
PSY-5302 Assignment: Demonstrate the Role of Cognition in the Stress Response

PSY-5302 Assignment: Demonstrate the Role of Cognition in the Stress Response

PSY-5302 Assignment: Demonstrate the Role of Cognition in the Stress Response

Aldwin (2007) attributes individual differences in reactions to stress to the existence of a wide range coping skills and/or styles. The way individuals respond to and deal with stress is the result of individual differences, resources, and experiences. Coping is most accurately operationalized as involving the person and the situation, and the interaction between the two. In other words, a surgeon who has no problem performing a complex surgery may panic in unstructured social situations. Some individuals perceive themselves as being able to perform competently under most circumstances. This perception of competence can be viewed as a coping style. On the other hand, some people have very specific coping skills. These can be viewed more as management skills than a general attitude.

Even if individuals do not have a coping style that enables them to avoid stress in most situations, they can develop specific coping skills. They can develop effective strategies by focusing directly on reducing the painful emotions or by focusing on the underlying issues. Coping strategies are considered emotion-focused when the focus is on modifying painful emotions such as sadness or worry. Coping skills can be considered problem-focused when the focus is on resolving the incidents precipitating the stress.

Is it better to utilize emotion-focused rather than problem-focused strategies? Probst and Jiang (2016) compared both emotion- and problem-focused strategies in a laboratory setting. They found that those subjects who were asked to write about their emotional reactions to the stressor achieved a significantly greater reduction in stress response compared to those who were asked to write ideas on resolving the issue—a problem-focused intervention. On the other hand, in a study of coping strategies used by nurses, the most prevalent coping strategies were emotional-focused strategies including denial of the problem and escape-avoidance. Both were found to be ineffective ways of dealing with stressful situations (Hirsch et al., 2015).

Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.


Aldwin, C. M. (2007). Stress, coping and development: An integrative perspective. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Hirsch, C., Devos Barlem, E. L., Tomaschewski-Barlem, J. G., Lerch Lunardi, V., & Calçada de Oliveira, A. C. (2015). Predictors of stress and coping strategies adopted by nursing students. Acta Paulista De Enfermagem28(3), 224-229. doi:10.1590/1982

Probst, T. M., & Jiang, L. (2016). Mitigating physiological responses to layoff threat: An experimental test of the efficacy of two coping interventions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(3), 1-15. doi:10.3390/ijerph13030338

Six-Session Coping Programs for Adolescents
Annotated Outline
Adolescents experience a myriad of issues as they cope with the emotional, cognitive, and social challenges that characterize this period. The following is a six-session program to help adolescents develop coping skills to navigate the challenges of this turbulent period and the stress associated with it. Each session is one hour.
Steps and Techniques
Session one
Relaxation exercises – muscle relaxation (van Loon et al., 2020)
– The group will be taught how to do muscle relaxation exercises. Focus on one muscle at a time, tense it and hold for five minutes, release hold while exhaling and let the muscle relax for 20 seconds before moving to the next one.
Life skills training – emotional regulation (van Loon et al., 2020)
– The group will gain understanding of the functions of emotions and how to attain emotional regulation through various approaches, including identifying and reducing triggers, modulating responses, engaging in positive self-talk, and self-awareness.
Session two
Power-up meditations (van Loon et al., 2020)
– Engage in meditation exercise for 10-20 minutes
Life skill training – problem-solving (van Loon et al., 2020)
– Teach the group problem-solving techniques: identify a problem, brainstorm potential solutions, evaluate and choose the appropriate solution, put it in action, and evaluate the outcome.
Session three
Gratitude (Bennett et al., 2019)
– The adolescents will be taught how to create a daily gratitude journal by listing what they feel grateful for
Tell real stories
– The participants will be encouraged to share stories about their lives.
Session four
Talk it out/write it down (Kempis & Daga, 2021)
– Teach the teenagers how to talk about or write something that is bothering them.
Psychoeducation (Boring et al., 2015)
– Provide psychoeducation on common mental illnesses affecting young people, such as anxiety, and suicidal ideation, to enhance awareness and knowledge on how to prevent them.
Session five
Time management – setting priority, setting discipline (Kempis & Daga, 2021)
– Teach the participants about the important values of time management, such as setting priorities and exercising discipline.
Life skills training – conflict resolution (van Loon et al., 2020)
– Train on conflict resolution techniques, including recognizing when one is wrong and asking for forgiveness. Other techniques are clarifying the issue, talking it out, mediation, and brainstorming solutions.
Session six
Mindfulness (Bennett et al., 2019)
– Practice mindfulness for 10-15 minutes
Positive cognitive restructuring (Boring et al., 2015)
– Teach the group how to replace negative or stress-inducing thoughts with neutral ones.

Emotional regulation
Emotional regulation is the ability to control one’s emotions to prevent anger outbursts or aggressive behavior (Boring et al., 2015). Emotional regulation involves being able to identify emotions, emotional self-awareness, and knowledge of emotional triggers and techniques to mitigate them.

Relaxation exercises
A set of activities that helps a person to relax. Muscle relaxation is focused on relaxing the muscles (van Loon et al., 2020). The exercises produce a calming effect, thereby reducing stress and anxiety levels. The following image demonstrates relaxation exercises that can be easily done at home, in the office, or at school.

The act of focusing one’s mind on a particular thing or item for a given period to enhance attention, clear the mind, and gain emotional calmness.

Refers to the concept of working through challenging issues to find a solution. Various approaches to mapping out the problem and solution include drawing it, listing on paper, thinking critically, and acting out.

Means concentrating on the present moment by focusing one’s mind on appreciating thoughts, feelings, and bodily reactions. The exercise produces a calming effect on stress and anger.

Conflict resolution
Finding a mutual solution following a conflict between one or more people (van Loon et al., 2020). Requires taking into account the interest of both parties and negotiating a solution.

Time management
Planning and organizing activities to exercise control on time spent on given activities. It helps in allocating time appropriately according to the needs and priorities of each activity.

Positive cognitive restructuring
Refers to a technique that helps people change their thinking from negative to positive. Training the mind to think positively helps eliminate thoughts that cause stress and anxiety.

Psychoeducation is the exercise of providing support and information regarding mental health issues (Bennett et al., 2019). It enhances awareness and supports people who already have mental illnesses.

Refers to the act of being thankful and appreciative. Practicing gratitude takes many forms, from writing something an individual is grateful about, practicing kindness, expressing appreciation, etc.

These techniques can easily be practiced at home, especially whenever one feels overwhelmed by stress, anger, or anxiety.

Bennett1, P. S., Hernandez, B., Wiercinski, K., & Abraham, S. (2019). Stress and Coping in Adolescents: A Review of the Literature. Human Journals, 12(3),.
Boring, J. L., Sandler, I., & Vélez, C. (2015). Children of Divorce–Coping With Divorce: A Randomized Control Trial of an Online Prevention Program for Youth Experiencing Parental Divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83(5), 999 –1005.
Kempis, G., & Daga, C. (2021). Coping Mechanism of Teenagers of Stress and Anxiety: A Case Study. International Journal of Research Publications, 609(1), 1-11. https://doi.10.47119/IJRP100691120211706.
van Loon, A., Creemers, H., & Beumer, W. (2020). Can Schools Reduce Adolescent Psychological Stress? A Multilevel Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of School-Based Intervention Programs. J Youth Adolescence, 49, 1127–1145.


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Situation Primary Secondary Outcome
I was driven to the supermarket, and the car in the slower lane pulled in front of us, forcing the driver to brake to avoid a collision. This is important because we could have died, not being able to shop due to having an accident or going through mayor injuries. Plus, the other driver saw us and cut in front of us and then smiled. People like that have no respect for anyone else. I am just so tired of people taking advantage of me or others. The situation, according to Lazarus and Folkman, was a threat. The model describes how people react to stressful situations and the subsequent emotional responses. There are lots of poor drivers on the road. I really cannot change that. I’ll continue to take taxis, which are trained to drive safely. The golden rule of driving is to consider yourself the only sane driver on the road because you do not know who is behind the other wheel; they might be psychos. My response to the situation was a positive secondary awareness’. That was scary, but I am glad that everyone is safe, and we avoided an accident.
I to started working as a Personal Care Aide doing long shifts to keep up with the high bills that I have to pay This is important for me, because I fear working long hours will have a toll on my health because I will not have time to rest or eat well. Additionally, I will not have enough time to spend with my family, which could affect my relationships with my family members. I saw the situation as a challenge, according to Lazarus and Folkman  I could look for another well-paying job, but that might not be easy to come by nowadays. But I know I have good management and multitasking skills, and I can try to manage my schedule well to fit family and work time. Though, I will still be tired most of the time. The interpretation of stress uses both positive and negative secondary observation. This is stressful for me because it will have an impact on my family and relationships. Yet, I must work extra hard to manage the bills. Hopefully, I will learn to manage my time well so that I can still spend time with family. With time, I hope to get a well-paying job so that I do not have to work double shifts or two jobs to make ends meet.
I am driving, climbing up hill on a secluded road in NYC, Manhattan; then immediately, I hear a screeching sound. I do not know what has happened, and I do not want to stop because the area is unfamiliar, and it is getting dark. This is important to me because I fear there could be severe damage meaning the engine will stall, yet I am in the middle of an unfamiliar area. It is already getting dark, and I am not sure of the security of this place if I stop to inspect the source of the sound and the damage. On the other hand, the problem might worsen, leading to an accident or the engine shutting down. I could just stop for a few minutes before it gets dark. Since there are other vehicles passing, nothing can happen to me. Or, since the car still feels fine, I will just continue moving at a slower pace until I reach the nearest gas station or area where it will be safe enough to stop and assess the issue. Thank God I have managed to reach the gas station without any incidence. Now I feel safe stopping and having the car assessed by a mechanic for any issues.
My adult children keep asking me for money to help pay their bills This is important to me because I do not want to introduce tension into our (already strained) relationship, but I don’t have extra money to hand out, and they need to learn how to manage money better. My primary observation is based on the fear of losing communication with my children.


I could give up on our relationship, but that isn’t a good idea.  I could get an extra job, but I am already have too much on my plate as it is. It seems like the best option is to talk to my children about managing their money better. Maybe, I could send them some videos and books on money management, and they could watch or read them in their spear time.


This is a stressful situation for me because it involves my children, and I value having a relationship with them. Parenting is difficult!  Hopefully, these money management videos/books (and not giving them money myself) will help them get where they need to be financially.


My husband has been transferred to another town, and so, we must relocate. We only have three months to relocate and settle in. This is important to me, because I have lived in this town for the past 15 years and established my business. Starting a fresh is scary. What if I do not like the place, or my children do not get good friends like they have here. What if the new school will be too difficult for my children? I am worried that I might not find friendly neighbors and a community like what we have here (Korbmacher & Wright, 2020) (JohnvonRosenberg, 2019). I could start another bakery business and build it up like I did with my current, but this will take time to grow and realize success. I am an excellent baker, and I have many years of experience in business, which are just what I need to succeed in the new place. Children are resilient, and they will adjust to the new environment and school. The perceptions on coping abilities describe the positive secondary appraisal (Obbarius & Fischer, 2021). This is stressful for me because it is a big life decision. The change will also have an impact on everyone in the family. I hope my business skills and expertise in baking will help my business pick up faster. I will look for a school with a good reputation to enroll my children.
I was at work busy with client when my sitter called that, my adult autistic son had fallen, and they are on the way to the hospital. This was important to me, because I was scared that he had hurt himself bad and might need to stay in the hospital for a while (Tadaka & Arimoto, 2018). What if he had fractured his bones or sustained some serious injuries? My rationale for the primary appraisal was based on the perception of harm (Ali et al., 2021). I think I should not worry so much. I need to calm down and go to the hospital and see it for myself. I will try to stay calm. I believe the hospital has good doctors and they will provide good care to ensure he gets well. (Jordan & Prayag, 2022) I reached the hospital and luckily, the injury was not severe. He just needed first aid and dressing, and soon we were on our way out of the hospital. The pediatrician assured her he will be okay, and we could go back for follow-up after two weeks.
The doctor called me to his office to say that he had something to share with me following my recent health examination This was important to me because, from experience, such summons to a doctor’s office is to break very bad news. What if the examination revealed that they found traces of cancer? I was worried because I could not think of anything that the doctor wanted to say, but the worst. My feelings of stress were based on the perception of harm (Alhurani et al., 2018). I will try to keep calm and wait for the day of the appointment, but what if it is bad news. I will not be at ease before I know what the issue is. I know with my age; I am at increased risk of various medical conditions, including chronic diseases. What if I just walk into the doctor’s office now instead of waiting for the appointment date. These options are important secondary appraisal factors that enhance coping skills (Junker et al., 2021 Waiting for the appointment to reach was not easy, but I did it. My secondary appraisal was negative because o could not think of anything that the doctor wanted to say. As it turned out, it was not bad news as I had anticipated.
I received a call from my brother one gloomy afternoon that my father had a stroke. He did not have more information on his condition. I was living in a different town at the time, and I had to make immediate traveling arrangements. This was important because it involved my father, who is an important figure in my life. The first thought that crossed my mind was that people with stroke often die and that my father’s fate would be the same. I feared that even if he lived, he may never walk and talk again. The primary appraisal interpretation of events involved the fear of loss and harm (Korbmacher & Wright, 2020). There are people who get stroke and recover. I thought of just staying positive that all would be well. He was in the hands of the best doctors. All I could do at the time was pray for him to receive healing. Faith and hope are usually essential in such situations because they increase one’s ability to cope with challenging situations (Aizawa & Omori, 2021). This was no doubt the scariest day of my life. My father had a cardiovascular accident. Luckily, he received immediate first aid, preventing severe damage to the brain. He could talk, but it was hard to hear because of his slurred speech (Jamieson et al., 2018). He could not also walk because of paralysis. But with physiotherapy, he managed to regain coordination slowly by slowly.




Aizawa, N., Omori, M. (2021). The mediating effect of cognitive appraisal on the relationship between sleep habits and the stress

response among Japanese female college students. BMC Psychol 9, 100.

Alhurani, A. S., Dekker, R., Ahmad, M., Miller, J., Yousef, K. M., Abdulqader, B., Salami, I., Lennie, T. A., Randall, D. C., & Moser, D. K. (2018). Stress, cognitive appraisal, coping, and event free survival in patients with heart failure. Heart & lung: the journal of critical care47(3), 205–210.

Ali, A., Khan, A.A., Abbas, S. et al. (2021). Cognitive appraisal, Coping, Stress and Fear Contracting Covid-19 in Working People in Pakistan. J Rat-Emo Cognitive-Behav Ther.

Jamieson, J. P., Hangen, E. J., Lee, H. Y., & Yeager, D. S. (2018). Capitalizing on Appraisal Processes to Improve Affective Responses to Social Stress. Emotion review: journal of the International Society for Research on Emotion10(1), 30–39.

JohnvonRosenberg. (2019). Cognitive Appraisal and Stress Performance: The Threat/Challenge Matrix and Its Implications on Performance. Air Medical Journal,, 331-333.

Jordan, E. J., & Prayag, G. (2022). Residents’ Cognitive Appraisals, Emotions, and Coping Strategies at Local Dark Tourism Sites. Journal of Travel Research61(4), 887–902.

Junker, S., Pömmer, M., & Traut-Mattausch, E., (2021). The impact of cognitive-behavioural stress management coaching on changes in cognitive appraisal and the stress response: a field experiment, Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 14(2), 184-201, DOI:

Korbmacher, M., & Wright, L. (2020). What can we learn from exploring cognitive appraisal, coping styles and perceived stress in UK undergraduate dissertation students? Psychology Teaching Review, 26(1), 48-62.

Obbarius, N., & Fischer, F. (2021). A Modified Version of the Transactional Stress Concept According to Lazarus and Folkman Was Confirmed in a Psychosomatic Inpatient Sample. Front. Psychol.,

Tadaka, T., and Arimoto, E. (2018), A Cross-sectional study of cognitive stress appraisal and related factors among workers in metropolitan areas of Japan. BMJ Open 8, e019404. https:/doi.10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019404.