses, need to understand the different approaches by diverse religious practices and beliefs as patients use them when undergoing care, particularly in end of life decisions when diagnosed with terminal illnesses like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) condition. Spirituality and religion inform the type of decisions and approaches that patients can take when diagnosed with these conditions (Hammer & McPhee, 2018). Imperatively, nurses and other healthcare workers should be aware of the beliefs and practices to help patients deal with their diagnoses. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the case of George, a successful attorney recently diagnosed with ALS, a degenerative disease that leads to failure of the entire nerve system and incapacitates a person. The analysis discusses the case in relation to Christian biblical accounts of fallenness of the world, hope of resurrection and value of his life as a person. The analysis also incorporates the concept of euthanasia and a personal reflection over the case.

Interpretation of Suffering in Light of Christian Narrative on the Fallenness of the World

The biblical narrative account entails four aspects that include creation, fall of mankind because of the original sin’s commission, hope of resurrection and redemption through Jesus Christ. The Christian narrative asserts that man committed the Original Sin leading to his fall in Garden of Eden. Fallenness happened because of man’s disobedience and is responsible for the evil and suffering that occur in the world. God pronounced suffering that entails short lifespan and encounter with different disease conditions like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) that George has been diagnosed with in this case. (Hammer & McPhee, 2018). Suffering came to the world to demonstrate to man that God controls all aspects of his life and he should submit to him. George should interpret his suffering based on the biblical account as man is bound to endure difficult moments due to his disobedience. Fallnness of the world entails George understanding that the world is full of suffering and evil, and that human beings face these afflictions due to natural causes as well as a chance to allow God to manifest in their suffering.

George needs to interpret the present situation as a result of the man’s fall from favor with God as disease conditions are part of his living. George should consider the condition as a sign that worldly wealth and success does not equate to God’s plan for any individual. Therefore, Christians believe that suffering strengths one’s faith and manifests God’s immense care and concern for humanity (Kurtén, 2018). George should view his condition as not unique but a chance to get close to God and accept his power while appreciating that he can do very little. George may perceive his suffering as a form of punishment from God for sins committed, either by him or his family and seek redemption through penance to get God’s grace and mercy.

Interpretation of Suffering with Emphasis on the Hope of Resurrection

Based on the Christian narrative, Jesus Christ’s death and subsequent rise through resurrection means that man shall overcome difficulties and challenges, including death, as He did. Christians believe that suffering is a critical component of life and demonstrates one’s resolve to remain faithful despite their situation. George’s suffering due to ALS illustrates the many incidences where different people have suffered, even in the bible like Abraham and Job as well as Jesus Christ, the son of God. Therefore, Christians perceive suffering as a way of attaining God’s glory and blessing like the biblical persons such as Job who suffered from a dreaded skin disease to the point of losing everything in life (Vasylieva et al., 2021). Christians consider suffering as a moment for one to raise their hope and faith in God. Christians also advance that suffering ensures that they deepen their faith and focus on God to help them overcome such events in life (Liégeois, 2022). As such, George should hope for the day when God will deliver him from the current situation. George should not tire away from hoping that despite its delicate and degenerative nature, ALS can be defeated and offer him a chance to lead a quality life.

Moreover, George needs to hope for resurrection, even if he dies due to the condition. Consequently, the hope of resurrection implores George to wait upon God to determine if he dies or recovers from the illness. Christians believe that hope is a certainty and not a wish and thus it is just a matter of time before its fulfilment (Kurtén, 2018). Through hope, believers endure trials and temptations and emerge victorious at their last point. Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead after suffering at the hands of evil people. Therefore, George should know that God allows people to suffer, not because He has forsaken them but because he believes that they will triumph after their tribulations. George should perceive his current condition as a pathway to death and eventually bodily resurrection in the same manner as Christ suffered. He should hope for a better future despite the current suffering as it is only but temporary.  

Christian Worldview about the Value of Life as a Person

The Christian worldview is categorical that life is a sacred gift from God and that it should be cherished by all people irrespective of their life conditions. The Christian worldview advances that God gives life and it begins at conception. God created human beings in his image based on the concept of Imago Dei and all should consider themselves as resembling him, irrespective of their socioeconomic backgrounds. People should value their inherent dignity and intrinsic worth despite their prevailing conditions. In this case, despite having the ALS and with limited time for his life, George should value his life as a person because it is a sacred and precious gift from God (Vasylieva et al., 2021). He should always remember that his life, even when he will be incapacitated, is sacred and only God can determine his fate. George should endure the pain of his condition and never contemplate taking drastic actions like euthanasia, which he is actively contemplating to avoid any degenerative situation that will require him to get assistance in doing all things.

George must consider his inherent dignity as a human being with intrinsic value for his life. Ge needs to understand that God has a purpose for him. His decisions and choices should be based on the inherent purpose that God wants for his life. George must not think of euthanasia as a means to an end to reduce and prevent his suffering. The Christian worldview is categorical that suffering is an involuntary aspect of one’s life and one cannot avoid or prevent it but only endure its occurrence (Grove et al., 2022). Christians view suffering as God’s intention on humanity because of their sins and as a means to manifest his wonders to people (Liégeois, 2022). Therefore, George should consider his life as valuable and suffering as a just aspect that God uses to enhance his endurance and showing of miracles. The suffering that he faces today is a test of his faith that will allow him to overcome difficulties and fulfill God’s purpose for his life. George should seek care approaches that will improve his quality of life instead of contemplating euthanasia as it is against God’s purpose and intention of human life. Such holistic care approaches will allow him to maximize his current condition and provide hope to his family for the limited time he is left with in the world.

Values and Considerations Based on Christian Worldview in Contemplation of Euthanasia

Different Christian values inform healthcare practices associated with end-of-life care offered to individuals like George based on his condition. These include dignity, love, compassion, and caring. Dignity advances that human beings have inherent intrinsic value because they are created in God’s image and deserve honor and respectful treatment as well as care. Dignity gives value to human life yet euthanasia does not consider since it advances that life is not worthy living when one has a dreaded condition. Based on scientific view and cognitive properties theory, George may feel that he is not worth living in this world because of his condition (Vasylieva et al., 2021). Ethical nursing practice upholds dignity as a critical value based on the professional code of conduct by the American Nurses Association (ANA). Nurses should offer care to George by considering his dignity and allow him to make decisions that are logic and not irrational. An appropriate approach for George would entail provision of comfort and encouragement through palliative care to improve his quality of life.

Additionally, George should consider the values of love and compassion. Compassion is a critical emotional aspect which focuses on making patients endure their suffering by providing hope and relieving their pain and anguish (Liégeois, 2022). This entails being kind, caring and helpful to allow them navigate the pain and hopelessness associated with disease conditions. In this case, George should focus on getting medications to relieve the effects of ALS and care focused on improving his life as he awaits any eventuality. Euthanasia does not show any compassion and robs one of the ability to attain recovery in such situations (Borovecki et al., 2022). While it may eliminate suffering, it does not show love as the family fails to get the chance to be with their loved one to the last moment. The Christian worldview considers euthanasia as murder which the Ten Commandments forbid because it is against the value of love. George should consider how he can get compassionate care and spend the remaining time with his young family as a sign of his love for them. He should never contemplate euthanasia.

Morally Justified Options Based on the Christian Worldview for George

Christians endure suffering as a testimony of what Jesus went through before attaining victory in his life. Christians believe that encountering suffering is an involuntary part of life and individuals should be willing to do so because such actions form the basis for strong faith in God (Kurtén, 2018). Therefore, the morally justified options for George include enduring the suffering, seeking sufficient guidelines from healthcare providers, and getting palliative care as opposed to giving in to euthanasia.

George should know that his suffering is God-given and there is a reason for it. He needs to know that ending his life through euthanasia is an unacceptable thing before God and it is murder. Moral uprightness values the dignity of an individual irrespective of their situation and physical fitness (Grove et al., 2022). George should seek holistic care and submit to available medical interventions, especially palliative care to improve his quality of life through relieving the pain and suffering that he has now. George should consider compassionate holistic care so that he can improve his condition before his demise. He should pray and engage religious counsel from different people and live positively with his condition as opposed to euthanasia.

Decision if in George’s Situation

George’s situation is not only devastating but also harrowing and delicate. While the ALS diagnosis is terminal and degenerative, one can improve their quality of life and even live beyond the projected timelines. The most important thing is for one to have a positive attitude and approach to the disease. However, this is not easy, especially in a situation where one loses their independence and abilities to do things for themselves. Conversely, it is a psychological and physical challenge that requires increased support and comfort before one can make up their mind and final determination (Grove et al., 2022). In this case, if I were in his situation, I would opt for palliative and compassionate care with the hope that my condition will improve. One can live with ALS even beyond the predicted timelines based on their positive attitudes. The implication is that ALS should not be a death sentence for individuals like George to contemplate suicide. He should have hope and offer even the last moments of his life to his family instead of thinking about ending his life.


The Christian worldview influence the view of Christians towards different issues, including terminal conditions and even aspects like euthanasia. God is all powerful and gives sacred and precious life to human beings. However, disease conditions happen and impact Christians and individuals’ beliefs in God’s power. The implication is that George, like Christians should endure his suffering knowing that there is hope of resurrection and triumph, even if he dies. He should not contemplate euthanasia as it violates God’s purpose and reasons for his existence.



Borovecki, A., Curkovic, M., Nikodem, K., Oreskovic, S., Novak, M., Rubic, F., … & Gastmans,

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Grove, G., Lovell, M., & Best, M. (2022). Perspectives of major world religions regarding

euthanasia and assisted suicide: a comparative analysis. Journal of religion and health, 1-25. DOI:10.1007/s10943-022-01498-5

Hammer, D.G., & McPhee, S.J. (Eds). (2018). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to

            clinical medicine, 8th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Kurtén, T. (2018). Euthanasia: Does eschatology matter? In Eschatology as Imagining the End

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Liégeois, A. (2022). Euthanasia in Mental Suffering—Overview and Discussion of the

Arguments of the Roman Catholic Church. Religions, 13(8), 684.

Vasylieva, I., Hololobova, K., Nechushkina, O., Kobrzhytskyi, V., Kiriienko, S., & Laputko, A.

(2021). Attitudes of medical students towards artificial termination of pregnancy and euthanasia in the context of Christian ethics. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 41(1), 8.